#silco arcane x you


Silco: voice

Fandom: Arcane 

  • Silco was surprised when you told him how much you enjoyed his voice.
  • Until that moment, he didn’t pay much attention to it. He wouldn’t ridicule you for it, though - Silco would rather become more aware of various ways to use it for you. 
  • Silco would lean closer to you while speaking. He’d do it on purpose, making sure to brush the hair away from your ear. He’d love the goosebumps running up your neck in response.
  • Silco would take a lot of satisfaction in observing the way you reacted to him. He loved the quiet intake of breath you took every time he approached you from behind and put his chin on your shoulder. You’d lean back into his embrace and it would feel like everything was right. 
  • Pressed so closely together, you could feel the way Silco’s words reverberated through his chest, especially if he spoke slowly, deepening his voice.
  • Silco uses a lot of tones depending on who he speaks to. He is aware that when it comes to successfully manipulating people, a plethora of small details must be taken into account. 
  • He wouldn’t call himself the master of reading people, but a lot of Silco’s business depended on being on good terms with difficult ones. During all those years spent at the very bottom of the Lanes, Silco had a lot of time and opportunity to learn and adjust.
  • He knows when to be silky smooth and alluring, and when to push and threaten and cut off the other party before they grow too sure of themselves. A lot can be forced onto a person if one knows how to play them.
  • Silco would refrain from using his tricks on you, though, or at least would be incredibly hesitant. A relationship for him equals boundaries to be set and lines not to be crossed - and he’s especially careful about those because of his line of work. There are certain behaviors he has to uphold in the presence of his subjects, but prefers to leave them behind closed doors in private. 
  • Silco has never been the most talkative in bed, but he’d try his best once you admitted how much you loved to hear him. 
  • He’d take him time. If he teased you, it’d be without malice. He’d love to see you flustered, though, and would choose his words carefully.
  • Silco would also love to praise you, and would be very vocal about the way you felt against him.

Silco: affection

Fandom: Arcane 

  • Silco prefers to keep his private matters behind closed doors. 
  • He is by no means embarrassed to admit he’s in a relationship with you. His restraint has more to do with the way he got used to living - on his own, with his back always tense, expecting to be stabbed by the people claiming to be allies. 
  • It’s difficult to let go of the old habits. To realize there’s now a pair of eyes watching his back, protecting him whenever he needs it.
  • And it feels wonderful.
  • Even on the worst of days, Silco knows you’ll be there for him. That he can come back to his private rooms, lock the doors and sit down on the couch or the bed and soon you’ll join him. He just needs to open up his arms and you’ll sit on his lap, and wrap your arms around him.
  • You are warm and the crook of your neck feels like home. Silco often kisses that spot before hiding his face there and just breathing you in for a few moments. His hands rub over your back in a manner soothing both of you. Sometimes Silco talks about his day, especially the shitty parts of it, because it feels freeing. He doesn’t mind you listening in silence. He doesn’t mind you offering advice either. 
  • But more often than not, what helps Silco calm down is just your presence, closed in his arms and safe. The knowledge that no matter how bad things go, he will always have you standing firmly by his side. That he has someone to come back to.
  • Silco isn’t used to being affectionate. 
  • Instead, he often chooses to go along with whatever you want or need. Do you want to run your hands through his hair, even after he’s carefully combed it back? He’s fine with it, it’s just hair after all. Would you like to borrow his favorite coat? He’ll lend it to you for however long you want and enjoy the view. He might even order you a new, better one without telling you.
  • Silco usually refrains from public displays of affection, but there are moments in the middle of some meetings when he forgets himself and allows his hand to wander over your knee or thigh and squeeze it gently. 
  • When you sit on his lap (and he’ll often encourage you to) Silco loves running his hands over your thighs.
  • If you allow your hair to grow out, Silco wouldn’t mind brushing it for you. He might even braid it if you asked - he’s had plenty of experience after learning Jinx’s various hairstyles over the years. His hands are gentle and caring. He’d kiss the crown of your head once he was finished.
  • Silco loves having you close to him. He often asks you to put the Shimmer in his eye or to cover his scar with concealer. He argues that you have a much better view of his face than he’ll do even with the biggest of mirrors. 
  • Silco usually just quietly looks at you as you work, seated comfortably on his lap. He’d lean back in his chair and enjoy the way you carefully hold his face in place and the kisses you pepper everywhere, especially around his scars. Silco would melt if you looked him in the eyes and said that you love him just as much without the concealer.

Silco: relationship headcanons //part 2

Fandom: Arcane

  • Silco has very few people he genuinely cares about.
  • That means if someone messes up with any of them, Silco will take care of that incident thoroughly enough to make an example of the poor bastard. Silco threads a fine line between being protective and straight up possessive. 
  • His concern isn’t based on viewing you as weak - Silco is fully aware you can protect yourself, and is proud to see you do it. But when he sees such a situation, ice cold rage rises in his chest, along with the urge to snap the neck of whoever put their hands on you. Silco wouldn’t even hide the body - he’d hang it by the Last Drop’s entrance. 
  • Silco is fully aware how little good he has left in his life - how few people make him feel at peace. Even though he wouldn’t admit to it, Silco is afraid that one day you might be taken away or hurt when he couldn’t do anything to stop it. It keeps him up at night sometimes. To imagine his worst fear coming to life and leaving him hopeless.
  • Silco hates being hopeless.
  • But he also respects you and your wishes not to send any bodyguards whenever you leave Silco’s sight. Sure, Silco would call them ‘support’ or 'more firepower’ but not every job you had to handle required such excessive 'means’. 
  • A relationship with Silco is based on respect most of all. 
  • He understands his fears and how they might influence his decisions, but he always makes sure to listen to your opinion too. And even though it would pain him, Silco would respect your choice of going alone on the jobs you chose to. He would be tempted to send someone to keep an eye on you from a safe distance, but wouldn’t do it in the end.
  • Silco can’t stop the relief washing over him every time you come back in (more or less) one piece, marching into his office with a smile upon seeing him. He would never get tired of that sight. 
  • Silco hates seeing you in pain or injured. He’d sit you down in his chair and clean your wounds, taking care to bandage them thoroughly. There was something calming in knowing that you were fine now and close to him, and he could help you. If your injuries were more severe, Silco would waste no time and rush you to Singed. He may be mostly an alchemist, but he knows the workings of flesh well enough to deal with even the most severe injuries.
  • Silco frets whenever something happens to you, even if it was too small for you to even think twice about it. He wants to know everything. 
  • It’s partly because he enjoys the sound of your voice and learning more about your life or your recent endeavors. When the business is running smoothly and there’s little to worry about, Silco likes to sit with you in his private rooms and just talk through the evening and the night. Companionship for Silco is about something more than simple desire or lust, or even being the most useful pawn in his hands. And he isn’t the one to talk about the appearances either - Silco is fully aware what his face looks like. He wouldn’t push you to change anything about your appearances if you didn’t want to.
  • True companionship for Silco means mutual understanding and trust. He knows he’s far from perfect, but he doesn’t hide his past or the present and appreciates you being honest and accepting too. 
  • Silco is more relaxed when he’s just with you, somewhere out of view. He often urges you to sit on his lap when there’s only two of you in his office. He wraps his arms around you loosely, enjoying the warmth of your body pressed into his. He smiled the first time you confessed how much you enjoy putting your head on his shoulder or chest and listening to him talk. 
  • Silco trusts you enough to allow you to inject his eye with Shimmer. Your hands are steady and he isn’t always calm enough to do it right himself, but he has another reason to wait for you specifically, although he doesn’t talk about it openly. 
  • The injection is painful and it takes him a few moments to regain his composure. Whenever you are the one doing it, you always hold his face in your hands afterwards, rubbing his cheeks and kissing his forehead. It doesn’t stop the pain, but makes it easier to endure. Silco puts his guard down for those few seconds when the pain is overwhelming, but hidden in your gentle embrace he feels safe. 
  • The kisses you plant over his brow and down his scarred cheek feel like a blessing when he tries to catch his breath. He is usually back to his senses when you venture down his jawline and neck, but never stops you from going as far as you want to. 

Silco: relationship headcanons //part 1

Fandom: Arcane

  • Silco is a man of focus, commitment and will to sacrifice a lot in pursuit of his goal. He knows half the people of the Lanes and controls a big chunk of the rest, but doesn’t flinch before sacrificing those he considers pawns in order to fulfill his dream. There are very few people he keeps close and shares even a sliver of trust with. 
  • And then you march into his life and refuse to leave. 
  • What confused Silco the most at first is how you seemed to genuinely not want to use him for your own gain. You were involved in freeing the Lanes from the Piltover’s clasp, and you had a decent skill set that came in handy on a few occasions. You slowly worked your way up, started working closer with Silco… and never stabbed him in the back. 
  • That surprised him. Loyalty is hard-earned in the Lanes and you seemed too good to not be an elaborate trap, and yet there you were, standing by his side and looking like you enjoyed the place. Like you wanted to be there.
  • With him.
  • It took Silco a while to realize what he felt looking at you was something more than care over a good investment. That the people he sent with you on missions he chose with special interest. That he always wanted you to bring him the reports, to accompany him to meetings, to keep an eye on Jinx when he had to take care of especially gruesome business alone.
  • It didn’t take Sevika that long to notice. But Sevika didn’t care what was going on in her boss’s private life as long as you were less of a problem than Jinx. And given how you didn’t bite her even once throughout all the time you worked for Silco, she might even like you more than the kid.
  • Silco tried to move on, to get rid of the feelings he knew would be his weakness in a world where he could afford to show none. But his mind would constantly linger on you, on your smile, on the way you delivered the newest report, the tone of your voice or the small gestures he noticed you made - and knew he couldn’t live like this.
  • What Silco didn’t know was your side of things. You did allow yourself some freedom in his presence he wouldn’t take from his other goons, but was something more behind it? 
  • Silco tried to be subtle at first and did his best to make hints and figure out your feelings from the reaction to them, but he quickly fell into over analyzing every single word or look you gave him. It led him nowhere and Silco didn’t like that.
  • The matter of whatever was between you and him was something Silco was extremely sensitive about. He didn’t need half the Lanes learning about his weak spot and using it against him, so whatever rumors would arise, he made Sevika crush before they caught the wind (or your attention). Sevika didn’t mind. She might even enjoy the show and Silco’s rising frustration.
  • He broke at some point. It was after yet another one of his ploys he thought were smart and direct enough, but still left you oblivious to his true intentions. He appreciated you thinking you were just his extremely trusted assistant, but there was only so much he could take.
  • So once Silco made sure to be somewhere private and secure with you, he decided to be as blunt as possible and let you decide whether you were interested in him in the same way, or would prefer things to stay on a purely professional level. 
  • He was ready to be rejected (he could think of many reasons behind that), and respected you enough to accept whatever choice you made.
  • His heart felt like a hammer in his chest when he waited for your answer. He stood tall and confident, even though the hands he clasped behind his back were ice cold. 
  • The smile Silco allowed himself when you accepted him was one of the very few genuine and happy ones you saw him make. By then you could easily tell them apart.