#shire draws


Gotta be one of my favorite genders


The Story of Shire Falls In Love

…With a guitar

If you want a noble cause, I’m still collecting donations for the paralyzed bunny (going toward expenses and then ongoing care with his rescue organization) but if you want a silly cause that will make me cry rainbows, this is it

I also have Paypal,ko-fi,Venmo

I love my guitar… Maybe a bit too much. It’s hard to stop playing even when the blisters pop up because it’s such a beautiful, perfect instrument that feels like some kind of soulmate…

but oh my god my fingers

Thank you to everyone who supported me!

A baby pegasus. Unlike a normal horse foal, the pegasus is very slim and avian. It is covered in patches of soft down and quill-like pinfeathers. Though the limbs and face are long and gangly, the wings on its back are small and underdeveloped like a fledgling bird. ALT

The Fledgling

Like their landbound ancestors, newborn pegasus are able to run just hours after birth. Their wings, however, need several weeks to develop from down to pinfeathers to flightworthy plumage.

Foals instinctively flap their wings while running, so building the muscles necessary for flight is a rapid process, and by the time they preen the sheathes from their feathers, they are ready to take to the air with the rest of their herd.


what would a worm fursuit look like? arbitrarily arguing with a friend

seems normal

When you see a lizard in the distance and it looks like this

A very simplified lizard silhouette. the legs are blurred wedges to indicate they are moving faster than the eye can see. It just looks like a lizard zooming around on some triangular wheelsALT

reblog if you agree
