#shiny pokemon giveaway

Shiny Starters Giveaway (1st and 2nd gen) Rules:  Reblog and/or like this entry to join. No giveawayShiny Starters Giveaway (1st and 2nd gen) Rules:  Reblog and/or like this entry to join. No giveawayShiny Starters Giveaway (1st and 2nd gen) Rules:  Reblog and/or like this entry to join. No giveawayShiny Starters Giveaway (1st and 2nd gen) Rules:  Reblog and/or like this entry to join. No giveawayShiny Starters Giveaway (1st and 2nd gen) Rules:  Reblog and/or like this entry to join. No giveawayShiny Starters Giveaway (1st and 2nd gen) Rules:  Reblog and/or like this entry to join. No giveaway

Shiny Starters Giveaway (1st and 2nd gen)


  • Reblog and/or like this entry to join. No giveaway blogs.
  • You do not have to be following me, but it’s appreciated. Also, note that I use this blog to post Pokémon trade announces or giveaways, so maybe you’d be interested on following me. 
  • Reblogs count and are appreciated.
  • Leave your asks open, so I can message you if you win. Also, if you do not reply in the following 48 hours I’ll pic another winner.
  • There will be three winners. The first will choose first which pokémon he’ll have, the second will choose after it, etc.
  • Contest ends and I’ll pick a winner on 1st March.

Post link
Hi guys! Since I’ve just opened this blog, I decided to open this little giveaway. (: Rules:  Hi guys! Since I’ve just opened this blog, I decided to open this little giveaway. (: Rules:  Hi guys! Since I’ve just opened this blog, I decided to open this little giveaway. (: Rules:  Hi guys! Since I’ve just opened this blog, I decided to open this little giveaway. (: Rules: 

Hi guys! Since I’ve just opened this blog, I decided to open this little giveaway. (: 


  • Reblogand/orlike this entry to join.
  • You do not have to be following me, but it’s appreciated. Also, note that I use this blog to post Pokémon trade announces or giveaways, so maybe you’d be interested on following me. 
  • Reblogs count and are appreciated.
  • Leave your asks open, so I can message you if you win. Also, if you do not reply in the following 48 hours I’ll pic another winner.
  • Contest ends and I’ll pick a winner on Feb 20th.

Post link