#sims 4 tuning

siminimonster:The ‘Unholy’ Collection for Collectibles Link: HERE   [SFS] (All files in one archivsiminimonster:The ‘Unholy’ Collection for Collectibles Link: HERE   [SFS] (All files in one archivsiminimonster:The ‘Unholy’ Collection for Collectibles Link: HERE   [SFS] (All files in one archivsiminimonster:The ‘Unholy’ Collection for Collectibles Link: HERE   [SFS] (All files in one archivsiminimonster:The ‘Unholy’ Collection for Collectibles Link: HERE   [SFS] (All files in one archivsiminimonster:The ‘Unholy’ Collection for Collectibles Link: HERE   [SFS] (All files in one archivsiminimonster:The ‘Unholy’ Collection for Collectibles Link: HERE   [SFS] (All files in one archiv


The ‘Unholy’ Collection for Collectibles

Link:HERE   [SFS] (All files in one archive)

Tired of vacationing to Granite Falls three times a year to collect what might be in-season at the time? How many visits to Sixam does one need to make? I have been doing even *more* digging around in the tuning files lately, trying new (to me) things and attempting to challenge myself a bit more in that area…

This is one of the results - A One-Stop-Shoppe for ALL your collectable needs, plus one ‘extra’ category, for a total of 28 categories, as I am more fond of the number 28 than I am 27 (which is how many different collections there currently are in Sims 4) (I added a ‘Swag’ category for purchasing anything that one could at any of the various festivals). I originally had tried out four different shopping list methods in a much more sprawling shopping mod, and ended up using two of those four for these…

I tried to give a wide variety of options for one to use, choosing an item from each of five different packs for you to choose from (I own all packs *except* for Laundry Day, myself). You can choose from: The RW Cash Register from EP01, a choice of any of the four EP03 festival stalls, the Vet Clinic Check-In screen from EP04 (I changed the color of two of the swatches), a 'dumbed-down’ (read: not useable as such) Vault Door from EP06 (with an additional white swatch), or the GP07 Curio Stand (no crazy lights but a broken TV screen inside the shop)… There is an essential, separate tuning file that is required to be able to use these - just plop it in any directory and you will be good-to-go! The tunings are of my own creation - I didn’t utilize anyone else’s tunings as a base as I had done once before, in a pinch (of course not taking any credit for that one). I looked around and could only find one mod that was somewhat close - the 'Online Utilities System’ - but with only five of the 27 categories, and of course for years my personal hero modder @coolspear has had several different mods to be able to purchase items, but each on its own category.

You are presented with a purchasing menu for each category, can choose as many of any item as one desires, and the shopping menu is 'smart’ in that it will tell you how many of any item you already have in your inventory. As usual, there is a minor 'fly in the ointment’ with the menus, as the methodology that I used allows for the 'rig’ items of some items to be offered - they simply show up as 'Debug’ without any icon picture to show what they are. Simply ignore them, as they are of no value. Additionally, I 'beefed up’ a few of the categories to include additional items that may not otherwise have been displayed. The medals from GP07 show up along with the 'Elements’ as they have a similar tag in them… Find by either searching 'minimo’ or 'Collection’, all have my custom thumbnail.

Please contact me if you experience any issues! Cheers!

Updated for EP07 & GP08, same link as above, same file name so replaces the original. Be sure to clear your thumbnailcache to get the updated tuning. Most of the new fish from Island Living were mostly automatically added by the nature of the tuning, but with MM the structure of the tuning itself changed so that it no longer functioned… (only the tuning itself was broken, the items objects are the same & unchanged)

What I added for this version - my initial intent was to have all of the items from pretty much only the collectibles in this mod, and now I have ‘expanded’ it a bit further to also include: Purchasable honey, the Money Tree, all sea shells, the herbalism potions, the ‘endangered’ fish, the ‘swag’ from the beach shacks, and all available magic shop items that can be found under ‘Magic Beans’.

There is a ‘bonus’ that I just discovered from my testing of this, in that with the magic shop items, there are additional color choices of, for example, the wands that I have never seen available for purchase in the shoppes in the magic world…


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