#uquiz meme




With the resurgence of Percy Jackson, I’m thinking of making a uquiz about whichrealistic godly parent you’d get (meaning no option to be fathered by Zeus, Poseiden, or Hades, and an rare option to not be a demigod at all) because I think we all need that.

Behold, the realistic godly parent quiz! And behold, apparently I’m the daughter of the God of sleep. How fitting.

Reblog with your parent in the tags!

Look I know I’ve got narcolepsy but this is just a callout.

here’s a uquiz I made!! I hope you enjoy it <3


unfriendlyblackwitch:simandy:rb-sketches:explodo-murder:rb-sketches: I was bored so I took a mental unfriendlyblackwitch:simandy:rb-sketches:explodo-murder:rb-sketches: I was bored so I took a mental






I was bored so I took a mental age test, twice

Taking an avg., I’m 11


drop the link bestie i need to get angry at whatever it thinks i am

Of course✨✨✨


Finally im not 13 anymore

Post link



Me: I’m a very serious student of Latin literature
Also me: what if I made a quiz to find out what role people would have in Roman erotic poetry?

Here it is!



hey kids, I’m making a quiz about problematic Classical faves. Which piece of trash will you defend until death do you part?

Andhere it is!


This one’s for my literature lovers: ever wondered what classical genre you’d star in ? 


Another quiz to find out the truth about yourself: would the gods smite you?


hey, so. i made a quiz that’s probably niche and hyperspecific to my interests but. i promise it’s fun, okay

anyway,allow me to assign you one of my favourite mythological ‘tropes’ in this short quiz!

(i know mythology doesn’t have tropes but i couldn’t think of a better word.)

12 results, including:

  1. world-bearing cosmic turtle
  2. guy who gifts humanity and gets punished for it
  3. monster’s even more scary mother
  4. a beast with hidden legendary wisdom
  5. heroic horse who is king over other horses
  6. lady descending to underworld
  7. shape shifter who isn’t exactly evil but causes a lot of mischief
  8. king asleep in mountain till needed
  9. primeval sentient abyss of ocean/space/creation
  10. extremely hot extremely idiotic hero
  11. benevolent luck-giving animal whom nobody can find
  12. the vegetable lamb of tartary (which is not a trope but it’s epic and needed to be included)




every day i think about building my ‘why you specifically should watch the terror’ uquiz with 21 entire different results but then i remember i’m in my last term of my degree and should probably do that

haha three people liked this and now i’m making it!!!!!!! sorry kings (all of my professors) i’ll get back to you later!!

holds this up five hours of hype-fixation later



i have a disease called “i believe i will have the love i have been reading about all these years one day”

let me assign you a love language which won’t make sense 
