#shutaro mendo


Can I be real with y'all for a second?

So as y'all know I’ve been reading Urusei Yatsura lately and I’ve been slowly becoming endeared to the main character Ataru and the reason for why is stuff like this:

Like Ataru doesn’t know this monster, and he has every right to stay out of the situation of Mendo kicking this little monster out of his family’s hotel’s pool. But instead he sticks up for this monster and speaks up for him trying to plead for him in a way. And this isn’t the only time he’s done something like this in the series I’ve noticed.

There was also the time when he’d adopted a caterpillar in the earlier parts of the series and he took care of it and feed it and gave it love. And when the caterpillar had started trouble the whole class turned against it and wanted to literally kill it. And what does Ataru do?

He says no and sticks up for this smaller creature. Like he literally fights his entire classroom just for this one caterpillar and is downright horrified in a way when they want to kill it.

It’s little stuff like this that makes Ataru so endearing and charming to me. Like he doesn’t have to do this stuff yet he does without thinking too much about the consequences. Ataru Moroboshi can be a major pervert and an asshat at times, but it’s moments like this that show us that underneath those things is actually a somewhat kind guy who’ll fight for those who in a way can’t fight for themselves.

And I find that trait of his very admirable. And it’s this trait that most likely makes Lum love him the way she does.

One thing I’m loving about Urusei Yatsura is how Mendo acts like he’s better than Ataru but in reality he too is just as stupid and driven by a singular brain cell as Ataru like it’s the funniest shit.
