#short rambles



The Logan is the Orange Side theory has been making the rounds after the new episode, for obvious reasons, and I’ve seen it enough that I felt the need to push back against it. 

I am not trying to harass or insult anyone who believes this theory, and if it turns out to be true I will graciously eat the crow I ordered. But in the meantime, part of theorizing is arguing for and against fan theories, and where this one is concerned I am firmly against. 

So, without further ado, here’s 5 reasons why Logan is being influenced by the Orange Side, and is not the Orange Side himself:

That’s Not How the Dark Sides Work

Dark Sides aren’t actually defined by being “dark”- “The Dark Sides” is a nickname Roman gave them and Virgil consistently corrects it to the Others- nor are they inherently different from the Core Sides. What makes the Dark Sides different is that Thomas views them differently; they’re sides he would “prefer not to know about”. What makes a Dark Side a Dark Side is Janus having hidden them away because Thomas didn’t want to accept them as himself, and any other shared qualities are either incidental or ultimately stem from that rejection.

Logan can’t just lose it and decide to be a Dark Side, because who is and is not a Dark Side is ultimately up to Thomas, and Thomas already knows and accepts Logan (and yes, Orange is a Dark Side- he was grouped with them in the svsr thumbnail). Instead, Logan going off the deep end himself would likely turn him into something more like LilyPadton. Even if Thomas suddenly decided he wanted to completely reject Logan- and I cannot see Thomas going that far- it wouldn’t spontaneously turn him into a different Side, it would just make him a Logic who wasn’t accepted.

The other option is for Orange to be some sort of suppressed alter-ego of Logan’s, which he would flip to when sufficiently angered/stressed. This would make Orange a Dark Side as he would have been hidden away from Thomas, but it also goes completely against the established worldbuilding. When Thomas decided to accept one part of Creativity and reject another, it resulted in Creativity splitting “into two parts during [Thomas’] development… Like an ovum.” Following that logic (ha), if there were a Dark Side counterpart to Logic, he should be Logan’s twin, not a Jeckyl-and-Hyde-esque alter-ego or Logan-but-orange. 

It Messes Up the Rainbow

Remember this shirt?


There’s a flower for each Side, with a field of cherry blossoms underneath to represent Thomas. One flower corresponds to one color, which in turn corresponds to one Side.

Keep reading

Yoo this is so cool and I agree 100%!! Not to rain on the parade of the theorists who think Logan is Orange, you guys do you and have fun! But I personally believe it’s a bit more like OP says!

Mostly because of continuity… and Virgil. 

At the end of SvS Virgil tells Thomas to never let Deceit or any of his friendS (plural) hang out for that long ever again. This indicates there IS another side (or more who knows! lol probably not but still more than 1) besides Remus who is coming that Virgil has met before.

At the same time, at the end of Moving On Part 2 Virgil also sort of freaks out about Logan disappearing on them and tells him not to do that again.

I just think that if Logan was Orange, well Virgil would be a lot more defenssive towards him and would definetely not freak out when he was gone in Moving On. Of course there’s the possibility of Logan having an alter ego like OP says, but that contradicts the TSS rules stablished earlier. So yeah! Marvelous arguments OP!

Also please give us another dark side, yes I am ready to draw the little carrot bastard. Thanks. 
