#sim chauncey grimm

Well, time to see if baby #8 could be an heir. We have officially had to have more children than any

Well, time to see if baby #8 could be an heir.

We have officially had to have more children than any gen in my previous PGC. The Ashby’s highest amount of children gen(s) were 7. We’ll have to have at least 8.

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Time to see if Declan is the heir

Time to see if Declan is the heir

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Clara really does like to scare peopleAlso!Liam and Kannitha are going to have a baby!

Clara really does like to scare people


Liam and Kannitha are going to have a baby!

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Clara likes to go around picking fights. Clara likes to go around picking fights. Clara likes to go around picking fights.

Clara likes to go around picking fights.

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Chauncey keeps practicing his magic. In family news: Benjamin got engaged to his girlfriend Rosaria.

Chauncey keeps practicing his magic.

In family news:

Benjamin got engaged to his girlfriend Rosaria.

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