#shirley crain imagine


Being Steven’s twin would include headcanons

@musicallistosaid:Hi Bia! I love that little idea! Can I request the haunting of hill house + family? Thank you so much and congrats on 2.2k!

A/N: hii, love!! thank you so so much for participating I hope you will like this!! lots of love

TAG LIST: @winterxisxcomingx


  • Your family had always been your safe harbor
  • With so many siblings, you were barely never alone and you really liked that, the fact of always having someone you loved around
  • When you grow up, of course, you all get distant from each other inevitable and it makes you quite sad, to see how your siblings often prefer not to see the others
  • The closest to you is your twin, Steven, who never failed to call you every single day and that connection you two have is really special
  • When you mention the others and Steven doesn’t seem so excited to see them as he always is to see you, you make sure to reprimand him
  • When you all arrange meetings, well, of course there are fights here and there
  • Sometimes, the fights get out of hand and the shouting can be heard from the outside of the apartment
  • And you are always there in the middle of those fights, trying to break them apart and make them see that they are siblings, they love each other and are a family
  • Sometimes you manage, sometimes you don’t. Sometimes it ends with you crying because of the others actions and Steven taking you away by the hand because he can’t stand to see you crying
  • When Nell dies, it’s such a shock you aren’t able to keep yourself together
  • You fall apart and Steven is there to help you pick the pieces up, gladly
  • At the meantime, you wondered about Luke and made it your duty to make him come home and stay with you, because you couldn’t even imagine how much pain he was in
  • He and Nell’s connection had always been beautiful and twins felt the other go, some people said
  • You hoped it was a lie because you would not stand that if something ever happened to Steven
  • Bringing Luke to stay with you turns out to be the right thing, and you really appreciate your brother’s company
  • He, loves to have you around and just spend time with you, eating a meal or watching something on the TV
  • He refuses to talk about Nell. It hurts too much, and you’re not going to force him if that’s not what he desires
  • When you meet the other’s for the funeral, it breaks your heart and yet sparks you with a little bit of love to see them all there
  • Shirley hugged you so tightly on the way in that you felt really, really good for a moment
  • Theo was always minding her own business around the family, but she knew you were the most sensitive of all so when you came in with tears in your eyes already, she smiled and came to pat you in the back
  • After the ceremony is over and you’re all outside leaving, you can’t stop yourself and you scream at them
  • So loudly and suddenly that they all stop and look at you with their foreheads frown, because you had never screamed before
  • You were the one who broke away the fights and the arguments, you had never before started one
  • But then you did, saying how much you hated the fact that they did not like to have the other around, that their stupidity had broken the family apart and when Nellie died, she had not seen them in more than three months
  • “And now we will never see her again” you mumbled between your tears. “So perhaps you all should stop behaving like the children you once were and accept the fact that we are a family and that is not going to change if you just stay away!”
  • They all just stared at you and of course, Steven was the one to approach you and hug you tightly. Luke was the next, crying and nodding because you knew he agreed to everything you had just said
  • The girls looked at each other for a moment, before they came to you themselves and promised to try to be better
  • And you smiled. You believed them.
  • After that things really got better, you all saw each other regularly and where there for each other, especially for Luke to help him recover from his addiction
  • Your family seemed somewhat whole again and whenever you were all together, without fighting, just enjoying each other’s company, you would mumble to yourself
  • “I hope you’re seeing this, Nell”
  • Something make you feel as if she was