#since queue been gone

artemisarya: So here’s my Secret Santa gift for @rosieclark! Hope you like it!artemisarya: So here’s my Secret Santa gift for @rosieclark! Hope you like it!


So here’s my Secret Santa gift for @rosieclark! Hope you like it!

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eerna:there’s that one microsecond in ch 1 of AoC where he grabs her hand and she is shocked but fol


there’s that one microsecond in ch 1 of AoC where he grabs her hand and she is shocked but follows anyway and ofc my brain hyperfocused on it and created an entire scenario of casual hand touches that just become normal

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undisclosed moodboard



francis forever - mitski / x / x / holly warburton art / the passion according to g. h. - clarice lispector / gustav klimt paintings / to a soothsayer - adonis / will to live - ilya kreydun



In case anyone else has the trouble i did with reading the green text, here’s all the text of the image.

Small brain:  Automation is going to unemploy millions, so we need to create new busywork jobs to make sure everyone can keep getting paid and keep consuming.

Standard brain:  We should institute a UBI (universal basic income) and fill the void of lost jobs with green new deal projects.

Mega brain:  We should overthrow capitalism and build fully-automated luxury communism by democratizing the automation machines. We should also divvy up necessary work that can’t be automated so that each person is working significantly less.

Cosmic brain:  “Full automation” (as implied by “fully-automated luxury communism”) is an unsustainable project that requires perpetual mineral extraction and which continues the individualist consumption habits of capitalism. We should use some automation where possible, but ultimately we ought to be transforming our relationship to labor and consumption in general.
This will mean no new smart phones every year, fewer cars, less expectation of out-of-season food on store shelves, etc. - but it will also mean new avenues for conviviality and leisure, including the elimination of bullshit jobs, lots more free time, robust public spaces, more opportunities for festival and art, interconnected communities, and a renewed relationship with the Earth.
Eco-socialism must remain international and future-oriented, but it can’t be based upon extractivist holdovers from capitalism. And so degrowth, decolonization, and de-alienation are central pieces to this puzzle.



that wilfred owen poem about everyone kissing the crucifix but he kisses the hands of the boy whos holding it hits HARD not sure why but damn

found it….

suemaryrakocy:The traditional sketch of Plance during my german classToo many things to do and I bas


The traditional sketch of Plance during my german class

Too many things to do and I basically I am staying up all night with cold and fever 

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this tweet has been haunting me so naturally i drew them


favorite interiors in art

marie-louise roosevelt pierrepont, lachlan goudié, stanislav zhukovsky, susan ryder, larry bracegirdle, paul kauzmann, hugo grenville, isaac grunewald, susan ryder


i believe in blood red supremacy!!!!!!!!!
