#sir donald


A Previous Morning at Roissy: Part Two

After meeting with Gaspar concerning his plan for Jeanne, Anne Marie began planning for the quarterly meeting with the Roissy Society’s Personnel and Finance Committee which was scheduled for 10:45 that morning in hopes that old, fat Cyril might still be sober or at least coherent. In addition to Cyril, the other members of the committee were Gaspar, Sir Donald, Reynard, and Raymond, the DGSE spymaster. All were already seated around the conference table when Anne Marie made her entrance. She nodded to Gaspar as if to say, ‘we meet again,’ and strode to the head of the table.

She began, “Gentlemen, it is good to see you on this fine spring morning. And I do mean that it is a fine morning not only due to the blooming flowers, but also because it seems the Covid plague is loosening its grip on France. Accordingly, with your permission, I am proposing that we fully re-open Roissy to guests beginning the first of May.”

Hearing this, old Cyril interrupted, “Reminds me of a ditty I once heard many years ago: Hooray! Hooray! It’s the first of May. Hooray! Hooray! Outdoor fucking starts today!” Then he laughed at his own joke.

Gaspar glared at him and said, “Anne Marie, please continue.”

She continued, “Well, Cyril is correct in a sense. With the Chateau opening completely on May first, I expect we may have some outdoor liaisons when our staff goes back to full strength.”

“And what do you estimate that strength to be?” asked Sir Donald.

“We will bring back all the support staff – cooks, valets, servants, grounds crew that we had furloughed the previous quarter…”

“And the girls? How many?” asked Sir Donald.

“That is more difficult to determine,” responded Anne Marie. “Of course, any Master may bring whomever he wishes at any time. A Master’s slave or a girl seduced into coming by a Master will always be welcomed at Roissy. For example, even during this past quarter when we went to a short staff, slaves Collette, Julienne, and Blaise Marie were housed here along with about a dozen ‘free’ prostitutes.”

“So what numbers are we talking about?” continued Sir Donald, sounding mildly exasperated.

“I would think perhaps two dozen, possibly a couple more. It is really hard to forecast,” said Anne Marie.

“And for a guest to take a girl who is a personal slave and considered property of her Master. That guest is still charged double the rate of what he would pay for one of the free prostitutes. Am I correct?”

“Yes. That is correct. If a girl bears marks indicating she is the property of a Master, she is paid twice the rate of a free prostitute.”

Sir Donald continued, “Then we Masters need to encourage other Masters to bring in girls willing to become personal slaves.”

Old Cyril interrupted again, “Easier said than done.”

“But doable,” responded Gaspar. Take my nephew’s little whore Jeanne for example. She has been here at Roissy several times before. Perhaps some of you may have even sampled her pleasures. But now my nephew and I are planning to turn her into a fully owned slave and marked accordingly. Future guests will be paying twice as much to take her.” Then turning to Cyril, he continued, “You see, old friend, it can be done. One just has to work at it.”

There was a brief silence in the room. Then Anne Marie continued, “Don’t forget. Etienne has returned from California with a girl he wishes to bring here, and Axel, another Master who has been away has his girl Zoe primed to complete her training. So, that is two more who will possibly be earning double, so to speak.”

This seemed to pacify Sir Donald who said, “I think you have done well, Anne Marie. Accordingly, I make amotion that Chateau Roissy fully re-open on May First.”

The motion carried unanimously.

Anne Marie had just told a group of Roissy Masters that Nena and Eurydice were being ‘retired’ from service at the chateau and being sent to Haus der Sklavin in a deal that she had arranged with her younger cousin, Zuri, who was a dominatrix at the German location. She said, “Nena and Eurydice have served the Society well, but they are getting a little, how shall I say it? A little worn looking perhaps.”

One of the Masters- Ralph- addressed Anne Marie saying, “As I recall you bought them both from a brothel in Kiev. Correct? I presume they had some hard use there.”

Anne Marie answered, “Yes. Quite so.” She then went on to tell him about the two slaves:

“Both were in a bad state when I first saw them at that brothel, but I saw some potential. I asked what their stories were and if I might buy them. I was told that the dark haired one with an almost pretty face was called Nena. It seems that she was born in a village in Moldovia near the border with Romania. Her family were Roma and widely hated by the other villagers as they were thought to be thieves. Nena grew up with other children teasing her and calling her names. As she approached teenage, she ran away. After several escapades, she ended up in the eastern Ukraine where she joined some sort of cult.”

“A cult?” asked Sir Donald. “I never knew that about her.”

“Yes, I believe it was some sort of quasi-religious cult. An emphasis was on sexuality and human sacrifice. Nena witnessed many orgies – no doubt an active participant – which ended in one of the women being sacrificed – usually burned at the stake. It seems that Nena was actually bound to a stake with a wooden pyre about her feet, but as Fate would have it, rebel forces that were in conflict with the regular Ukrainian military interrupted the ‘ceremony’ as they retreated. They saw a young woman, naked I’m sure, about to be burned at the stake. They ‘rescued’ her from death, but, of course, raped her. She was held by them for several weeks and eventually sold to a brothel in Donetsk.”

“Donetsk? I thought you bought her from a brothel in Kiev?”

“I’m getting to that,” said Anne Marie. “This is where Eurydice comes into the story. You see she was Bosnian.”

“Bosnian? But she is blonde!” said Rene, who was in attendance, staying on for Marloes presentation later that evening.

“My dear, Eurydice’s hair has been every color under the rainbow. When I first saw her, her hair was blue. Even her pubic hair. But her olive skin should have given you a clue,” said Anne Marie before continuing, “She was from Srebrenica…”

“Oh, where that massacre was in the Balkan War?” said Rene.

“Yes, there. She was about six years old when she saw her parents and older brother executed by Serbs during the ethnic cleansing of the city. She ran away and hid and was picked up by another family that was fleeing the city. They eventually made their way into Hungary and later into Ukraine. Eurydice grew up without any supervision to speak of. She eventually became a prostitute. She gravitated to a brothel in Donetsk. She was quite popular there, and a couple of years later Nena showed up in the same brothel. That particular brothel catered to Russian backed Ukrainian rebels, the same ones that had rescued Nena from the cult. The two quickly discovered they had a good bit in common – southeastern European roots, hard upbringing, and so on. They became fast friends, inseparable really. Both were favorites of the rebels with several men using each of the girls on a nightly basis. In what is a normal exchange between brothels in Ukraine, Eurydice and Nena were ‘traded’ to a brothel in Kiev. It was there that I saw them – chained together in a discrete room off the waiting area. I was struck by their appearance and the obvious bond between them. It reminded me of how our blonde twins – Apryl and Selena- might have ended up in a differently. Anyway, I knew the proprietor of the establishment. I made an offer for them as a package deal. He accepted, and here they are.”

Sir Donald said, “And how long have they been at Roissy?”

Anne Marie answered, “Almost six years. Quite a long time considering how they have been used - raped and beaten nearly daily. They are beginning to show – how shall I say it politely – a lot of wear and tear. I thought it might be time to retire them and turn them out into the streets, but then I got an exchange offer from my cousin in Germany.”

“So, it is really a win-win scenario then?”

“Yes. For all parties.” Then Anne Marie added, “Except of course for Nena and Eurydice.”

Sir Donald said, “Rene, we will take your request to be considered an “Ace” under consideration. Of course, you could seduce another woman to come to Roissy. That would eliminate any doubt about your prowess with the opposite sex. But now, we have asked Anne Marie to give us a brief report on the status of things at Roissy.”

With that Anne Marie got up from her seat at the desk in the corner and addressed the group. “Gentlemen, things are going well. I have prepared the quarterly financials and they are available for review if any of you wish to see them. The money we received from Arte Television for the filming of Julienne’s cervix being pierced and interviews with her was quite substantial. It certainly helped our bottom line. Plus, we have the potential income from private sales of the procedure’s filming.”

Old Cyril interrupted, “Will they actually show it on television?”

Anne Marie answered, “My understanding from Verona and her producer is that the graphic images will be blurred, but the screams will be quite audible. She thinks it will be quite popular with a certain part of her audience. If you like, I can arrange for a private viewing for you.”

“Yes, that might be nice.”

Anne Marie continued, “The girl Rene and Sutton brought – she is called Marloes - is being prepared as we speak. She will be presented for your use and amusement later tonight.”

“Who are the girls that are preparing her?” asked Gaspard.

“Why, Nena and Eurydice are doing it. It will be one of their last acts here at Roissy. As you recall, we decided to ‘retire’ them from service here. This weekend I will be sending them to Haus der Sklavin. There they will serve as ‘entertainment’ for some type of company party. My younger cousin Zuri and I have arranged for a trade. After the big party, they will be sending some of their talent here. Nena and Eurydice have served the Society well, but they are getting a little, how shall I say it? A little worn looking perhaps.”

Ralph interjected, “Yes. As I recall you bought them both from a brothel in Kiev. Correct? I presume they had some hard use there.”

“Yes. Quite so.”

Scene: The library at Chateau Roissy. Sitting around at various easy chairs are several Roissy Masters – Sir Donald, Old fat Cyril, Ralph, Frank, and Gaspard. Anne Marie is sitting at a desk in the corner quietly shuffling some papers.

Action: Rene enters. He says to the group, “I presume you are all here to help break in that new girl that Sutton and I discovered along the roadside south of Amsterdam. I spoke to Anne Marie about it. If I am not mistaken, she is the fifth girl that I have brought here, and I should now be considered an Ace.”

Hearing this, old Cyril leaned over and whispered in Sir Donald’s ear, “That twit is lucky that Stephen is his half-brother; otherwise, we wouldn’t tolerate him.” Sir Donald chuckled and said to Rene, “I’m not quite sure that is correct, old fellow. True enough, you did bring O here to Roissy, and later that friend of hers, Jacqueline. Of course, O is now the property of Sir Stephen, and Jacqueline didn’t last very long. And you recently brought that girl with the man’s name… What is her name, I forget?”

Cyril piped up, “She goes by Blaise. And her training is coming along nicely.”

Sir Donald continued, “And now this girl. By my count that makes only four, not five.”

Rene countered, “You are forgetting Chloe.”

Cyril responded, “Dear boy, Chloe only visited. True, she had agreed to come here for training, but never made it due to that unfortunate event in Malaga. And now, she is where?”

Rene answered, “I don’t really know. Kidnapped by terrorists. Dead perhaps or worse. But she had agreed to come to Roissy.” Sir Donald broke in, “Yes, but she didn’t technically come here for training. But what about this girl you and that Sutton fellow have brought? When does her training start? And why isn’t Sutton here?” Rene answered, “She is being prepared now. She will be presented later this evening. As for Sutton – he wanted to first go see his fiancée first. You know, the model Alessa. She was here once. Briefly. He missed her and she him.”

“So, Sutton is pussy whipped?”

Old Cyril again broke in, “Yes. But what a fine pussy she is. A shame she doesn’t have the disposition of Sir Stephen’s O. That girl is a born slave; Stephen is lucky that way. I do think she would gladly die for him. Alessa doesn’t seem that way, but I remember when she was here. Only for a week or so, but… Oh, Ralph, you’ve seen her recently haven’t you? And Frank, too?”

Ralph looked up and said, “Yes. Last night as a matter of fact.”

The sun shone brightly through the arched windows of the room. In previous times it had been a small chapel, but during one of the numerous renovations to the Chateau, it had been converted; now it was used as either a small dining area or conference room. Today it was serving as the latter. Anne Marie was to give the quarterly report to the group of Senior Masters who formed the Personnel and Finance Committee for the Roissy Society. Already sitting around the long table were Gaspard; Sir Donald; Ralph, who had recently gone to a party where he renewed his acquaintance with Alessa; Raymond, the DGSE spymaster who was also secretly a member of the Society; and old, fat Cyril. It was almost two o’clock, Cyril was already drunk. Cyril mused aloud, “Where is Reynard? He’s on this committee. Shouldn’t he be here?”

Ralph answered, “He won’t be here today. He’s in court, showing support for his wife. You’ll recall she was charged with drunk driving after she went the wrong way on a roundabout near Hampshire, England and hit a bicyclist, injuring him quite badly.”

Cyril responded, “Serves her right for leaving Paris and going to England. Those Brits take drinking and driving quite seriously. Guess old Reynard couldn’t bribe his way out of it.”

“Probably not,” said Sir Donald. “Besides that wife of his – she’s a true piece of work.”

“Truthfully,” responded Ralph. “I remember when they married almost twenty years ago. She was his trophy wife. Really a pretty thing. But wild, thirty-five years younger. He should have just had an affair; he didn’t have to marry her. And there’s no pre-nup. Foolish in my mind.”

“Ah, but she was truly exquisite. One of those super models of the 1990’s. Remember Claudia, Christy, Linda, Naomi and Stephanie. Truly a beauty,” said Cyril. “Still, a prenuptial agreement would seem to have been in order. Now, old Reynard seems to be stuck with her. A divorce might bankrupt him. Like you say – should have just had an affair.”

Sir Donald said, “Well, Reynard was having an affair with her when his first wife committed suicide. Perhaps he felt guilty.”

“Still Reynard should have known better than to marry an American. Especially her. She came with a lot of baggage. Drugs, alcoholism, bad temper, general bitchiness,” said Ralph.

“Ah, but she is still good looking, even though she’s starting to push fifty,” said Cyril.

“She’s forty-six,” responded Ralph. “Gone from hot model to hot mess.”

Cyril chuckled, “Perhaps old Reynard should convince her to come here too Roissy for a stay. Like that young man Sutton did with his lover. What was her name? Alessa? Tell her it’s a rehab facility where she could dry out.”

Ralph said, “I rather doubt she really wants to dry out. Besides, I think Reynard has brought her here for lunch a time or two. She’s seen the slaves serving in the restaurant. She’s not dumb; she knows what Roissy is about; doubtful she would want to come voluntarily.”

Raymond, who had been silently listening, spoke up. “One never knows. Women are strange creatures.”

As Raymond spoke, Anne Marie entered the room clutching six binders. She said, “Sorry if I’m late. I was speaking with Verona F. You’ll recall she did several interviews with slaves here for an Arte Television documentary.”

At Roissy there was a separate wing that basically served as a hotel, provided of course, that you took a girl at the same time you checked in. The rooms were well apportioned, much like a four or five star hotel that one might find in central Paris. Sir Donald unlocked the room and bade his guest and Anna enter, then he followed them inside. Anna had, of course, been in these rooms on numerous occasions, but was still struck by the luxuriousness – an overstuffed sofa and two easy chairs against one wall, an armoire with a very large television directly across from the four- poster king sized bed. A table with an ice bucket and two bottles of whiskey stood by the window. The only things that might distinguish it from the rooms at the Ritz by the River Seine were the rings set in the bed posts and against the wall.

“This is the mirror image of my room,’ said the man who was Sir Donald’s guest – he had not introduced himself to Anna yet, nor had Sir Donald referred to him by name, just “Old Chap.”

“Yes, they are all basically the same.” Then turning to Anna, “A tad more sumptuous than your quarters, yes?” Anna nodded in the affirmative, and Sir Donald went on, “Why don’t you strip? I would like to see you completely naked.”

It wasn’t difficult for Anna to do. She merely undid several hooks on the side of the dress that formed a type of corset – a corset that both constricted her belly and waist while lifting up her rather large breasts and leaving her rear completely free. Once the hooks were undone, it was a simple matter for Anna to take a step and let the dress fall to the floor. When she did, Sir Donald nodded to the other man and said, “See. Since all her pubic hair has been removed, it makes her brand and piercings seem even more visible.” The other man nodded, and Sir Donald went on, “It was a good idea to brand her right above her sex as opposed to her rear. That was she can still model lingerie that exposes most of her buttocks.”

“Yes, I can see now how that is a good idea. But what about the marks on her ass? And isn’t she a little too buxom for a fashion model?”

“Ah, she’s been flogged recently. From the looks of it, I’d say two or three days ago. But they will fade before she does any more modeling. Not really a big deal. We can flog her later if you wish. Or have a valet do it. As for her tits – they are rather large, but that seems to be in fashion with some designers.”

Anna stood there naked and silent. Even after being at Roissy for almost two years, she still had trouble accepting the fact that she was talked about as if she wasn’t even present. “As if they were comparing notes on a horse that was for sale,” she thought to herself. “But I do have to admit that I get some pleasure out of it. Talking about me as if I were just a dumb animal. Or just an object. An object to be used by anyone as he might wish.

Then Sir Donald said, “Well, let’s get on with it. Anna, please kneel down and undo our trousers, and unleash the hound.” He said this last sentence with a big grin on his face.

Anna knelt first in front of Sir Donald. She unbuttoned his trousers and pulled them down before shuffling over to the other man. When she undid him, she was somewhat struck by the size of his member; it was almost half as long as her forearm and as big around as her wrist. Sir Donald must have seen her eyes widen because he laughed and said, “A monster, eh? I bet you can take it though. Kiss it and maybe it’ll be nice to you.


Moments later Anna was on the sofa with Sir Donald’s member in her mouth. She worked the length of it with her tongue and lips before taking it deep in her mouth. Then she closed her lips around it and sucked. A slight popping sound emanated when she pulled off of the tip. “Oh! Don’t stop!” he commanded. But Anna was having trouble concentrating on the task at hand as the other man was pummeling her sex so hard that it threw her off balance.

Then Anna momentarily saw stars as Sir Donald slapped her across the face. “Get it back in your mouth and keep sucking! Work the shaft with your hand!” Anna did so, trying to ignore the pounding she was taking from the other man. “Yes, that’s it. Good girl!”

Anna looked up and saw Sir Donald pass a small bottle to his companion. She heard him say, “Here’s some lubricant. Swab it in her ass and see if you can force yourself in there. I’ll try to hold off coming until you do.”

Anna felt a finger run around the rim of her anus, then some liquid, then penetration. Then a loud plopping sound as he withdrew from her sex. Then a searing pain as if she were being skewered. Hands grabbed at her breasts, pinching and rolling her nipples between finger and thumb. She felt tears begin to run down her face. Then Sir Donald withdrew, and Anna felt his hot semen splash against her face. She cried out, “Please stop! It really hurts!” But, of course, he didn’t stop. Sir Donald held her face in his hands and said, “It won’t be long now! Give it to her hard!”


Anna lay on the floor like a toy whose spring has broken. She looked up at the two men who were giving each other high fives. Then Sir Donald’s guest went over to where his clothes were. As he picked them up, Sir Donald said, “I do hope you enjoyed it, old chap. I’ll ring for a valet now to come and take her away, unless you want to wait a bit and have another go.”

The man answered, “No, it’s okay. I have an early flight in the morning and need to get my rest.” Then he went out the door, shutting it behind him.

As Anna lay on the floor, tears streamed down her face. “I never even learned his name.”

As Anna was taking a drink over to Frank and old Cyril, another Master walked in with a companion who was not a member of the Roissy Society. Anna immediately recognized Sir Donald as he frequented Roissy quite often but did not recognize his guest. After they sat down at a table, Sir Donald waved Anna over. He ordered a whiskey for himself and his guest ordered a martini – “Very dry,” he had said. Anna went to the bar to fetch the order. When she returned, she saw the two men having an animated conversation. As she placed the drinks on the table, she saw her large breasts, which were quite free in the costume that Roissy slaves wore while on duty, gently stirring. She heard Sir Donald say, “Go ahead, ask her.” Anna straightened up and the man asked, “You look remarkably like a girl I saw walking at a fashion show recently. Of course, she was clothed. Well, mostly clothed, but your face greatly resembles hers. Sir Donald here says you are that same girl, could that be true?”

Anna hesitated, not sure what to say, but Sir Donald said, “It’s okay. Tell him; he won’t breathe a word to the outside. He has given me his word. In fact, tell him how you came to be a slave at Roissy, a slave who is property not of one man, but of the Society as a whole.” Anna still hesitated, but Sir Donald continued in a harsher voice, “Tell him or face the consequences.”

So, Anna told the man the story of how she student and aspiring had met a man named Tristan. She had quickly fallen in love with Tristan who had taken her to Roissy in order to prove her devotion to him. Upon her return, she found out that she had been selected by a modeling agency. Anna was elated, and Tristan had declared that he would be her manager. She walked in a few shows and was paid fairly well, but Tristan, ever wanting more money, came up with a scheme whereby she would return to Roissy when she was not modeling. Tristan also learned that if Anna were considered the personal property of a Roissy Master, she would receive double the normal rate for her ‘services’ at Roissy. A junior member of the Society, a young man named Nathan had sponsored Tristan. Tristan told Anna that to be truly his, she should accept his brand on her flesh and have her sex pierced so that she might wear his insignia.

When the man looked surprised to hear this, Sir Donald broke in saying, “It is a not uncommon thing for some of the slaves here to agree to something like that to prove themselves worthy of their Master’s love.”

Anna continued, “Unfortunately my lover and Master, Tristan was killed in a terrorist attack in Malaga, Spain…”

The man interrupted, “Yes. I recall that event. But, please continue.”

“I was lost. I had no idea what to do, I had no real family. Tristan was everything to me; I didn’t have any idea how to do anything. But Anne Marie told me that since Tristan had no will telling how to handle his estate and belongings, I, as his personal property, became the property of Tristan’s ‘co-owner’ which is the Roissy Society. And so, here I am. I still do some modeling but am always escorted by Society members or valets. The money I earn, like the money I earn here is divided between Roissy and myself. It is put into a trust for my elder years. I feel it is a good arrangement.”

The man looked incredulous and said, “Can this be true?” Anna said no more, but Sir Donald said, “Why don’t we all retire to a room upstairs where Anna can verify her story.” And all three went upstairs.
