#shinichiro x you

untied laces

shinichiro sano x femreader!

wc: 1.3k

fluff mostly

note: this is my another piece for the friends with benefits collab from the lovely @kshira ✹ hope you all enjoy it

it was late at night, and the breeze from the small lake that was in front of you caressed your face in a lullaby. it has been your special place since middle school. a small remote spot under a bridge near some old buildings where you biked together after classes. shinichiro was there by your side, as always. you had your head on his shoulder as he whistled a song you remember hearing multiple times on his motorcycle shop’s radio, just looking at the reflection of the darkness in the water

the connection floating in the air you both inhaled went beyond what people commonly call friendship. because friendship has limits, limits that most of the time are broken to transform into something stronger, more intimate, a relationship. what everyone calls conventional, what people wantonly swallow, what fools settle for. but the things between him and you were about something far beyond that, more significant. two soulmates who didn’t necessarily needed to have a name to call themselves, to the things you’ve done

and indeed, there were strong emotions in every moment you have spent together, like in the kisses you shared in the privacy of an empty park at night, or when you showered together. but at the same time, there was the latent bond of an unbreakable friendship. after once succumbing to your deepest desires, things were never the same. and not because of the fact of surrendering, but because of what had changed that day. something unstoppable and loud, but at the same time so serene that never presented a disturbance

it has always been shinichiro and you, everyone knew it, everyone noticed it. but still, you always seemed to find a place somewhere in the corner, to hide. and enjoy every single second together without a the need of a label

just like in this instant

-what are you thinking about?- his voice rang in your ears and you felt the way his chest vibrated with the sound

-i’m thinking about you- he chuckled after your answer, and you played along, trying to keep things nicely. cause you knew deep in your mind that it will not last long after what you have to say. it’s been on your mind for weeks, bothering you

-you finally fell in love with me?- he always joked around with that. was he really in love with you? you weren’t sure. but it was the same for you. at this point, it was useless trying to make it up

-in your dreams, creep-

-no but for real, everything good?- and he always knew what to say too. as if he had some kind of external power that whispered your thoughts in his ear without you noticing, resulting basically impossible to hide things away from him

-yeah, i mean- so why hiding them? -i do have something to tell you-

-is it bad? or- his eyes reflected the most subtle concern and you already felt like drowing in the water that flowed before you, was the most suitable option

-no, well, i don’t know- an unfunny laugh escaped from your mouth, but it sounded more like a whimper. infecting it to shinichiro, as a mechanism to withstand the fear that grew within him

from being in a totally calm and common atmosphere for you, it seemed that time stopped for a moment to deprive you out of oxygen

-just spit it- so you did. took a deep breath in and 

-i’m leaving to work with an aunt who lives on the other side of the country for a while, because she’ll do me a favor. this job it’s a great opportunity to achieve what i want to do in the future, but-

-you scared me to death! i thought you’d said something horrible!- shinichiro interrupted you, eliciting a little jump from your body in amusement. his hands went to scratch his hair in relief 

-shin, but-

-i’m so glad for you. how long?- the bombardment of his questions made everything you wanted to say get bottled up on the tip of your tongue. growing, and growing

-shin, wait- and growing, and growing

-we are having goodbye sex, right? oh, and you have to send me letters or something cool like that, keep me updated. mikey too, you know he will get jealous, and emma-

-shinichiro! don’t say that!- until it all just popped off in a a mixture of laughter and high-pitched sobs -i don’t want to leave you- and then just desperate tears of realization came out. was he guilty about it? probably

-hey-his voice softened and his eyes looked down, thinking of something to say, but it was hard. and even if he has already dealt with hard things in his life, any blow he has received, as painful as it may be, has been expected. but this?

-the laces on your shoes is untied-

you lifted your head and looked at him with puffy, watered eyes, while he got up from where he was sitting, to kneel before your leg stretched out on the grass and start tying the messy laces

-i really don’t mind, shinichiro- 

-but you should, cause if you don’t, you’ll fall and i don’t want that- certainly falling wasn’t the problem, because he will always be there to, probably not catch you, but maybe fall with you too. that’s how things were, how you always liked them to be

a couple of years was the answer you gave him. and no matter that an emptiness began to engulf his heart, he tried not to show it. a lot of things could happen in that period of time, but he will be okay, right? you are coming back to see him again, and he’ll be just fine

he snapped out of those thoughts from his head when he heard you bawling in your hands, trying to cover your face

it’s hard to even think about it because you’ve been together for so long

-hey! don’t go crying on me, you said it. it’s a great opportunity, go ahead- and he smiled, just like every single time. that grin so particular from him, gentle. because he genuinely was glad about it, he wanted nothing more than the achievement of your dreams. just like when you supported him with the whole thing of his gang when you were younger, full of concern, or when the opening of his store happened. together, always together -i’ll be just here, waiting for you. don’t worry about it, okay?-

and no words came out of you after that

he stood up and you did the same, in silence. two silhouttes by the light of the moon, staring at each other for a couple of seconds to finally mold into an embrace

-i’ll always be here to tie your shoes, y/n-



shinichiro sano x reader

mostly fluff, some angsty parts in between. i was grieving for draken while writing, so yeah, that’s were the inspiration for the sad things come from.

this maintains a discreet connection with my last post, making some subtle mentions of it. so, in case you would like to read it, it’s here. i would appreciate it immensely

wc: 6.6k (sorry, i got a bit carried away)

a/n: this is my love letter to shinichiro, i put my heart and soul into this story, so i really hope you all enjoy it and don’t get much confused with all the time jumps. i also would like to add that guys, seriously, just love whoever you want and don’t ever give up what you desire, okay? don’t be like yua’s father and just let people be happy (you will understand after reading). life is short, and we stupidly think we have time, but we actually don’t. be always joyful and hold onto your dreams with both hands. to anyone who is reading this, good luck! go and confess already or just fulfill that one thing you want the most, i believe in you

reblogs, likes and comments are deeply appreciated. please ignore any spelling mistakes, the constant editing and the awful glitching

yua — “primarily a female name of japanese origin that means love, affection”

Keep reading




shinichiro sano x reader

fluff at the start. expect a wild turn. shinichiro is not the only guy in love with you, keep that in mind
wc: 3k
a/n: hello stranger that came across and kept reading :) this is my first fic ever *panic* but i’m glad i can share it with you. this story could have been separated in two different parts because of the turn it has, but i decided not to do it because this is the way i visualized it at first, and i wanted to stick to that, plus, i had so much fun writing it. hope you all like it too! in advance, thank you so much for being here and giving this a chance, means the world to me. also, i want to specially thank my dear friend @saturnmitsuya that helped me to make this possible, te amo bonita
reblogs, comments and likes are very much appreciated. please forgive any spelling mistakes and the constant editing

the day was serene and it was cold outside. 4:02 p.m. s.s. motors still open

shinichiro was holding is his arms what he enjoys, a little way too much, to call the woman of his life. both bodies over an old chair that stood behind a tore small desk where he wrote down things about motorcycles that he needed, making calls and all those sort of things you have to arrange when you run a store. you mockingly named it ‘’his office’’ just to piss him off

the situation right now, started because he decided to behave like the most pathetic and cute big baby ever, stating that ‘’he was freezing’’ all pouty and shivering, which was all bullshit, just to have you sitting on top of him. yeah. the sano’s family ability to find ways to convince people, runs just as hard as oxygen through his veins. but you didn’t really put up much resistance either, saying no to him it’s a pretty much impossible thing to do

hands playing with the black locks on the back of his head, arms snaking through your hips and waist, exploring under your sweater to slightly rose your free breasts, kissing his neck, moving to his cheek and finally his lips with wide grins in between. the position was provocative, yes. making out at the corner of his store while straddling his legs. but that was really it, just making out. simple, right?

see, the real core of shinichiro sano’s charm is that everything is just so simple when he is with you, and somehow, it always manages to feel perfect. as if you were pieces made for each other, and nothing else in this world could ever change the ideal way you both fit. or like two planets aligned together that dance around the same orbit, in one melody created by the universe just for yourselves to hear

-what do you want to have for dinner, bunny? i’ll close earlier so we can go eat, it’s on me today- he commented, lips a bit reddish from kissing, looking at you with the goofiest flushed expression ever, weak to women after all

-well,your grandpa’s miso soup could be real awesome right now cause it’s pretty chilly outside- you furrowed your brows in late realization -speaking of the weather, did you bring your jacket? i don’t want you to go out with that plain shirt, weren’t you freezing a few minutes ago? you will catch a cold you awful liar!-

he honestly wasn’t even listening to your attacks, well of course he was, but his eyes were mostly fixated on the movement of your lips, how you were scolding him

you really were the woman of his life, for sure. always so caring, always so loving, always you

-i love you y/n-

words just slipped in the middle of the bliss within his embrace. then, he started caressing your back, going all the way to your rear with a cheeky grin, planning to kiss you again. you stopped talking, cheeks and ears burning red. you couldn’t believe him, this bastard

-s-shin! don’t change the subject like that, i’m being serio-

-are we interrupting something?-

indeed, an interruption happened, one of shinichiro’s younger siblings, manjiro, stood by the door of the shop hands in pockets, deadpan. while keisuke, the friend of his that was following behind, was as pale as a corpse

both reactions shared a reason, later revealed

-oh! m-mikey! and keisuke!- shinichiro said looking up and removing his hands off your body immediately, taking a glance behind your back, nervous as hell. his little brother just busted him groping his girl’s ass right on top of his lap after a kissing session that lasted like, solid 20 minutes, fuck, did they saw that too? he might be 23 years old but he felt as a hormonal middle schooler all over again

-hello!- you greeted turning around as nice as ever, still on your compromising position. not giving a single damn. now it was time for your boyfriend to be embarrassed

-um w-we can come back later if- baji started, not knowing what to do with his stare, he was just as uncomfortable as shinichiro. sweaty palms and everything

while mikey was really quiet, just staring. strange you thought

-no! no! there´s no need, you didn’t interrupt anything. i will go make something to drink so you guys can talk okay? tea is fine baby?- you said twirling shin’s hair on your fingers, looking straight to his eyes, oh how you wished you could take a picture right now, then turning to the boys for approval

-sure love, it’s perfect thanks- the kids nodded and shin’s blood finally started to dissipate from his facial features. thank god

-alright- you said, giving him a last peck on the cheek while you placed your palms on his chest, getting off from him. -hey baji- you called him turning halfway -would you mind coming with me? i might need some extra hands-

-s-sure!-shit he thought

at this point, the explanation of the boys reactions earlier it’s revealed

there’s this thing that has been pestering baji since the moment that mikey, told him they were heading to see his brother to ask him for some advices, and that most probably, they would encounter his girlfriend too. actually, this comes from many years back, but he is just oblivious about it, until now

keisuke baji was a nice kid, since you’ve known the sano family for quite a while, you’ve come across to meet the friends they have made along the way. so since a very young age, baji has been around

you used to go to the same school and shared some classes with shinichiro as a teenager, and he always tried to get closer to you by intentionally pairing up in teams for projects, inviting you to eat at his household and such. you were his high school sweetheart, the girl he liked the most and for the longest time. and last but not meat, you also were the last 11 rejections of his lucky 20 until he won you over, but he decides to not bring that out very often

so when baji saw you for the first time, it was one of the times shinichiro took you to his house. you were peeking all over the dojo watching everyone practice, entertained. when suddenly, you landed your eyes on his tiny figure

and simply smiled

-so, how’s the shop thing going on?- you asked, pouring some water to boil, opening some tea bags and preparing the containers. there was a kitchenette at the very back of the establishment, with just a stove and a small freezer with water and some snacks

-s-shop thing? what do you mean?-shit! stop being an asshole, he pleaded his brain, or was it his heart?for some mercy. he didn’t really knew which one of them was messing things up and that was definitely a problem

-you already forgot? your dream of owning a pet shop that you told me about a while ago, you were much younger. i hope that you didn’t drop it- you mentioned, smiling, just like that one day


why did you remembered that about him? why did you have to bring it out? the stupid dream, that he still desires, he told you once. making him feel weak for the 3rd time in a couple of minutes

why was he feeling this way?

he believed he was strong, he proudly called himself a member of a gang, but he started to sweat with a simple question like this? there has to be something real wrong with him, it can’t be that-


you were leaning on the counter next to the stove, waiting for the water to be ready, hair a bit messy, black leggings, some slippers and your boyfriend’s silver chain freshly stoled from him this morning decorating your chest. you weren’t wearing a bra, and the loose fabric of an oversized sweater that was trying to keep you warm couldn’t stop your hard nippled breasts from showing. his throat closed and he felt he could die suffocated at any second, look somewhere else you piece of shit, he mentally slapped himself

-yeah i guess, i still like animals a lot- he scratched his head, avoiding your gaze by looking down. you noticed it but just decided to let it slip, and turned back to turn off the flame and pour the water over four identical red mugs to prepare the drinks

-that makes me so happy, keisuke. your shop will be the best in town, i’m sure of it. cats alredy love you. oh! and i’ll be your first client. don’t even forget that, okay bug?- you teased, poking his nose. dear god, he forgot you used to call him like that

you weren’t like the senior girls at his school that every boy his aged pathetically stalked, nor the older ones that lived near his apartment complex that elderly men disgustingly desired. hell, you weren’t even like the women of the porn magazines that pah kept hidden under his bed, which made them all drool over like a bunch of idiots

your beauty was anything but perfect. your beauty was the vivid personification of the word home, you felt like home, an immensely loving one. perfect wasn’t a word he could use to describe you because he would be lying, you were making tea in clothes you used for sleeping, and still, you looked like an angel to his eyes

he finally saw it

-y-yeah okay, i won’t- he stuttered, blushing. you grinned pleased and grabbed two of the cups on your hands, asking him for his help with the remaining ones, finally heading back to the front

you took a sit next to your boyfriend who was now casually smoking, and his brother, in some spair chairs he found, carefully offering them the steaming hot cups

he was sure he liked you, since the day he first saw you at the dojo. but he never truly paid any attention to his blooming emotions, ‘’who cares about that sappy crap anyway?’’he did

still, he would never spill a word. it was no use

if he kept his feelings ignored and buried all this time, he could just keep doing it, right?

shinichiro draped an arm around your shoulders while all of you were chatting and making jokes, getting closer to blow breathy kisses in your ear every once in a while just to tickle you. mikey scolded him with pouts because of his clinginess and you laughed until your stomach ached, things were always like this with them,and you wouldn’t have it any other way

baji stared at your interactions for a while. he likes it a lot when you smile, he discovered that years ago, but he also discovered that shinichiro sano is the person who makes you do it the most. so he must be fine with that. he is just a kid with a dumb crush and you are a woman in a relationship that most likely, will last forever

the first taste of bittersweet teenage love in his life

so for now, his dream had a new meaning. the fact that you remembered it and wanted to be there when he fulfills it, made him feel like blushing again. and it was enough to keep him content

mikey finished talking with his brother, mugs went empty and it was time to leave. both boys decided to go back on their way

when they went out of the store and started walking along the cold breeze that provided them company, keisuke looked back to one of the windows, and he could see how shinchiro bent down to carry you, positioning himself between your legs in the air, both smiling widely at each other, enamored, and probably still joking about random things. he turned away, not wanting to pry anymore into the comfort of your intimacy

-ah man, if i get married someday i hope it’s with a girl like y/n- baji was talking behind mikey, walking slowly through the streets, sighing, arms over his head acting all cool, in an attempt to shake off the rests of wild emotions he felt moments ago, not even noticing in the slightest bit, the low temperature of the environment and the notorious dark aura his friend emanated, still silent and hands in pockets

oh how he wished he never said anything at first, he should have just kept his mouth shu-

-you like her too, right?-

so that’s

why he was so quiet


in the couple of minutes he stood there processing what he just heard mikey say, keisuke baji inaugurated, in a matter of seconds, a whole category in the depths of his mind called ‘’emotionally wrecker-fucker 3000’’ yeah….to describe the second wave of feelings that literally crushed him in that moment

actually, that whole afternoon can be found saved in that mental file, not just the moments of realization, but all of it. boobs, cold weather, rushing blood, cigarettes, kisses, a mess of emotions, fighting with mikey in the middle of a random street and four tea mugs

there’s no way in hell he will ever forget this day

@kallikrein prompted a new brainrot so here it goes


CW // Not sfw mdni pliz , mentions of sex , dom/sub dynamics (sub BD and gn reader) , toys , pegging (?) , pet play (Wakasa) , idk man im just horny


  • Soft room for a soft boy
  • he’s a sub, you can’t fight me on this
  • overall a very light aesthetic, fairy/christmas lights, mostly white/off white color scheme
  • lives are mostly him jerking off or riding a dildo
  • begs the viewers to let him cum, will cry if they deny him
  • he looks very pretty
  • teary eyed, red cheeks and small droplets of sweat running down his chest
  • gripping the bedsheets so tightly he might tear them
  • alternatively, he’s on the floor in front of the mirror, whining and trying to avert his gaze, but in the end he can’t stop looking at the toy going in and out of him


  • i believe that he suffers from older sibling syndrome
  • as much as he tries to be a full time dom and always take care of everyone
  • he craves to be on the other end, to allow himself to be the one being cared for and not having to worry about his image
  • he will melt if you caress his cheek and praise him
  • coo at him and call him a good boy
  • PRAISE KINK TO THE MAX (giving and receiving)
  • still a power bottom tho
  • some things aren’t gonna change and that’s ok too


  • pet play>>
  • put him in cat ears and a tail plug
  • play with his hair while he sits of the floor between your legs and he will purr
  • tug on his collar to force him to look at you while you turn on the vibrating cock ring he has on
  • shameless moans and whining
  • OR
  • when he’s being a brat
  • tie him up with a vibrator on his cock and a dildo inside of him
  • keep edging him until he cries from the frustration of never reaching an orgasm
  • or overstimulate him until he can’t cum anymore
  • either way is a fun time for both of you


  • my beloved
  • he wasn’t very interested in it at first
  • until you mentioned it
  • you’re sitting behind the camera as he’s live, telling him what to do and how to touch himse
  • until you start touching yourself too
  • his main goal was always to please you, so he starts telling you what he wants you to do
  • mutual masturbation 10/10
  • he doesn’t like showing his face on videos so he usually records from his chest down, or he wears a mask and hat
  • kinda amateur-ish but in a good sense
  • likes having sex on camera too
  • not particularly sub or dom but it’s always a fun time nevertheless
  • gentle giant all the way

I refuse to go MIA for 3 months again so here’s my dumb attempt to make content no one asked for

BD 1st GEN X “im pregnant”

(in which they are whipped for you and you find the least emotional way to let them know you’re pregnant)





i forgot to tag my bd fucker bestie @kallikrein


  • including ⋮ angst / no comfort. character death mentioned.

“ smoking is bad for your body, you know. “ you frown as you attempt to grasp at the cigarette that shinichiro nurses between his lips, making him pull away with a chuckle following while airing out the smoke from his mouth, “ it’s for your own good. “

there was never a day you didn’t try to get him to quit his bad habits, only wanting him in the best shape he can be.

he wasn’t immortal and you can only do so much but that is if he’s willing. you turn back to the view below, admiring the cars and people that pass. “ tell me, do you smoke to make yourself cool for the ladies? “

shinichiro frowns as he meets your eyes, aware of the amusement that swirls in your irises, “ no, i’m not that desperate. “ he replies with a pout.

you hum in acknowledgement, noting the detail that he provided — he wanted to have someone by his side and all you can do is ponder for ways he can see you in that perspective. ever since you were a stranger who wound up in his shop, you’ve come to admire him in ways he wasn’t aware of.

but shinichiro held you close, that was sure and somehow you convinced yourself that it was enough. despite the whining and taunting from him and his friends for not having a woman by his side, you were content that you were one and if not the only woman he wanted around when he wanted to unwind after a long day of work.

“ whatever you say, “ you sigh in defeat, smiling when he wraps his arm around you to persuade a smile out of you — which he was successful in. his scent was a mixture of a woody musk with an obvious hint of smoke, basking in it as you fell into the crease of his neck and shoulder, “ so then why do you smoke? “

shinichiro positions his head to lean against yours, “ it’s calming, the taste is shit though. “ nonetheless, he took another drag and was considerate enough to turn his head when exhaling to avoid it from masking over your face.

your eyes gaze to his features, seeing the gentle smile that sits on the line of his lips. dark strands hanging over his eyes as he stares at the scenery before him. you never knew what he was thinking, but you were sure that in his heart and head — he was content with himself and where he stood and you longed him for it.

“ you’re staring, “ he beckons you back from your thinking with his voice, “ i know i’m handsome but i thought you didn’t like smokers. “ he taunts.

“ i don’t, “ rolling your eyes, you attempt to pull away from the slight hold he has around you but he keeps you from leaving so the most you do is adjust your posture, “ unfortunately though, you are an exception. “

shinichiro beams, “ not even takeomi? “

laughing at his reply, you simply found the warmth in your heart comforting, “ not even takeomi. “ he pressed his lips on your hair, it probably didn’t mean anything but the small gesture made you add as your eyes closed, “ you’re the only one for me, shinichiro. “




your fingers crutch the entirely smoked cigarette that sat in between, inhaling the remaining tobacco that was left into your lungs. you were aware of the footsteps reaching closer but you didn’t pay any mind, continuing to litter the remaining bottom half onto the tray beside you — filled with countless of more.

“ have any more with you? “ the voice behind you, takeomi spoke. you motion your head towards a jacket near, previously owned by shinichiro. an opened pack was found in the same pocket he would store them in, “ do these taste good? “

“ they taste like shit. “ you laugh humorlessly, it was the same brand he would smoke and once he parted you understood what he meant about calmness. however, it didn’t calm the heavy ache you felt in your chest every time you lit another but you didn’t mind — despite the ache, your pulsing heart remained for the same man even a year after he passed.

you can hear him sparking the cigarette as you settle your head onto your arms on the railing, eyes glued to the streets below.

they were so pretty back then, when you found everything in sight so admirable when you were in love and had the man you desired beside you. now it was like a dry setting, it wouldn’t return to the sight you’d seen before but that’s okay — you wouldn’t want to share it with anyone other than him.

when the street lights were so prominent, when you two would see his brother and friend’s riding by and waving at the two of you with the brightest beams. you remember the last bright color you saw flooding the road below so vividly, it was blaring red and blue from the ambulance and police sirens, the night of his death.

it was gut wrenching knowing that you were the last person who he spoke to because it was the same night you vaguely admitted he was the only one you needed. but it was far gone and you were no longer fighting with him on his bad habits — instead, you were the one consuming them for him. 
