#sixx am news


All here! Some news from James! Personally, I can’t wait to hear new music (well, obv!), but I’m also still hoping for a tour or just to see them in some sort of festivals… I just need to see them live and you? Do you still want to see them live?


(Posted on Facebook by Dj)

Ok everyone, stay tuned! Today is the day. After a long time of silence (and hope, of course) today Sixx:A.M. are releasing a new song, “Talk to me”! I can’t wait -and honestly, I’m sooo happy! I’ve missed them so much and I didn’t realize the possibility of seeing them still together until yesterday… ❤️ Btw this new piece seem so powerful!

Hi my dear followers! I’m sooo sorry for being absent for so long time, but I’ve been very busy between work and study. Also, in the last months I was thinking about the future of this blog, as we all know that Sixx:A.M. are not together anymore. I’ll be honest, this news broke my heart, as they were (well, they still are) part of my life, and I was hoping for new music and concerts (still never seen them live, that’s my biggest dream). But, on the other hand, I totally understand that decision, mostly for the fact that Nikki now wants to stay with his family and the newborn Ruby <3 (but there will be another post dedicated to this). 

Anyway, I’m curious about Ashba’s new project, Pyromantic. I hope for brand new music soon. 

I’m not going to close this blog for now, I’m still very attached to it -and to all of you, of course! I think I’ll use it to post some news about our beloved trio. Then, we’ll see… 
