#simmer problems


Omg this is the first time I’ve been dragged on SimSecret!

I finally made it, mom!

Listen–I told y’all my crap is nothing but basic AF CC conversions nearly 10 years ago; and no, I cannot photoshop or use Reshade; and I have no style; and and I play TS3 on a potato so all my pics are vanilla garbage–but guess what? At least i don’t effing charge y’a’ll for any of it; sue me.

I make CC cuz I like fantasy, and figured other TS3 simmers might be interested in the same stuff too–my frikkin bad! If my basic AF blog offends y’all so much, show mercy and post the step-by-step tutorial demonstrating your skills, so the community can grow and improve together, as you sit on high and look down low upon this wretched noobtard.

And PLEASE forgive me for assuming y’all knew what the frikkin nonsims / non-sims / RANT ALERT tags are even FOR.(-‸ლ)



Omg this is the first time I’ve been dragged on SimSecret!

I finally made it, mom!

Listen–I told y’all my crap is nothing but basic AF CC conversions nearly 10 years ago; and no, I cannot photoshop or use Reshade; and I have no style; and and I play TS3 on a potato so all my pics are vanilla garbage–but guess what? At least i don’t effing charge y’a’ll for any of it; sue me.

I make CC cuz I like fantasy, and figured other TS3 simmers might be interested in the same stuff too–my frikkin bad! If my basic AF blog offends y’all so much, show mercy and post the step-by-step tutorial demonstrating your skills, so the community can grow and improve together, as you sit on high and look down low upon this wretched noobtard.

And PLEASE forgive me for assuming y’all knew what the frikkin nonsims / non-sims / RANT ALERT tags are even FOR.(-‸ლ)

I love how they’re here assuming race and where you live.

The community needs to realize that if they keep treating everyone like crap soon there will only be bullies left.



ACK! I got hit!

Hi, Simblr community. Murf here, from murfeelee.tumblr,com

As I effing expected, Tumblr terminated my account today too, over the exact same nonsense that recently hit @katsujiiccfindshereand@desiree-ukhere.

I contacted @staff at Tumblr Support about it today, and even tried to make a backup account to tell y’all about it earlier today, but Tumblr banned that account too, so now I’m trying to get BOTH accounts back, FML.

This frikkin SUCKS, Tumblr–WHY are y’all making it so dang hard to make people want to even BOTHER with this site anymore? PLEASE do something about these nasty instant-terminations–at least the Flagging system warns us in advance, and just hides posts that aren’t allowed anymore, so do the same thing for posts with hyperlinks to outside websites you don’t want us linking to and clicking!!! 

How is it acceptable that are you are insta-banning simmers for reblogging content y’all LET US reblog in the first place? It’s THE SIMS, Tumblr–we’re not reblogging anything graphic or hateful or anything; we’re just trying to play with virtual Barbie dolls. (What on earth did that site (starting with a D) which shall not be named evendo? O_O It was YEARS OLD reblogs of LACE DOILIES, DECORATIVE AIR CONDITIONERS, and GLASS FURNITURE, for crissakes! HIDE THE CHILDREN!)

I actually tried to delete the compromised posts on my CC Finds sideblogs, but lo and behold, the stupid posts wouldn’t even delete, and kept popping back up!

(Fun fact: I couldn’t even get my account termination letters at the Contact Support page to go through – I had to keep resubmitting them before the buttons would stop getting stuck in an endless loop–like REALLY? I can’t even do what you all tell us to do@staff.It’s not even watching what we reblog (the whole frikkin point of Tumblr, jfc) – it’s watching what we’ve ALREADY reblogged and are trying to get rid of, that can set Tumblr’s trigger-happy algorithm off.

So yeah, that’s my frikkin life right now, y’all. (-‸ლ)

Just in case they ban this account too, y'all can still see my archived CC posts at the Wayback Machine: (it might load super slow at first, at least for me it did?)

Build/Buy Page:

CAS CC Page:

And my SFS backups are all here&here.

Thank you to everyone who’s reaching out and letting people know, both here at Tumblr and at Mod The Sims!



Apparently my account was restored yesterday while I was still trapped at work all day, and I passed out as soon as I was done, so I woke up this morning to a ton of messages from y’all letting me know–what a pleasant surprise!


And sure enough, after a whole WEEK of radio silence, Tumblr had this to say:


Which I already expected, as @desiree-ukand@katsujiiccfinds got the same response when their accounts got terminated. But like I already said on my backup blog at https://murfeelts3.tumblr.com/post/659131612193308672/simblrpocalypse-and-tumblrs-flawed-banning,being forewarned doesn’t mean being forearmed.

OK, so there’s bad links out there, but what is Tumblr’s algorithm doing to safeguard both its site and our accounts from insta-banning? @staff@supportA better solution is to automatically flag/hide the post, disable the link, or redirect the link to a warning page–the way Firefox and Google do when you click a link they don’t think is secure and they warn you to turn around.


Google doesn’t just terminate your whole frikkin Gmail/Youtube/GoogleDocs the split second you click an iffy link! They just redirect the link and tell you why!LOGICAL!

So until Tumblr improves the way they handle things, I’m gonna be so frikkin nervous every time I risk putting my stuff on this site. We can’t do much about protecting sideblogs full of reblogged content that isn’t originally ours, but as for my main account, I’ve definitely been thinking of alternatives where I can also post my stuff, so I don’t lose anything the next time Tumblr’s bots go on a banning spree.

I am not OK with the prospect of years of content and literally thousands of posts going up in smoke due to Tumblr’s arbitrary algorithm. And so I’ve made a new Wordpress account where I can import my Tumblr AGAIN, to this time get everything from 2021-2018 preserved, the same way my first Wordpress account preserved everything of mine from 2018-2013 when the Dec17 Tumblrpocalypse happened.

I was thinking about uploading my stuff to Nexus, as it’s probably the most popular and lauded videogaming hub for modders & content creators. But lo and behold, Nexus’ modders are currently organizing a mass exodus off of THAT site as well! O__O


It’s crazy, cuz I was gonna post about this controversy anyway, as it relates to my stance on anti-paywalls & anti-subscriptions and all the rants I’ve done on those. But then it became super relevant to the current situation with Tumblr’s Tumblrpocalypse/Simblrpocalypse, with its user base losing faith in the site’s maintenance, care or consideration, due to the implementation of detrimental policies & practices that hurt communities more than they protect, help or support them.

So yeah, scratch that, Nexus.

I hate what the internet has been turning into. I really do. (-‸ლ)

So more than likely I’ll just use Wix, Blogger or Wordpress to post my content, alongside whatever I post here at Tumblr–whichever proves to be easier.

A part of me would love it if EA created a microblogging site for simmers, since it’s their game and their community anyway, and it’s not as if they don’t have the resources to do it. The official forum’s cute and whatever, but EA already screwed over the TS3 community there when they migrated/archived/buried the TS3 forums over to the current TS4-orientred website and broke most of our hyperlinks. So…yeah…. #EAYouSuck.


This is (supposed to be) a happy occasion, and believe me, I’m ecstatic to have my account back–thank you to everyone who’s been supporting me and spreading the word as I’ve endured this hellish week not knowing if I’d get my account back or not.  ❤️ I’m here for Y’ALL, simblr. ❤️ I just want to sim, and share my content freely with The Sims 3 community, to sprinkle faery dust, think happy thoughts, make friends, and reach as many simmers as possible,otherwiseI wouldn’t even bother having online accounts.


I love Tumblr; I always have, since the first day I got here and realized the breadth of creative freedom of expression and connections this site allows for. But I effing hate this hellsite, and I’ve been hating it more and more as they keep doing crap to alienate its already dwindling user base even further, like female presenting nipples, Post+, and insta-bans.

Get your crap together, Tumblr, please. That’s all I ask.

I’m gonna save this backup blog just in case crap hits the fan again (heaven forbid), and keep backing up my posts on Wordpress.

So my stuff from 2013-2018 is here: https://murf.home.blog/

And my stuff from 2018-2021 is here: https://murfbackup2.wordpress.com/

(I can’t have them on one blog cuz Wordpress’ free storage limit’s 3GB, and I use waaaay more than that. XD)

In light of the ongoing instant-bans that have been targeting numerous Simblr accounts lately, I’m curious: exactly how many of us in The Sims’ videogaming community have been hit by Tumblr’s inept bans before?

Regardless of when it happened (last week or last year, it still happened); regardless of whether you successfully got your account restored or not; and regardless of whether @staff gave you any explanation why or why or not–how many of y’all have suffered from Tumblr’s automated bots and algorithms flagging your account and terminating it without warning?

Recently, more and more simmers have been asking questions about what can be done, not just to restore lost accounts, but most importantly: how to protect current accounts that could still fall victim to automatic termination. It is a sad state of affairs when the community has to educate ourselves, left in the dark with nothing but radio silence, when @staff@support themselves does nothing to promptly answer tickets submitted to https://www.tumblr.com/support, and fail to take adequate action by providing meaningful ways to help its user base with proper safeguards, algorithmic responses (warnings, etc.), or community-wide public outreach when asked directly about the situation.

As Tumblr drags its feet in silence, more blogs can be shut down with none the wiser for it. Some blogs are never recovered or return, and if not for @katsujiiccfindshereand@desiree-ukhere coming forward with details about their own account terminations, the Sims community would have likely never known about the potential threat of certain rebloggable outbound links that can cause automatic terminations. But as seen in cases like mine here, sometimes being forewarned doesn’t necessarily guarantee being forearmed. And in cases like @three-stars-ranch&@studiok2sims last week and @darkccfinds&@mspoodle1 last year, and so many more simblrs in-between–they had no clue why their accounts were suddenly banned without warning–with accounts like @aisquaredchocoand@studiok2sims being restored just as suddenly and also without any explanation.

This is a totally unacceptable way to run a social media website and treat one’s user base, and something must be done.

So please, Simblrs, tell us about your experiences with Tumblr’s banning/flagging automated system. Comment, reblog, and share with us, so that more simmers can better understand what to do to in such circumstances, when @staff@support clearly can’t be bothered to do their jobs, and rely on busted codes and bots to handle matters for them.


@staff The decision to remove @toreno-wertyand@murfeelee come across my feed this morning. I am tagging you @staff in the hope that you’ll reconsider the removal of the account in question and reinstate both @toreno-wertyand@murfeelee in full. These blogs have been irreplaceable to the community and I am confident that I am able to speak for all of us in saying that this has been an error in judgement. A successful platform isn’t made by chasing away the people who come to it in good intentions, whether that be comfort, entertainment, support, or friendship, all of which this particular community has in one way or another. We have had several blogs removed during the past few years in error, and it has caused innumerable people to leave due to work being lost. I am asking in a professional and respectful manner that this error be fixed as soon as it can be managed by @staff.

To add to this I have seen several friends of mine get hit by this nonsensical attack and violation of personal privacy, personal freedom and rights. What you @staff need to realize is that this is people’s personal data and deleting/removing it without warning or giving them the chance to remove offending posts IS a violation. Please rectify your system and allow people to keep their pages before removing them entirely without warning.

@staff I was just reminded that @studiok2sims​ was also deleted recently (luckily they got restored soon after). There is a serious user vulnerability issue occurring recently with certain reblogged outbound links. Please do something to help us @staff, not punish us.


Myself and a number of other simblrs recently got hit with the ‘random unnotified purge’.  I see a number of people posting comments and reblogs saying it’s due to ‘links to dodgy cc sites’.  Firstly - how do you know?  I personally was never given any contact to tell me what the reason was.  Were you?  What did it say exactly?  Secondly - how are you knowing what post/link is the offending one so you can amend it or delete if necessary?

I remember when this whole nanny-algorithm was put in place, there was a link in the side bar that indicated you had flagged posts, but no longer.  And I also remember you could check via your history, which I did.  I see no posts marked as being an offender.  So, I implore you - pray do tell how you all are knowing what the issue is and finding this offending posts/links?  I rarely reblog and the only links I post are to credit CC I’ve used.

Holy crap, I forgot you got deleted too–by the time I heard, you already had your blog back. XD

I haven’t been told anything by Tumblr yet, but I know for sure it was because of the dodgy link/site which shall not be named, cuz I was trying to delete the posts/links on my sideblogs when the whole account shut down in front of my face. The problem site had made a very popular set of decorative doilies & air conditioners, so that’s how I was able to find the rebloogs on my sideblogs.

Apparently@three-stars-ranch wasn’t told anything either.

The posts are NOT Flagged, so they don’t throw up any warnings whatsoever–you just get deleted instantly the split second the link is clicked–you can’t even type in the URL, cuz it’ll automatically hyperlink and cause a ban. It’s the worst system ever, and @staff needs to do something about it STAT.

Rather than me having a good time on my main Sims 3 simblr account (murfeelee.tumblr.com which recently fell victim to Tumblr’s insta-ban spree)–posting my regular Weekend! Replies!, queuing up gameplay posts & TS3 CC–instead I’m hunkered down in the trenches tryna decide WHAT DO DO NEXT.

soupiesoupsimblr reblogged your post “Murfeelee Account Deletion”

What the heck… What are we gonna do.. Do we leave.. Or stay and fight?

doka-chan reblogged your post “Murfeelee Account Deletion”

#Really #Like REALLY ??!!!!!! #Seriously #@staff #This is nonsense and it has to end #We love Tumblr #Don’t give us excuses to hate it #Please

sugar-sugarsims replied to your post “Murfeelee Account Deletion”

This is what they want us to pay for? Gradient boxes and random auto deletes? I think not. I just hope my cc blog doesn’t get hit.

dreamsongsims reblogged your post “Murfeelee Account Deletion”

I feel like the entire sims community needs an emergency location where we can all meet up post Tumpolcalypse. I hate the thought of our little community being purged and culled with no way to get back to each other. Ridiculous!

Even if/when Tumblr restores my account, and the accounts of fellow simmers who are being sniped (I just heard that Toreno-Werty got banned yesterday, too@three-stars-ranch WTF–not to mention everyone else who told me about their bans),that’s not going to solve the underlying problem with this hellsite.

It’s been increasingly obvious that Tumblr and @staff’s reliance on its fundamentally flawed and BROKEN algorithm have alienated and downright driven away whole swathes of its user base. The infamous Dec17 Tumblrpocalypse first started purging the site of all kinds of content, to pander to Apple’s apps (which whaddaya know is neck-deep in an antitrust lawsuit vs Epic Games for bad business practices).

Sinking Ship: Tumblr/Simblr Alternatives?

Ever since December 17th, Tumblr users have seen the mass flagging, shadowbanning, Sensitive Content soft-bans, and instant termination of posts and accounts at large, which have led to several exoduses off of the platform for different, safer microblogging alternatives.

The Sims’ community of videogamers for TS1, TS2, TS3 and TS4 also fell victim to Tumblr’s nonsense, and numerous posts circulated ideas about the simblr community needing to move elsewhere, or better yet: creating out own Sims blogging website,someeven making kickstarters to try creating one.


Unfortunately, these ideas weren’t able to get off the ground, as it’s EFFING HARD to run a website–costly, complex, and thankless to boot. We’ve all seen the constant pressure put on SimFileShare to carry the entire simming community all these years, as a Sims-specific FREE filesharing host for our terabytes, petabytes, exabytes, zetabytes, and yottabytes of CC.


One of the main deterrents to simblrs not leaving Tumblr as we rightly should’ve, is the plain simple fact of the matter that every alternative lacked some feature or another that Tumblr excels at. Be it site features (reblogs, tags, mentions, themes, media hosting, site import/export); integral user innovations (New X-Kit); the free and easy access (versus paywalls on Pillowfort & co.), we have all been trapped in this abusive relationship with Tumblr, for want of a better place to go.

Unless a better website is made, either by us or someone else, we’re stuck here. So what can be done about it?

Tumblr’s Auto-Bans, and the Reblogged Link Fiasco

The main allure is Tumblr’s large community presence & participation itself. The Dec17 Tumblrpocalypse lost Tumblr 1/3 of its entire user base in one fell swoop.There are tens of thousands of Simblrs across The Sims’ games. But crazy enough, these arbitrary auto-bans are ruining the one thing that kept us here–what’s the point of sticking around if you or someone you follow can get INSTANTLY kicked off the site under these spurious flaggings!? Especially if Tumblr does EFF ALL to make sure it doesn’t happen again?!

ny-sims reblogged your post “Murfeelee Account Deletion”

@staff soooo are you keeping this same energy for the racism, homophobia, or sexually graphic content too??? How many accounts will be deleted without notice before y’all fix the problem???

SoI have zero confidence that merely getting our accounts back will fix things–the OLD links/posts are still out there; having been reblogged dozens if not hundreds of times. Innocent simblrs are being shut down left and right lately–one site gets restored, and two more get banned the next day. This is LITERALLY what happened to me, Desiree-uk, and Toreno-Werty, within HOURS of each other.



Even if Tumblr bothers to contact you, and deigns to grace you with an actual explantion, rather than leaving you in the effing dark, lately it’s tended to be because of reblogged links

xldkx replied to your post “Murfeelee Account Deletion”

they’ll hit you if you reblog anything with adfly on it. be careful. also they do not like outbound links bc your stuff gets shadowbanned in the tag.

Exactly. And one outbound link in particular:



Reblogs, by their very nature, are PERVASIVE, so what do we do when years -old reblogged content is buried deep in our blogs–partcularly those links that are not immediately apparent to even be from flagged sites????


ny-sims replied to your post “Murfeelee Account Deletion”

@staff it’s 2021 yall.. there has to be a better way to filter content. Deleting entire accounts is extreme af! And on top of that. The Sims community is a big reason for Tumblrs survival. Let’s be real, not many use this damn site anymore ‍♀️ idc idc!

ktarsims reblogged your post “Murfeelee Account Deletion”

This is absurd. If an old reblog contains bad content, can’t you just delete the original post and all reblogs? Or are your moderation tools so poor that you can’t? Banning whole accounts for old reblogs which are glitchy and can’t even be deleted is ridiculous. #tumblr fails

catbrokensims3 reblogged your post “Murfeelee Account Deletion”

This is just so disheartening. I don’t understand why @staff can’t delete the posts rather than the whole blog? Then give the blog owner some warning when posts are deleted so they can do something and/or know that reblogs that used to be okay no longer are? We’re losing potentially valuable content to our community here. This is throwing the baby out with the bathwater big time and it’s sad. #sims #what is going on #why

Tumblr’s claimed to be making the site better and more positive and other BULLSHITE before, but ever since the Dec17 Tumblrpocalypse things have just gone from bad to worse. If Tumblr’s blatant handwaving of the Post+ backlash is anything to go by, @staff  just said EFF ALL Y’ALL, and DOUBLED DOWN on their nonsense, regardless of the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS who spoke out against them going forward with paid subscriptions and filled out the survey Tumblr clearly IGNORED.



It’s been 3 years since we faced this kind of continued barrage from @staff, and one paying to the signs seriously has to wonder if Ragnarok is finally upon us, after 3 years of Fimbulwinter.

Is the Simblrpocalypse inevitable? What can we do to protect/backup or content?

Last week I opened my own Wix account. However, I’ve always had trouble with Wix–it’s so HEAVY and SLOW, and bogs down my PC evey time I use it–let alone try to build my own. So it’s been VERY slow going for me to get my Wix page in a state where I can publish it, but I AM working on one, so I can at least have a place other than Tumblr to post my CC releases. 


And as for Wordpress backups, the last time I imported my Tumblr blog it glitched and made duplicates of every post, thus going over my storage space so that Wordpress won’t let me make new poists on that account. I made another Wordpress account, but AFAIK there’s no function on Wordpress’ Tumblr Import feature to pick and choose which posts we want to import – it just imports the whole blog, which is unnecessary in my case, since I already have another Wordpress import for 2013-2018 – I just want everything from 2019-2021 Imported. (And if I don’t get my account back I can’t Import it anyway, which makes Wordpress moot).

So, other than Wix and/or Wordpress, what else is out there for us?

Wix might be our best bet for cataloguing CC, for those of us who make it. But what about community engagement? Places like Sims 3 Updates and My Sims 3 Blog migrated to TS4-only years ago, so Tumblr became the main hub for promoting new releases through reblogs. This was particularly effective after the rise of CC Finds Blogs like the late great Lana–another blog that got banned during the Dec17 Tumblrpocalypse, and never recovered. And several major CC Finds Blogs have been hit at least once by Tumblr’s ban since then, too.

A few weeks.months ago, when @mspoodle1​,@darkccfinds​, and @katsujiiccfinds​ got banned, I started considering backing up my stuff, but it was only once @desiree-uk​​  confirmed last week that it was still happening that I knew I needed to do something, and made my Wix account. As a fellow CC finds reblogger with 5 sideblogs dedicated to reblogging Sims content (including fancifults3cc.tumblr.com, scifits3ccblog.tumblr.com and ninthcirclets3cc.tumblr.com), I naturally expected to get hit next, and I was right.But if we’re all too scared to reblog content anymore, the Simblr community dies, as it’s through reblogs and tags/mentions that we let our followers know about the CC being made, and support simmers in the community. 

There seems to be no simple solution. Yes, we all want our blogs back, and we want this whole reblog/link issue to be fixed, with Tumblr’s @staff​​ finally providing a reasonable way to get rid of the bad links/posts themselves, NOT our whole account. Kicking people off the platform will only lead its users to continue losing faith in Tumblr’s longterm ability to maintain this website–let alone its ability to show any sign of care or consideration for the accounts investing so much time and energy into keeping the platform relevant.

@doka-chan​ said it best: #We love Tumblr #Don’t give us excuses to hate it.


Hi guys. It’s me, Toreno Werty. Today, for some unknown reason, my blog with all its content was blocked (Fortunately, I still have links to all things for the Sims and in the near future I will try to restore the downloads. But I also lost all my subscribers who came to me for several years … I will be very grateful if you can help spread this post so that my friends can find me. Thanks in advance. I love you each and every one and I am very sorry that this happened (


ANOTHER ONE. A FRIKKIN NOTHER ONE!? Simblrs just aren’t safe @staff, WTF!?


Yes, everyone! I have my account back! ’desiree-uk’ has been restored It has been the longest 4 days EVER! 
So after multiple emails sent by me and only one automated reply from Tumblr staff, I was starting to lose hope, but thanks to a lot of supportive messages I didn’t want to give up, I really wanted my account back.
I got a message from @treason-and-plot​ suggesting I go on Twitter and post on the Tumblr Support page. I didn’t have an account but I thought it couldn’t hurt to open a temporary one. I didn’t get a response but someone read my post and DM’d me suggesting I email them (Tumblr staff) again and follow this page, throwing in as much legal jargon in the email as possible and wait and see what happens. Within an hour I got an email saying my account has been restored! 
The reason they gave for terminating my account was pretty much the same as why @katsujiiccfinds​ account was terminated too:


I couldn’t believe it! I made a post referring to some curtains on that site with a link 2 YEARS AGO!
Yet nothing happened all that time until someone clicked on the link on Saturday and that’s what got my account terminated! So apparently your blog can be terminated if someone clicks on a triggering link after 2 years of making the post?? Okay then.

I find this all a bit whimsical to be honest. It doesn’t make sense why that site is so triggering to them. But to cut off people’s account without any warning because of it, is a blatant disregard to the people who use their platform. The lack of communication pissed me off most of all. To have to quote their own Community Guidelines back to them to get a response is a massive fail on their part. I could go on but you all know how Tumblr is. It was actually cathartic to put it all in an email so they could see themselves as we see them.

Anyway, the offending post has been deleted, I’ve added the name of the site in my filters, I won’t refer to it or link it again! I’ve been told.

Please everyone, check your posts and add a filter to that site so this won’t happen to you. If It has happened, keep on at them. They seem to rely on people not bothering to question them. If your account isn’t important enough to you to get it back, why would it be important to them?

Now I’m gonna clean up my tags and make a full offline backup of my posts - just in case!

Thank you for all your lovely messages and encouraging me to not give up.

Murfeelee here–I just got my accounts deleted today for the same reason, so hopefully I’ll be back up and running, too. Who knows. U_U

ACK! I got hit!

Hi, Simblr community. Murf here, from murfeelee.tumblr,com

As I effing expected, Tumblr terminated my account today too, over the exact same nonsense that recently hit @katsujiiccfindshereand@desiree-ukhere.

I contacted @staff at Tumblr Support about it today, and even tried to make a backup account to tell y’all about it earlier today, but Tumblr banned that account too, so now I’m trying to get BOTH accounts back, FML.

This frikkin SUCKS, Tumblr–WHY are y’all making it so dang hard to make people want to even BOTHER with this site anymore? PLEASE do something about these nasty instant-terminations–at least the Flagging system warns us in advance, and just hides posts that aren’t allowed anymore, so do the same thing for posts with hyperlinks to outside websites you don’t want us linking to and clicking!!! 

How is it acceptable that are you are insta-banning simmers for reblogging content y’all LET US reblog in the first place? It’s THE SIMS, Tumblr–we’re not reblogging anything graphic or hateful or anything; we’re just trying to play with virtual Barbie dolls. (What on earth did that site (starting with a D) which shall not be named evendo? O_O It was YEARS OLD reblogs of LACE DOILIES, DECORATIVE AIR CONDITIONERS, and GLASS FURNITURE, for crissakes! HIDE THE CHILDREN!)

I actually tried to delete the compromised posts on my CC Finds sideblogs, but lo and behold, the stupid posts wouldn’t even delete, and kept popping back up!

(Fun fact: I couldn’t even get my account termination letters at the Contact Support page to go through – I had to keep resubmitting them before the buttons would stop getting stuck in an endless loop–like REALLY? I can’t even do what you all tell us to do@staff.It’s not even watching what we reblog (the whole frikkin point of Tumblr, jfc) – it’s watching what we’ve ALREADY reblogged and are trying to get rid of, that can set Tumblr’s trigger-happy algorithm off.

So yeah, that’s my frikkin life right now, y’all. (-‸ლ)

Just in case they ban this account too, y'all can still see my archived CC posts at the Wayback Machine: (it might load super slow at first, at least for me it did?)

Build/Buy Page:

CAS CC Page:

And my SFS backups are all here&here.

Thank you to everyone who’s reaching out and letting people know, both here at Tumblr and at Mod The Sims!
