#shoto fic


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi

Welcome to the fifth of seven works of the Candy Heart Club! Fifth up is Shoto Todoroki with the candy heart saying “Love Bug”. Let me know if you’d like to be added to the event taglist, and as always, the event masterlist is linked right above! Stay sweet and happy February!

Prompt:Shoto Todoroki is all cool and collected until you come into the picture. Now his stomach flips when you give him a smile and he feels his cheeks flush when you give him a high five after training. It’s official - he’s got the bug.

A/N: And here’s the fifth! I had a ton of writing this one - it’s funny and fluffy and Shoto being an unintentional comedian. Aight it’s really late now and I should probs get to bed but yay so happy this one is done and posted! I hope y’all enjoy

Word Count: 1.4K


Shoto Todoroki’s stomach hurt. Well, maybe hurt was not the correct word to use, but it didn’t feel right. “Churning” was too severe a word, Shoto thought. When someone said “churning” it would just make him think of some 1800s person laboriously churning butter. So, obviously, that wasn’t what he was feeling.

Having the butterflies made it seem like something a bit more insignificant. Shoto’s had the butterflies on many occasions. When he visited his mom for the first time since he was eight years old and when Kaminari had teased him about his friendship with you - those were times when calling that feeling “butterflies” was appropriate. What he was feeling was much, much weirder.

Maybe he had some sort of illness, perhaps a stomach flu of somesort. That had to be the answer, because it felt like his organs were currently performing backflips and somersaults as he tried to pay attention to the conversation you and him were having in the Heights Alliance library.

“I just feel like, maybe, if I cut my hair here,” you say, pointing about two or three inches up from the tips of your Y/H/C tresses, “it won’t bother me as much at training as it’s doing right now. I mean, there will still be flyaways that I have to deal with, but I can always get a headband for that.” Your eyes try to find his, but those heterochromatic irises are lost in space. “Shoto?” He shakes himself out of his mental rut.

“Sorry, you were saying?” He asks, embarrassed that he doesn’t remember what you were saying. You smile and wave him off, settling more into your chair.

“It’s no big deal. Where were you just now?” You ask him, earning a shake of his head. He fiddles with his fingers for a bit, glancing at them, before looking back up to you.

“I think I’m sick.” At his words, your eyes go wide.

“Do you- are you nauseous?” You worry, getting up and out of your chair to press your hand against his forehead. If his face didn’t already feel warm, it certainly felt so now. “Jeez Sho, I think you might have a fever or something!” You say, taking your hand back from his skin and frowning.

“Oh, uh, it’s probably nothing like that-”

“We should get you back to your dorm. When I was a kid and ignored the fever I had, I was stuck in bed for days. I don’t want you to get that sick.” The concern on your face was what made him concede. He stood up slowly and stumbled a bit, making you lurch forward to grab his arm, linking it with yours. “You okay?”

“Yes, I think I’m fine,” but the flipping in his stomach turned into an award winning gymnastics routine. He already knew his face was read and his heart was beating quickly, and the only thing he could come up with for an easy out was a not so lovely excuse.

“I, uh, I think I’m gonna throw up.” He says, staggering away from you unceremoniously to heighten the effect of his white lie.

“Like right now? Should I run and get a bucket?!” You exclaim, eyes darting around the room until your eyes latch on a trash can.

“I’m just gonna go back to my dorm.” Shoto says quickly, already moving to scamper off to his dorm.

“Wait-” You were already holding the trash can in your arms when you saw him turn the corner and bolt down the hallway, leaving you dumbfounded amongst the bookshelves. “What the hell just happened.”


Shoto has his hands in his hair as he sits on his bed and his phone by his side. Why’d he have to lie like that? And to get away from you? He likes hanging out with you! He cherishes hanging out with you. He loves hanging out with you! He lovesyou!

He loves you. His eyes go wider than they already are as he lets his head fall back against his bed to stare at the tiled ceiling. Is that why his stomach twists and his face flushes when he sees you? Was he having such a hard time dealing with the reality of him loving someone that his body thinks he’s trying to fight off some life-threatening disease?! Just when he was about to search up “why do crushes make you ill”, his door burst open revealing you weidling a thermometer like a sword. With an angry expression that makes Shoto shut his computer in an instant, you march towards him and grab his jaw. Stunned, Shoto freezes in place as you pry open his mouth and stick the thermometer beneath his tongue. A painfully silent 40 seconds pass between the two of you before you take the device out and look at the reading.

“98.6 degrees fahrenheit - literally a perfect temperature. I see no disarray in your room so as to make me believe you either threw up in a bucket or in the toilet, so you’re not sick.” You speak like an attorney proving the most damning piece of evidence in a court case and Shoto feels like he’s the guilty defendant put up on trial.

“Well, uh, maybe the thermometer is wrong-”

“Shoto, what is up with you? I put my hand on your forehead to check for a fever and then you sprint from the room as soon as I try to help. Is it something I did?” You ask, exasperation leaking from your voice. Did I- oh my god I didn’t even ask if it was okay to check your temperature.” You realize, your hands going up to your cheeks in horror. “Shoto, I am so sorry.” The red-and-white haired boy just waves his hands in front of his face and shakes his head.

“No, no, it’s not that. It’s fine, it was fine when you did that.” He says, reassuring you. A confused expression crosses your face as you let your hands fall back against your side.

“Then, what was it? It really did look like you were about to be sick all over the room back there. Your face was really red and your skin felt all flushed and clammy.” As you sit down next to him, he moves a couple of inches away from you. Looking down at the new space in between the two of you, your lips tug into a slight frown. “Is it me?” Your voice, a sort of airy vacancy gracing your tone that wasn’t ever present before when you were speaking. And Shoto’s heart broke a bit hearing it.

“No it’s not you. Well, I mean, it is you-”

“Right. Got it-”

“But in the best way!” He exclaims, grabbing onto your hands and holding them in his. Your eyes widen and, this time, your face feels hot and flushed.

“Uh-yeah, um I think I get what you mean now.” You mumble.

“You do?” You don’t respond verbally, but your frantic nod says enough. “I was, uh, going to look it up. Why it makes me feel like that when you smile at me.”

“For the same reason it makes me feel like that when you hold my hands.” You breathe, a fluttery laugh tumbling from your mouth. “You’ve got the bug. The lovebug.” And just like that, you’re back. He chuckles a bit before laying down on his bed, more gracefully this time, and opening his arm as an invitation for you to do the same. You flop beside him with a silly grin on your face. Without hesitation, you place a kiss on his cheek, but at the last second, he turns to look at you. Your lips meet his and Shoto pulls back instantly.

“Are you okay with me kissing you?” He asks, allowing you to back out of the accidental kiss if you wanted to.

“Yeah. Just don’t throw up on me when you do, okay?” You quip. Shoto rolls his eyes and cups your cheek.

“C’mere,” he says, latching his lips onto yours. As his lips crash back into yours, you sigh in content and relish in the moment. You think the feeling of your heart quickening when he steps into the room and the butterflies he gets in his stomach will lessen and eventually go away, but the root of those feelings will always stay. You love him and he loves you - a bug that you would happily be subject to for the rest of your life.



❤ Message or comment to be added to the Candy Hearts Club taglist! ❤






Regular Taglist:

@luluwiie​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@maiacroson​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@nerdypuppytimemachine​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@voilawind ~ All-Flora Florist

@catguinsstuff​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@smallxbunny​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@the-emo-asgardian​ ~ Snowbell Florist

@lovers-liability ~ Snowbell Florist


Melt My Heart - Shoto Todoroki x Reader


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi

Welcome to the first of seven works of the Candy Heart Club! First up is Shoto Todoroki with the candy heart saying “Melt My Heart”. Let me know if you’d like to be added to the event taglist, and as always, the event masterlist is linked right above! Stay sweet and happy February!

Prompt: Everything he does is just so sweet. Whether it’s holding your hand on the way back to Heights Alliance or leaving you flowers. You notice a little something that missing - that passion to melt your heart. 

A/N: So excited to kick off Candy Heart Club! I had to start off with Shoto cause he’s my #1, but I did something a little different with his character. Of course, since it’s a Valentine’s Day event, he’s gotta be sweet and caring and lovely and fluffy BUT I wanted to make it a bit more dramatic and passionate B/C VALENTINE’S DAY!!

Word Count: 1.6K


Shoto Todoroki was dreamlike. Seemingly plucked from a Jane Austen novel, he was a modern-day Elizabethan era gentleman. He asks you to go on dates with him, not to hang out in his dorm room. He leaves you bundles of dried lavender by your door with a simple little love note tied to it. He tells you that you’re beautiful when you join him for breakfast in the common room, even though your hair is sticking in wonky directions and you’re pretty sure that there was drool crusted onto your cheek. Reassuring, polite, lovely. Everything a girl could want…well, sort of. There was always something missing from those dates and notes and compliments. They lacked fire.

When he walked you back to your dorm after a late night date, he’d simply smile and say ‘sweet dreams’ - no goodnight kiss. The notes held sweetness but were a bit short of passion. His compliments tended to stay strictly on a kids’ movie level. You loved it all, you loved him. But you were craving that romantic movie moment. Sometimes you just want him to drop his sweet demeanor and have him drag you to the edge of a cliff so you could yell ‘I’m flying!’ while wrapped in his arms. But, fire has ruled too much of his life - his father made sure of that - so you were fine with sweet and kind and caring, even if you had to resort to daydreaming about him ensnaring you in a fiery kiss every now and then.

Your dinner date had been exquisite. The food was incredible and the terrace you dined on was something out of a painting. Of course, you’d expect nothing less from Shoto. The sun had already started to set by the time the two of you had gotten up from your table, but the massive gray rain clouds that were overtaking the sky cast a darker lens over the world. Your hand was in his, swinging a little between the two of you as you took your time walking back to UA grounds. It’s quiet, but it’s comfortable. The part of town you were in was definitely still very city-like but quaint. Kind of like every scene in a movie set in an idealized Paris - without the litter and crowds. The one with different pastel-colored townhouses and curling iron railings. You almost expect someone to open up the shutters of their window to start singing a verse. Whilst you’re pleasantly distracted, Shoto has his eyes trained on the ground, focusing on every step forward. You only notice when you’re dawdling a little, marveling at a flower box with perfect looking flowers - seriously, they could probably win awards if there was a competition for it - and Shoto tugs your hand a bit more forward. You blink a bit in confusion and give him a tentative smile.

“Hey, is everything okay?” You ask, earning a quick nod from him.

“Yes, there’s just this gelato shop that closes before 8:00 that I planned for us to go to.” You frown, perplexed.

“But you don’t like gelato.” You point out, gaining a moment of pause. You register the varied pitter-patter of raindrops beginning to hit the ground and Shoto tenses.

“In that book you like, don’t the characters share a bowl of gelato?” He poses, getting a small laugh from you.

“Yeah, but what does that have to do with us and our date?” Shoto’s cheeks flush just a bit, clearly embarrassed.

“It’s romantic.” He mumbles, suddenly finding his shoes very interesting. You nod as a raindrop plops onto your shoulder.

“Yes, romantic for them,” You say, shifting your weight from one foot to the other, “because they both really like gelato. I know you don’t like it and I find it mediocre at best - kind of overrated, even, in my opinion.” Trying to add a bit of humor to your statement didn’t really have an affect on Shoto, causing your confusion to grow into concern. “Shoto, can you tell me what’s going on?” For the first time, Shoto looks frazzled. He seems uncertain about the entire situation. His gaze flits around wildly from you to the townhouses to the rain-filled sky, to the ever-growing intensity of the rain on the pavement.

“Let’s go, we don’t want to get poured on,” Shoto begins to say, but you keep your feet planted.

“I don’t mind the rain, but Sho. What’s going on?” You ask, worry coating your voice. Just as the Shoto had observed, the rain started falling at a much faster rate, coating your clothes and making your hair stick to your neck whilst his was becoming slicked to his forehead, little drops falling from the ends of it. Even though he was clearly upset at something, you couldn’t help but admit that he looked seriously attractive. Not handsome. He looked hot

The rain is heavy now, just shy of pouring, while you’re looking at him. The sundress that you were wearing was weighing more heavily on your shoulders and drops were gathering on your lashes. And it’s romantic. It’s so, so romantic, and you can’t help it. Your lips quirk up in a smile, that spreads to a grin, that erupts into a giggle. Shoto snaps his head up to meet yours.

“Y/N?” He says, a little confused. You look up to the sky and let your hair hang back, letting the rain fall freely onto your face. It’s absolutely pouring now and you should be shivering, but Shoto’s holding your hand. And you feel warm.

“I’m sorry, it’s just… I’m so freakin’ in love with you.” You blurt, laughing through the rain and tilting your head to meet Shoto’s gaze. He’s shocked and he’s beet red. 

“Wha, what? But, how, what?” He asks, looking around, trying to gain some clarity into the situation. “But I had this whole plan on how to say it to you.” He explains, earning more giggles from you.

“By sharing gelato? And trying not to grimace through eating it while you tell me you love me?” You get out, doubling over in laughter. Shoto’s lips pressed together and a playful smile sprouted from them.

“Hey, no laughing!” He says, a chuckle starting to come from him.

“That’s what you were freaking out over!” You explain, pointing at him like you’re an attorney finding the defendant guilty. He puts his hands up in confession and lets himself laugh freely. “I’ve got you down to a “t” Shoto Todoroki, I know your moves before you make ‘em!” Shoto’s smile turns quickly into a smirk, an expression you’ve never seen on him.

“Oh yeah? So how will I kiss you then?” He prompts, adding a shake to your laugh.

“Uh, what?” You say. He takes a step closer and you can now see the clearly defined muscles beneath his wet white buttoned down shirt.

“You say you’ve got me down to a “t”. Tell me how you imagined our first kiss going.” You look around, heat growing on your cheeks.

“Oh, I dunno…” you say, looking around.

“I know you’ve imagined it before. Tell me how it goes.” He says, losing the bit of cockiness he gained and replacing it with complete sappy kindness. You purse your lips, but to your dismay, it bleeds into a silly little smile.

“You’d walk me back to my dorm and kiss me goodnight. It’s sweet, quick - a little nervous. But it’s darling and gentlemanly. Just like you.” You admit. Shoto’s so close to you now.

“I’m so sorry Y/N. I love watching you succeed and be content.” His hand moved to tangle itself in your hair. “But you’re going to have to be wrong just this once.” And then his lips are on yours. It’s fiery and it’s feverish and it sets off fireworks. Your hands go immediately to his shirt, grabbing onto the wet material and holding onto it. His other hand sweeps around your waist, holding you flush against him as his mouth moves against yours. You’re kissing Shoto Todoroki in the pouring rain - and you’re melting. You’re sugar melting from water but here’s Shoto, keeping you together, holding you in his arms. You are breathless and it’s utterly exhilarating. And then it becomes increasingly aware that if you didn’t breathe in oxygen soon, you might pass out. You were fine with that result, but Shoto - ever the observer - pulled the two of you apart slowly and rested his forehead against yours. 

“My heart’s beating so fast.” You breathe, because really, it’s the only thing you could manage to say.

“Me too.” He says, his embrace of you growing more tender than fervent, like the two of you had all the time in the world.

“We’re gonna catch a cold if we stay out here much longer.”

“Yeah.” He says, now pressing soft, light kisses to your cheeks, your forehead, your nose. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” The two of you are silent for a moment.

“This is so much better than gelato.” He admits, resulting in you throwing your head back in laughter and a wide grin spreading across his face.

“You melt my heart.” You confess.

“That’s cheesy - like your previous idea of our first kiss.” You giggle and take his hand in yours again, tugging him along the street more quickly towards UA.

“Hey, I still like that idea a lot. But you’re right, I was wrong about the outcome.”

“It can be our second kiss then.” He says, squeezing your hand. And there he was again. Reassuring, polite, lovely. “So you can be partially right.” And fiery.


Event Taglist:

Message or comment to be added to the Candy Hearts Club taglist!




Regular Taglist:

@luluwiie​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@maiacroson​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@nerdypuppytimemachine​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@voilawind ~ All-Flora Florist

@catguinsstuff​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@lovers-liability​ ~ Snowbell Florist

@smallxbunny​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@the-emo-asgardian​ ~ Snowbell Florist

@lovers-liability​ ~ Snowbell Florist


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi

Event Masterlist-MHA Masterlist-Main Masterlist

WARNINGS: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluffy Ending

Requested by: Anonymous

(hey i wanted to request silly girl by chloe moriondo with shoto???)

A/N: Here I am with another Todoroki fic! I’m pretty happy with how it turned out - it’s not a typical kind of fic that I’d write about Shoto, but I think the song paired nicely with it. It’s more serious than sweet I would say, but def fluffy at the v end. Also this song is so good omg. Anyways, thank you so much for requesting this within the event, I hope you love it!!!

Word Count: 1.6K

Shoto Todoroki gave you butterflies. He gave you that head-over-heels, “kicking your feet in the air” kind of feeling that makes you realize you’re in love. And not just that casual crush kind of thing - it was the kind of love where you smiled at him whenever you walked into class. That kind of love where you looked at him first after you finished a presentation, to see if he was nodding his head in agreement with your statements. 

He appeared to be too good for the world, too lovely. When there was even a shadow of a smile, a chorus of angels seemed to sing and shine a halo on top of his head. He learned and spoke and trained with such grace and poise, like a ballerina not breaking a sweat during a difficult variation. His clothes were always ironed and fit him well and his hair flopped over his forehead in such a way that it looked like someone had meticulously set every strand into its place purposefully and methodically. To you, Shoto Todoroki was perfect.

What you didn’t know was that after he closed the door to his dorm room, he could do little to prevent himself from collapsing on his floor, his head in his hands. You didn’t know that some nights he would get so sad thinking about his family that he’d cry until he was hiccuping and felt like he was about to throw up. Or about the way he’d wrap himself in a blanket so tightly it felt like his mother giving him a hug, even though he hadn’t had one from her since he was eight years old. Shoto Todoroki was not a pristine tea plate in a fine china set. He was cracked. Falling apart. Broken.

But Shoto hid it well. He placed that soft indifferent mask on his face and went about his day, trying to force that worry and insecurity and heartbreak down, down beneath that facade. No slipping up, no making a scene. Perfection.

You weren’t meant to be up this late, however, a strong urge for a cup of tea had you out of your bed and walking down the hallways. It was late at night, or rather, really early in the morning so all of your classmates’ dorm lights were turned off. As you passed door after door, it was kind of funny. Some had white noise turned on, others calming piano music. Just another thing that made you love dorm life so much - the individuality. However, something was starkly out of place. The further down you walked, the more light seemed to be spilling out of a door. Cracked open just a smidge, you frowned. Who on earth is up this late? You thought to yourself, your feet carrying you a little quicker to the light source. Peeking at the name plate next to the door you sucked in a breath. Etched onto the plastic read the name “Shoto Todoroki”. You shook your head, taking a step back. It’s not my business to question why he’s up so late. You tell yourself, looking towards the end of the hallway where the common room lay, begging you to come and make a cup of tea. However, when you heard a faint sniffle, your head snapped back to his door. Not. My. Business, you force into your brain. Squeezing your eyes shut and spinning back around, you make to get your warm beverage. What stops you dead in your tracks is when you hear a cry. A cry, coming from Shoto’s room. Shoto was crying.

You knock softly, not too loud to wake anyone up but loud enough for him to hopefully hear. Immediately, the sniffles and quiet sobs stopped. You looked towards the ground to see a shadow slowly appearing and becoming bigger as he moved towards the door. It creaked open gently, and as soon as you saw his face, a part of you crumbled. His hair was messy, his pajamas rumpled. His heterochromatic eyes were glazed over with tears and tinged with red. You could see that his cupid’s bow was a bit wet as well, probably due to a runny nose.

“Oh, L/N. Did you need something?” He asked, however it came out more like a statement. You opened and closed your mouth a few times, trying to think of what to say before shaking your head. “Alright then, good night.” He says, moving to shut the door. You’re too quick, though, placing a hand on the door to prevent any further movement.

“I don’t need something,” you say a bit shyly, though your eyes gave a steadier impression, “but I think you do.” He said nothing, but continued to look at you. It felt like you were at a stalemate in a game of chess, neither of you were budging. Until the red-and-white haired boy conceded and swept the door open quickly, making you stumble into the room and almost fall face-first onto the floor. He didn’t say anything, but sat down on his futon quietly. “I just, uhm,” you begin, fiddling with your fingers and trying your hardest to not make a fool of yourself. “I wanted to make sure that you’re okay.” He looked up at you quickly after you said that and slightly narrowed his eyes.

“Does it seem to you like I’m ‘okay’?” You swallowed slightly and shook your head, more confident this time.

“No, it doesn’t seem like that. You’re one of, if not, the most put together people I know. This doesn’t really seem like you.”

“On the contrary, this happens quite often, it’s just that no one knows.” He says, laying down and staring at the ceiling.

“Is there anything I can get you to help? I was actually on my way to get a cup of tea, but maybe you might like a pillow or something to hold on to-”

“No, nothing tangible will help with this.” Shoto says, his tone a bit cold.

“What about if I listen?”

“Listen to what?”

“Whatever is troubling you. I don’t judge, I promise.” Shoto snorts a bit at your response.

“Didn’t you just say I’m so put together? You were alluding that I am someone who is perfect, so this will certainly prove to be troubling to your idea of me.”

“Perceptions change and people have layers.” You say simply, laying down on the floor next to him. “I like to get to know people, and if you’re not completely who I thought you were, who cares? It’s not people’s ideas of you who matter most.” You don’t see it, but he cracks a small smile.

“Okay then.” And so he tells you. He tells you everything that makes him cry and worry and keeps him up at night. He cries through most of it as he confesses the darkness of his life, both in fear of it finally coming to light and relief. Relief that another person now knows what’s been troubling him since infancy. He tells you how his mother was taken away from him before the age of ten after she scarred his face. He tells you about his father and how every part of that man’s being plagues him. He confides in you about his siblings and how detached he felt from them, and how he was too young to know his older brother that died. He tells you how completely cracked and shattered he truly feels.

“Todoroki, do you know what kintsugi is?” You ask, your eyes growing a little droopy from drowsiness but still fighting to stay open. You see him shake his head out of the corner of your eye. You take a breath, and then continue. “It’s an art where people repair broken pottery, china, and other stuff like that by sort of gluing the pieces back together with gold. It’s so that people know it was previously broken, but it’s made even more beautiful than it originally was with pretty golden seams.” You shift your head to look at Shoto to find he was already looking at you, a fresh wave of tears in his eyes. A couple of your own start to slip down your cheeks as you smile widely at him. “And I know that you said you were broken. I believe you truly were. But I see the gold that binds you back together. You’re not perfect. You’re not without flaws. But you’re incredible, and admirable, and so completely brave for being able to live what you’ve lived through and be who you are.” And, for the first time, Shoto smiles at you - truly smiles at you. It’s wobbly and his lips were stained with salty tears, but he was smiling. “And so many people love you for it. All of us do. So please don’t be afraid to cry in front of us or confide in us. Please be you with us.” You say, basically pleading. Shoto chuckles a bit and nods his head. A smile graces your cheeks as you sit up. “Good” You say simply, standing up and smoothing out your pajamas.

“Are you going?” He asks, standing up quickly.

“While it is Saturday tomorrow, it’s also 2:30 in the morning, so I should probably get some sleep.” You sigh, yawning. He nods but looks slightly crestfallen. You hold his hands and give him a sleepy grin. “I’m going to bed, but I’ll be awake in the morning. Come find me then, okay?” You say, earning a squeeze of your hand back. “Sweet dreams, Shoto.” You say, slipping from his room into the dark of the night.

“Sweet dreams, Y/N.” He whispers, turning off his light and falling onto his futon. For the first time in years, he doesn’t have nightmares. Instead, when his head hit the pillow, he found himself dreaming of you. 

Taglist (Let me know if you want to be added!):

@luluwiie​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@maiacroson​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@nerdypuppytimemachine​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@voilawind ~ All-Flora Florist

@catguinsstuff​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@lovers-liability​ ~ Snowbell Florist

@vdoesthings​ ~ All-Flora Florist


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi

MHA Masterlist-Main Masterlist

WARNINGS: Major Injury (and descriptions of it including blood and all the yucky stuff that comes along with it), slight angst, comfort

A/N: Okay so I had the idea, thought it was gonna be like 1.5K words max, and it turned out to be 3.6K. Idk what happened, but I just got super into it and let it take me where it took me. I love a good hurt comfort ESPECIALLY when it’s an injury/sickness, and I realized I hadn’t really written one for a Shoto x reader! So, here it is. I always appreciate feedback and constructive criticism, so please feel free to leave recommendations, observatiosn, or greetings in the comments! My next post will be a request from @smallxbunny which are some Shinso headcanons! They should be out within the week <3. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this one!

Word Count: 3.6K


Bad things have happened on missions before. Puncture wounds, falling unconscious, and gashes over your legs and arms were not uncommon occurrences when fighting villains. What was nice was that when you and your coworkers would get scooped up by a helicopter, armored car, or even an undercover ice cream truck, there would be healers. People with quirks - like U.A. ’s beloved Recovery Girl - would be there to lend a helping hand, healing your wounds and setting your bones with a wave of their hand or a kiss on the cheek. But today… today those helicopters and armored cars and ice cream trucks would not be able to get to you. Recovery Girl and those healers would not be able to squeeze their way through the shallow opening of the cave composed of rubble that you were currently trapped in. This was a bad thing. A very, very bad thing.

Your breaths were becoming shallower with each passing moment. Has it been three hours since you’ve been stuck in this cage made up of rocks or has it only been thirty minutes? You have no idea - your concept of time has been stripped from you ever since you were knocked out. But now you were awake, and you knew of only three things.

One. It was dark, but little beams of light wedged its way through the cracks and fissures that separated the boulders. That meant it had to be day or you were in a place with a lot of light. You had begun this mission at dawn this morning, so that had to have meant you’ve been here for only about two hours.

Two. The pain in your torso was unbearable. You had let your fingers travel to feel your skin beneath your hero costume, just above where the supposed injury was. When you lift your hand, your fingers are covered in blood. Dark, red, blood.

Three. The man across from you is freaking out. Pacing back and forth, hands running themselves through his red and white hair, eyes wide. You understood, though. If it was him in your place, you’d be doing the same thing. You probably would be a step further - pulling your hair out and crying, maybe. Because he was your best friend. And you were his.

You cough a couple times, eliciting a gasp of pain from your throat. Immediately, Shoto’s by your side, crouching down and looking at you. His hand went up to cup your cheek, trembled, and then he set it back down by his side. A tired smile spread across your cheeks, your eyelids droopy.

“You can do that,” you say softly, gaining Shoto’s eyes on yours. “I don’t mind.” His smile was tight-lipped, but he obliged, letting his shaking hand cradle your cheek. You let the weight of your head fall into his calloused palm.

“I tried radioing to the team that we need backup ASAP.” He murmurs, brushing the stray strands of your hair from your face, tucking them behind your ears. From his tone of voice, you knew that the result was not successful.

“We’re gonna be here for a while, huh?” You say, feeling faint and a little queasy. Shoto nods, an apologetic look on his face. You scanned him quickly - there were no incredibly bad injuries, just little cuts across his arms and it looked like he got nicked on the cheek when the two of you got trapped. Two or three of the little capsules on his utility belt were missing.

“It looks like it - but everything should be okay. You were only knocked out, right? Nothing else too bad?” Shoto asked, the back of his hand coming up to feel your forehand. The second his hand touched your skin, he retreated it immediately.

“Damn, your forehead feels incredibly hot – do you have a fever? Were you feeling bad this morning?” Swallowing was hard since your mouth was incredibly dry, but that’s the only reaction you could put forth. You were feeling perfectly fine this morning - the both of you knew that. Chipper as always, with a cup of coffee in your hands, you were in perfect health. That only meant one thing.

“I guess I have one now,” you say, heaving a deep breath. You try and pry your hero suit open, just around your abdomen, when your best friend turns around, a light flush taking residence upon his cheeks. “Sho,” you say breathlessly. “You need to turn around, because you need to help me.” The tremble in your voice was what did it for him. You never let yourself express pain like that before - not even when a villain had sliced a gash clean open on your calf.

“Okay, tell me what I have to do.” Shoto asked, curiosity and worry thick in his words. You let your head lean back on the rock wall, looking up at the speckled “ceiling.” You closed your eyes and breathed in and out, willing yourself not to cry.

“There’s a zipper at the top of my costume. I need you to pull it down. I have a black tank top underneath, so don’t worry about… just don’t worry.” You describe, your arms falling at your side. Nodding, Shoto steps forward, finding the zipper just underneath your chin. His fingers brushed your jaw for just a second before he slowly started unzipping your outer jacket. Finally, it zipped off and he was able to peel it away, only to suck in a breath. His eyes landed on the spot that your tank top was covering, soaked in blood and a clear, defined cut in the fabric.

“Y/N…” he says, his voice quiet but laced with heavy distress.

“You’ve gotta,” you start, taking a big breath in between your words, “peel the top up. To look at the wound.” You felt incredibly bad that you had to put him in this position. You’ve known Shoto long enough to know he was squeamish - in high school whenever someone got a flesh wound, he’d not-so-subtly excuse himself or disappear from the scene. Here, however, he didn’t bat an eye. He grabbed the bottom of the black fabric and pulled up, earning a wince on your face and a slight groan of pain. You could tell just from his face it was bad. 

When you finally got a good look at your injury, you wanted to vomit. The skin surrounding it was blotchy and discolored with pus leaking out. 

“Y/N,” Shoto began, voice wavering. He finally meets your gaze again, and you wish you could rid his eyes of all that worry and concern. “What the hell happened out there.”


Things were going okay. Actually, better than okay. Things were going great. The stealth part of the mission had been a success - the undercover team had gotten the documents that your agency required you to secure and they were only two minutes away from the safe spot where you, Shoto, and the rest of your team were waiting. It was a little spot in the woods and the ground was quite clear, so you resorted to hiding up in the trees. The smell of pine was lulling you into a comfortable silence as you leaned up against the trunk. Your legs were dangling off of a branch and you let them swing. But then a strangled voice on your intercom broke through.

“Mayday! Mayday! Y/H/N do you copy?!” Quickly, you lept into action and touched your ear, enabling your microphone.

“I copy! What’s your status!?” On pure instinct, you’re gliding through the woods, jumping onto tree branches and swinging from tree to tree.

“We need backup, stat! We’re right near the entrance, villains on our tail!”

“On it, I’ll be there in thirty seconds.” And, true to your word, you were there. Taking down villain after villain, you were successful in getting the undercover team out. Scanning quickly around the area, it seemed to be clear.

“Not even leaving one for me,” you smiled as you heard Shoto’s voice, his arms crossed and a faux-unimpressed expression on his face.

“Gotta be quicker next time Sho,” you chirp, jogging to his side and giving him a nudge with your elbow, “I wanna see you use that new move of yours at some point.” Shoto tilts his head and gives you a small smile. You should’ve been more aware of your surroundings. You shouldn’t have been so concerned about if your hair looked kind of crazy or if there was something in your teeth. But it was Shoto walking next to you, giving you a smile, and a slight breeze was ruffling his hair. You couldn’t really focus if his hair was behaving like that.

That was when they struck. Hiding in the shadows, three villains pounced upon the two of you. One was made up of a sort of slime, able to spread and encircle both you and Shoto. The two of you scrambled into a back-to-back position, ridding yourselves of any blind spots. But that didn’t matter. The villain facing Shoto raised his gemstone and mineral-covered arms, plowing out the earth beneath yours and your best friend’s feet, sending you down, down, down. That would’ve been enough, however the villain facing you must’ve felt left out. It seemed like they were throwing out her shoulder, like they were trying to effectively dislocate it from their body. Instead of squealing in pain, though, the villain let her arm transform into a drill barbed with some sort of liquid and sent it plunging beneath your armored jacket, right into your torso. In less than a blink, you were left unconscious – the only thing you registered before falling into darkness was Shoto’s arms around you, one holding you to his body and the other bracing your head, his cheek on yours and his head tucked in.


“Barbed arm,” you say as Shoto unclipped his utility belt, unhooking all of the little capsules. “Right before we fell, she got me,” you huffed, a slight laugh accompanying your words. Shoto clicked his tongue and shook his head as he examined the capsules, only finding bandages and burn cream in the ones he had.

“Dammit, dammit!” He hissed, taking the capsules and shoving them to the side. He was sitting with his back turned to you, staring at his hands.

“Just bandage me up, I’m fine,” you say, trying to convince the red-and-white haired man that he had some control over the situation.

“Y/N/N… Y/N/N you have blood poisoning. You need help, now.” He had no control over this situation. All he could do was sit and watch as your status worsened. And that it did.

Chills began to rack your entire body, shaking your entire frame. Shoto did decide to bandage it, even though it wouldn’t help or hinder your injury – it was more for your and his sake. He was currently at your side, watching in a panic as you tried to hold yourself and get some warmth from your hands into your body, but to no such avail. Wordlessly, he scooched you forward and situated himself behind you. His arms settled around your frame and held you into him, more into his left side. You were out of it, but you were conscious enough to feel his breath grace the back of your neck.

“…warm…” You murmur, nuzzling your head into the left side of his neck. You were sweating buckets even though you were cold and there was definitely dried spit crusted on your cheeks, but Shoto made no move to push you aside. In fact, he held you closer to him.

“You can fall asleep Y/N.” He whispers into your ear, “I won’t let you go.” You let your entire weight fall onto him and your eyes fluttered closed. 

You felt so weak, so frail in his arms that he didn’t quite know what to do with himself. One of the capsules he had happened to lose during the fight held poison relief and pills that would break fevers. He wanted to kick himself so hard for losing those - even if it couldn’t have fully cured you, it would have helped ease your discomfort. Instead, here you were lying on the ground, feeling the full forces that blood poisoning brought with it.

He knew that this was not something they could wait out - within the next twenty-four hours, they needed to be out of this man-made cave and chasm. Every two minutes he would religiously check the signal on his earpiece, and every time he felt more panic work its way through his brain. Someone needed to be there, someone had to have heard them and were just trying to find the best way to locate the both of you. Shoto’s gaze fell back onto your sleeping face. Your mouth was parted just slightly and your eyes were kind of scrunched up, leading him to believe that your doze was more fitful than restful. Normally, you were a falcon – adaptable, energized, always ready for the next mission with a can-do attitude and a toothy-grin on your face. Now, you were a baby bird who had fallen out of its nest before it could fly.

You woke with a start, and no matter how much comfort you felt in Shoto’s arms, you were now burning up and completely nauseous. You scrambled away from him to the farthest possible corner and began retching, but nothing came of it. You hadn’t had food or water recently, which in your opinion, made it even worse. To make matters even worse, the bandages on your stomach peeled off to reveal an even uglier looking wound. The blood poisoning had taken a turn for the worse, the discoloring traveling farther up your torso and climbing onto your upper body. In short, it felt like you were living through hell. Finally, you let yourself let go. As one of your hands braces itself on a rock and the other holding back your hair, you cried and moaned in pain, letting the tears fall freely from your eyes.

“Oh Y/N…” He says softly, causing you to now sob.

“When are they going to come Sho…” You cried, your face sticky with sweat and tears. Shoto wanted to lie and say that they were coming soon. That they were on their way with healers and people to help. But he couldn’t give you that false hope – that would be crueler than giving you the cold, hard truth.

“I don’t know, I don’t know.” He says, turning you around gently and enveloping you in a hug.

“Can you get us out of here? Use a ‘heaven-piercing ice wall’ or something?” You beg of him.

“That would risk all of this rock crushing us both, not to mention leaving us open to those villains coming back.” You knew he was right, but it didn’t make you feel better. And of course, like everything was coming to a front, water began to pitter-patter through the cracks of the rocks. It was raining. Instantly, Shoto was bringing you to the most covered corner and he dragged his back down on the rock covered wall, setting you in his lap. “It’s okay, I’ve got you.” He promises, letting you hide your face in the crook of his neck. Suddenly, you became aware of everything that had just happened to you and what you looked like. Flushed and clammy, blood covered and tear-crusted.

“I’m sorry you have to deal with me like this,” you confess, not letting your face leave where it was positioned.

“Don’t apologize,” Shoto says, a stern look in his eyes. “And Y/N…” His words trail off, like he’s hesitating to finish what he was saying. You hum to try and get him to continue. “Don’t worry about what you think you look like. You’re always beautiful, no matter the time of day, no matter what you’re doing.” If you weren’t already flush, you sure were now.

“You’re,” you have to take a deep breath to get enough oxygen, “too nice.” You feel Shoto shake his head.

“I’m not lying,” he says, holding you closer to him, careful to avoid pressing on your wound that he had rebandaged. “Whenever the agency calls us in at 3 a.m. and we all show up in our pajamas, everyone’s hair is a mess, you look beautiful. When you have cuts and gashes all over your arms and legs from a messy bout with a villain, you look beautiful. Right now,” he says, letting his head rest softly on yours, “you’re beautiful.” He lets silence settle, thinking you might’ve fallen asleep as he was rambling. But a small kiss to his neck from your chapped lips made him freeze up.

“You’re beautiful…” you breath out, utterly exhausted. His cheeks heat up but he doesn’t move his head away from yours. He rocks you a bit in his arms, to comfort you, yes, but to also comfort himself.

“I first thought you were beautiful at U.A. It was at the school festival during our first year when you were helping Ashido teach the rest of our class how to dance. You were practicing in that yellow dress. The outfit itself was sort of awful looking, but you had such a big smile on your face. You looked radiant.” He smiled a little to himself, looking back on that memory. “And then, of course, at the agency banquet last year. I don’t know why they insisted on it being black tie, but everyone participated, so it wasn’t too bad. You were breathtaking – in that floor-length gown and your hair done-up. And then you asked me to dance with you to that slow song you like. I think that’s when I fell in love with you.” Your breathing pattern was slow and steady, signaling to him that you were sound asleep. He breathed deeply through his nose and let his head fall back onto the rocks, watching the water wane in volume. “The storm must be clearing up,” he remarks, messing with the radio in his ear as its presence became increasingly more uncomfortable.

“That it is, Pro-Hero Shoto.” He jolted and accidentally woke you up as the voice spoke to him steadily through his earpiece. He brought two of his fingers up to press on the transmitter.

“Home-free, do you copy?!” Shoto said, his voice wavering in disbelief.

“Loud and clear, Shoto – is Y/H/N with you?”

“Yes, we are in need of immediate medical assistance. Her status is bad and getting worse – blood poisoning.”

“Copy that. We’re right above you and got the machines to remove the rocks. We’ve also got Recovery Girl in the chopper.”

“Copy,” Shoto says, letting out a breath full of relief and exhaustion, “Over and out.”

With a kiss on the cheek from Recovery Girl and Shoto’s hand in yours, the relief you felt was so instant and lovely. The discoloring went away in a jiffy, followed by the sealing of your wound.

“Feeling better?” Shoto asks you, sitting down in the helicopter seat next to the cot you were resting in. You nodded and let a smile grace your visage again.

“Much,” you admit, letting your hand settle on your stomach where the nasty infection had once been. “Shoto, I don’t know how I could possibly repay you-”

“You do not have to do anything, Y/N. Nothing. I’m just glad you’re okay.” You huff in protest but ultimately nod.

“I first thought you were beautiful the second I saw you.” Shoto’s eyes widened at your words. “I was sitting at my desk, waiting for Mr. Aizawa to start class, and in you walked. Your shirt was all pressed and ironed to perfection, your tie was a mirror image of one you’d find on a model… and I hope you know that you’re naturally gorgeous.” Shoto looked away, blushing at your words. “And I first fell in love with you during that dance too.” His head whipped back to look at you and braced his hands on the cot. His face was now kind of leaning over yours.

“You’re in love with me?” He asks, his tone miraculously even for what was happening. You nod and smile.

“Of course I am. You’re my best friend and quite possibly the most wonderful person I know. How could I not fall in love with you?” Shoto’s lips spread into such a wide smile that they’re trembling.

“I’m going to kiss you now,” he says, leaning down so his lips are just above yours.

“Please do,” and with that, his lips capture yours swiftly into a kiss. Your hands travel up to entwine themselves in his hair, effectively messing it up but he didn’t care. Not one bit.

“Alright, alright, can you two stop making out in my helicopter? We’re all very glad that the both of you have finally admitted your feelings for each other, but at least keep the PDA out of the chopper,” your pilot, and coworker, says, eyeing the both of you through the rearview mirror that was set up. You two break apart but remain close. You give him a look of mischief. 

“Thanks for sticking by my side Shoto Todoroki.”

“Always, Y/N L/N.” His lips meet yours again and it’s heaven. It’s sweet and perfect and lovely. And, if one could believe it, even more healing than Recovery Girl’s.



@luluwiie ~ All-Flora Florist

@maiacroson ~ All-Flora Florist

@nerdypuppytimemachine ~ All-Flora Florist

@softvanlla​ All-Flora Florist

@catguinsstuff ~ All-Flora Florist

@smallxbunny ~ All-Flora Florist

@the-emo-asgardian ~ Snowbell Florist

@lovers-liability ~ Snowbell Florist

@palenightmarepersona​ ~ All-Flora Florist, All-Tree Arborist


DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi

Previous Chapter ~Series Masterlist~Main Masterlist

Word Count: 1.9K

A/N: All good things must come to an end, and this is this series’ end. I’m so happy I could come to a conclusion that felt satisfying and right to both the time period and Y/N & Shoto. This story in total took 54 pages on google docs with a total of 26,000 words. To everyone who has loved this story and shown it love, I want to thank you so so much. This little bundle of regency era fluff will always be here for you to read on happy, sad, stressful, and peaceful days - whenever you need it. For now, I’m going upward and onto the next project! As always, requests are open - just review the request guidelines on my page. I hope you enjoy the end of I Burn For You!

The warm summer air washes over you as your basket swings lightly on your arm, only a handful of lavender and a couple sprigs of hyacinth settled in the wicker. There was a light humming of bees and birdsong accompanying your walk through the gorgeous gardens that gave you the greatest pleasure of tending to. On the far left side resided the rose bushes - pinks and reds whites all popping up through the darker green leaves. Then there were the peonies and lilacs, chrysanthemums and bushes of cinquefoils. The tall bushes bled into the smaller ones, and the smaller flowers bled into the herbs - rosemary and basil and, your favorite, lavender.

“Your Grace? His Grace has returned from his walk, shall I get tea ready?” Turning around with a smile wide on your face, you find Tsuyu walking towards you, she herself taking in the aromatic scents of the gardens.

“That would be lovely, Tsu, thank you. I’ll be just behind you - I have only daisies and baby’s-breath left to collect.”

“Of course, Your Grace.” Tsuyu says with a smile, bowing and then returning to your beloved home - Endeavor Estate. You sigh with utter and complete happiness as you take out your gardening shears and snip just enough stems to have a sizable bunch of daisies.

“Perfect.” You say, standing up from your previous kneeling position and brushing your skirt free of any dirt or mulch. Before you could make it back in time to meet Shoto in the parlor, though, you found him descending the outdoor steps and making his way to you. His sleeves were pulled up and the top few buttons of his overcoat undone. His pristinely polished shoes were getting dusty due to the nature of the mulch, but he couldn’t care less about any of it. 

“Well, that was a rather quick walk.” You state, rubbing a bit of sweat that had condensated off your brow. Shoto smiled and took your face into his hands, pressing a soft, delicate kiss to your lips.

“How could I possibly stay so long away from you, my love.” You laugh at his response as he takes his chance to kiss your cheek. His hand falls easily into yours and he takes your flower basket onto his arm.

“The flowers look absolutely fabulous this year, don’t you think?” You ask him, your head leaning onto his shoulder just a bit.

“A good thing too - I believe more flowers are decking our halls than they ever had before.”

“If it’s too much I can hold back a bit-” you begin to say, but then are cut off by his words.

“I adore the flowers, Love.” You smile and your teeth pull a bit at your lips, the delicious secret you’ve been holding back from him ready to spring from them.

“Good.” You peer into the basket and then back up at him. “Do you like these ones? The lavender and daisies make such a darling pair. Oh, and of course the baby’s-breath was absolutely essential for this bouquet.” You proclaim, the both of you ascending the steps and entering the parlor. The walls were a perfect powder pink, gold accenting the crown molding. The couches were an ivory- white velvet, both facing each other with a little, long table between the two. The whole seating area abutted the fireplace, and above it, a portrait. It was recently painted here at Endeavor Estate - the both of you, smiling wide, with crowns upon both of your heads - the Duke and Duchess of Endeavor. Across the way from the seating area were a tea table with two chairs and a pianoforte. A large, persian tufted rug lay in between everything.

“And why is this flower essential?” Shoto asks, leading the both of you to sit on one of the couches, the basket left on the small table in front of you. The grin that you were already sporting spreads as wide as it could.

Because,” You say, drawing the word out a bit longer than needed, “It’s for the nursery.” Shoto smiled and shook his head, confused.

“I understand that you want flowers in every room, my love, but putting them in a room that no one is currently using is a little strange, isn’t it?” He prompts.

“Oh, I think that room will be in use sooner rather than later. Most likely within the next eight months.” Your expression held such delight as you saw Shoto work out your words, his face changing from confusion to shock to pure elation.

“You are being serious?” He asks, his voice thick with emotion. “Truly serious?” His hand squeezed yours as you nodded, pure joy beaming from your smile. 

“I had the doctor make sure this morning as you went on your walk and they confirmed my suspicions.” You say, standing up and helping your husband up in the process.

“Well… well we must cancel everything that could cause stress for you for the next while.” He said, cracking his knuckles and his voice holding a bit of a shake. The excitement, and panic, was both evident in his demeanor.

“I am not a teacup, Shoto,” You reassure him, “I will be perfectly fine doing exactly what I am doing now. Besides,” You hum, kissing his cheek, “we have company coming over within the next few hours.” Shoto sighed, a mix of happiness and exhaustion.

“Izuku and Ochaco?”

“Izuku and Ochaco.”

“UNCLE SHOTO!” The pitter-patter of little feet on hardwood increased in volume as your nephew all but launched himself into Shoto’s arms. Ready for him, as he always was, Shoto caught the two-year-old and lifted him into the air, the little boy letting out excited sputters.

“How good to see you, sister.” Izuku says, clearly breathless from trying to entertain his son from the long three hour long carriage ride.

“It’s always wonderful to see you.” You say, enveloping him in a hug. Your eyes kept glancing at Shoto, a wide smile on his face as your nephew started playing with his overcoat - the pale blue whorls and swirls printed onto the white cotten, now mussed by the hands of a toddler.

“Darling, remember what I said about running and jumping?” An exasperated Ochaco appeared behind Izuku, heavily pregnant and with a fan in her hand. You immediately take her arm and lead her to the couch.

“Oh, Shoto doesn’t mind,” you assure her, watching your husband kneel down and fish a pocket-watch out of his coat, showing the boy the clock hands and their endless ticking. Ochaco sighs in relief, letting herself settle into the couch more, a hand on her belly.

“He’s going to be a wonderful father,” she says, a knowing smile on her face.

“I’m glad he gets a test-trial now,” you laugh, watching your nephew be enthralled with the watch, “since he’ll have the real deal in eight or so months.” Ochaco gasps and puts her hands over her mouth. Immediately, Izuku races over to her.

“Is it now?! Oh god, sister, where is your doctor?! We need them!” He yells, bracing his wife’s shoulders.

“No, no Izuku.” She says, waving him off and keeping her eyes on yours. “Oh, Y/N, I can’t believe you’re expecting!” She exclaims, her hands clasped in yours.

“You’re expecting?” Izuku says, a smile on his face. You nod with glee as Shoto comes over, the little tike almost welded to his leg.

“Oh we must have the children meet more often so that they become friends!” Ochaco said dreamily. You nod and stand up to be next to Shoto, his arm instantly wrapping around your waist.

“Why don’t the two of you relax for a bit, and we’ll take the little one on a walk around the gardens.” Izuku and Ochaco exchanged a look before glancing back at you. “It’ll tucker him out and it’ll give you some time to breathe - if it makes you feel better, all of the rose bushes and thorn producing plants are gated off.” You say, your smile trying to sweet talk them into agreeing.

“Okay, but just for an hour - we don’t want to burden the both of you.” Izuku says, leaning back into a chair.

“You’re not burdening us at all,” Shoto assures him, already leading the both of you - and your nephew - out the doors into the garden. The both of you welcomed the outdoor air kindly as the toddler spread his arms out and ran around, smelling flowers and tumbling on the grass.

“He’s sweet.” You say, watching him chase a butterfly. Shoto chuckles and nods, glancing back quickly at Izuku and Ochaco through the window - both of them now asleep and passed out on the couch. Then, he glances back at you.

“I’m excited.” He says, causing you to look at him with stars in your eyes.

“Yeah?” You prompt, squeezing into his side.

“Yeah.” He says, sealing your lips with a kiss. As the sun began to slowly set in the distance you hummed in content, the yellow ribbon tied to the end of your braid flipping over itself softly in the breeze. “I love you, so dearly.” Shoto says, his whole heart in his words.

“And I love you. From the moment I met you in those gardens I knew. I love you.”

“Forever and always, Y/N. Forever and Always.”

Dearest Gentlereader,

This season has truly been one to remark on - so many fabulous weddings and countless twists and turns in the stories of love and loss. Lord Iida, Lady Todoroki, Lord Bakugou, and Lord Kirishima all played a fabulous part in the Yagi siblings’ respective love stories. Lord Yagi, the to-be viscount, held a comforting static story. Lady Uraraka was a breath of fresh water on the social scene, and the romance between her and Lord Yagi was a lovely blossom of this season’s bouquet.

Though, the shining star was that of the now Duke and Duchess of Endeavor. The previously named Lady Yagi held a chance encounter with the former Lord Todoroki, causing a most delightful domino effect into a most lovely romance. But, stability was not constant in this beautiful love-match’s story. Engagements and suitors and illness caused a whirlwind of a romance - but in the end, as things always do, everything was laid bare. True love prevailed through every setback and cleared the path for the nuptials and development of a fabulously divine family. The Duchess and Duke of Endeavor welcomed Lord and Lady Todoroki on a clear morning in March - twins in perfect health. The family remains happily content in their country-side estate, but will return to the city of Musutafu in Autumn,

Dear readers, it has been the utmost pleasure recounting this story for your awaiting ears, and finally, it has come to a close. I put down my pen and ink and sit back happily in my upholstered chair, a fire flickering in the fireplace. May all your wishes of true love come true - and to Your Graces, the Duke and Duchess of Endeavor, may your life be filled with the utmost happiness.

Signed sincerely,

Lady Songbird.


@luluwiie​~ All-Flora Florist

@maiacroson​​​​​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@nerdypuppytimemachine​​​​​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@voilawind ~ All-Flora Florist

@catguinsstuff​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@smallxbunny​​​​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@the-emo-asgardian​​​​​ ~ Snowbell Florist

@lovers-liability​​​​ ~ Snowbell Florist

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi

Previous Chapter~Next Chapter~Series Masterlist~Main Masterlist

Word Count: 1.7K

A/N: Hi! Hello! Bonjour! Here is the eleventh chapter of I Burn For You which means… THERE’S ONLY ONE MORE LEFT AFTER THIS!!!!! This wild ride of writing this fic has been one that has spanned years, and a lot of breaks, and I absolutely couldn’t have done this without the support of everyone who has shown love to this story. As my first multi-chapter is coming to a close, it is so bittersweet to see it end, but exciting to wrap up a story that I’ve loved writing. I hope you all love this chapter, and am looking forward to posting the last chapter soon. ENJOY!!!!!!

The bouquet in your shaking hands proved to be a necessity as your heartbeat was most definitely above normal and your stomach was flipping. The tiny room that you were waiting in held nothing to distract you from the biggest day of your life. No paintings of note, nothing to needlepoint, and no pianoforte. Usually, it is tradition for the bride to be accompanied by her mother until the ceremony begins and the father walks her down the aisle. You knew you wouldn’t have her here beside you, but your mother’s absence struck you so horribly in this moment you did not know what to do. Instead, you chose to pick at the stems and leaves of the flowers - leaving the petals alone - to try and calm yourself. It did nothing. A knock at the door broke you out of your cloud of worry and had you racing towards it. Was it already time? You didn’t hear the lulling sounds of harps, so did something happen?

“It’s me, Y/N.” Your brother’s voice sent a sigh of relief, and of slight panic, through you.

“Is everything okay? Why are you here?” You ask, a thick coating of worry laced amongst your words.

“Oh! No, nothing’s wrong, I promise. Your ceremony will start soon.”

How soon?” You ask, beginning to pace in small turns so that you stay within Izuku’s earshot. “Can they speed it up? I feel like I am going to go mad in here all by myself.” You fret.

“I might have something that may help.” A folded envelope with a wax seal is slipped beneath the crack of the door. You immediately scoop it up into your hands to flip it over, and your breath hitches when you see the handwriting.

“I’ll leave you to read it by yourself… even though I can’t really see it. If you need me, just give a shout.” You hear Izuku’s footsteps fade as you presume he walks down the hallway, but your eyes never leave your name written so elegantly upon the envelope. Your name written in your mother’s handwriting. You break the seal carefully and slide the letter out. You can’t help but smile.

My dearest Y/N,

Oh my darling, how I wish and pray for you never to have to read this letter, but to instead hear these words from my own lips. Though, I fear that will not be possible as I grow weaker with every passing day. It leaves me heartbroken that I will never see you through your first season, your first ball, your first round of suitors. I know that your father will do everything in his power to give you and Izuku the lives we have both always wanted for you - lives of happiness and joy. As I am writing this, I can see that joy on your face as you plink away at the keys of my beloved pianoforte. I just know you will inherit my love for the instrument. You are but a mere six years old, your brother only one year your senior, but I know the day of your wedding will come. I am so sorry, my darling, that no one will be in that room waiting with you. I know, though, that you will be the most beautiful, blushing bride ever to walk the earth. My sweet little Y/N, with your Y/H/C hair and Y/E/C eyes -  you hold such love in your heart that will be cherished by whoever has charmed it. I know you will settle for nothing but the truest form of love, and I am so happy and excited for you when you find that person that makes the world stop when you meet their eyes. My eyes are growing weary, so I am afraid that my words must end here, my darling. I love you, my daughter, with every breath in my body. - Inko Yagi

You’re smiling such a wide smile and little tears are rolling down your cheeks. You fold the letter back up carefully, tuck it into that envelope, and hold it to your heart. Finally, you breathe that sigh of relief. Your mother knew you would be okay, she knew that you would make it to this day with no regrets. So, when the harp starts to strum the beginning notes of a wedding melody, you wipe away the tears on your cheeks, recheck the rouge on them, and open the door to where your father was waiting - his arm reading to take yours and a watery look in his eyes.

The walk down the hallway was quiet, but a comfortable kind. The long train of your dress and veil flitted behind you like the wings of a butterfly and the sound of your shoes tapping down on the hardwood floor made for a steady rhythm. And then, you finally made it to the arch of the main room. When you turn the corner, you will see the Duke of Endeavor and his family; Lady Fuyumi and Lord Natsuo, accompanied by his princess. You will see your brother, the upcoming Viscount Yagi with his upcoming viscountess, Lady Ochaco. And then you will see Shoto. With a deep breath and a shared look with your father, the two of you make the turn and you see your husband to be - dressed sharply in a black wedding coat, a little flower pinned delicately by his heart, and the widest of smiles adorning his face.

Laughter and merriment surround you and your own giggling falls easily from your lips as your husband spins you around in circles as the end of an upbeat song comes to its close. He weaves an arm around your waist and brings you closer to him, kissing you gently as your guests clap and cheer. It has only been three hours since the two of you said ‘I do’, but you feel as if you’ve been married for a lifetime, feeling so comfortable with everyone calling you husband and wife. You were sad that the final moment of the evening was coming, but the start of the rest of your lives were beginning. Everything of yours had already been packed up and sent to the Duke of Endeavor’s country estate, every trinket and treasure, dress and ribbon, gem and jewelry were packed carefully in crinkle paper and transported from your home in the center of Musutafu to the serene countryside where it would be just you and Shoto. All that was left to leave… was you. As guests started to trickle out from the main ballroom, wishing you and your husband the happiest of lives and marriages, the only people who lingered and remained were your father, Izuku and Ochaco, Fuyumi, and the Duke.

“I’m afraid we must be heading home, sister.” Izuku says, Ochaco on his arm smiling and teary-eyed.

“Oh, Y/N, we must meet up and get together soon! After your honeymoon is over, of course.” Ochaco said with a wink, embracing you quickly, and letting Izuku do the same. 

“We love the both of you dearly, and cannot wait to see the both of you again. All of our love.” Your brother says, earning a playful slap on the shoulder from you and a tearstained goodbye.

“As the other remaining sibling here, I will bid you my goodbye as well.” Fuyumi says, grace evident in every step forward. “If either of you need anything, I am but a mere letter away.” She says sweetly, embracing the both of you.

“Thank you, sister.” Shoto says gracefully, his arm still around your waist. Finally, both of your fathers walk up to you at the same time.

“My dear Y/N, I cannot begin to think of life at home without both you and Izuku gracing its halls. I know, though, that your life will be subject to so much happiness moving forward, I cannot bear to keep you from it. My dearest, the best days of your life await.” With a final kiss on your forehead and a handshake with Shoto, your father leaves an event for the first time by himself. And, finally, the Duke.

“Shoto. Y/N. Though my actions have led you to believe otherwise, I am very pleased by your betrothal and love for one another.” The both of you nod, yours more deeply and respectfully than Shoto’s. “I have decided to make a big decision.” Both of your gazes snap up to meet the Duke’s. “By this year’s end, in seven months’ time, I will be officially passing on my title to you, Shoto.” The stunned look on both yours and Shoto’s faces were almost identical.

“You mean to say, Father, that I will be…?” For the first time, you hear the large man in front of you chuckle.

“Yes, Shoto. By next year you will hold the title of Duke. And, of course, you Y/N, will hold the title of Duchess.” You knew that by marrying Shoto, you would hold that honorable title one day, but you never thought it would be so soon.

“Father, you are sure of this decision?”

“Yes, Shoto, very much so. In fact, your love and devotion for Y/N inspired me to make this decision. Your mother… She has been alone and healing by herself for quite a long time… too much time, in solitude. It’s time I take care of her the way she took care of me, and for you,” he says, motioning to Shoto, “all of those years ago.” Nothing more is said on the matter, and so you curtsy one last time the Duke, before he takes his leave. Left in shock but with your hand in his, you turn to your husband. Just a little ways away stands the footmen, waiting to open the door into the carriage that will drive the both of you home. Home.

“Are you ready, my love?” Shoto asks you, his hand squeezing yours. You squeeze back, and without missing a beat, you respond.

“With you? Forever and always, Shoto. Where you are, you shall find me there as well. The Duke and I.” You beam, letting Shoto envelop you in a searing kiss.

“And I am with you, endlessly. The Duchess and I.” Hand in hand, your heads tilted towards each other, you and Shoto descend the stairs and enter your awaiting carriage and travel home underneath the billows of stars and constellations, leading you to the next chapter of your story with the love of your life.


@luluwiie​​​​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@maiacroson​​​​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@nerdypuppytimemachine​​​​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@voilawind ~ All-Flora Florist

@catguinsstuff​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@smallxbunny​​​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@the-emo-asgardian​​​​ ~ Snowbell Florist

@lovers-liability​​​ ~ Snowbell Florist


DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi

Previous Chapter~Next Chapter~Series Masterlist~Main Masterlist

Word Count: 2.1K

A/N: Wowie this chapter took longer to write than I thought - I’m so sorry it’s a week late! But, it’s one that I’m really happy with and I hope you all like. I haven’t written a chapter within this series in a while, so if anyone’s new, let me explain the premise! This story is set in a regency era time period with heavy influence by the show Bridgerton (yes I binge-watched the entirety of season 2, yes I thoroughly enjoyed it) so my writing and the dialogue is a bit more… elegant society-like. Above this note is the entire series masterlist, so if you’re interested, be sure to check it out! It’s a Shoto Todoroki x Reader multi-chapter fanfiction that is nearing its end (i.e. one more full chapter and an epilogue! It’s almost over). So sorry for this lengthy authors note, but I hope you all enjoy!!


“Y-Your Grace, it’s an honor,” You manage to say, your voice wavering as you dip into a deep curtsy. The Duke of Endeavor doesn’t pay you a second glance, instead turning towards his daughter.

“Fuyumi, I do not recall you asking for permission to have a guest over this afternoon.” It’s a miracle that your head was tilted so far to the ground in your curtsy, or else the Duke would have seen the shock written all over your face. Permission? You think, trying to quickly wipe the expression off of your face.

“Please excuse my lack of judgment, Father. It was a spur of the moment invitation when I saw her and her maid out and around the shops this afternoon.” Fuyumi explained, her voice steady and even. You finally peer up to get another look at the Duke and a cold shiver goes down your spine. He was looking at you with such apathy and distaste, it made you feel just so… unsure about yourself.

“Fine. Be on your way, and do not bother me. I have work to attend to.” He says, fire laced in his tone. He strides past both you and Fuyumi, leaving behind an air of unease. Just by turning your head the slightest way right, you could see Fuyumi’s expression crumble.

“Actually, Your Grace, I was just about to take my leave. My maid and I must get ready and prepare some things for the upcoming ball tomorrow night.” You say more confidently this time, giving the overbearing Duke one last curtsy. “I thank you for your hospitality.” The Duke simply harrumphs and waves you away as you, with Mei in toe with several boxes in her arms, walk gracefully out of the door. You give Fuyumi one last smile before the door swings shut. Taking a deep breath and keeping your eyes trained on the carriage waiting down the waterfall of steps that led up to the Endeavor Estate, your brows knitted.

“Never in my life has someone acted so harshly or rude to another person of nobility, especially towards a Lady.” Mei hisses, her seemingly more upset about what had just transpired than you.

“There’s no need to worry Mei.” You say steadily, finally reaching the last step and taking the gloved hand offered to you by your footman.

“Please tell me you won’t stand for it!” Mei begs, handing all the boxes to a butler who almost collapses under the weight of it all.

“I could never say anything to him, me being of a lesser rank than his Grace.” You remark, settling in the seat of the carriage with Mei opposite to you. “But that does not mean I cannot prove him wrong about his perceptions of me.”


The ball was one of the most special of the season, titled as “La Dance Des Fleurs”.  Of course, this ball had a most strict theme - every lady and gentleman were to have a flower motif to their dresses and suits, so as to embrace the ball’s name to its highest extent. Your gown was absolutely breathtaking. Midnight blue in color that fades into a lavender purple at the bottom, covered in embroidered and carefully crafted pansies, the dress brought out all the best features. Deep sapphires hung on your ears as well and a necklace of the same stone, along with some diamonds, was laid across your neck. Your hair was dolled up with little braids and curls, pansies and pearls studded amongst your locks. And, finally, as a centerpiece - the most beautiful of tiaras. It was one that belonged to your mother but held timeless beauty.

“My word, dearest, you look like your mother.” Turning around to find your father, now more steady on his feet than in previous weeks, had tears misting in his eyes.

“Oh, Father.” You say, taking his arm and giving it a squeeze. “I’m glad you are feeling so well. Well enough to go to a ball, even.”

“Well it is a tradition, of course, to attend this particular ball. You know why well enough.” He says, a wistful tone in his words. Of course you knew why. La Dance Des Fleurs was the ball where your father formally proposed to your mother. In private, of course, out in the gardens. It was a story you begged your mother to tell over and over again when you were curled up in your canopy bed, hugging the stuffed dog to your chest and your eyes full of stars. Everything about your parents’ love story entranced you. 

“I am so excited to attend formally.” You say, a slight squeal in your voice.

“Then let us get you there, my dear. I’m sure your brother and Ochaco will be there, along with the Duke’s son. The Duke himself should be in attendance this evening as well.” Your father says, the last bit said with a twinge more indifference than you have heard him use normally. You decide not to touch on it, though, and hop in the carriage.


Flowers seemed to drip and melt and waterfall from every inch of the gorgeous venue, filling the room with a decadent aroma and a pleasing kaleidoscope of color. You take a deep breath as all eyes fall on you, and advance towards the center of the ballroom. For there, waiting for you in a beautiful snow-white suit, patterned delicately with daisies, baby’s breath, and queen anne’s lace was Shoto Todoroki. His eyes were on you and his mouth slightly ajar. You give him a sweet smile and stride politely up to him. He doesn’t say anything at first, but you know what he wants to say. So you give him a line to hook his gills on.

“Mei outdid herself this time, don’t you think?” Shoto swallowed and nodded, then cleared his throat.

“She, uh, she certainly did. May I have your first dance?” You grin and nod, not before kissing your father on the cheek, and then let him lead you to the dance floor. It’s a nice upbeat melody, prompting faster movements. He twirls you here, dips you there, and you are having the best time of your life. And then the song ends, and with it, comes the appearance of the Duke of Endeavor. You look to see Shoto’s reaction, but it’s focused on his father. “Come with me, just for a moment.” He says, tugging you with his arm looped through yours to the tall, looming Duke. You curtsy to the man, and he gives you a nod, but nothing else.

“Well, Shoto? What is it you brought her here to say to me?” You see the effect his words have on Shoto, like a perpetual thorn in his side.

“I have come to formally introduce the two of you. Father, this is Lady Y/N Yagi, daughter of the Viscount Yagi. And Y/N,” with you he takes a softer tone of voice, “this is my father, the Duke of Endeavor, Enji Todoroki.” You give him a polite, but confident, smile. The smile that told him you belonged exactly where you were, right by his son’s side.

“Good evening, Lady Yagi.” He says stiffly, like it was more of a job than a pleasure to meet a new acquaintance.

“And Father, as to the matter we discussed this afternoon.” Shoto’s eyes were narrowed but also gave off another emotion - one of pleading. For a moment, the Duke let his strict and hard facade fade just the slightest.

“Your mother and I met at this ball.” He remarks, looking around at all the flowers and decorations. “And yours got engaged, did they not?” Your lips quirk up, interested in how he knew this factoid about your father and late mother.

“Indeed, Your Grace. I implored my mother to tell it so many times when I was a child, I’m sure I could recite it.” The Duke gives you a nod and then reaches into his coat pocket, shoving something into Shoto’s hand. He turns back to you.

“Miss Yagi, I must formally apologize for my stiff and cold behavior.” Your eyes widened so much you were sure that they would pop right out of your skull. “It is not easy work, being a duke, not easy at all. With that, I shall leave you be.” You give him a curtsy before he weaves his way around pillars adorned with garlands of greenery, straight towards Fuyumi and who you presumed to be Shoto’s older brother, Natsuo. Through several of your talks with the red-and-white haired man, you have learned of his engagement to the princess of a neighboring kingdom.

“That was certainly something, wasn’t it? He’s never addressed me so… politely before.” You confess, a dazed smile on your face. Shoto shares your expression.

“Probably due to the fact that I had a stern talking to with him.” Shoto states, earning a dropped jaw from you.

“Shoto tell me you did not.” You gasp, immediately taking the arm that Shoto offers to you.

“Of course I did,” He says, like it’s no big deal. “Because my eldest brother has passed, Fuyumi is a woman, and my brother is engaged to a princess, his line of dukedom goes straight to me. All I had to do was bring up the simple matter that, if I wanted to, I could reject the title all together and his legacy would be in ruin.” You shake your head in disbelief, functioning on auto-pilot as he leads you to the private gardens. Along the way, of course, you didn’t notice the affirming nods Shoto was giving to your brother and Ochaco, who was beaming and almost bouncing in place, as well as your father.

“You threatened to give up your title, your entire family’s dukedom, because he did not wish to give me the time of day?” You wonder, settling into a stationary stance as Shoto walks to be directly in front of you.

“I threatened to give up my title because he could not see what I saw in you. You, my dearest, sweetest Y/N, are clever and smart and accomplished.” Tears start to well in your eyes at this confession. “You are not only the diamond, but the kindest person I know. You are the person to forgive a man for doing something so foolish, and love him anyway.” You let out a laugh but it’s thick with emotion. “The moment I met you, I knew you were it for me. The way you carried yourself with such respect and love, I almost couldn’t believe you were real. And when I had lost you for those painstaking months… it took everything in me to not pull my hair from its roots and wallow in despair. Through all of this, through our ups and downs and in betweens, I have discovered I am absolutely head over heels for you. I burn for you.” Tears continue to stream down your face and onto the beautifully crafted flowers on your dress. “I have received permission from both of our fathers and our brothers,” he says, while reaching into his pocket and producing a little box. “Y/N, my love, will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife?” The box flips open to reveal the most perfect ring you have ever seen. With six little pearls forming the shape of a flower, a flawless diamond in the middle, and little specks of emerald surrounding it, it was utterly beautiful. Your hands go to your heart to make sure it was, in fact, still working before you all but tore the silk gloves off.

“Yes, yes, a hundred times yes!” You exclaim, letting him slip the ring onto your fingers, and pulling him towards you. In a shared breath, you let your lips fall upon his, and it’s heaven. Far away, inside the grand ballroom, you could hear the clinks of wine glasses and clacks of ball shoes and small talk. But out here, in the gardens, it was just the two of you. The son of a duke and the daughter of a viscount. A man and a woman in love. Two hearts, beating as one, with the entirety of your lives in front of you.



@luluwiie​​​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@maiacroson​​​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@nerdypuppytimemachine​​​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@voilawind ~ All-Flora Florist

@catguinsstuff​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@smallxbunny​​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@the-emo-asgardian​​​ ~ Snowbell Florist

@lovers-liability​​ ~ Snowbell Florist


Midnight Brownies - Shoto Todoroki x Reader


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi

MHA Masterlist-Main Masterlist

WARNINGS: Fluff, very very minor injury (a burn from a hot pan)

A/N: Hey hey so this is a drabble that got WAYY out of hand - I did not mean to make it this long, but here we are. Also yes, I know that the GIF is a chocolate cake and not a brownie (I couldn’t find one). Anyways, Hopefully this week the requests in my little inbox should be written and put out, and also, the next chapter of I Burn For You will be out next weekend! Thank you for your patience on both fronts, and for now, enjoy this little drabble!

Word Count: 1.5K


It was already 2:08 a.m., but out on the countertop in front of you was a strawberry cream pie, a chocolate swirl cheesecake, and two full batches of snickerdoodles and gingersnaps. Your hands were on your hips, your fingers pulling a bit on the flour dusted apron that covered the front of your pajamas. Surveying the array of sweet treats you were proud of yourself - until you remembered how late at night, or rather early in the morning, it was to be making this much food. The sound of the oven dinging pulled you from your thoughts as you shoved on your oven mitts and pulled out the yummy, delectable scent of a pan of fresh brownies. With your hip, you closed the oven door and set the chocolate treat on the oven top. Sighing contentedly, you squeezed any thoughts of sleep from your eyes and shook your head.

“Y/N?” Your hand goes to your heart as you spin to find the gaze of your good friend, Shoto Todoroki, looking at you with a confused expression. “What are you doing up so late?” You try and casually laugh, but what comes out is more of a nervous giggle.

“Oh, uh, you know - when inspiration strikes!” You say, trying to motion to all of the baked goods layed out in front of you, but in the process, your elbow comes right into contact with the still burning hot pan behind you. 

“OW! Ow, ow, ow.” You whisper-scream, clutching your arm and trying to blow on the burn. Your attempts, of course, are futile. You glance back up to try and give a “wow, that was a silly move, huh?” look at Shoto, but you find him immediately at your side, holding your arm in his hands. His touch was soft and calculated as his eyes examined your injury - like he’s done this a thousand times before. He was so close to you now and his head was ducked a bit lower, so his hair was close to your face. You could smell the shampoo and conditioner he used -  a fresh, evergreen scent to it. The aroma seemed to weave its way throughout your senses, calming you while at the same time making you anxious.

“It looks like it’s a bad first degree, bordering on a second degree burn. It shouldn’t be too bad or take too long to heal. How bad does it hurt, Y/N/N?” He says, somewhat to you and somewhat to himself. 

“Pretty bad, but I guess that’s kind of punishment for being clumsy.” You say, trying to ease his distress over your injury.

“Hey, being clumsy doesn’t mean you have to be reprimanded for it.” Shoto says seriously. Absent-mindedly, his fingertips barely touch the injury, but it hurts so badly that you hiss through your teeth and try to pull your arm closer to you and away from him. Immediately, his head snaps up so he could meet your gaze, but due to the close proximity, his face is mere inches from yours. You could have sworn that his eyes were on your lips and that he almost moved to close that gap, until he shook his head.

“I’m sorry,” he says quietly and he physically moves himself further away from you.

“It’s fine, it’s fine!” You say, waving your hands in such a way to try and convince him further that he did no wrong. It didn’t do much to console him, though, as he was already several feet away from you and he was looking at all the plates and platters holding the cakes and cookies. “I do it when I can’t fall asleep.” You say, getting him to look up at you again, albeit cautiously. “The baking. It helps and gives my brain something to focus on that’s not anything insane. The recipes are instructions I get to follow with very little wiggle room, so I’m forced to measure out exact cups and teaspoons.” With oven mitts this time, you touch the brownie pan and begin to cut squares with a knife. “And then, when I finally feel tired, I can go back to bed pretty quickly and I have yummy stuff to wake up to in the morning. It’s almost a win-win except for when it’s a school night, because I usually only get four or five hours of sleep. On weekends, though, like tonight it works out perfectly.” You cut the last square and use a spatula to scoop two brownies onto a plate. You walk over next to him and place it onto the counter. “Please have one - as a thank you for looking out for me.” You say, smiling. Tentatively, he plucks one from the plate.

“What do they taste like?” He asks, looking from the brownie up to you. You frown in confusion.

“It’s a brownie - it’s basically like a dense chocolate cake. Have you never had one before?” You ask, getting a shake of his head in response.

“Baked goods were not really a staple in my household.” He said, a small, wistful smile settling on his lips. You gave him a knowing nod.

“Well then, I’m proud that your first brownie will be one made by me.” You grin as he smiles, more surely, at you. He takes a bite and his eyes go wide. “Sooooo?” You prompt, almost on your tip-toes in anticipation.

“I’ve never tasted anything like this before.” A cheshire smile spreads across your cheeks. “This is amazing, Y/N.” You lean back onto the counter, satisfied.

“I’m glad.” You say, a genuine warmth blossoming in your heart. “And please, feel free to take or grab a slice of anything here on the counter. I’m going to have to start putting most of this in the refrigerator or freezer soon anyways.” You move to start gathering some of the tupperware containers in the communal dorm kitchen cabinets, but you brush your hurt elbow against the fabric of your shirt. Wincing, you went to look at it again until Shoto’s hand covered it. Instead of the regular temperature of his kin, a cooling sensation settled onto your blistered skin. It was a relief like you’ve never felt before - massages probably didn’t feel so great or comforting.

“Oh wow, that’s nice.” You sigh, your eyes trained on his hands. The tiniest of ice particles were sprinkling off of his fingers, but no actual ice was crystalizing on your elbow.

“I’ve had some practice healing burns,” he says, playing down his helpfulness. You didn’t press him further on the topic - you knew what happened with him when he was younger. You knew that he had to cradle himself and take care of the burns that his father had inflicted upon him, accidental and non-accidental.

“Well, Sho, thank you for curing my clumsiness. Again. You’ve already had a dessert of mine, I don’t know how else I can pay you back.” You say, leaning into him slightly.

“I might have an idea…” he whispers, so softly that you don’t hear it the first time.

“What?” You ask, your face coming closer to his and a lock of your hair falling from the updo you had tied up. Shoto takes his hand, not the one pressing cool air to your burn, to take that piece of hair and tuck it behind your ear. His hand stayed there, his fingers playing with your hair.

“I, um, said I think I might have an idea.” You nodded, understanding instantly. Slowly, press your lips to his and close your eyes. Neither of you had really ever kissed anyone else before, but it didn’t really matter. The pace of it settled into a languid and sweet one, and quickly, you picked up on how it worked. You each took turns pulling and following, leading and following. You felt his eyelashes tickle your cheeks and you registered how his hand slid from your elbow to your waist, holding you close and flush against him.

You pulled apart slowly but he kept you close, pulling you into a hug.

“I really like you, Y/N.” He confesses, keeping his eyes closed as he holds you tighter to him. “And it’s not just the brownies, it’s everything about you.” You can’t help but laugh at his comment as you nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck.

“I like you too. A lot.” You hum.

While you found yourself enjoying baking that much more due to Shoto’s love of your concoctions, you also found yourself partaking in late night baking much less. Because, whenever there was too much on your mind, one quick text or phone call to the red-and-white boy that you now called your boyfriend would have him knocking on your door. Shoto would settle down next to you on your bed, wrap you in his arms, and whisper sweet nothings into your ears as you drifted off to sleep. “Brownies can wait” he would say as he kisses your cheek, tucking your blankets around your drowsy form. 

“Have sweet, sweet dreams Y/N.”



@luluwiie​​​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@maiacroson​​​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@nerdypuppytimemachine​​​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@softvanlla All-Flora Florist

@catguinsstuff​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@smallxbunny​​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@the-emo-asgardian​​​ ~ Snowbell Florist

@lovers-liability​​ ~ Snowbell Florist


Back to Navigation❀ 

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi

MHA Masterlist - Main Masterlist

WARNINGS: Angst, Fluff at the End, Small Amounts of Swearing, Academic Burnout :(

A/N: I’m back with some ANGST. In late February, as I’m sure many others are feeling right now, the feeling of academic burnout is REALLL. February and March, I feel, are always the month where it seems like one day of school lasts an entire year. So, I decided to try writing that into a fic with Shoto there to help the reader through it, and I ended up really liking it. The tone is a much somber one than I’m used to writing, so if that’s not your cup of tea, I completely understand - feel free to check out the works on the masterlist that are completely fluffy goodness with Shoto! I hope you all enjoy, and we should be back to our regularly scheduled fluff soon after this! As always, requests are open <3.

Word Count: 2.3K

Winter is bleak. The trees are barren, the air hangs in the atmosphere with a dominating presence, and the nights come too quickly. Even when it is daytime, the sun barely manages to peek its head out from behind the ever present sullen clouds. It’s gloomy. And, with the lack of warmth went all of your motivation for school work.

It was a stereotypical saying from a student. “I have no motivation.” “I procrastinate way too much.” “I don’t want to do this anymore.” But, in the end, all of their work gets turned in by the due date and they receive little to no red pen marks on their papers - sometimes they even get a little gold star sticker on the top left corner. No one actually loses their motivation - they just get bored of it for an hour and complain. Which, of course, they had a right to complain. School was tough for everyone, no matter what they said or what outward appearance they might give. You were almost similar in this respect. Almost, being the key word of that sentence.

Your desk was at an upward angle, so whenever you flicked your pencil up towards the top, it would roll back down into the palm of your hand, like it was an incredibly well-trained dog. On command, loyal - it would always come back to you. The multiple pages of notebook paper in front of you, however, were not as forgiving as your writing utensil. Sure, there were words written all over it - in fact, they were well-strung and formed beautiful sentences, arguing the point that your prompt had asked of you. Present Mic was not one to typically assign hand-written essays, but this was one that he thought would be best displayed on a graphite-scribbled piece of paper. You have gotten glowing peer reviews and edits from your teachers, so there should be nothing holding you back from submitting it. Nothing, except that thought that hung in your mind - what if it wasn’t good enough? You knew it was good, you had too, so why was there that mental block? Maybe it was because you have been stuck inside your dorm room for hours upon end. Perhaps the ongoing cramp in your lower back? You move your head to glance at the window, finding white specks falling from the skies. It was probably the weather.

You longed for spring - for the time you could wear shorts and a t-shirt, or tank top, or whatever you wanted and be comfortable with the sun hitting your face. You wanted to be able to walk on the grass barefoot and not cringe when it would hit a spiky dead patch. Everything would be lush and green and delightful. You let your head fall over the back of your chair, your neck bracing it. Your hands moved to rub your eyes and then rest on your face, tired, bored, done. You were left there, wanting change. And like some sort of angel had heard your begging, you registered a soft knock followed by the opening of a door.

“Everything okay?” His soft tone of voice felt enough like a warm, May breeze that a smile wedged itself between your lips. You let your hands fall away from your cheeks and turn to look at the speaker.

“No.” You answered truthfully, drawing your legs up onto your chair and letting your chin rest on the shared space your knees created. Sympathy flickered in his turquoise and gray eyes as he walked towards you, kneeling down in front of you and holding both of your hands in both of his. His thumbs brush over the tops of your pencil-marked hands, but he kisses the tips of your fingers anyways. You hoped that no graphite would transfer onto the pretty light pink of his lips.

“It’s the essay?” He queries, moving now to press light kisses to the patches of skin where his thumbs had brushed.

“Mmm,” you hum in affirmation, giving him a sad smile. He notes how your dimples weren’t present in your cheeks, a tell-tale sign that you were really having some trouble, and he stood up.

“Do you want me to look over it again? I don’t think I’ll find anything new to edit, but I can always give you some suggestions so that you feel like it’s a little bit different.” He offers. Shoto has always been like this. So genuine, so loving. He does everything in his power to make you feel comforted. However, this time, it’s just not working.

“No. Thank you, though.” You brush some of the flyways that were sticking up in all different directions off and away from your face. As you are doing so, Shoto takes the time to look around your room. Crumpled up napkins and takeout containers were dotting your dresser and your bed was not made. Your hamper was full, clothes overflowing and in need of a wash. And you - still dressed in the same clothes as yesterday.

“How about we go for a walk outside.” He suggests, grabbing your hand to stand up. You do so, a bit begrudgingly, but take a step back towards your bed.

“I dunno, I still have a lot to do here - my room’s a mess and that essay’s still not done.” You protest, fully knowing that if you take a step out of your dorm, you are probably going to break down crying in front of him. It was not because you were sad or unhappy with anything in your life at the moment - in fact, your friendships and relationships and training has never been going better. If anyone were to look at you on any given day, they would say you were thriving. But, deep down, you felt academically burnt out.

“And you can get back to those things after we go outside for a bit, I’ll help you with the cleaning and with your essay. Just, please. Okay?” Shoto asks, clearly not taking your pitiful excuses as law. Finally, you relent.

“Okay. Let me get my coat.”


The crunching beneath your foot as a result of the snow touches your eardrums in the best way, the quick and defining sound music to your ears. Your mittened hand was in Shoto’s gloved one and the coat wrapped around you provided you with warmth. Even though you were outside as the snow fell, you felt… claustrophobic.

“I think we should go out to dinner. To celebrate turning in the essays, maybe this Saturday?” Your smile reaches your eyes a bit more this time.

“Yeah, that’d be nice.” The weeping willow tree branches that framed the greenspace looked like spindly spider legs instead of blossoming ribbons. The pond was frozen over instead of being dotted with lily pads and the sounds of croaking frogs. The flowers that had been planted by the staff were shriveled up and dead due to a late frost. All of those things bummed you out. Instantly, Shoto saw the sudden change in your expression.

“Y/N, please tell me what’s wrong. I know sometimes you get in a rut, but usually it’s for about a day or even less, and then you’re back. I’m not saying it’s wrong or unnatural to feel like this, believe me I know what it’s like to experience a prolonged period of…” he tries to find the right word, “…melancholy, but it’s not like you. You get excited when snowflakes stick to the windows and you can see the designs, you cheer and jump up and down when you craft the perfect sentence in school assignments… I’m just, I’m worried for you, love.”

“Melancholy.” You say. “What a beautiful word for such a numbing feeling.” You shake your head, like there’s something dancing on the top of your hair, and face him. “I’m just so tired of churning assignment after assignment out of my mind. I feel like there’s never a break, never a moment to pause and enjoy what I just submitted. It’s like I have food poisoning and there’s nothing that can stop me from spitting up thesis statements and metaphors and persuasive arguments. And maybe it’s because I linger on them for so long - that I get caught up in the essay and can’t get past it. And for this essay to be the one that makes me feel like this?” You throw your hands up in the air, exasperated. “For god’s sake, it’s about Hero History!! I’m great at Hero History!! I could write a book on Hero History!!” Finally, you’re left huffing and sweating from your outburst, your hands balled into fists and your body facing Shoto’s. Finally, you feel the confining shell start to crack, to bend and break.

“Take your jacket off.” Shoto says, earning a confused visage to spread across your face.

“What? Are you serious? It’s snowing right now.” He nods as he pulls his own one off, followed by his gloves. Warily, you follow suit - slipping your arms out from the sleeves and throwing your gloves onto the ground. You only look back to him in time to find him running at you, almost full speed.

“AHHH WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” You shout out, trying to back up. But, you’re not fast or prepared enough to outrun your determined boyfriend. “OOOF!” You exclaim as Shoto wraps his arms around you and tackles you into the snow. You gasp as the snowdrift spills down the back of your shirt, shocking your body from the fast switch between the swaddled warmth of a jacket to the bone-chilling feeling of snow pressing against your skin. You could go on and on about how a spring day and running through a sprinkler would be a far superior feeling… but damn, right now, you feel alive. You don’t feel static - you’re kinetic energy - zipping around from one molecule to the next. You don’t care about your essay, you don’t feel like melting back into your room like a hermit crab into its shell. And you’re laughing. You’re laughing so hard you start crying, and then those tears meld into real ones as you sob into Shoto’s shirt, no doubt getting tears and probably snot from your nose all over it. 

Your boyfriend, though, couldn’t care less about the quality of his shirt. He held you against his chest, sitting up with you a bit and rocking you slowly against him. Occasionally, he pressed his cold lips against your forehead and stroked your hair behind your ear, he held you and let you weep until no more tears squeaked out of your eyes.

“Thank you,” you say, sniffling and finally looking up at him through your glassy gaze. And while Shoto has always been beautiful, he looks breathtaking here. His snow white and fiery red hair serve as a  stark and vibrant hue against the snow-gray sky and his eyes are adorned by snowflake-caked lashes. His smile was caring and the tips of his nose and ears turned red with chill. He loves you so, so much.

“There you are,” he says so tenderly, cupping your cheek and pressing a soft kiss to your lips. A wobbly but happy smile graces your face for the first time in a couple of days. “We should probably get inside - I don’t want you to get a cold. We can get some hot chocolate, watch a movie, and then I can take a look at that essay?” He suggests, clearly stepping warily into the cause of your sudden spiral. The gleeful nod that you give makes him breathe a sigh of relief.

“Yes to all of those things. And then I’m going to submit that essay and have Present Mic do with it what he will. It’s good - it’s great.” You say, making Shoto - and yourself - understand. You are capable of such incredible things, both small and big. You can have beautiful friendships and a talented display of fighting technique. You are a great student and a fantastic essay writer. You can love both Spring and Winter without them having to be the antagonist of the other. Yes, frost kills flowers, but it also allows them to be reborn. Without frost, one might never have been able to see what beauty the second sprout could hold. 

“You’re fantastic.” He says, pressing one last searing kiss to your lips before helping you up and grabbing your jacket. He buttons his own up and then helps you zip up yours, pressing a kiss to your nose once the two of you are ready to go inside. He shivers a bit as the two of you begin your journey back.

“I’m ready for spring - are you?” He asks, wrapping his arm around you and walking in the set pace you have created - like you’re a pair of penguins huddling for warmth.

“Not just yet,” you say. “I feel like I haven’t been appreciating winter as much as I should have - haven’t given it a fair fighting chance.”

“Well, there’s nothing really bad about spring, is there?” He says. You think about it a bit.

“The pollen. Pollen sucks.” Chuckling as the two of you finally make it back inside, he looks at you.

“I love you.” He says. You know there’s probably going to be days like this in the future. They won’t be often, probably occurring sparingly throughout the year. Shoto will also have days like this. Everyone will have days like this. But you know that he will be there and your friends will be there to lift you out of that deep, dark well of water that engulfs you. And you will always be there to do the same for him. So, saying it is as easy as breathing.

“I love you too.”



@luluwiie​​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@maiacroson​​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@nerdypuppytimemachine​​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@voilawind ~ All-Flora Florist

@catguinsstuff​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@smallxbunny​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@the-emo-asgardian​​ ~ Snowbell Florist

@lovers-liability​ ~ Snowbell Florist
