#ship war



Who’s excited for the Tag Team Tournament?

We know we are! There are going to be so many great teams, we can’t wait to see who joins them. Some of you have probably already picked your first team, but for those of you who are still deciding, here are the options:

  • Spandex Flex - Dickinette
  • Book Design - Jasonette
  • Art Couple - Daminette
  • Java Junkies - Timari
  • 3’s Company - Poly Ships
  • Lucky Shot - Roynette
  • Sunshine Children - Marijon
  • Rare Flair - Any other ship!

If you’re ready to declare your allegiance, reblog this post and put your favorite ship in the tags! That way you all know who needs to be encouraged to “Tag In” to your favorite team instead.



Are you ready to tag into Maribat?

This summer, from July 31 – August 6th, the Maribat Discord Server will be hosting our first ever Tag Team Tournament event! 

Eight teams will be competing to post as much new content as possible during the event: all to find out which ship is truly the most popular in our fun little corner of the fandom!

Ourteams this summer, in no particular order:

Spandex Flex - Dickinette
Book Design - Jasonette
Art Couple - Daminette
Java Junkies - Timari
Lucky Shot - Roynette
Sunshine Children - Marijon
3’s Company - Poly Ships
Rare Flair - Any Ship Without a Team

Who’s on the teams? Well, anyone who wants to be! And since this is the Tag Team Tournament, creators can tag in and tag out of teams as they please, creating as much or as little as they’d like to support each ship — multishippers rejoice! We’ll be releasing logos for each team as we get closer to the event, so keep an eye out in the weeks to come!

How do you participate? Our full Event Guide Document explains everything you need to know, including the rules, submission guidelines, scoring guidelines, and more! You’ll also find the submission form — only content submitted through this form will be scored for your team, so make sure you read the whole document and fill it out. 

If you’re posting on AO3, we have an Event Collection for your fics. If you’re posting on Tumblr, make sure to tag your creation with #TTT2022 so we can see it and reblog it here! 

If you’d like to keep an eye on the scores for each team (and maybe tag into a team to help bump them up), our Event Guide Document offers a publicly accessible tracker, complete with live-updating team totals!

In the mean time, we hope you’ll join us in the Maribat Discord Server as we prepare for the event!

If you come across a ship you don’t ship, don’t mention it in the comments. Please just scroll past that post.

It is really annoying to see people comment on a post “I don’t ship it” or “Leave them alone, that is not canon”. Yes, most ships are not canon, but let people enjoy it.

If it’s a toxic ship, also just scroll past it. Commenting something toxic on a toxic post also makes you kind of part of the toxic thing.

If you don’t like it, then leave. It’s not that hard.

8 Weeks until the Tag Team Tournament

Our first graphic is for Sunshine Children, the team representing Marijon! Anyone got any plans to “tag in” for this super combination? With 8 weeks until July 31st, you’ve got plenty of time to make some!

Check back next week for the next team graphic as we count down to our Tag Team Tournament!

Special thanks to mods @newdog14and@nottesilhouette for designing these graphics!

Who’s excited for the Tag Team Tournament?

We know we are! There are going to be so many great teams, we can’t wait to see who joins them. Some of you have probably already picked your first team, but for those of you who are still deciding, here are the options:

  • Spandex Flex - Dickinette
  • Book Design - Jasonette
  • Art Couple - Daminette
  • Java Junkies - Timari
  • 3’s Company - Poly Ships
  • Lucky Shot - Roynette
  • Sunshine Children - Marijon
  • Rare Flair - Any other ship!

If you’re ready to declare your allegiance, reblog this post and put your favorite ship in the tags! That way you all know who needs to be encouraged to “Tag In” to your favorite team instead.

Are you ready to tag into Maribat?

This summer, from July 31 – August 6th, the Maribat Discord Server will be hosting our first ever Tag Team Tournament event! 

Eight teams will be competing to post as much new content as possible during the event: all to find out which ship is truly the most popular in our fun little corner of the fandom!

Ourteams this summer, in no particular order:

Spandex Flex - Dickinette
Book Design - Jasonette
Art Couple - Daminette
Java Junkies - Timari
Lucky Shot - Roynette
Sunshine Children - Marijon
3’s Company - Poly Ships
Rare Flair - Any Ship Without a Team

Who’s on the teams? Well, anyone who wants to be! And since this is the Tag Team Tournament, creators can tag in and tag out of teams as they please, creating as much or as little as they’d like to support each ship — multishippers rejoice! We’ll be releasing logos for each team as we get closer to the event, so keep an eye out in the weeks to come!

How do you participate? Our full Event Guide Document explains everything you need to know, including the rules, submission guidelines, scoring guidelines, and more! You’ll also find the submission form — only content submitted through this form will be scored for your team, so make sure you read the whole document and fill it out. 

If you’re posting on AO3, we have an Event Collection for your fics. If you’re posting on Tumblr, make sure to tag your creation with #TTT2022 so we can see it and reblog it here! 

If you’d like to keep an eye on the scores for each team (and maybe tag into a team to help bump them up), our Event Guide Document offers a publicly accessible tracker, complete with live-updating team totals!

In the mean time, we hope you’ll join us in the Maribat Discord Server as we prepare for the event!

hha sorry as in the rules, i can’t answer ship questions – but special case.(unfortunately i chha sorry as in the rules, i can’t answer ship questions – but special case.(unfortunately i c

hha sorry as in the rules, i can’t answer ship questions – but special case.

(unfortunately i can’t really answer ship questions as canon shuu)

—-sorry for the picture shock.

Why do I bring this up?

The above picture source is here, of course unofficial, but this sparked some popularity to the ship that comes with rather horrendous happenings.

Ship war. In the tumblr posts.

I do hope people stop bashing other people’s ship, there is a ship under flame that is Gakuho x Isogai ship.  Some for pedophilia related reasons.

Ciel x Sebastian, Super Lovers —and many other ships have underage categories, but I don’t understand all the flame. What about incest ships :/  Or more questionable categories? Just unfollow the person if you’re uncomfortable.

Say if you like Karma x Nagisa and someone bashes it over a preference to Okuda, it’s not very nice.  Or even if someone ships Karasuma and Karma, that’s quite same. If the complain is that Gakuho is married, ships aren’t cannon to begin with.

It’s ok, if it’s your notp. As having both known people from the hate and like side of this ship, this saddens me to see flame. But please do not disrupt fandom harmony. Maybe you can express your disdain to closest friends but directly tagging the person is impolite, regardless. If so, it’s alright. Just erase it and don’t repeat it again, apologizing if it’s appropriate.

Let’s just appreciate each other’s preferences.

And in return, I hope for polite asks that even though it’s shipwise, should be polite.

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