#sims ps


taking a photo with 瓜der friend@loi-jieun

The process of making this picture share(GIF)

#sims 4    #the sims 4    #the sims    #the sims4    #my sims    #before after    #sims sreenshot    #sims screenshots    #sims screenshot    #sims 4 screenshots    #s4 screenshot    #screenshot    #phone ps    #sims ps    


The process of making this picture share(GIF)

#sims 4    #the sims 4    #the sims    #the sims4    #my sims    #phone ps    #sims ps    #sims sreenshot    #sreenshot    #beforeafter    

Elf Princess‍♀️

I have ps this picture(sims4 screenshot) with my mobilephone.

  • I have used these apps to making this picture

The process of making this picture share(GIF)

I haven’t had time to turn on the computer recently.

But I have taken a lot of screenshots in the past few months.

So I will update more about mobile phone ps afterwards.

I hope you guys will like it!


#sims 4    #the sims 4    #the sims    #the sims4    #simscreenshots    #sims screenshot    #sreenshot    #my sims    #sims ps    #phone ps    