#simp for wroetoshaw


Request:Can I request a riding fanfic with harry, and maybe where y/n has a degrading kink :))??

Pairing: W2S x reader

Warnings: SMUT! degrading kink, mentions of alcohol, swearing, the usual

Word count: 1,407 words


Harry Lewis Masterlist


Harry was your worst enemy. He’s tormented you ever since you two were kids. You’ve always hated him.

Scratch that, you haven’t.

Why is sexual tension a fucking thing?

You kiss Harry harder as he zips down your dress, pulling you onto his lap at the same time. You moan into his mouth when his fingers make their way down to your pussy, his bulge rubbing against your clit.

“You gonna ride my dick for me, love?” Harry mutters, trailing your neck with kisses. You gasp in delight as Harry pulls off his boxers, revealing his throbbing member in front of you. “You did this, you know that, right?”

“I tend to have that effect on people,” you smirk as you pull down your underwear. Once you did that, Harry pulled you back towards him, sitting you on his dick instantly. You groan at his length, adjusting to his size.

“Fuck, Y/N… When are you gonna wake up?” He moans as you snap your head towards him.


“Y/N! Snap out of it!” Talia clicked in your face, snapping you out of your daze. You glare at her and she rolls her eyes. “You can daydream your sex fantasies with fictional men later. Right now, we’re getting drunk.”

You roll your eyes, “I’m not in the mood, Tal.”

“You never are these days,” she mutters. You give her a sharp look and she raises her hands in mock surrender. “Alright then! I’m getting a drink.”

“Mhm,” you hum as she gets up. She struts over to the bar where her boyfriend, Simon, was standing. Your eyes scan the crowd, looking for anyone sticking out to you. You huff, sipping your lemonade.

Then, Harry enters the club. You were too busy zoning out again so you didn’t notice. But Harry definitely noticed you and your tight black dress. He licks his lips, remembering what you both did a couple of days ago.

He couldn’t believe he fucked the person he loathed the most. He didn’t regret it though. He smirks, getting his phone out.

A text notification brought you out of your thoughts. You picked up your phone and quickly skim the message.

You look amazing tonight love

You furrowed your eyebrows and stand up, looking everywhere for him. For Harry. Your eyes found their way to the entrance and there he was, his perfect stupid self standing right there with a smirk on his face. You avert your gaze, your cheeks heated.

what are u doing here

He looks down at his phone again, his fingers tapping the screen. You glance at your phone, seeing the three dots bobbing up and down. You were anticipated, wanting him near you again. You wanted your enemy to touchyou again.

Then, the dots stopped. You looked up and see that he was turning around to leave. You scoff, texting Talia a quick message before stuffing your phone in your purse. You walked out of the building in a hurry.

You found Harry’s car parked a few metres away from the nightclub. Your heels clicking towards the car was music to Harry’s ears. He unlocked the doors for you, making it easier for you to jump in without anyone seeing.

“I’ll repeat my question,” you say, shutting the passenger door. Harry glanced at you, starting the engine, “What are you doing here?” You look at him, waiting for an answer.

“I saw Talia’s story,” he began, driving off in the direction of your apartment, “And saw the pretty dress you had on for tonight.” You feel your cheeks flush. Your gaze goes back to the road as Harry continues. “You look lovely,” he mutters.

“And what are you gonna do about it?” You ask, your voice small. Harry bites his lip, his left hand going on your bare thigh. Your breath hitches at his cold touch. He squeezes it lightly as he concentrates on the road.

“I think you already know, love.”


When you step out of the elevator, you went into your purse and got your keys out, going to the apartment at the end of the hallway. As you pushed the key into the keyhole, you felt yourself being span around and pushed against your door.

You looked up at Harry and rolled your eyes, “You could at least be patient, you know.”

“Shut up,” he retorts before kissing you harshly. You kiss back as his hands grip your waist, picking you up. You’re pushed against the door again, your legs around Harry’s waist. Your arms go around Harry’s neck as he leaves kisses down yours. You moan, opening your eyes to see if anyone was watching the both of you.

“H-Harry…” you gasp, grabbing his hair. Harry unlocks the door and grabs your keys, taking you inside your apartment. He kicks the door shut and locks it quickly before kissing you again. You moan into his mouth, slipping a bit of your tongue in. Harry groans, sitting down on your sofa. You pull away messing with the hem of his tracksuit. You were both breathing heavily.

Harry looked down at your dress, seeing your cleavage. He smirks, “No bra?” he says as you look up. “You little whore.” You bite your lip, his words turning you on. You felt wet - you were basically soaked.

“Bras are uncomfortable,” you reply simply, pulling his tracksuit down. Harry sits up a bit to help you, pulling his boxers down as well. You see his pulsing cock standing erect. You glance at Harry as he grabs your hand, making you stroke.

“This is what you do to me,” he whispers as you bit back a moan. “Your slutty self makes me feel like this.”

“Then treat me like one,” you mutter back, standing up. He raises an eyebrow, amused. You reach under your dress and tug your panties down, throwing them to the side. You pull down the zipper of your dress and let your dress slip down your body. Harry admires every inch of your body: your curves, your flaws, everything.

“Fuck,” he sighs. His heated gaze makes eye contact with you as you sit back on his lap. His cock rubs against your tight pussy as he grabs your hair. You straddle his waist as his hands land on your hips, squeezing them. “What are you gonna do now, slut?”

Your breath hitches at his words as you grind a bit on his cock, “I wanna ride you.” His eyebrow raises a bit and you roll your eyes. “I’m on the pill.”

“Then ride me, angel.” You didn’t hesitate. You instantly sat down on his cock, letting out a teeny groan at Harry’s size. It took a few seconds to adjust but once you did, you started going up and down on his cock, gasping at how good it felt.

“That’s it, ride it like the good whore you are,” he gritted out as you started picking up the pace. You grabbed Harry’s shoulders for support as you let out a shaky moan, throwing your head back in pleasure. Harry groaned at how tight you were as he bucks his hips against yours. He felt everythingwhen he was inside of you and it felt great. Sex has never been like this for him before.

“O-Oh,God,Harry!” You moan, jumping up and down faster. Harry helps you, gripping your hips firmly and moving them in sync with his.

“Oh, yes, what a good little slut,” he breathes, throwing his head back. You moan at his words, your climax getting closer and closer. “You feel so good, love.”

You hum, biting your lip as you feel your walls closing in. You kept grinding against him as Harry’s cock hits all the right places inside of you. Your orgasm seemed never-ending until he hit your g-spot.

“Yes! Yes, right there, Harry,” you whimper, feeling really close. Harry was forming bruises on your hips right now but you didn’t care. You just wanted to cum. You neededto. “Oh, I wanna come, I wanna come,” you whisper as Harry kisses you again.

He mumbles against your lips, “Cum with me, baby.” At his words, you came. Your moans came to a stop as your movements slowed down. Your breathing slows, as does Harry’s. You lay your forehead on his shoulder, cooling down.

“I still hate you, you know?” you whisper.

“So do I,” Harry replies as you sat back up. Your eyes flicker to his lips.

“Stay over this time,” you say. Harry tucks a piece of hair behind your ear, smiling a little.

“Anything for you.”

requested by @boggoswife<3
