
Inktober/Spookyrarara day 2 - Mindless/Haunted. Shizuo mindlessly staring into the distance while gh

Inktober/Spookyrarara day 2 - Mindless/Haunted. Shizuo mindlessly staring into the distance while ghost Izaya is about to pull a prank on him xD

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Shizuo x Izaya

A/N:Thank you @dirtpie39​ for the request☕!art insp. as was requested. For further inspiration I checked Izaya’s trivia section on his wiki page and wah I didn’t know he is canonicallyticklish? Omg!

Summary:Just a typical Sunday morning in the domestic life of Shizuo and Izaya. Of course ‘typical’ means wild and chaotic as always. (Also on Ao3)

Word Count: 2125


“Hey Shizu-chan. Are we out of fatty tuna?”





“I’m on the toilet. You’re seriously asking now?” 

Izaya looked at Shizuo who, indeed, sat on the toilet. Comfortably, he must say. Newspaper in his hands, pants down at his feet, and though not the case right now, the man might as well have lit up a cigarette while he was at it. He looked that comfortable.

“I am seriously asking,” Izaya confirmed, smirking at the person he generally disliked but happened to spend almost 80% of his time with anyway. 

He enjoyed to see Shizuo grip the newspaper so tightly in frustration, his teeth clenched together as he made a low grumbling noise that sounded like it came from deep within. “Get out of here while I ask nicely,” he grunted, not sounding nice at all. 

Izaya smirked even more and crossed his arms. “Or else?” He casually leaned against the door - which hadn’t even been locked to begin with so this was all on Shizuo himself.

“Can’t do much while you’re pooping,” he added, ignoring the observation he was making as he sniffed the air in the bathroom that kind of told him Shizuo wasn’t really pooping but just chilling peacefully - a moment he loved to disturb. 

“Oh you bet I can,” Shizuo said, lowering the paper on top of his legs and glaring at Izaya.

“You’re gonna get your ass out of here right now, or you will regret it. Last. Chance.” 

Ohoooo. Izaya did enjoy being threatened by Shizuo on the loo. He grinned and stuck his chin in the air.

“Yeah?” he said, provoking him even more by wiggling his eyebrows.

“Yeah. You’re outta here in 3… 2… 1….” Shizuo squinted his eyes. 

“Still here~” Izaya said, casually playing with his clothes and not minding at all that Shizuo tried to boss him around. 

Zero,” the frustrated blond said, still with clenched teeth. Izaya looked at him, completely unimpressed.

“Nothing’s happening. Well, since you’re such a bore. I’ll leave you and your shit~” Izaya finally said, turning away and walking out again. However, the moment he had his back turned towards Shizuo he heard the terrifying sound of the toilet flushing. Oh.

The sound had never sounded so thrilling before, and before he realized it, he found himself sprinting through their apartment, seeking refuge in the kitchen which was furthest away from the bathroom. 

“Heeheehee!” he giggled, but then he heard the sounds of Shizuo casually washing his hands while humming a melody. Ooh. Izaya felt disappointed that Shizuo wasn’t provoked enough for a chase and a fight, and he leaned against the kitchen counter while waiting for Shizuo to show up.

When he finally did, Izaya spoke: “So, now that you finished your shitty business. Care to tell me what happened to– HAAA!” Aaaaai. Never underestimate… a beast. 

One moment, Shizuo was walking towards him from the bathroom, calmly drying his hands by rubbing them against his clothes. The next moment he suddenly dashed

While yelling out loud, Izaya turned around and out of pure instinct he reached for any knife he could grab - which ended up being a lousy butter knife with some leftover sticky marmelade on it.

“Eh..” He sheepishly held up the knife and accepted his upcoming defeat already as Shizuo came at him with incredible and terrifying speed. Oh here goes. Shizuo’s tackle made the impact he thought it would as he was shoved forcefully against the counter, with Shizuo’s knee positioned between his legs but not in a lewd way. Still, he did try to grind agaist him, smirking wickedly as he huffed a little.

“What’s wrong? I did leave you didn’t I? You finished your thing,” Izaya said, smirking at the beastly man despite his situation.

“I warned you to get out in three seconds.” Shizuo brought his hands to Izaya’s sides, instantly sliding them underneath the fabric and tracing his cold - still partially damp and freshly washed fingers along his bare skin. 

“Which you didn’t,” he finished before he dug in finally. Izaya let out a shrieky cackle and he bucked against Shizuo, his hand bringing the useless butter knife towards him even though he knew it wouldn’t do anything, but before it could even land any ineffective blow, Shizuo already caught the knife in his fist. 

“You’re so dead,” Shizuo hissed, throwing the knife away forcefully and licking the marmelade off his fingers - looking, ahem, hot. He then instantly went back to Izaya’s lower sides and clawed forcefully, his hands moving up and down his torso so he could also torment his delicate ribcage, and Izaya let out a loud laughy scream in terror.

“SHIZU-CHAHahahahan!” he roared. He reached for Shizuo’s head and grabbed his hair, pulling and tugging, but the moment Shizuo’s fingers climbed further up his ribcage he already staked that attempt at putting up a decent fight again and settled with the logical reflex to flee. 

Izaya swung his body towards the kitchen counter, loud roaring laughter escaping his wide open mouth -  “Bwhahaahaha you’re sohohoho lahahahame!” - while his arms waved and flailed violently around, knocking a bunch of items off the kitchen counter that had remained there after their late breakfast.

“Fucking useless flea,” Shizuo huffed when one of those items was one of their ‘I Hate NY’ mugs with some leftover coffee in it that had gone cold, which had now fallen to pieces in the midst of their struggle, and Izaya was unfortunate to stumble into said cold coffee with his socked feet. His toes curled in displeasure when he felt the cold liquid under his soles. 

“Stahahahahap tihihickling mehehehe and fihihihight me like a mahahahan!” Izaya scolded hysterically, his body twisting in every direction, even after making such a mess of their kitchen already.

Shizuo’s hands were already buried under his arms by now and wiggled mercilessly against his sensitive armpits which Izaya failed to defend. 

“Like a man? Says who? May I remind you that you’re the least manly here, I mean just look at you,” was Shizuo’s careless reply as he continued to rub his fingers under Izaya’s arms, making him indeed cackle in a way he wouldn’t categorize as manly.

“HAHAAHAH!” He would’ve liked to discuss Shizuo’s Sunday morning habit to pee like a girl, but found no opportunity to do so. He was bent over their kitchen counter - again sadly not in a lewd way - with Shizuo trapping him from behind and tickling his armpits.

Scrap that. He quite suddenly switched to clawing up and down Izaya’s ribs and sides before reaching for his hips, hands like claws squeezing and pinching him there mercilessly and making Izaya shriek.

“Anything you wanted to say?” Shizuo asked when Izaya made an incoherent whining noise the moment he felt Shizuo’s thumbs dig into his hips. His entire body shook and bucked, and he shook his head wildly.

“NAHAhah! I hahahahate you!” he roared.

“Good.” Izaya gasped when Shizuo started pulling him away from the kitchen, but definitely not without a fight. He grabbed anything he could grab even if it wouldn’t be able to save him from his upcoming predicament, so eventually the broken coffee mug on the floor was joined by some more items such as cutlery, towels, the salt and pepper mill, and a roll of biscuits. 

Izaya landed in the middle of that mess when Shizuo forcefully lowered him to the floor while shoving his hands under Izaya’s shirt to tickle his bare belly and sides. 

“GHAHAAHAH! You beheheheast whahahaha!” Izaya squealed hysterically. Shizuo was indeed a beast, not even budging no matter how much he kicked and flailed.

“You knew you had it coming when I warned you, didn’t you? I’m just giving you what you wanted,” Shizuo panted, making Izaya blush a little since deep down he knew there was some truth in that. Still, that didn’t stop him from flailing his arms and closing his fingers around the pepper mill the moment he felt it within his reach, and he tossed it against the tickle monster’s head.

This move earned him a grunt - sexy grunt, oops - from Shizuo and he clawed fiercely at Izaya’s lower torso, making him spasm and jump.

“HEHEHEH! Shizu-chahahahaan!” 

Shizuo continued to huff and grunt like a beast, resuming the onslaught on him. “Ready to beg for mercy, flea?” he asked.

Izaya shook his head. “Nehehehever!” The blond merely rolled his eyes in response.

“Have it your way then.” Shizuo sounded way too excited and Izaya shared that excitement because he knew what was coming. However the moment Shizuo brought his face to his bare stomach, instead of a vibrating raspberry, a little bit of pain shocked Izaya when he gnawed at the bare flesh on his tummy like a monster.

“AHAHA that huhuhurt you son of a–EEEEHEHEHE!” The raspberries came after and somehow especially after that nasty bite, the tickles were only more welcomed despite his body’s reflexes to struggle and twist away from the sensations that chased him everywhere. 

In the middle was Shizuo blowing raspberries on his tummy. On the sides of his torso were his hands, clawing and squeezing mercilessly at Izaya’s worst tickle spots. 

Shizuo’s knee pressed on top of his legs, pinning him down and keeping him firmly in place. There was nowhere to go, and Izaya hated that he loved every second of it.

But even though he would never surrender by calling out the pathetic word ‘mercy’ as Shizuo would like him to, he did start to think that it was getting harder to breathe and function, so he was trying to think of something nice to do after several failed attempts of breaking free from Shizuo’s iron grip.

“SHIZU-CHAHHAAN!” he continued to laugh while overworking his exhausted mind. And then he saw his opening. Just when Shizuo raised again after a few more raspberries, Izaya literally stomped against Shizuo’s leg, the body part he mainly leaned on since his hands were busy tickling all over Izaya’s sides and ribs. 

Shizuo literally lost his balance and came crashing down again, and this time Izaya’s sweaty little hands were there, ready to catch him and he caught him by the face. Literally grasping both his cheeks, cupping them and causing his lips to pout a little, and he dragged him towards his own lips to kiss him. Ew, but necessary alright.

Funny thing was, it worked. Shizuo’s fingers on Izaya’s sides slowly stopped tickling and he felt how the man started to kiss him back. Izaya smirked. Got him there. He felt how he slowly got more control over the situation and he dared to push Shizuo’s shoulder to shove him to the side, flipping his large body under him so they could continue kissing. Shizuo approved and didn’t protest.

Now on top of him, Izaya devoured those pesky lips and definitely added in a sneaky bite and nibble here and there, but other than that, he could call this one of the healthier kisses they’d shared recently.

Shizuo responded to those bites with a few firm pinches and squeezes on Izaya’s waist, making him jump slightly, but soon he would relax again and lean more into Shizuo rather than move away from him.

“You’re a pain in the ass, you know that?” Shizuo huffed finally after they broke apart, having kissed long and passionately, and he squeezed both Izaya’s butt cheeks through his pants. Izaya chuckled and wiggled his ass.

“You seem to be quite fond of this pain in the ass though, whether you like it or not,” he sighed, and he kissed Shizuo again. 

“Ugh. Can’t help it you’re so overly clingy you can’t even leave me alone to take a piss,” was Shizuo’s answer, but not without some more lustful kisses in between his words.

“No but seriously. Are we out of fatty tuna?” Izaya finally asked, in between the many kisses they continued to share.

“….You’ll get your… stinkin’ tuna tonight, alright?” Shizuo murmured.

Izaya blinked and pulled back, staring blankly at Shizuo upon the realization that he just pronounced tonight as tunight

“Was that a pun?” he asked.

“And what if it was?” He felt Shizuo’s hands position themselves on his sides again, and he already tensed up in surprise, giggling nervously.

“Wehehell, I just wouhouldn’t think you had it in you to-hahahaa AHAHAHA SHIZU-CHAHAHN WAIT!” 

“Damn worthless flea…” were the words Shizuo muttered before already restarting his tickle torture on Izaya, but at the same time he continued the kissing and honestly? Izaya didn’t mind all that much…

Tunight,” he hummed in between breathless giggles and gross kissing noises, and that was the last he said before he completely gave in to Shizuo’s passionate side. Fatty tuna could wait! 

Shizuo x Izaya

A/N: Thank you @dirtpie39​ for the request☕! I’m not at all familiar with schooltime!shizaya so it took me a little longer, but I hope it’s ok:). 

Summary: Besides taking his classes, skipping his classes and observing people, Izaya has made it his personal hobby to mess with Shizuo. Something that gets more fun, more challenging, weirder and crazier with every time… (Also on Ao3)

Word Count: 2280


Homeroom. Mathemetics. Bully Shizuo. Japanese literature. English. Bully Shizuo, run from Shizuo. History. Lunch break. Bully Shizuo. Hide from Shizuo. Skip science class. Social studies. Cleaning duty, easy skip. Bully Shizuo. Hide from Shizuo. Homeroom. Club activity. Bully Shizuo. Run home. 


Izaya’s days weren’t what you could call varied, as was any student’s life actually; monotonous, daily repetitive schedules, with here and there some variation between school subjects, but school was school.

For Izaya there was a daily thrill though, which was bothering Shizuo whenever and wherever he could, then run and watch him have one of his tantrums, even better when teachers would catch and scold him for violent behavior while Izaya could easily sneak away.

Besides those few unfortunate times when he ended up together with the beast in detention class, but overall, Izaya did well. 

He enjoyed the routine. One problem though. He was gradually running out of hiding places by now.

“Again?” Shinra asked when Izaya was hopping through the hallway, gracefully but with haste, with a furious Shizuo after him.


“Hmm yup. Just a little prank and the beast couldn’t take it,” Izaya said, skipping backwards with his arms behind his head. Shinra rolled his eyes. By now he had given up on verbally questioning his decision to introduce them to each other, but Izaya could see him think.

“Well, I wish you good luck then. Just so you know, the staff toilet on the second floor is no longer under construction. Also, classes are starting,” he said knowingly. The mentioned toilet was one of Izaya’s many hiding spots that had served him well over the past few days.

“I’ll be fine! I’ll make it to class, with a detour. Gotta kill a beast first,” he said with confidence, finally speeding up again, and he was thankful when Shinra stepped to the side the moment Shizuo came slipping around the corner.

“Hey, you’re in my way!” he huffed, but Shinra played dumb and grabbed Shizuo’s shoulder.

“So, about that blood sample,” Shinra started, and as Izaya finally distanced himself safely, he could hear Shizuo growl in response. Ha. But that didn’t solve his problem. Where to hide this time? 

He passed by a few old hiding places Shizuo already knew, one of them being an old storage room that was now locked thanks to their naughty behavior in there which had Shizuo destroy some things that were stored.

Another was that safe spot behind a big decorative fake plant. That plant was also no more, R.I.P. 

The roof was too cliche by now. Izaya had used it way too much. Oh, but then… “!!!!!” Izaya came to a sudden halt (his body tingling with excitement when he heard Shizuo’s loud voice calling out “Iiiiii-zaaaaa-yaaaaa!”). He stared at a door that had been locked before but was now ajar.

Before knowing what kind of room it was, or considering his other options, Izaya sprinted towards the door and opened it up further. Oh, shit! It was only a really tiny closet full of brooms and other cleaning equipment. Damn it!

But there was no time. The moment he heard Shizuo’s footsteps around the corner, getting closer and closer, he quickly slipped inside and closed the door. 

He held his breath while wriggling deeper into the closet and squeezing his body inside, as much as he could. He lay uncomfortably against the broomsticks, his foot was positioned inside a nasty bucket, and his head was leaning against an even nastier mop, but hey, he was out of sight.

“Where are you, flea? You’re not that fast,” Shizuo said loudly. Izaya held his breath when he heard Shizuo’s footsteps near the door. The door was still a tiny bit open since he wasn’t sure whether he could open it again from the inside, but now that Shizuo was so close, he wanted to try and close the door as much as possible after all.

Clever plan. Not cleverly executed. The moment he stretched his arm, one of the broomsticks fell, and it made the noise Shizuo needed to be drawn here, exactly to this spot.

“Ahah! There you are, you uselessー oh.” Shizuo showed up with a smug expression but soon looked surprised, and then smug again at the sight of Izaya’s body folded inside the narrow space.

“Nice new room you’ve got here, flea. Or should I say, broom? Heh. You live here?” Shizuo asked, sniffing and taking in the smell of the stuffy closet.

“No I don’t, but you will.” Quite the sudden instinctive plan, but it was a great one. Before Shizuo could retaliate, Izaya grabbed his collar and pulled him inside. He himself tried to slip around him so he could switch positions and pin Shizuo into the closet, and - his actual mission - close the door to trap him.

“You’re - so - dead!” Shizuo grunted. Of course this one wasn’t going down with a fight. 

“N-no, hngh!” Izaya really wished he would’ve brought his knife now. Like, one of his knives that hadn’t been confiscated by school staff yet. He thought he made a chance, but he was nowhere close to getting out of that closet when Shizuo pulled him back inside. Izaya’s foot that had been between the door slipped back in when Shizuo struggled to switch their positions again, and…. click.

……. They staked their already really cramped struggle in the cleaning closet. Izaya was sure he had already heard some brooms and mops snap in half, but all of their struggling paused abruptly when they realized what the click meant.

“Is it closed?” Shizuo asked, suddenly very calm. He struggled to sit back a little, his knees pinning into Izaya’s thighs as he reached for the door. He tried it.

“It’s locked,” he said.



“You’re such an idiot,” Izaya snarled, to which Shizuo looked at him with furious eyes.

“WHAT? Who climbed in here first, hah? You crazy bastard,” he said, poking Izaya violently. However, the poking was kind of in Izaya’s tummy area, and eh, yeah. He was ticklish.

“HEE!” he squeaked, and he gasped. He stared at Shizuo in horror. He could just see him connecting the dots and for a fleeting moment Izaya was worried as he slowly started to understand his situation.

He was locked into a filthy closet, just big enough to hold two people but not meant for such purpose. Shizuo was bigger and taking up more space. He was also looking at Izaya like person who just discovered that….

“You’re ticklish?” he asked.

Izaya would normally be a guy of many words, but not right now. 

“….Isn’t everyone?” he asked casually. Oh shit. 

“Oh I don’t know, but I’m not going to kill everyone,” Shizuo said, and Izaya let out a loud shriek that bounced off the closet walls when Shizuo attacked him, hands formed into claws with one mission: to tickle Izaya to death. Well fuck this.

“AHAHAH! Shizu-chahahaan hohohohold ohohon!” Izaya laughed. Not! Good! 

“What a voice. What’s the matter flea? Does it tickle?” Izaya jerked heavily when Shizuo squeezed his sides firmly, and he cackled.

“Fuhuhuck youhouuu!” he roared, but Shizuo had found the exact way to torment Izaya, even in such a tiny space. This wasn’t the room where Shizuo could show off his beastly strength, ripping off metal and large furniture to toss at Izaya’s head, nor show off those wild wannabe karate kicks or dive at him with full force. 

But alas he had found the one thing he could do: kill Izaya with tickles, and shit, it worked.

“AHAHAH! I’m gohohonnahaha kihhill yahahaha!” roared Izaya hysterically, his body squirming and wriggling unfortunately. Shizuo just held him down firmly and dug into his body with so much force that it sometimes hurt a little, and Izaya desperately tried to wrap his mind and body around those few very tiny sensations of pain, which he preferred much more than those humiliating tingles that made him laugh.

Laugh, loud and shamefully right into Shizuo’s face. Oh how he could die of shame right now.

“I can’t believe this. I’ve been ripping this school apart to teach you a lesson while all it would take wasー” 


“A tickle here, andー”


“A tickle theeeere.” 

Shizuo made his point by poking and squeezing Izaya ín various spots, on his left side, on his right side, right in the middle near his damn sensitive belly button, and also…

“NAHAHA! You ahahare so dehehead!” he shrieked when Shizuo was bold enough to reach for his armpits. 

“Me, dead? Look at yourself.” 

The blush on Izaya’s felt like it was getting ten times worse, to have this awful guy reach for such hidden spots like his armpits. 

Not as if Izaya valued his armpits, but if it was a person like Shizuo, heck, they weren’t supposed to touch him there. Especially since it tickled like fuck.

“HEhehehehe! Naahahaha gahahad dahahamn gehehet ohoooff mehehe!” Izaya had tried about everything while coping with these uncontrollable laughing fits. He tried to kick, hit, headbutt, but he was trapped in a tiny little corner on top of a bunch of cleaning items which, judging from some cracks and squeaks, weren’t holding up well under this mess.

“Hmmhmhmmmm. You know what? Since we’re stuck in here anyway, I could just do this all day. Until you die, of laughter. A fitting sentence for a pathetic worm like you,” Shizuo spat with that filthy smirk. Izaya looked up at him, his view blurry, and he shook his head heavily.

“You’ll behehe dehehead behehefore thehehen!” He couldn’t stop his stupid babbling mouth from saying embarrassing things either. It just… talked, and he couldn’t control it. Just like he control his laughter.

“AHAHahah nohohoho fuhuuhck youhou!” Izaya laughed when Shizuo pushed up his shirt and clawed at his bare ribcage.

“You’re so skinny, ugh,” Shizuo grunted, yet he was staring at Izaya and not taking his eyes off, making Izaya very aware of the attention, and he couldn’t stop blushing. Fucking stupid Shizuo, in this fucking tiny closet at this fucking idiot school, messing with Izaya’s fucking ridiculous heart because why was it beating so grossly.

It must’ve been because of the tickling, but still. He was going insane.

“Shizu-chahahan agahahahaha!” 

“What’s wrong, flea? Close to wetting your pants, hm? Oh look at that. We’ve got the things here to clean you up if that happens,” Shizuo mocked. 

Izaya’s big mouth was getting smaller. He really was getting so tired and embarrassed, and still, his giggles wouldn’t stop.

“Heheheheh! I’ll pihihiss all ohohover you hahaha you mohohoron!” 

At some point their banter really did die down, and still, Shizuo wouldn’t stop wiggling those nasty fingers against Izaya’s tingling ribs, across his super sensitive stomach, and he sometimes squeezed his hips which made him thrash and kick against Shizuo, not that it did anything. 

“This is so crazy,” Izaya heard Shizuo mutter. Yes, it was crazy. So stop already! He continued to giggle and shook his head tiredly. 

“Shihihizu-chahahan!” he giggled. Shizuo’s fingers against his bare body slowly curled and held him steadily. Though still tickling, it also felt as if they caressed and rubbed him, and Izaya was starting to feel very hot and uneasy here.

“Uhuhuuhugh,” he panted. He gazed up at Shizuo and though his view was blurry, he could see this deep and intense look in his eyes. 

“So crazy….” Shizuo murmured again, his eyes locking with Izaya’s. Izaya squirmed weakly and nodded.

“Crahhahhazy,” he agreed, not sure if they were talking about the same sort of crazy. But whatever this crazy thing in the closet was leading to other than a beast killing a flea with tickles, it wasn’t meant to be. The door was suddenly slammed open, and bright light invaded the tiny space.

“Oh no! See, I told you I heard voices in here! Are you two alright? We heard you screaming for help.” Great, humiliated in front of the school staff.

“We always close this door because of the risk to get locked inside. Our new colleague wasn’t aware of that. Here, come on out.”

“But I must say I’m surprised students would actually go in there.”

Izaya was already embarrassed enough, but luckily Shizuo quickly grabbed the door. “We got it, thanks,” he said. He nodded at the school staff, which were a teacher and new administration officer who luckily left them alone again to head into a nearby room. 

Izaya still lay miserably on top of the partially broken cleaning equipment while Shizuo climbed out, without saying a word. For a moment Izaya thought Shizuo was going to throw the door into his face after all and leave him here to rot like he had threatened to. 

But the moment he stood outside, he reached out his hand.

“Grab it before I change my mind.” 

There was a subtle blush on his face and he looked a little flustered. What the hell just happened. Without questioning it, Izaya reached out and grabbed his hand. That nasty hand that just tickled Izaya to death. Grrr. 

Shizuo pulled him outside, and for a moment, Izaya staggered on his feet. The hand touch lingered longer than it needed to, but in the end Shizuo quickly released him and he wiped his hands against his pants. He glared at him.

“I hate you so much, flea,” he said, still blushing, and he turned away to finally head to class. Izaya looked at him, watching him go, and he sighed. 

“I hate you too. Beast.”

Well, that was weird. And about that class… He thought for a moment, his heart still pounding like crazy.

Hmh. Easy skip.

  Aw, look at him. Don’t worry, I like to think he’s not gay. The only reason why he loo

  Aw, look at him. Don’t worry, I like to think he’s not gay. The only reason why he looks so uninterested in that woman is because he’s staying faithful to me. Yeah, that’s right…

  Ugh, I’m in too much of a pissed off mood to even laugh at my own joke. X( Ah, who cares. It’s friken Shizuo.

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I just wanted to inform you all of this and I hope you physically and mentally destroy you’re monster until they cry or are driven to giving up on living because death would be less painful.

izaya-okumura: Welcome Home, Shizu-chan~! Shizu-chan has to learn how to control his physical impuls



Shizu-chan has to learn how to control his physical impulses a bit better~ Just because something as sexy as me turns you on doesn’t mean that you should bash your head off a wall.
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I can’t beleive they would leave me in the same cell with that monster, really~

I can’t beleive they would leave me in the same cell with that monster, really~

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“Good morning~”My piece for @drrrsecretsanta2019​! @narubuki​ asked for domestic/established relatio

“Good morning~”

My piece for @drrrsecretsanta2019​!@narubuki​ asked for domestic/established relationship shizaya and I shamelessly used it as an excuse to draw shizuo with bedhead. I hope you like it!

Uncropped below the cut


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izaya: whys our fandom dying

shizuo: maybe because it kind of self destructed on itself

izaya: nah its all that one person durararaworld who left for a long ass time lmao

alright time for my unpopular opinion

shizaya isnt that complex i have never seen a fic of shizaya where it got more complex than some tsundere situation with shizuo

no im not saying you cant ship it so dont say im being mean im giving my honest opinion that doesnt affect you irl so please dont go off

Durarara: an incredibely complex show with many different dark and disturbing themes and even more characters that are all spent nearly equal time developing on

Fandom: heueheu we liek the strong boi and the flea boi

@where-is-reality‘s summary of their desired fic:  “Since Izaya like to believe he’s a god, I think it would be interesting to see a fic where an actual god comes and tells him “nope” and turns him into a dog until he learns to be humble. Shizuo ends up finding him shivering in an alley and takes him home. Izaya begins to see Shizuo as the kind person he is. Ft. All of Ikebukuro fawning over him and calling him a good boy”

(for a reference, this is the dog I chose)

Dog or Flea? It Takes a God to Know!

The night was cool, and the sky was dark. The glare of the moon through Orihara’s window was too bright for him, so he closed the curtains and went back to his computer. He had just finished up a job, and was finalizing a few things. Suddenly, he heard a loud crash come from a different room. He couldn’t get in here, could he?, he thought. Getting up from the dimly lit computer, he went to go see what it was. When he got to the door, there was another crash from inside the room. He quickly opened the door to see…

Some random old man. He was dressed like a homeless citizen, with gray hair to match. He was casually sitting on the edge of Orihara’s bed, like this was a normal occurrence. The man looked up at him from his slouched position. Do you believe in a god?, the man asked, slowly getting up.

Orihara was too confused to deal with this, but he played along. Of course not. While I may not know if there is a true God, I also couldn’t care, Orihara answered, Besides, humans always cling to some greater power to make them feel as if their pitiful lives have meaning when they really don’t, he continued, shrugging.

I see, the old man stated, so you believe you yourself are equivalent to a god, yes? Orihara had no reply to this. Your silence speaks volumes. Well, I suppose it makes sense that you of all people would believe that, you dog. Izaya snickered at that nickname.

A dog, yeah? What a lovely nickname, Orihara stated sarcastically, Now i must ask that you leave my house. The old man started slowly towards the door, but before he exited the room, he gave Orihara a firm pat on the shoulder, and quietly stated, You better watch yourself. Angering the wrong people may leave you in deeper shit than you ever were before.

Orihara felt weird after that shoulder pat, but he couldn’t quite explain it. The old man exited the apartment, leaving no trace of ever being there. Orihara could not find what made the loud crashes, as there was nothing displaced in his room. He cursed quietly then went to bed, as it was rather late.

Orihara doesn’t dream normally, and this couldn’t be considered a dream either, according to him. While he slept, he heard the old man’s voice ringing in his head, echoing the same statement over and over again.

You better watch yourself.

Better watch yourself.

Watch yourself.




Morning had finally come after a long night. Orihara’s eyes opened and immediately knew something was different about him. Mainly because he was a dog. Apparently it isn’t that difficult to tell that you’ve become a dog. Did he even want to question it at this point? Not really. He got up from underneath his covers and trotted over to the closest mirror. He seemed to be a gray Akita. Quite ironic, as the 8th of April was coming up in just a day. The celebration of Hachiko, the Akita who waited for his deceased master by a train till death.

I suppose this is my punishment from the old man, he thought, as he no longer had the ability to speak, perhaps he was some form of a god. That would explain how he got in. Izaya didn’t quite know what to do, so he waited for Namie’s arrival. When she arrives she’ll probably act like any typical human would react to seeing a dog, pet it, make those weird squeals, and think that I’m some loyal companion, he imagined. He could not have been more wrong, as soon as she saw him she kicked him out, into the streets of Ikebukuro. She was thoughtful enough to give him a ‘Lost Dog’ box for him to sit in.

He decided to see what he could possibly do while like this. Perhaps it would be interesting. Maybe he would be taken in, since he didn’t know how long he would be like this.

Throughout the course of the day, he was yelled at, gawked at, and even chased by some little brats. The van gang wouldn’t stop calling him a… good boy. Simon even tried to give him a flier for his restaurant. HE also called Orihara a good boy. Everyone called him a good boy. Those words were getting sickening at this point. Currently he was hiding in a shaded alley, as the day had gotten too warm for his long coat.

Hey, is that a dog over there?, someone wondered. Looking over to who was talking, he spotted those kids from Raira. The girl with the glasses was the one who pointed him out, looking directly at him. The other two boys seemed to have noticed him now, too. No point in hiding anymore. He trotted out, panting from the heat.

Poor thing, she added, she must be so warm, should we take her to a shelter? Maybe to that doctor……nevermind, not there. But somewhere out of the heat at the very least?


The blonde one wrapped his arms around Orihara. Ah, so soft!♡

The shy looking boy started listing off the nearest places that will allow dogs. They brought him to many different places that wouldn’t take him. By the end of the day, it had begun to rain, making for horribly humid temperatures. While the trio were talking with a young lady who ran a shop, he decided to run off. The trio had noticed he was gone too late, and had to give up their ‘quest’. How boring, Orihara thought, shivering in an alley. It was so humid, yet he was shivering. I suppose I’m ill, he concluded, I will most likely die here. He curled up on the ground, accepting his new fate.

He felt every raindrop on his face, how it quickly plopped onto his body, then soaked through his fur. It was an interesting feeling. Perhaps this is what death feels like. One large drop from a wire above consistently dropped on his nose.




No plop.

He looked up, and saw him standing above him, with an umbrella. Shizu-chan?, he thought. He instinctively tried to get back, but was too sick to move. Poor dog. People who let their animals wander don’t deserve them in the first place. Heiwajima picked Orihara up, and carried him someplace that was presumably his house. Oh the irony, Orihara thought, If he knew who I was, I would be dead already.

When they got inside, Orihara had already begun to feel better. Perhaps he was just being overdramatic. (Author Note: He was just being overdramatic.)  Heiwajima set him down on a wrinkled blanket, and went into the kitchen. When he came back, he had a small bowl of brown rice, and another bowl with water. (Author Note 2: Yes, Akitas can eat brown rice) Orihara was so distracted by the whole day, he hadn’t even thought of eating or drinking. He was hesitant to take the food at first, but eventually took it.

He expected much less than this, especially from the monster. He looked up at Heiwajima, as they were both eating their respective meals. Perhaps… He actually had a heart after all. Perhaps he had the minimum amount of affection that a human being could have. Perhaps…


Shizuo: *looking in the fridge* Where’s the milk?

Izaya, covered in milk: No idea

izaya: you hate me but did you know about 35% of your life youre looking at me because of that

shizuo: how dare you. i am. offended. this is treason. this is illegal. why do you do these things that you do.
