
abolitionjournal:The system of white supremacy isn’t broken; it’s working exactly as it was engineabolitionjournal:The system of white supremacy isn’t broken; it’s working exactly as it was engineabolitionjournal:The system of white supremacy isn’t broken; it’s working exactly as it was engineabolitionjournal:The system of white supremacy isn’t broken; it’s working exactly as it was engine


The system of white supremacy isn’t broken; it’s working exactly as it was engineered to work.
#TamirRice #ShutItDown #AbolishPolice #BlackLivesMatter

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abolitionjournal:Protesters block a tech bus, burn a Confederate flag, and shut down Oakland’s I-8abolitionjournal:Protesters block a tech bus, burn a Confederate flag, and shut down Oakland’s I-8abolitionjournal:Protesters block a tech bus, burn a Confederate flag, and shut down Oakland’s I-8abolitionjournal:Protesters block a tech bus, burn a Confederate flag, and shut down Oakland’s I-8abolitionjournal:Protesters block a tech bus, burn a Confederate flag, and shut down Oakland’s I-8


Protesters block a tech bus, burn a Confederate flag, and shut down Oakland’s I-80 freeway in response to police killing of #JoeBart last night. #BlackLivesMatter


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MUST WATCH: Highlights From Our First Annual Blackout Music & Film Festival Featuring Live MusicMUST WATCH: Highlights From Our First Annual Blackout Music & Film Festival Featuring Live MusicMUST WATCH: Highlights From Our First Annual Blackout Music & Film Festival Featuring Live MusicMUST WATCH: Highlights From Our First Annual Blackout Music & Film Festival Featuring Live MusicMUST WATCH: Highlights From Our First Annual Blackout Music & Film Festival Featuring Live MusicMUST WATCH: Highlights From Our First Annual Blackout Music & Film Festival Featuring Live MusicMUST WATCH: Highlights From Our First Annual Blackout Music & Film Festival Featuring Live MusicMUST WATCH: Highlights From Our First Annual Blackout Music & Film Festival Featuring Live Music

MUST WATCH: Highlights From Our First Annual Blackout Music & Film Festival Featuring Live Musical Performances by Lalah Hathaway, V. Bozeman and More, Spoken Word Performances by Amandla Stenberg, Donté Clark and More, and Panel Discussion Highlights with Tracie Thoms, Justin Simien, Nate Parker, Rahiel Tesfamariam, Patrisse Marie Cullors-Brignac, David Johns and More: https://youtu.be/ba_J5iCKQDk

  • Check Out the Excellent Articles Below on the Best and Most Powerful Moments From Blackout Music & Film Festival:
  • How the Blackout Music & Film Festival is Encouraging Emerging Voices to Break Out - http://bit.ly/1JHmERd via Indiewire
  • The Responsible Celebrity: Actors, Filmmakers Talk About Art, Activism at Blackout Festival - http://bit.ly/1O4eiXH via The Root
  • Blackout Music & Film Festival Talks Artists and Social Justice - http://bit.ly/1UnXJIr via Variety
  • Blackout Music & Film Festival Celebrates Community, Creativity and Culture - http://bit.ly/1JHU86a via The Root
  • Chris Rock, Tessa Thompson, Justin Simien And Others Talk Celebrity Advocacy at Blackout Festival - http://bit.ly/1PSyWdY via Colorlines
  • Nate Parker, Tessa Thompson Speak Out About Human Rights At Blackout Festival - http://bit.ly/1NUoSDK via Hip Hollywood
  • Recap: Blackout Music & Film Festival - http://bit.ly/1KxdMnL via JET Magazine

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The system of white supremacy isn’t broken; it’s working exactly as it was engineered to work.#TamirThe system of white supremacy isn’t broken; it’s working exactly as it was engineered to work.#TamirThe system of white supremacy isn’t broken; it’s working exactly as it was engineered to work.#TamirThe system of white supremacy isn’t broken; it’s working exactly as it was engineered to work.#Tamir

The system of white supremacy isn’t broken; it’s working exactly as it was engineered to work.
#TamirRice #ShutItDown #AbolishPolice #BlackLivesMatter

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“The context of “Black Lives Matter” is not that other lives don’t. The context of “Black Live

“The context of “Black Lives Matter” is not that other lives don’t. The context of “Black Lives Matter” is that the value of black lives remains under assault in the United States.”

- Tyler Huckabee, “The Problem with Saying ‘All Lives Matter’”

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“When people ask me, “Who will protect us,” I want to say: Who protects you now?" - Mycha

“When people ask me, “Who will protect us,” I want to say: Who protects you now?" 

- Mychal Denzel Smith — "Abolish the Police. Instead, Let’s Have Full Social, Economic, and Political Equality.” 

Picture with “Strong Communities Make Police Obsolete” banner from BlackOUT Collective

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Protesters block a tech bus, burn a Confederate flag, and shut down Oakland’s I-80 freeway in Protesters block a tech bus, burn a Confederate flag, and shut down Oakland’s I-80 freeway in Protesters block a tech bus, burn a Confederate flag, and shut down Oakland’s I-80 freeway in Protesters block a tech bus, burn a Confederate flag, and shut down Oakland’s I-80 freeway in Protesters block a tech bus, burn a Confederate flag, and shut down Oakland’s I-80 freeway in

Protesters block a tech bus, burn a Confederate flag, and shut down Oakland’s I-80 freeway in response to police killing of #JoeBart last night. #BlackLivesMatter

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“This photographer deserves a Pulitzer for this shot. Contrast “to protect and serve” wi

“This photographer deserves a Pulitzer for this shot. Contrast “to protect and serve” with the reader board on the bus. #KeithLamontScott
- Matthew Robinson

via Twitter

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Thousands protest on the streets of Charlotte, blocking traffic and shutting down the city for #Keit

Thousands protest on the streets of Charlotte, blocking traffic and shutting down the city for #KeithLamontScott

“When nonviolence is preached as an attempt to evade the repercussions of political brutality, it betrays itself. When nonviolence begins halfway through the war with the aggressor calling time out, it exposes itself as a ruse. When nonviolence ispreached by the representatives of the state, while the state doles out heaps of violence to its citizens, it reveals itself to be a con. And none of this can mean that rioting or violence is “correct” or “wise,” any more than a forest fire can be “correct” or “wise.” Wisdom isn’t the point tonight. Disrespect is. In this case, disrespect for the hollow law and failed order that so regularly disrespects the community.“
- Ta-Nehisi Coates, “Non-Violence as Compliance”

Original picture from Katie Peralta via Twitter 

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when we revolt it’s not for a particular culture. we revolt simply because, for a variety of r

when we revolt it’s not for a particular culture. we revolt simply because, for a variety of reasons, we can no longer breathe. {frantz fanon} #baltimore #ripfreddiegrey #shutitdown #rebellion #revolution #protest #blacklivesmatter follow @bydvnlln for epic footage

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Respect our existence or expect our resistance ✊✊✊✊#Blacklivesmatter @blacklivescincy #whosestreetsourstreets #cincygram #downtown #shutitdown #altonsterling #timothythomas #samdubose #joannburton #philandocastile #samdubose #blacklivescincy #cincinnati (at Cincinnati Police District One)

March through downtown St. Louis today in protest of no indictment #fergusondecision #shutitdown

March through downtown St. Louis today in protest of no indictment #fergusondecision #shutitdown

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“Do people think that bus just kept making regularly-scheduled stops when Rosa Parks took a st

“Do people think that bus just kept making regularly-scheduled stops when Rosa Parks took a stand? It was not just an act of defiance by a single person–it was a protest planned by activists, premeditated, illegal and purposely disruptive.”

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To those we have lost to police brutality: Eleanor Bumpurs, Tyisha Miller, LaTanya Haggerty, Tanesha Anderson, Aura Rosser, Amadou Diallo, Sean Bell, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin …
And those we have lost to the communal violence justified by the policing of our bodies: Sakia Gunn, Tiffany Edwards, Zoraida Reyes, Mia Henderson, Kandy Hall, Yaz'Min, Shancez, Terrell Anderson, Islan Nettles…
To the Falsely Accused, Detained and Abused: Venice Brown, Terrain Dandridge, Renata Hill and Patreese Johnson (The Jersey Four), Marichuy, CeCe McDonald and for all the names we do not know.
In the telling of our names, what is most apparent is that our lives are seen as disposable and undervalued.  
We are clear as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two Spirit, Trans and Gender Non Conforming People of Color that our safety is contingent on the preservation of all Black and People of Color bodies.  We have been righteous in fighting against anti-Black racism & anti-immigrant oppression, that allows for state controlled white supremacy to exist and justify the murder of our people.  The murders of Mike Brown, Tamir Rice, Akai Gurley and Eric Garner prove that Black lives are seen as dangerous and expendable.  For those of us that are Queer, Trans, Black and People of Color, our bodies, our gender expression and who we love puts us further away from the “norms” and has falsely perceived us as the most threatening, less than human, and even more dangerous of all bodies.  
In New York City, where our organizations live and organize, we have seen the impact of racist, classist and capitalist policing on our communities for decades.  In the early 1990’s, former Mayor Guiliani promoted the now infamous “Quality of life” policing practices based on broken windows policing. There are camps on both sides arguing for and against the effectiveness of such policing practices. As organizations that work with Queer and Trans people of color communities, we know these policies disproportionately impact our communities through racist/gender policing.  Our communities are the most targeted by discriminatory practices of policing and Stop & Frisk that lead to Black and Latino men being incarcerated and Black women being the fastest growing prison population. The United States is a country built on white supremacy, colonialism, slavery and genocide, it has attained wealth, power and privilege from the massive removal and displacement of our communities through deportation, criminalization, and policing.
The fact that Eric Garner was killed due to suspicion that he was selling “loosies” (single cigarettes) is an atrocity in itself.  Based on broken windows policing theory and practice, Eric became a target due to the irrational fear that communities of color, that Black people will only continue to break the law, to escalate, and be out of control.   Whether or not he was selling “loosies” is irrelevant when we compare these quality of life crimes to more heinous crimes that are constantly overlooked or justified.  This includes: when banks are allowed to engage in predatory practices that target communities of color and force groups to remain in poverty; when Detroit can declare bankruptcy on a city of mostly black communities and then take away basic rights such as water; when corporations are allowed to abuse other countries and depress US economies; when the US Military continues to back and support Israel’s oppression of Palestinian people and land.
While our work is important and has made critical change, it’s not enough. We need to wake up, we need to rise up.  In the words of Audre Lorde - “We were never meant to survive.” We need to be prepared for this hyper level of policing; we need to develop safety strategies for ourselves and our communities that uplift’s our survival and existence. We’ve been resilient in our movement strategies & in our organizing traditions. We’ve been at the center of this work for decades.  It’s the legacy of our ancestors, the legacy of the civil rights movement, the legacy of the uprising of Stonewall, the legacy of the migrant farmworkers movement and many others. We have been here and we will continue to be here.  In this moment, what are we willing to do to be free?

~Written by Cara Page, Executive Director of The Audre Lorde Project  
& Krystal Portalatin, Co-Director of FIERCE
In Solidarity,
The Memberships, Staff and Board of The Audre Lorde Project and FIERCE   
FIERCE will mobilize tomorrow (Thursday, 12/4) at Foley Square at 5:30PM to demand justice for Eric Garner. If you want to Join FIERCE contact Fred [email protected].  
We will be demanding:

  • An end to discriminatory Broken Windows policing abuses
  • A DOJ Investigation into the use of force policies and practices of the NYPD
  • Full accountability for all officers responsible for Eric’s death, and all officers who brutalize and abuse their power in our communities

Nearest trains to Foley Square: Foley Square (J/Z to Chambers, 4/5/6 to Brooklyn Bridge City Hall)
