#shoelace fandom







okay tumblr, hit me with your questions! i will answer anything and everything you throw at me

also i would v much appreciate gifs of chloe

Thank you. It was a great episode, by the way and I loved Chloe’s story (even though the finger thing was too gruesome). I’ll start.

Would it be too nosy to ask how the actors compared to their characters? Was anyone like their character in real life?

Did the finger thing make you cringe?

How much back story did you have? Obviously we don’t know what really happened the year before but is that an instance where you’d be told what occured so you know how to play it?

From the outside it looked like Chloe was almost brainwashed by her dad. But for you, you have to keep needing him and calling him ‘Sarge’ or ‘Daddy’. Was that hard for you to do in the light of the real risky situation for Chloe?

Well done with the episode! If no one else can do gifs I’ll do a few tomorrow night? LMK what particular scenes you prefer!

Do the BBC send you the episode on a DVD or anything? Is the food in the vending machine out of date?

How long was the …. ghastly orange thing on for?

Do you mean the neck brace? Because if so GOD that was awful. I couldn’t actually move my head at all. All the medical equipment was real so that did a great job of keeping my neck in place. That scene probably took about three hours so it was a NIGHTMARE.





okay tumblr, hit me with your questions! i will answer anything and everything you throw at me

also i would v much appreciate gifs of chloe

Thank you. It was a great episode, by the way and I loved Chloe’s story (even though the finger thing was too gruesome). I’ll start.

Would it be too nosy to ask how the actors compared to their characters? Was anyone like their character in real life?

Did the finger thing make you cringe?

How much back story did you have? Obviously we don’t know what really happened the year before but is that an instance where you’d be told what occured so you know how to play it?

From the outside it looked like Chloe was almost brainwashed by her dad. But for you, you have to keep needing him and calling him ‘Sarge’ or ‘Daddy’. Was that hard for you to do in the light of the real risky situation for Chloe?

Well done with the episode! If no one else can do gifs I’ll do a few tomorrow night? LMK what particular scenes you prefer!

Do the BBC send you the episode on a DVD or anything? Is the food in the vending machine out of date?

Thank you aaaa! Tbh I’d just love the bunker for the apocalypse line

Nope, nothing. I did a CBBC project last year which was better in that I got to watch it before it aired and we had a premiere and stuff. With Cas it’s so tight that I didn’t expect any of that, although it would have been nice!

I can’t speak for the vending machine but in the shop it’s actually all in date, we checked when we were bored lmao

 Submitted by anon. Feel free to send in your confessions!

Submitted by anon. Feel free to send in your confessions!

Post link

In the interest of everyone’s sanity, I’m not gonna post anything relating to the Connie/Dylan/Ethan screentime debate for a while. The comments on the last few posts have gotten a bit out of hand, and I don’t want this page to become about people fighting with each other. Any confessions therefore in our inbox pertaining to this debate won’t get made, so sorry if this affects you.

I’ve always tried to reflect the wide variety of views that members of the fandom have, but I draw the line when it starts getting too intense in the comments and people begin to feel targeted and picked on, and I’m sorry to those who feel this way.

To everyone who has sent in messages of support, thank you. Let’s try and regroup and be our fun-loving fandom once more xx


So I’ve been away for a while working on improving my mental health and have let this page slide slightly.  There are a couple of confessions in the inbox but they don’t seem relevant to the show now so I hope people don’t mind if they are not posted. 

I hope to get back to more regular posting about casualty, so feel free to send in your confessions!
