#oli talks



It was quiet in the motel room save for the sounds of soft breathing and the tapping noise of a keyboard. Sitting in one of the uncomfortable chairs and typing away on his laptop, Sam gave a tired sigh and ran a large hand through his hair. It was one of those nights for the hunter, where he was exhausted yet unable to sleep. So to pass the time he’d began to do research for a possible hunt while his partner slept away in one of the motel beds. The hunter paused his typing and with a small tilt of his head looked towards the bed where his companion was sleeping soundly. The familiar form of Olidia laid peacefully in her bed, her chest rising and falling with each breath as she slept. Sam couldn’t help but let out a small smile as he watched her. While she slept she looked like any other normal person.

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Me:Stacks up books on my bed

My cat:

I t’ s f r e e r e a l e s t a t e


One thing that I think would be slightly hilarious is having an adult MC being thrust into a magical adventure or school or something like that. Like can you imagine? The chaos? The confusion?

“What do you mean by magic school…?”

“I mean you’re going to attend the school!”

“……no, please dear God no, not again I already did my time-


“You’ve pulled the sword! You’re now leader of a rebellion!”

“…….I can barely make my own doctors appointments and you’re telling me I’ve gotta like leadpeople??????”

Just imagining this as well as other scenarios of the like honestly cracks me up.


Shinys for the fingers!

Also sorry for the crypt keeper fingers I can’t help it-


It seems that after nine years of having Rajah some habits just don’t die, for the first time in a very long time since school I’ve been able to read a chapter book and while I do this I lay on my stomach on my bed with a pillow under my head. Well as I start to read I feel something cuddle up on my mountain of pillows as well and there she was, doing the same thing she always did when I’d read a book on my bed. It’s nice to know that she still remembers this bonding thing we did.


I was cleaning my room today and I’d found this. Shdhdhdhdhdhfh I’d forgotten I owned it.


Not gonna lie but if I could I’d literally become a cowboy in a God damn heartbeat. Like bro I’d be riding into the wild west like those old movies with my trusty horse and awesome hat and boots. Hell maybe I’d rescue a damsel in distress or two, get into gun slinging fights, beat up my fellow cowboys in dust fights. I’d ride off into the sunset and look hella cool. Fuck it I’d even sing songs by the campfire while watching the stars. I’d be the lone cowboy that people fear and honestly that’s like the one dream I could ever really want is it too much to ask to be a cowboy?


Yeehaw partner from one cowboy to another


Me: Want’s to write something.

Also Me: Is extremely lazy.




So since I’ve been gone for a year (?? Holy fuck) I need to update my reading list. If you wish to be tagged in my writing just comment on this post and I’ll add you to the list. Thank you guys for your patience!!


Bringing back the tagging list. Get added to the tagging list to see my writing if you so wish! Just repost it or comment on it and I’ll add you!


The Archangel and The Hunter

It was a quiet day for Gabriel surprisingly. He had no issues to deal with nor any heaven business to fix. For the first time in a long time he had free time which was bizarre but not unwelcomed. The Archangel honestly had no clue on how to spend his free time. Sam and Dean where on a hunt and Castiel had heavenly business that day, Bobby wouldn’t want to talk to him considering how the older man didn’t like having a lot of people over and he was constantly busy with hunting business and Crowley…..Crowley was out of the question. Why the two didn’t exactly fight the two rulers didn’t exactly get along either. Gabriel sighed putting his head on his kitchen table, completely coming up blank before he suddenly remembered one person that he hadn’t spoken to in quite awhile. One person who was practically family to him and one of his closest friends.

Olidia Valree.

He’d completely forgotten about her due to how busy he’d been ruling heaven. Gabriel quickly snapped his head back up, a sudden buzz filling his body. He could hang out with Olidia today! Mind made up the trickster was already getting up from his seat to head towards his friend’s home. Gathering his jacket, Gabriel flew off towards the young woman’s home.


Gabriel landed on the beach cove near the hill, the sounds of water and wildlife hitting his eardrums. It was a sunny day with the sun shining and the breeze blowing gently through his hair and wings. Gabriel took a deep breath in, a small nostalgic smile gracing his face. He’d forgotten how nice the beach cove was and couldn’t help but feel a slight sadness fill him. Deciding not to dwell on it he turned towards the hill that lead up towards the beautiful home that once belonged to his brother Balthazar before he disappeared leaving Olidia alone in it. Taking another breath he began his trek up towards the home. It only took a few minutes to finally get up the hill, each step bringing him closer towards Olidia and with it his excitement. It was only when he was at the front door ready to knock that he paused.

‘What if she doesn’t want to see me?’

The thought sprung up, making Gabriel’s breath hitch. He hadn’t thought of that, that Olidia might not even want to speak to him for being gone for so long.

'What if she’s angry with me? I basically ditched her for my duties to heaven, despite being her best friend.’

Gabriel started to lower his hand, a part of him feeling stupid for thinking such things. This was Olidia, the woman who helped heal his wounds both physically and emotionally, the woman who always welcomed him with open arms and a bright motherly smile. However the insecurities kept coming, slowly but surely making him more and more anxious and more afraid to confront her. How could he confront her when he had basically forgotten her and possibly ruined one of the only friendships he’d ever truly cherished?

'I should just leave, I don’t deserve to just drop by and take up her time much less ask for it. For father’s sake I’m such an awful friend, I should go before I mess up even more.’

Gabriel’s thoughts started to scream at him however he didn’t get a chance to go through with them when the sound of the front door opening made him stiffen. Slowly looking towards the door his golden gaze met the familiar and suprised brown eyed gaze of none other than Olidia.


A soft voice asked sounding unsure but excited. Gabriel quickly swallowed and offered a sheepish smile and awkward wave.

“Hey Oli….long time no seeOOF-”

Gabriel barely managed to get his greeting out before he’d been tackled by the smaller woman. Olidia was practically suffocating him with the tight hug she had on him.

“Oh my God Gabe I missed you! How have you been???”

She chirped happily nuzzling his chest. Gabriel stared a bit before he hugged her back tightly burying his face into her curly auburn hair.

“I missed you too Oli. I’ve been good….I uh….”

He started to say earning Olidia’s attention, her expression holding confusion and sudden worry.

“Gabe…..? Are you okay…?”

She asked tentatively. Gabriel felt his heart ease at the concern she displayed.

“Yeah I just wanted to know if maybe you….wanted to spend the day with me….? I know it’s sudden but I had free time and well….but if you don’t want to then it’s fine too.”

Gabriel finished awkwardly, slightly tense as he waited for the hunter’s response. Olidia looked at him stunned before a bright, beautiful smile lit up her face.

“Are you kidding?!?! I’d love too! Come on in you dork! We’ve got a lot of catching up to do!”

Olidia chirped pulling herself out of the embrace and leading him inside, her hand holding his and giving it a loving squeeze. Gabriel finally felt himself relax, his hand squeezing hers back. The trickster felt relieved, the earlier insecurities gone like the wind. Of course Olidia would want to see him, no matter how much time may pass she’d always be there for him even when she didn’t realize it. Following her inside Gabriel let out a small smile as he listened to Olidia chatter away just like she always did, the two falling back into place just as they always had from the moment they started their friendship. The friendship that always held strong, the friendship between the Archangel and his Hunter.

*I honestly kinda missed Olidia and Gabriel interactions. Their friendship and relationship was one of my favorites among my muses. The Gabriel in this is kinda based off an old rping partner I used to rp with a lot called @gabe-is-no-longer-back-baby. Even though they’re not active they still have wonderful threads and stories that I encourage y'all to read! You won’t regret it! Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed!*


Wanna know something slightly cursed?

Johnny and Gyro’s dynamic is kinda like Castiel and Gabriel’s dynamic.

One’s a silly dude who can be serious when the time calls for it and the other is just kinda tired all the time and sarcastic.

You’re welcome.


Okay so I’ve been thinking about this….

And I’m thinking about making my rping blogs into those kind where I’ll try to rp when I have the time. Kinda like a semi hiatus kind of blog where I’ll take threads and try to keep up with them as best as I possibly can whenever I’m on and have the time. I just wanna know what ya’ll think. Would you be willing to work with this type of blog? Because it’s honestly not fair to keep people waiting for long periods of time and I’m truly sorry for that. Please let me know what y'all think about this.


Okay before I head to bed,

I just wanna say that if I had a rp thread going on with you I might need ya’ll to tag me or send me a link to it because my Tumblr ate my old history feed. I’m gonna try and catch up with y'all! I’m really sorry about the long ass wait!


Things I learned tonight:

I’m still not over Gabriel getting fucked over.

It’s been like two years and I’m still not truly over this.

Probably never will.

Fuck, Supernatural you ruined my son for real how dare you-


Did I ever mention that I literally love my puppy (and cat) more than life itself? Because I do.


Hello from the other side. I’ve finally got some free time today after work so if anyone had a rp going on with me or wishes to start a rping thread please feel free to send something in!


Things that I love about Vil Schoenheit:

  • He’s hard working.
  • He’s incredibly talented.
  • He’s dedicated to his work.
  • He strives to make others shine to the best of their abilities.
  • He’s gorgeous.
  • He kicks ass and takes names.
  • He’s the ultimate mom of the school.
  • He’s a kind person (somewhat) even if he doesn’t show it often.
  • He’s incredibly wise and gives good advice to his younger classmates.
  • He literally looks amazing in anything including heels.

Long story short he’s one of the best boys of NRC.

Bringing this back because I love Vil and I’m gonna make it everyone’s problem.

Friendly reminder now that Resident Evil 4 has been announced!!!

I’m still not over the events of Resident Evil 8: The Village that game will forever fucking haunt me and I swear to God if RE4 does that type of emotional man slaughter I might just burst into tears-

Can I be real with y'all for a second?

So as y'all know I’ve been reading Urusei Yatsura lately and I’ve been slowly becoming endeared to the main character Ataru and the reason for why is stuff like this:

Like Ataru doesn’t know this monster, and he has every right to stay out of the situation of Mendo kicking this little monster out of his family’s hotel’s pool. But instead he sticks up for this monster and speaks up for him trying to plead for him in a way. And this isn’t the only time he’s done something like this in the series I’ve noticed.

There was also the time when he’d adopted a caterpillar in the earlier parts of the series and he took care of it and feed it and gave it love. And when the caterpillar had started trouble the whole class turned against it and wanted to literally kill it. And what does Ataru do?

He says no and sticks up for this smaller creature. Like he literally fights his entire classroom just for this one caterpillar and is downright horrified in a way when they want to kill it.

It’s little stuff like this that makes Ataru so endearing and charming to me. Like he doesn’t have to do this stuff yet he does without thinking too much about the consequences. Ataru Moroboshi can be a major pervert and an asshat at times, but it’s moments like this that show us that underneath those things is actually a somewhat kind guy who’ll fight for those who in a way can’t fight for themselves.

And I find that trait of his very admirable. And it’s this trait that most likely makes Lum love him the way she does.

One thing I’m loving about Urusei Yatsura is how Mendo acts like he’s better than Ataru but in reality he too is just as stupid and driven by a singular brain cell as Ataru like it’s the funniest shit.

i know i haven’t posted anything/answered asks in a while i’m so sorry about that. this blog is definitely not abandoned, i’m jusy having a hard time right now! but i still adore giffing, and i’ll definitely come back asap

i’ll probably post a set i’ve been working on today, i’m really excited to post it but also very nervous


Biggest problem of writing that I’ve personally experienced:

I can’t spell worth shit and sometimes when I try to spell it even autocorrect goes what the actual fuck girl??

It’s a curse.


Me comes from the deepest pits of hell looking like I haven’t slept in years and having a manic insane look in my eyes: Have you ever heard of this newest thing I’ve hyper fixated on for the past several weeks now????????????


Hetalia Masterlist

EngIta Fanfiction (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Human AU (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Guardian Angel AU (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Guardian Angel AU Rewrite Part One (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Guardian Angel AU Part Two (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Guardian Angel AU Part Three (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Fanfiction Part Two (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta, GerEng, GerIta OT3 (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Fantasy AU Part One (Romantic)⬆️

EngIta Fantasy AU Part Two (Romantic) ⬆️

Here’s all of my current Hetalia Fics that I’ve written! I plan on writing a lot more for different pairings as well as reader inserts!!! Happy reading y'all!!!

Here’s the updated part one of my Hetalia Masterlist!!!!


I feel like that everytime I post some crack ass idea to y'all involving either a ship, story prompt or just straight up madness I become the literal definition of that one picture of Daniel Radcliffe in the bathrobe and slippers.
