#sign me up





bill nye has fucking snapped. if you say the words “chinese hoax” he’ll personally teleport to your location, set you on fire, and tell you that “oh no boo hoo you can’t stop being on fire because it costs too much money to not be on fire guess it’s just not worth extinguishing you”. he’d stab an oil company exec with knife hidden under his light blue lab coat. that man has gone off the civility rails, he is absolutely living, i admire him fully, we stan 

Bill Nye has what feels like a valid anti-hero/supervillain origin story. Young, optimistic scientist dedicates his life to educating children about science, but then watch as those same kids grow up to ignore science and continue to destroy the earth. So in a fit of rage/act of desperation he activates Super ScientistTM mode and becomes his superpowered persona and starts killing billionaires in ridiculous over-the-top fourth grade science fair experiment related ways.

Tbh, I’d help him

Reblog to become Supervillain Bill Nye’s nameless henchperson


Frédéric François Chopin was a beautiful man, and his music was and is still beautiful. What I would give to go back in time, even for just one day, and listen to him play on the piano.


Ruddcatha is a truly kind soul and a brain to boot! The number of times she has lent a helping hand to someone in the fandom is innumerable.

As you may know, Rudd is currently fundraising to attend a national pageant in July; if you have a moment, and would like to donate to Rudd’s ko-fi to help her get there, we would so appreciate it. Thank you, and enjoy!

As I and the baby am kind of down and out with a monster cold, I haven’t managed to finish this yet, but I definitely wanted to give you a taste at least!

Miroku ignored the ringing in his peripheral attention as long as he possibly could. The embroidery on this pocket square was proving more difficult than usual, the monogram not sitting right. He’d pulled the stitches at least twice to start over.

“Miroku!” He nearly leapt out of his skin at the harsh female voice. “Pick up this phone right now. I know you’re there!” It took him a moment to understand that the familiar voice was coming through his answering machine. He dropped his current piece and scrambled to get to the phone.

“Sango! Love. I’m sorry. I was distracted.”

There was a harrumph on the other end. “Don’t call me Love,” she muttered halfheartedly. “Anyway, I need your help.”

“Anything. Always.”

“I need a man.” Miroku was shocked into silence for a breath. FINALLY! He had been waiting years for her to… “backed out and now we’re one short so… Are you listening?”

“What? Yes. Wait…”

“The date auction this weekend,” she huffed, exasperation coating her tone. “We’re a man short and I’ve called just about every eligible bachelor I know under the age of forty.” But she hadn’t called him!

So that meant he wasn’t an eligible bachelor?

Keep reading


do you have difficulty making decisions? has a friend presenting you with a low stakes choice between two options ever caused you to freeze up? do you feel crushing dread when you think about choices you have already made or will soon have to make that greatly affect your future? have you ever wished that life were just a little simplerandless stressful for you to move through? hi, I’m here today to talk to you about my patron, the mother of puppets,


Serial Killers (2004) - Episode 1 ‘On The Origin of Species’

Would you watch 'Heart of Hearts’?
Aren’t you just going 'ooh’?

God, Dean sure looks dreamy here. He’d be too young for me; I think he was about 28.

automaticgiraffe:A Shinra soldier’s express purpose is to get their ass beat.  Sign up today


A Shinra soldier’s express purpose is to get their ass beat.  Sign up today

Post link


imagine your f/o talking to their friends or family about you. maybe they do it a lot, maybe they’re the type to not share much about their private lives, or maybe somewhere in between. maybe your f/o’s friends or family tease them playfully about how clear their affection for you is, how they get flustered or how they act different around you. maybe your f/o’s friends or family love that you bring out this new side of them, how you make them feel so visibly good and loved. imagine the compliments your f/o gives to you behind your back. imagine them telling others about how smart, kind or brave you are. your f/o loves you so much, they can’t help saying good things about you, no matter how much that may get them teased.


hello! this will be the home for a shape of water themed art zine in the near future and i’m just posting to check interest in this project. go ahead and follow for future updates :) 

so you are aware: tsow is NOT out in theatres for the entire world yet! the UK won’t get it in cinemas until feb 16th !!! because of this, i’d like to open up applications until at least after that date, so that as many people get the chance to see this wonderful movie as possible. 

this zine will be run by @simrell ! there’s already some info posted on the blog and you’re more than willing to ask questions <3 

like/reblog/respond to this post if you’re interested! and of course share the info with other fans!


first 5 faceless emojis are how your summers gonna go


Hey guys, this is just a heads up that I’m not going to be very active on here for a while.

I’m not taking a hiatus or anything! I’m still working on the next OSD chapter, plus a couple other side projects, one of which is another dreamtale animatic. Hopefully I’ll be able to post something in a month (or three for the animatic lol).

As for you guys, I’ll make sure to pop in on the weekends to check in on you peeps and answer any asks that I can. So I won’t be dead, just a bit more on the down low for a while.

Thanks for understanding, hope you all are enjoying the summer so far!

Me before realizing that there’s gonna be a Dreamtale animatic: Oh cool! Can’t wait for the next—

Me right after realizing that there’s gonna be a Dreamtale animatic:

I’m not gonna lie. On a talent perspective if the Canes pull this off against the Rangers the finals are going to be insane. Canes vs Tampa? Avs vs Oilers? Those are going to be insane matchups. It’s the first time I really don’t know who would win or lose.

i hate riverdale as much as the next person, but lbr for a second, the girl who plays veronica is a perfect older diana cast



How to train your dragon at Universal Epic Universe in Orlando

“One of the new park’s themed lands will be based on the DreamWorks’ How to Train Your Dragon film series. Thanks to some recently filed permits we’re learning more about the World of Dragons land at Epic Universe, including some of the layouts for the new land’s proposed attractions.”


Omt guys can you believe that???? There will be a whole land dedicated to HTTYD!!

There should be a Forbidden Friendship attraction where you must befriend Toothless in order to gain access to the park. And if you are successful, he spits up a raw fish that unlocks the rest of the rides. (You get to keep the fish)


hey, so. i made a quiz that’s probably niche and hyperspecific to my interests but. i promise it’s fun, okay

anyway,allow me to assign you one of my favourite mythological ‘tropes’ in this short quiz!

(i know mythology doesn’t have tropes but i couldn’t think of a better word.)

12 results, including:

  1. world-bearing cosmic turtle
  2. guy who gifts humanity and gets punished for it
  3. monster’s even more scary mother
  4. a beast with hidden legendary wisdom
  5. heroic horse who is king over other horses
  6. lady descending to underworld
  7. shape shifter who isn’t exactly evil but causes a lot of mischief
  8. king asleep in mountain till needed
  9. primeval sentient abyss of ocean/space/creation
  10. extremely hot extremely idiotic hero
  11. benevolent luck-giving animal whom nobody can find
  12. the vegetable lamb of tartary (which is not a trope but it’s epic and needed to be included)