#shohei hashimoto


Good evening.

This morning, I thought, “There’s someone that looks like me, huh ~”.
Same black hat, and a similar shirt.

It was Yuuta lol

We had the same clothes ! ! !
As you’d expect, our minds are linked ~ lol

I’m thinking of that outfit I’ll wear tomorrow, so let’s match ~ ! lol

Now then, we had a full rehearsal practice for En-sute today too.

Despite tomorrow being the last practice, it was a rehearsal where everyone was on offense instead of defense so it was incredibly intense.

Watching someone act really becomes a study session, and I get envious.

But studying hard like that
It results in a motivation to put on an even better production, I think.

I’ll have to take on the last rehearsal tomorrow too ~ !
I also want to make plans to pore over the script one more time, I think ^ ^  

Ah ~
En-sute is fun ! !

This looks like a photo that really close friends got together to take but…

We’re packed into the elevator ! ! ! ! ! ! lol


Good evening.

September starts today !
Hello September.

It somehow felt colder now that we’re in September.
Was it because there was rain ?

At home, my mother said that from now on there will be days with temperatures nearing 30℃ but…
The heat will still go on for a bit, so let’s do our best and not get worn out ! !

Recently it’s not the convenience store’s vegetable juice that I’ve been buying
but a shop’s mixed juice instead.

Kale and peach.
It has a really healthy taste.

I may drink it every day ^ ^

Now then, we had En-sute rehearsals today too.
Brushing it up day by day
I’ve been getting it even more organized.

Tomorrow’s rehearsal will be even better after making the best of Uchikawa-san’s * critique from today.

Doing the rehearsal and watching En-sute again from the first performance, I really got a sense that I’m appearing in En-sute.

I wonder what it will be like on opening day, when the curtains open.

Anyway, I’m going to do my best in the remaining practices so I can reach the opening day in the best condition ! ! !

Ucchu ~

Chu mouth (^^)


Good evening.

Today is the end of August, isn’t it.
September begins tomorrow, and all the students are starting up school already !

Did you get to finish your homework properly ?
As it happens, I’m the type to leave my homework undone ‘til the end and then do it in a hurry. lol

Entering September, the En-sute performances are growing closer…

Today was our first rehearsal with hair, makeup, and costumes.

The first time as Leo since the photoshoot.

I thought the Knights outfits were really cool as one person at the time of the photoshoot, so now that the 5 of us are together I’m glad to see how that looks ~ .  

I’ll be brushing up my acting and performance from now forward, of course, but I was able to review the whole course of story events and sort them out in my mind once again, so this became a really meaningful rehearsal.

Now then, from this moment on, all focus on rehearsal ! ! !

Anyway, I want to get used to the atmosphere, and aim even higher I think ^ ^ *

After practice, the cast members got together to eat !

It was fun talking about today’s rehearsal and
Talking about nonsense ^ ^

I want tomorrow to be even better than today, and then, I want every day to be even better than that ! !

And I’m a day late, but yesterday was Zeno’s birthday.

I want to play Zeno again ~ >_<

I recently bought a new Yona of the Dawn book too, since the Yona story is really intense right now ~ \(^-^)/


Good evening.

I finished En-sute practice today too !
Today we did a final adjustment of our rehearsal in preparation for tomorrow’s full run-through, and connected all of the scenes in order to move through them smoothly.

I was super excited and full of adrenaline in today’s practice, so I wonder, how it will be in tomorrow’s rehearsal ?

I hope I’m able to put that excitement into my acting as Leo ^ ^

With everyone today !

Each group watches the others perform from the audience area when they’re done, and it’s really incredible.

One by one their movements come together
The sense of trust in their fellow group members comes out in their dances.

Starting now, the Knights gathered together (for the first time) can’t get behind or be defeated either. *

It’s the first time for me as a Knights member but everyone already knew from before, and the intensity and earnestness of Naoya’s first performance is just like Knights this time too. *  

Noble, right?

And then, 3B classmates.

It’s not just the En-suta group, we talk a lot of everyone else too so the relationships are interesting ^ ^  

Lastly, with Yuzu-chan

When it comes to being expressive, he’s the most talented one.
I’ve studied and learned a lot from Yuzu.

Let’s make things in the office even more exciting with our strength (^^)


Good evening.

I went to En-sute practice today too !
Continuing from yesterday, we did act two of making our acting and dancing stronger.

We still have a ways to go to carefully polish up the work like we aim to, but the practice from yesterday and today was immediately organized and saved in my mind.

But when we do the full rehearsal and start moving towards the actual performances
My feelings on that may change again.

So that I don’t forget that change or how I enjoy acting, in my heart,
I think I want to look forward to En-sute ^ ^


Or so I thought, Naoya went back to work early so it’s just 4 people.

Next time we’ll do it right with 5 ^ ^

We’ll be the noble, proud Knights.


Good evening.

This morning I went to a recording for WEB Radio「All Night Nippon i ~Oshabeya~」!

It was the 2nd Oshabeya recording, and it was fun; the distance between Taiga and I grew even shorter than last time.

I’m going to work hard so that our true selves come out little by little, and so we can deliver a fun radio show to everyone each time !

I’m sure it’s still unedited just now, but I hope you’ll look forward to the delivery of this fun time ^ ^ *

And, speaking of radio, one more thing.

The details were released today, Ino-chan and I will be 2 personalities on USEN「Butai Yarou ! another side」from October ~ December !

Yes, this is the work I’m doing with Ino-chan that I talked about the other day.

I’m really glad about my 2nd time being invited to be on Butai Yarou!, but more than anything, getting to do a broadcast together with Ino-chan…

I’m saying it now.

From the start, the Ino-Hei was bursting out lol

I want this program to be fun too so I hope you’ll check out Butai Yarou ! ! !

With Yuuta in the training room

Today we did all of act one
Tomorrow we’ll do act two.

The full rehearsal is getting closer and closer !
I will do my best to bring everything together tomorrow too (^^)


Good evening.

Today we were OFF from practice, and I’m pretty sure it’s the last day off ?

So today I went to visit a grave, and did things I can only do on days off.

It was my first time driving in a while ~

Maybe in 3, 4 months ?
No, it might even be more than that…

I really do get nervous since I don’t usually drive ~
Anyway I’m glad I got back home safely T_T

And today, 8/27, is my dad’s birthday.
So, I went out to eat with my family ^ ^

Last time we got together for my mother and sister’s birthdays, and this time the whole family came together for my dad’s birthday.

In August, the time we spend together as a family is high, and each time the Hashimoto family gathers I think, “It really is wonderful.”

There were lots of laughs today too.

I hope those smiles never fade away.

This doll was sitting in the restaurant.

I got made fun of, they said, “This looks like onii-chan.”

What, it doesn’t look like me at all ! ! ! ! !

But this picture is close lol

Ah, if you take pictures with this app, you can become anyone ! ! lol


Good evening.

The photobook has been on sale for one night, and I’m glad it looks like everyone’s been getting their copies (;_;) *

I’m sorry I’ve just been talking about the photobook recently, but that’s just how happy I am about it ~ .

This time I tried on all kinds of clothes and in those forms, the expression changed so, I took on the photoshoots with a sense of the characters I’ve played up to this point.

Which character goes with these clothes, I wonder ?
I hope you’ll think about that while looking over the book.

I took one of these when I was doing a photoshoot.

I want to make a collection of face panel pictures lol

Today there was an interview for stage play Kinpuri.

Recently I’ve gotten to do all kinds of things with various media groups.

I’m really glad ~ .

I don’t think this is a common situation, so I do my best every day.

It’s still humid so even just walking around a little, I’m covered in sweat.

The heat will stick around moving forward, but let’s do our best not to be defeated by it ! ! !


Good evening.

Today, 8/25, the Hashimoto Shohei first photobook went on sale !

Doing photoshoots in Enoshima and photoshoots in the studio
During really fun photoshoots, we were able to put together a photobook,

I’m grateful to the staff that were involved in this.
I’m grateful to publisher Tokuma Shouten, who said I should make a photobook. *
I’m grateful to my manager, who came out to the shoot locations.

The photobook that a lot of people put sweat and smiles into finishing, was the result of that effort delivered to everyone too, I wonder ?

Everyone we received event requests for online, please wait just a little bit longer !

Please enjoy 23 year old Hashimoto Shohei ! !

And I want to work hard day after day from now on so I can put out a second photobook, so everyone, I look forward to your support.

I went to Starbucks with Makki during a break from En-sute ^ ^

My favorite dark mocha chip Frappucino with one shot of espresso.

The bitterness mixed in with the sweet, I really recommend it !

Definitely try it out ! ! ! !


Good evening.

Today before En-sute practice, I went off to work with this person !

With Ino-chan ^ ^

“Now that Tou-sute is over I wonder when we’re going to get to work together again ~
I want to star in something together again T_T”

That’s what I was saying, so being able to do that like this…

I’m glad ! ! ! !

Thank you, staff.

I’ll be able to talk about details of what kind of work it is in the future, so please look forward to that ^ ^

And the first Hashimoto Shohei fan book, at last, it’s going on sale tomorrow.

It’s finally arrived, this day.

From now on, 23 year old Hashimoto Shohei will always be here in this book.  
I hope that it makes a lot of people smile !

Thanks to Ino-sama for promoting it too ( ̄▽ ̄) lol

I hope tomorrow will be a wonderful day.


Good evening.

Thank you for your comments about the photobook !

I’m so glad that all kinds of people are looking forward to it…

Sales start from the day after tomorrow so please look for it !

I look forward to the event too ^ ^

Now then, there was En-sute practice today too.

When I looked at the practice schedule in the training room
“Huh, it’s already time for the full rehearsal isn’t it !”
I was surprised.

Day by day we’re putting together the songs, dancing, and acting
After this we’ll really be putting this work together, and that’s the rehearsal period (lol) *

But I wonder how the things we’ve put together now are.

I’m sure it’ll become something incredible.

That’s my sole belief ! ! !

As king, I stir up all kinds of things lol

Ah, is there a plan for a crown ? lol


Good evening.

Today there was En-sute singing practice.

Recently, for singing, I’ve been working my hardest at putting the meaning of the lyrics into the words while singing, little by little I think as I perform, I’m becoming Leo singing songs. *

At the same time, the dance choreography too.

In dancing, I’m working my hardest at getting the moves down and doing them as if I were Leo, thinking about how I can move and become more like him, so from now on, every day, I cannot let up on the song and dance practice.

Despite that, for me, dancing and singing *
It feels twice as fun ^ ^

I hope I can show those feelings on the stage too.

After practice was over, I went to the office to do some work.

I was chatting with people in the office while working so I think it was about a 4 or 5 hour visit.

I love the cozy-feeling Cast Corporation.

And then this was delivered to the office in the mail.

It’s here !

A sample of the photobook ! ! *

I got to see it first, before anyone else ^ ^ *

I can’t help but feel happy that I get to have a whole book like this.

I’m truly happy.

Once again, to everyone involved in Hashimoto Shohei’s first photobook, thank you very much ! 1

First I want to bring it to my grandma’s house and let her look at it (^^)

Sales begin starting on the 25th, so please check it out ! !

After that, I went to a meeting and dinner get-together for the renewed version of Radio HEY!HEY!TALK! With B.
We talked about what kind of plan we’d put together for the next one, what kind of program we’d try to do, getting really excited just talking about it.

While eating meat, too.

Ah ~

Don’t stretch your dreams ! ! ! *

I look forward to the next HEY!HEY!TALK! With B (^^)


Good evening.

Today on the train I thought, “There are randomly people wearing yukata here huh ~”, and it was because of the fireworks display at Meiji Jinguugaien [神宮外苑] !

The beginning of this year’s fireworks, the display at the Sumida River
It feels like there have been many rainy days, so today seems like a day that the fireworks could be seen clearly ~ …  

By the way, did any of you go to the Jinguugaien fireworks show ? ?

It was nice, nice, wasn’t it

The real pleasure of summer.

I like yukata, so the summer events where everyone’s in yukata seem fun ~

I ended up thinking about stuff like that on the train ! lol
If you think about it, it’s already the end of August.

Everyone, please have a fun summer break until the very end ^ ^

With Sakurai Keito in the training room today !

Ino-chan has always thought Keito-kun is interesting, saying, “He and Shohei are on the same wavelength !” so I’m glad we get to work together this time ^ ^  

It’ll be nice if little by little our plain selves start to show. *

Now then, staring down the script !


Good evening.

Everyone, were you okay in the sudden thunderstorm ! ?
While I was riding the train, I saw a lightning bolt clearly for the first time in a while ~ …

I remembered watching lightning from a window at home during thunderstorms when I was little, with my mother and my older sister.

I would hide my bellybutton while being afraid lol

[T/N: you can read more about this folklore here :) ]

Recently, there are more people practicing in Knight Killers than Knights !

Today, Knight Killers were beautifully coordinated in all black.

Knights is still a different team, and will have a different feel ^ ^ *

With Nito Nazuna’s actor, Natsuki.

The healer of Knight Killers ! lol

Today, 8/19, is Haikyuu!! day.

The current Haikyuu in Jump is heating up, and I’m looking forward to the stage play a lot too ♪

The progress of summer, it looks like this year’s summer is still going to get hotter (^^)

P.S Ino-chan promised to go to the onsen again.

Good evening.

Today was a break from practice, but the training room was open and free for us to use as we pleased so I went and did dance training with Kitamura-no-Ryo-kun !

Hey look, I was sweating so my hair on the right ended up like “kurun” !

[T/N:  didn’t recognize the word here and searching didn’t help… he’s maybe talking about how it was easier to part or push aside because of the sweat… ?]

We practiced reviewing the dances from the beginning so we had time to go over little parts of it in greater detail.  

Anyway, repeating the dances, then putting it to rest. *

That’s all that’s allowed !

It is important with anything to rest.
With studying for a test, and memorizing lines too.

=Sleep is really important !

So everyone, please take time to sleep ! lol

Who… ? ? lol


Good evening.

Finally, there was no rain !

Although yesterday I said that it would be hot today…
The need for long sleeves came, I failed a little. lol

Today’s practice was about putting together the movements and songs for Knights + Knight Killers song practice.

I’m taking part in En-sute starting from this production so as a member of Knights it feels new, and it feels new as a member of Knight Killers too.

Takahisa-kun and Kandai-kun, also in Knight Killers, I wonder what kind of feeling their performance on a different team will have ? ?

I’m already relieved that there are senpai there who will teach me things ! lol

Everyone’s putting in great effort day after day to keep fighting their hardest through practice.

I’ll do my best, taking in lycopene ! lol

Ucchu ~


Good evening.

The rain has kept going recently, hasn’t it…
It feels like all of the rain that didn’t fall during the rainy season is now falling all at once ^^;

The temperatures are chilly too, it felt like October.

It’s an easy temperature to spend time in but
It’s a precious holiday, so I wanted it to go back to being a summer where you want to get in the ocean or a pool.

But tomorrow it looks like it’ll be warm ! !

It seems like I’ll sweat a lot then ~ ^ ^

Now then, we had En-sute practice today too.
We’re advancing really fast, and every day I’m drilling a lot of different things into my mind.

It’s a very serious time right now but
for me, I want to get my body used to it so that I can get the movements down quickly !  

Knight Killers.

It’s a different feeling from when Knights is there !

Getting all kinds of motivations every day
To borrow Leo’s words, it feels like 「my inspiration’s rising ! !」(^^)

During breaks and when practice is over, the teams remaining practice on their own too.
What a serious, hard-working group.

So this is En-sute ! ! !

Let’s keep working at it with all we’ve got.

End of practice Papico is delicious…


Good evening.

Today’s En-sute practice is finished.

We did dance choreography and acting practice today too, and I worked up more of a sweat than I did on day 1 ! lol

Anyway, for the dance this time, I’ll review and review a number of times.

So I can get my body used to it quickly.

I also watched the performances of other teams, and the look of what each of them does differs from team to team.

Watching it is interesting
It’s frustrating but it’s so so cool.

The Knights can’t let anyone defeat them either.

And I ate a lot to make energy for the parts where I’m moving around ! !

Let’s move a lot tomorrow too.

With Naoya

With Kandai and Junya

On the way home, I go back to my house from the station on my bicycle, but the light on the bike path is dim and it’s so scary.
Why is there a glove left behind? *

Cicadas suddenly start chirping.

A cat crossing my path.

It feels like I’m doing a test of courage every day.

I wonder if I’ll even sing songs going back. lol


Good evening.

We safely finished the closing night of Super Evolution Stage「Digimon Adventure tri. ~Adventure on August 1~」.

My sincerest thanks to everyone who came to see us throughout these 10 performances, and those who supported us up to this point ! !

It’s done…

I was able to have a summer that will really remain in my heart.

When the Digimon stage play was confirmed, the first things I thought were, “ The Digimon will evolve in the stage play ! ! How will they do it?”

Of course, thinking the things that everyone thought, I’m part of the generation that’s loved Digimon since childhood so especially because of that, I was thinking the same things as everyone else. *

But when practice started and we opened the box
The belief that it would become something amazing, the intensity of the cast under director Tani-san’s leadership, and the strength of the staff until the end is what came out. *

This group had a really good relationship from the beginning of practice this time, and I think it’s because it was this group that we were able to put this production together.


And the members that operated the Digimon, those Digimon were precious partners with the same feelings that we went off on an adventure with.

My partners Gabumon and Makoto-chan.


During the performances, I watched the scenes I wasn’t in on a monitor backstage, and I got goosebumps every time, like “buaaaah

The sound, video, and lighting were all really amazing.

The strength of the strongest staff team this time was astoundingly great.

Thank you so much for the many things that moved me.

For the people who like Digimon already, of course
and for the people who had never seen Digimon, it definitely ended up being a production that made people love them.

I think everyone was tricked, in a good way !

Being a fan of Digimon, I’m glad I got to take part in this production, and I’m really happy I got to spend time with Digimon.

I want to tell the me from my childhood about this. lol

I got on Omegamon too ^ ^

I want to have an adventure with everyone again, I want to spend time together again.

As the chosen children of this Digi-sute
We’ll be waiting for the day when we’re called on again.

We’ll be separated for a little while until that day comes, but I’m absolutely sure

We will go on an adventure again.



Good evening.

Thank you very much to everyone supporting us, and everyone who came out in the heat today to see Super Evolution Stage「Digimon Adventure tri. ~ Adventure on August 1 ~」!

Today there was a talk show in the daytime, and a high-five party in the evening.

Getting the chance to meet and interact with everyone like this outside of an event, I felt so happy.

In the daytime talk show, we talked about things like when the Digimon evolve during the play, scenes we liked, serious talks, talks of being excited when we were in the dressing room, it was a really fun talk show !

Having fun at the talk show and being heard seriously*, it’s thanks to everyone who laughed a lot !

I’m grateful.

But I can’t believe it…
To do an imitation of Kabuterimon in the dressing room…

Damn Junya… (-_-)

Oh well, I think it was fun even with that included ! lol

And then in the evening, the high-five party.

I got to high-five with everyone for a moment but, it was fun during that, and “I’m coming tomorrow too!” etc. etc.
It was a pleasure to hear from everyone.

It was a little cold in the theater, so people with cold hands, people with warm hands, happy and nervous people, I’m happy we were able to meet all kinds of people ^ ^

Everyone’s thoughts and voices have really become our strength for tomorrow.

Digi-sute will already be ending with tomorrow’s 2 performances, but I want to do my best after having heard everyone’s voices today, and after getting strength from everyone’s letters and blog comments !


We’ll be a good band tomorrow too. *

I wonder how everyone will spend this evening.

Looking back on the performances up to this point
I hope we’re all thinking about the same things before bed.

I hope you’ll help me tomorrow too, Gabumon.

