#silco headcanons


Silco: relationship headcanons //part 1

Fandom: Arcane

  • Silco is a man of focus, commitment and will to sacrifice a lot in pursuit of his goal. He knows half the people of the Lanes and controls a big chunk of the rest, but doesn’t flinch before sacrificing those he considers pawns in order to fulfill his dream. There are very few people he keeps close and shares even a sliver of trust with. 
  • And then you march into his life and refuse to leave. 
  • What confused Silco the most at first is how you seemed to genuinely not want to use him for your own gain. You were involved in freeing the Lanes from the Piltover’s clasp, and you had a decent skill set that came in handy on a few occasions. You slowly worked your way up, started working closer with Silco… and never stabbed him in the back. 
  • That surprised him. Loyalty is hard-earned in the Lanes and you seemed too good to not be an elaborate trap, and yet there you were, standing by his side and looking like you enjoyed the place. Like you wanted to be there.
  • With him.
  • It took Silco a while to realize what he felt looking at you was something more than care over a good investment. That the people he sent with you on missions he chose with special interest. That he always wanted you to bring him the reports, to accompany him to meetings, to keep an eye on Jinx when he had to take care of especially gruesome business alone.
  • It didn’t take Sevika that long to notice. But Sevika didn’t care what was going on in her boss’s private life as long as you were less of a problem than Jinx. And given how you didn’t bite her even once throughout all the time you worked for Silco, she might even like you more than the kid.
  • Silco tried to move on, to get rid of the feelings he knew would be his weakness in a world where he could afford to show none. But his mind would constantly linger on you, on your smile, on the way you delivered the newest report, the tone of your voice or the small gestures he noticed you made - and knew he couldn’t live like this.
  • What Silco didn’t know was your side of things. You did allow yourself some freedom in his presence he wouldn’t take from his other goons, but was something more behind it? 
  • Silco tried to be subtle at first and did his best to make hints and figure out your feelings from the reaction to them, but he quickly fell into over analyzing every single word or look you gave him. It led him nowhere and Silco didn’t like that.
  • The matter of whatever was between you and him was something Silco was extremely sensitive about. He didn’t need half the Lanes learning about his weak spot and using it against him, so whatever rumors would arise, he made Sevika crush before they caught the wind (or your attention). Sevika didn’t mind. She might even enjoy the show and Silco’s rising frustration.
  • He broke at some point. It was after yet another one of his ploys he thought were smart and direct enough, but still left you oblivious to his true intentions. He appreciated you thinking you were just his extremely trusted assistant, but there was only so much he could take.
  • So once Silco made sure to be somewhere private and secure with you, he decided to be as blunt as possible and let you decide whether you were interested in him in the same way, or would prefer things to stay on a purely professional level. 
  • He was ready to be rejected (he could think of many reasons behind that), and respected you enough to accept whatever choice you made.
  • His heart felt like a hammer in his chest when he waited for your answer. He stood tall and confident, even though the hands he clasped behind his back were ice cold. 
  • The smile Silco allowed himself when you accepted him was one of the very few genuine and happy ones you saw him make. By then you could easily tell them apart.