#showbi wan



Obi-wan teaching Leia the basics of the force before he could teach Luke, not knowing that his impact on her life also leads to the success of the rebellion.

Obi-wan showing that he’s a Jedi, protecting her and teaching her how safe it feels being connected to the Force even after he’d been suppressing it for so long.

Obi-wan had Leia as an unofficial padawan without even realizing it.


Leia and Obi-Wan’s dynamic is so delightful because they both fundamentally believe they’re babysitting the other

temporoyales:nothing suspicious here at all officer, move along


nothing suspicious here at all officer, move along

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rrrainbo:Badly sunburned very anxious man hopes nobody from work notices all the missing meat


Badly sunburned very anxious man hopes nobody from work notices all the missing meat

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I love that they gave Obi-Wan a job as a butcher. There’s no elegance, no precision. It’s just a job. Just him and the knife and the blood on his hands


darth vader voice: if i had a credit for every time some ginger jedi fuck broke into my inquisitorious and flooded the place, i’d have two credits. which is nothing compared to the power of the force but it’s weird that it happened twice

the stormtrooper he was talking to:hgrhrrkk (is being force choked to death)


From the moment that Obi-Wan found out that Anakin was alive, from the moment that Obi-Wan started reaching out into the Force again, Anakin fucking Skywalker has been like a cat yowling at the top of his lungs outside the bathroom door because you didn’t let them in when you went to pee.

Every single episode has shown the two of them connected in the Force, that Vader’s eyes snap open in the second episode when Obi-Wan says his name, that the way in the third episode the camera tilts and slowly spins and the sound goes distant and underwater echo-y in both scenes on Mapuzo, where Obi-Wan sees Anakin’s furious face as Anakin and it’s framed the exact same way as when he senses Darth Vader physically on Mapuzo, both of those were Obi-Wan and Anakin connected in the Force, and in the fourth episode, they’re connected again when Obi-Wan and Anakin are both in their bacta tacts.

When Reva screams, “You can’t run, Obi-Wan!  You can’t escape him!” is about Obi-Wan’s grief and Anakin’s legacy being everywhere, it’s the dreams that Obi-Wan is haunted by, it’s the mourning he can’t let go of, it’s seeing the 501st clone, it’s watching over Luke, it’s seeing Leia, it’s being unable to dream of anyone else without it being about Anakin, his presence is everywhere.

But it’s also about Anakin fucking Skywalker standing outside the screendoor of Obi-Wan’s mind and scream yowling in rage because he will get in and he is going to tear the mental furniture to shreds and puke in your mental shoes and leave a path of destruction in his wake.
