#sim declan garner

Not only is he not the heir, I have no idea where his hair colour comes from.

Not only is he not the heir, I have no idea where his hair colour comes from.

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Time to see if Declan is the heir

Time to see if Declan is the heir

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It’s another boy! A lot of boys this generation. (A lot of kids this generation). His name is Declan

It’s another boy! A lot of boys this generation. (A lot of kids this generation). His name is Declan and his traits are Loner and Heavy Sleeper.

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Declan’s new trait is Snob to go with Loner and Heavy Sleeper.

Declan’s new trait is Snob to go with Loner and Heavy Sleeper.

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Time to get Declan out of that crib.

Time to get Declan out of that crib.

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