#shoto todoroki fluff


Midnight Brownies - Shoto Todoroki x Reader


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi

MHA Masterlist-Main Masterlist

WARNINGS: Fluff, very very minor injury (a burn from a hot pan)

A/N: Hey hey so this is a drabble that got WAYY out of hand - I did not mean to make it this long, but here we are. Also yes, I know that the GIF is a chocolate cake and not a brownie (I couldn’t find one). Anyways, Hopefully this week the requests in my little inbox should be written and put out, and also, the next chapter of I Burn For You will be out next weekend! Thank you for your patience on both fronts, and for now, enjoy this little drabble!

Word Count: 1.5K


It was already 2:08 a.m., but out on the countertop in front of you was a strawberry cream pie, a chocolate swirl cheesecake, and two full batches of snickerdoodles and gingersnaps. Your hands were on your hips, your fingers pulling a bit on the flour dusted apron that covered the front of your pajamas. Surveying the array of sweet treats you were proud of yourself - until you remembered how late at night, or rather early in the morning, it was to be making this much food. The sound of the oven dinging pulled you from your thoughts as you shoved on your oven mitts and pulled out the yummy, delectable scent of a pan of fresh brownies. With your hip, you closed the oven door and set the chocolate treat on the oven top. Sighing contentedly, you squeezed any thoughts of sleep from your eyes and shook your head.

“Y/N?” Your hand goes to your heart as you spin to find the gaze of your good friend, Shoto Todoroki, looking at you with a confused expression. “What are you doing up so late?” You try and casually laugh, but what comes out is more of a nervous giggle.

“Oh, uh, you know - when inspiration strikes!” You say, trying to motion to all of the baked goods layed out in front of you, but in the process, your elbow comes right into contact with the still burning hot pan behind you. 

“OW! Ow, ow, ow.” You whisper-scream, clutching your arm and trying to blow on the burn. Your attempts, of course, are futile. You glance back up to try and give a “wow, that was a silly move, huh?” look at Shoto, but you find him immediately at your side, holding your arm in his hands. His touch was soft and calculated as his eyes examined your injury - like he’s done this a thousand times before. He was so close to you now and his head was ducked a bit lower, so his hair was close to your face. You could smell the shampoo and conditioner he used -  a fresh, evergreen scent to it. The aroma seemed to weave its way throughout your senses, calming you while at the same time making you anxious.

“It looks like it’s a bad first degree, bordering on a second degree burn. It shouldn’t be too bad or take too long to heal. How bad does it hurt, Y/N/N?” He says, somewhat to you and somewhat to himself. 

“Pretty bad, but I guess that’s kind of punishment for being clumsy.” You say, trying to ease his distress over your injury.

“Hey, being clumsy doesn’t mean you have to be reprimanded for it.” Shoto says seriously. Absent-mindedly, his fingertips barely touch the injury, but it hurts so badly that you hiss through your teeth and try to pull your arm closer to you and away from him. Immediately, his head snaps up so he could meet your gaze, but due to the close proximity, his face is mere inches from yours. You could have sworn that his eyes were on your lips and that he almost moved to close that gap, until he shook his head.

“I’m sorry,” he says quietly and he physically moves himself further away from you.

“It’s fine, it’s fine!” You say, waving your hands in such a way to try and convince him further that he did no wrong. It didn’t do much to console him, though, as he was already several feet away from you and he was looking at all the plates and platters holding the cakes and cookies. “I do it when I can’t fall asleep.” You say, getting him to look up at you again, albeit cautiously. “The baking. It helps and gives my brain something to focus on that’s not anything insane. The recipes are instructions I get to follow with very little wiggle room, so I’m forced to measure out exact cups and teaspoons.” With oven mitts this time, you touch the brownie pan and begin to cut squares with a knife. “And then, when I finally feel tired, I can go back to bed pretty quickly and I have yummy stuff to wake up to in the morning. It’s almost a win-win except for when it’s a school night, because I usually only get four or five hours of sleep. On weekends, though, like tonight it works out perfectly.” You cut the last square and use a spatula to scoop two brownies onto a plate. You walk over next to him and place it onto the counter. “Please have one - as a thank you for looking out for me.” You say, smiling. Tentatively, he plucks one from the plate.

“What do they taste like?” He asks, looking from the brownie up to you. You frown in confusion.

“It’s a brownie - it’s basically like a dense chocolate cake. Have you never had one before?” You ask, getting a shake of his head in response.

“Baked goods were not really a staple in my household.” He said, a small, wistful smile settling on his lips. You gave him a knowing nod.

“Well then, I’m proud that your first brownie will be one made by me.” You grin as he smiles, more surely, at you. He takes a bite and his eyes go wide. “Sooooo?” You prompt, almost on your tip-toes in anticipation.

“I’ve never tasted anything like this before.” A cheshire smile spreads across your cheeks. “This is amazing, Y/N.” You lean back onto the counter, satisfied.

“I’m glad.” You say, a genuine warmth blossoming in your heart. “And please, feel free to take or grab a slice of anything here on the counter. I’m going to have to start putting most of this in the refrigerator or freezer soon anyways.” You move to start gathering some of the tupperware containers in the communal dorm kitchen cabinets, but you brush your hurt elbow against the fabric of your shirt. Wincing, you went to look at it again until Shoto’s hand covered it. Instead of the regular temperature of his kin, a cooling sensation settled onto your blistered skin. It was a relief like you’ve never felt before - massages probably didn’t feel so great or comforting.

“Oh wow, that’s nice.” You sigh, your eyes trained on his hands. The tiniest of ice particles were sprinkling off of his fingers, but no actual ice was crystalizing on your elbow.

“I’ve had some practice healing burns,” he says, playing down his helpfulness. You didn’t press him further on the topic - you knew what happened with him when he was younger. You knew that he had to cradle himself and take care of the burns that his father had inflicted upon him, accidental and non-accidental.

“Well, Sho, thank you for curing my clumsiness. Again. You’ve already had a dessert of mine, I don’t know how else I can pay you back.” You say, leaning into him slightly.

“I might have an idea…” he whispers, so softly that you don’t hear it the first time.

“What?” You ask, your face coming closer to his and a lock of your hair falling from the updo you had tied up. Shoto takes his hand, not the one pressing cool air to your burn, to take that piece of hair and tuck it behind your ear. His hand stayed there, his fingers playing with your hair.

“I, um, said I think I might have an idea.” You nodded, understanding instantly. Slowly, press your lips to his and close your eyes. Neither of you had really ever kissed anyone else before, but it didn’t really matter. The pace of it settled into a languid and sweet one, and quickly, you picked up on how it worked. You each took turns pulling and following, leading and following. You felt his eyelashes tickle your cheeks and you registered how his hand slid from your elbow to your waist, holding you close and flush against him.

You pulled apart slowly but he kept you close, pulling you into a hug.

“I really like you, Y/N.” He confesses, keeping his eyes closed as he holds you tighter to him. “And it’s not just the brownies, it’s everything about you.” You can’t help but laugh at his comment as you nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck.

“I like you too. A lot.” You hum.

While you found yourself enjoying baking that much more due to Shoto’s love of your concoctions, you also found yourself partaking in late night baking much less. Because, whenever there was too much on your mind, one quick text or phone call to the red-and-white boy that you now called your boyfriend would have him knocking on your door. Shoto would settle down next to you on your bed, wrap you in his arms, and whisper sweet nothings into your ears as you drifted off to sleep. “Brownies can wait” he would say as he kisses your cheek, tucking your blankets around your drowsy form. 

“Have sweet, sweet dreams Y/N.”



@luluwiie​​​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@maiacroson​​​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@nerdypuppytimemachine​​​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@softvanlla All-Flora Florist

@catguinsstuff​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@smallxbunny​​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@the-emo-asgardian​​​ ~ Snowbell Florist

@lovers-liability​​ ~ Snowbell Florist
