

Chastity Assignment #2

You will write your mother’s first name 1,000 times; individually numbered.

After you’re finished, you will write her an empowering letter, assuring her confidence as a mother. Two pages or a thousand words.

*send pictures for completion*

*Send digital text copy of letter for corrections*

Key Instructions

For those of you without a keyholder or a lockbox and no place to put your keys, here’s a fun assignment for you.

Lock your cock up and head to the local library. Say you found the keys outside and you’re here to turn them into the lost and found. Goodbye keys. Now pick out the most feminine empowering book you can find.

*send a picture of the book you picked out*report page numbers before bed EVERY night*


Extra kudos to you if you find a book relating to female superiority, gynarchy, etc…

After you finish reading the book, go to the library and ask if anyone has found your keys.

Daily Task:

Re-blog your favorite task- do that task.

*pics or it didn’t happen*

Daily Task:

This is hilarious. In the next 24 hours you will go to the store and buy a package a Magnum Condoms. I expect a picture of the receipt.

Take note of all the glances you get, remember the way women looked at you when they filled their imagination thoughts of your enlarged pelvis. Before you leave the parking lot, while in your car, you will take one of the condoms and wrap it around your chastity cage, balls and all.

*keep the box under the passenger seat of your car until you grow into them

*picture evidence required*


Lets see if you really have what it takes to explore the outer rings of your humiliating life. Go back into the store and buy another box of condoms, small if they have them, and you will go to the same register/cashier for checkout so at least one other person in this world will know your secrets.

Daily Task:

Take off your shoes, socks, pants, and panties each time you use the bathroom for the next 36 hours.

*photo evidence required*

*minimum 5*

Daily task:

When you come home, you will take off your pants, shoes, and socks and you will your ketchup all over them. Make sure your feet are entirely covered. You will lick them until they are clean.

Then you will pour mustard on your tongue-cleaned feet and you will cover your feet entirely. Lick your feet clean.

*Photo evidence is required*

Daily Task:

You will tell 10 women they are beautiful by text or messenger, send screenshots.

Empower the women around you. You will also go out of your way to compliment a woman’s shoes, skirt, make-up, hair, etc… Every chance you get.

*Screenshots are mandatory*

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