
Wednesday 4th October 2017. 19:30 Kyoto Japan.The full moon and the accompanying traditional JapanesWednesday 4th October 2017. 19:30 Kyoto Japan.The full moon and the accompanying traditional JapanesWednesday 4th October 2017. 19:30 Kyoto Japan.The full moon and the accompanying traditional JapanesWednesday 4th October 2017. 19:30 Kyoto Japan.The full moon and the accompanying traditional JapanesWednesday 4th October 2017. 19:30 Kyoto Japan.The full moon and the accompanying traditional Japanes

Wednesday 4th October 2017. 19:30 Kyoto Japan.

The full moon and the accompanying traditional Japanese music and dancing was a pleasure to watch. When the clouds covered the moon it made for an even more beautiful scene, quite magical.

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Wednesday 4th October 2017. 19:00 Kyoto Japan.Me and Jake went to Shimogamo Jinja for Meigetsu KangeWednesday 4th October 2017. 19:00 Kyoto Japan.Me and Jake went to Shimogamo Jinja for Meigetsu KangeWednesday 4th October 2017. 19:00 Kyoto Japan.Me and Jake went to Shimogamo Jinja for Meigetsu KangeWednesday 4th October 2017. 19:00 Kyoto Japan.Me and Jake went to Shimogamo Jinja for Meigetsu KangeWednesday 4th October 2017. 19:00 Kyoto Japan.Me and Jake went to Shimogamo Jinja for Meigetsu Kange

Wednesday 4th October 2017. 19:00 Kyoto Japan.

Me and Jake went to Shimogamo Jinja for Meigetsu Kangensai Festival - 名月管絃祭. A festival celebrating the full moon. We were lucky that it was a clear night, we waited about an hour or so for the moon to rise over the temple and grounds but it was definitely worth the wait. It looked magnificent.

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