#shoutout to the other entries


Firstly, I ought to thank everybody who entered. There were entries of all shapes and sizes sent to me on various platforms but unfortunately there can only be five victors. I’ll pop them under the cut for people who aren’t as miffed about all this competition malarky. To those of you who are simply waiting for an update regarding The Tower 2: I’ll be posting Chapter 1 tonight. I’ve just got to tidy off Brynjolf’s backstory and then it’s ready to go.

And so, without further ado…

As per the original post, there will be 5 runners-up to the competition, who will become beta-readers for the new fic. One of these runners up will be crowned the ultimate winner, and on top of becoming a beta, will be allowed to request a fic of their choosing and work with me for the entire process of its creation. 

Runners Up
(in no particular order)

@monstermayo with their artwork of Loki and the Reader

It is worth noting that this piece took inspiration from another piece of fanart that I received a while ago. The combo of two beautiful pieces of art, mixed with some of the most adorable expressions I’ve ever seen really sold this piece to me. 

@midnightleone with their artwork of Loki, Nugget, and Jarlien

I treated these submissions as equal - which wasn’t hard to be honest because they’re both equally as brilliant as each other. It was the variety of the characters presented and the humour in both that really stood out. 

@temerey with their art of Loki and the Reader

Wow wow wow, I could not get over how powerful this was. Such a great depiction of the scene and just how I pictured it in my head. From the minimalist background to the detail that matched the description, this one was a pleasure to receive.

@rallsa with her art of Loki and the Reader

This one is beautiful for so many reasons. The lanterns in the background; the otome-esque technique of hiding the reader’s face; the beautiful colour palette. I struggled to stop gushing about this one for quite some time. 

@thatuglyoldjafar with her picture of Loki and the Reader

This piece had me smiling for a good few hours. The comparison worked well enough when I wrote the tower - but seeing it depicted like this? Hilarious. And incredibly accurate. It got bonus points for the reader’s sassy hip bump.

And the Winner is: @midnightleone

When I couldn’t make the decision alone, I had to enlist the help of two other judges. Finally, a call was made and we unanimously agreed that an image so wholesomely and beautifully portraying our favourite gay sons in such a loving embrace could not place anything lower than first. Truly, the utmost congratulations are in order for that fanart; it was everything I pictured in my head and more. 

I’ll be in touch with everybody who won with regards to the prizes, but in the meantime I need some dinner before starting a brand new fic! I don’t know about you guys, but I am heckin excited for The Tower 2. Hold onto your butts folks, you’re in for a wild ride.
