#short minotaur boyfriend


Back with another monster matchup! This one featuring a short Minotaur and his tall girlfriend! All he wants to do is make some breakfast! *Disclaimer: None of the pics are mine, all credit goes to the original artists!

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-Monster Matchups are CLOSED TEMPORARILY! 

-Requests are OPEN! 

You couldn’t help but laugh quietly at how your boyfriend was pouting up at you, his tail swishing from side to side as a huff came from him. “What? Can’t reach it?” You teased the smaller minotaur gently, another huff came from him as he shook his head. “Need me to get it for you?” You asked with another giggle as your boyfriend merely grumbled in response to the question. 

“Yes please.” He finally sighed after a moment, you reached down and gently ruffled the curly fur on top of his head, he rolled his eyes playfully and shuffled off to the side, waiting for you to grab the pancake mix from the top shelf. 

You reached up and grabbed the pancake mix from the shelf, you placed it down on the counter for him and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. “There you go.” You hummed as you stepped back as Aldran took the mix and immediately began to work on making breakfast for the two of you. With a smile, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and then rested your chin on top of his head. 

He chuckled softly as he flipped one of the pancakes over, tilting his head back he pressed a kiss to your cheek. “Thank you…” He cooed softly as he then focused back on making breakfast with a hum. 

“You don’t need to thank me for getting stuff off of the shelf for you.” You responded as you gave him a gentle squeeze. He huffed softly in response and then turned to face you after he had plated the pancakes. 

“Yes I do, without you I don’t know how I’d make breakfast in the morning since the mix is always up on the top shelf!” He protested, reached up to poke your nose in response, something he always did when he was trying to prove a point. “I need someone tall to stuff down for me, and well, you are tall! Which I love, just like I love you!” He grumbled as he crossed his arms, looking about as menacing as a kitten right now. 

You could only shake your head in response as he rattled on about how great you were as he finished making breakfast, and by the end of it, you had sneaked the mix back up on the top shelf. It gave you something to look forward to in the morning, little did you know that Aldran knew exactly what you were doing and he was more than happy to indulge in it every morning.
