#girl group drabble


Goddess! Yoohyeon - My Universe

A/N: Hi guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! I wish you all the best for whatever you chose to do today. (Also, this fic is Attempt No. 2 of trying to break @kingmaker-a after he tormented my heart with one of his fics. :] Does it pale in comparison? Definitely. But I’m gonna hit a nerve eventually.)

If you like fics like this (or if you’re looking for some fluffier content after crying), please consider checking out my Masterlist!

TW: Angst (of course), implied abandonment and/or break-up (?), car crash, more angst, hospitals, near-death experience, Yoohyeon is the literal embodiment of death, did I mention angst?

I’d trade every star and constellation in the sky for another chance with you.

The night sky burns brightly with its glamorous display of stars in the sky. You can’t help but stare at the dazzling spectacle that has appeared before your eyes.

Every star shines brightly in the sky, but the shining star of your life is nowhere to be seen.

Why did you leave me alone? You’re all I can think about every day and night. 

Every time you leave your house, the wind whispers the name of a woman who left you for the universe. Every passing figure takes her divine shape, and her voice rings into your ear when you look at the moon.

I loved you more than I’ve ever loved before. Why can’t you just stay with me for one more night?

You bite your lip as a familiar tear rolls down your cheek. You sniffle as the tears flow freely.

You saved the universe, but you couldn’t stay in my universe.


Yoohyeon stares at you from her golden throne in the sky. She observes your every breath as she eagerly waits for you to join her.

You’ll be with me soon, my dear. Just be patient and enjoy your life.

Days feel like mere minutes in Yoohyeon’s life. She’s been watching you ever since she had to leave your side.

It hurts her to think that she has to be the one to cut your life short. Being the Goddess of Death could reap some fortunes, but all Yoohyeon wanted to do was cradle you in her arms.

The day has come, and she watches and waits.

I’ll be there, Y/N, right when you need memost.


It all happened so fast. Is this really the end for me?

You remember blinding lights, an immense pain in your head, and someone calling your name. 

All of that has passed as numbness washes over you. You can only sit and stare as your family and friends cry over your mortal body as you lifelessly sleep in a hospital bed.

They don’t know that I won’t wake up again, do they?

“Y/N!” A voice calls out from above you.

“Yoohyeon?” You question as her familiar form comes into view.

“Yeah, it’s me. How have you been?” She asks as a warm smile spreads across her face.

“I don’t know, Yoohyeon, I just died.” You sigh as your gaze refocuses on your body.

I can’t leave them alone. My family and friends deserve more time with me.

Yoohyeon offers you her hand. “It’s time to go, Y/N.” 

“No.” You shake your head at her. “I want to stay.”

“Y/N, don’t make me-”

“You don’t scare me anymore. Your threats are empty, just like your love.” You hiss at her while fighting back tears.

“Baby, I’m sorry.” Yoohyeon mumbles with a guilty look on her face.

“I would’ve accepted your apology if I was crying over you like I was years ago. Things change, Yoohyeon. I want to stay.” You insist.

Yoohyeon quietly looks at the floor before speaking,

“Fine.” Yoohyeon waves her hand as you disappear from her sight. “Don’t say that I never did anything for you.”

You wake up in the arms of your loved ones as Yoohyeon disappears from your sight.

‘Til we meet again, Yooh.

Mamamoo - Where They Take You On A First Date

A/N: Hi guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! Hope you all are doing fantastic today.

If you like works like this, then you should check out the rest of my Masterlist!

TW: Mentions of food


- Karaoke Bar

- She’d like to take you somewhere that shows off a more fun, relaxed, and energetic version of herself (and you!)


- Local Restaurant/Cafe

- She wants to take you somewhere simple so that her charms and personality really stand out to you.


- Netflix with Takeout at home

- If Wheein is interested in you, then she’ll probably want to get to know you on a more personal level in the comfort of her own home.


- Fancy Restaurant

- Hwasa wants to leave a good impression on you, so she’ll take you out to a super nice place. (And she pays the bill!)

Mafia! Itzy - Reaction To Their S/O Being Smarter + Stronger Than They Seem (Requested!)

A/N: Guys, girls, and non-binary pearls, I hope you’ve been doing well today! If not, I hope this reaction cheers you up.

If you enjoy works like this, then you should check out my Masterlist!

TW: Mafia AU themes (guns, violence, etc.)


She sighs in disbelief as she nervously plays with a strand of her hair.

“Who in their right mind puts a puzzle lock on a vault?” She thinks to herself.

Apparently those guards of hers took the instruction ‘make sure my money is secure’ a bit too seriously.

She facepalms before hearing another set of footsteps join her.

“Hi, honey!” You giggle as you wrap your arms around them.

She grumbles a greeting back before looking at the door again.

“Do you need help?” You ask.

“I’m fine, Y/N-” She’s interrupted by you placing a flower crown on her head.

You skip over to the lock before messing with it for a minute. It clicks open, and she stares at you in shock.

“How did you…” She trails off as you kick the door to the vault, which causes it to slam open.


  • Surprised/Embarrassed 
  • “Thank you, dear. I appreciate your assistance.”
  • She definitely did not expect that from you at all.
  • Yeji blushes out of pure embarrassment since she could’ve at least gotten the lock with a few more tries.
  • But she keeps your skills in mind as she returns to her office after grabbing what she needed.


  • Complete Shock
  • “When did you learn how to do that?”
  • With her mouth agape, she watches as you retrieve your flower crown from her head before skipping down the hallway.
  • She’s standing completely still, partially in fear of you.
  • But, she smirks as she turns around and chases you. 
  • Lia’s found a way more valuable treasure than whatever was in the vault.


  • Proud
  • “That’s my baby!”
  • She ruffles your hair and places a kiss on your scalp before dragging you down the hallway.
  • Forget the money, she’s got something way more important to deal with.
  • “C’mon, I’ve got to teach you how to shoot a gun.”
  • “But I wanna make more flower crowns!”


  • Concerned
  • “Are you alright, babe? You aren’t hurt, right?”
  • She immediately rushes over to you to check for any wounds.
  • After she’s sure that you’re fine, she takes your hand in hers as she leads you into the vault.
  • “It’s time that you learn what is being kept here, Y/N.”


  • Annoyed
  • “I could’ve done that myself, Y/N!”
  • She huffs before the realization hits her.
  • You managed to open a locked door and infiltrated her secret vault in less than sixty seconds. Most of her best-ranking officers couldn’t do that.
  • Yuna changes courses as she excitedly hugs you.
  • “I’ll teach you how to fight, Y/N! Those recruits won’t stand a chance against you.” 

Take Me Away (TMA): JiU’s Restored Ending - My Faith in You

A/N: My dears, I hope you all are having an amazing, wonderful, and absolutely fantastic day! You definitely deserve it.

If you’re looking for a place to start reading Take Me Away, or if you missed a chapter, then you should check out the Series Masterlist.

TW: Religion, religious themes, pure fluff

You take the garnet necklace into your hands before placing it around your neck.

JiU’s warmth and kindness has stayed in my head from the moment I left her. She did make a mistake, but it was a mistake that anyone would’ve made at that moment. I can’t wait to see her again. Even though it’s been a few days, it feels like it’s been ages since I saw her last.

You climb into bed as you recall sweet memories of you and JiU to occupy your mind as you fall asleep.


You wake up in your aunt and uncle’s farmhouse, and you slowly dress yourself as you mentally prepare for another day on the farm.

I wonder what my chores for today will include…

Your door slams open, and you jump back in surprise. JiU comes rushing inside of your room with a big smile on your face.

“I hope you’re done changing because I’ve got some exciting news for us!” 

Before you can say anything, JiU grabs your hand and pulls you out of your room.

She hasn’t changed at all, I see.

“Can you slow down? I’ve just woken up.” You say groggily as JiU laughs.

“Okay, we can walk a little slower. It’s not like this surprise is going anywhere~” She teases as you raise an eyebrow.


“C’mon, it’s just a little walk from the house.” She gestures to the front door before the two of you walk out together hand-in-hand.


You stare at the house that’s only a short distance from your aunt and uncle’s home in confusion.

What is this?

You tilt your head at her.

“Why did you bring me here?” 

JiU laughs before answering, “I brought you here because this is where we live now! Your aunt and uncle got us a home after they found out about us.”

You can only stare at the house in awe as a blush rises on your face.

“They did that… for us?”

“They always were on the generous side. Now, let’s head inside before we become ill.” JiU begins to walk in the house as you slowly follow behind her.

“I guess this begins a new chapter of my life. It’ll be a story that you and I can tell together.” You say before entering the home.

JiU looks back at you and smiles.

“I think that we’ll make a lot of stories and memories in this home.”

Siyeon (Café AU) - Take A Sip [You’ll Find Out] (Requested!)

A/N: Hello to my lovely guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend.

If you enjoy works like this, then you should check out the rest of my Masterlist!

TW: Mentions of food and drinks, angst but it’s a soft kind of angst that slowly breaks your heart.

The drive to work is as boring as usual until one of Siyeon’s song recommendations pops up on your playlist. Your heart flutters as you turn up the radio. The words automatically come out of your mouth, and you wonder if all of that practice will be worth it in the end.

Using one of Siyeon’s favorite songs to confess to her might be a bit cliche, but she’ll love it. I already know that she must feel something for me because of all of that flirting. I just want to make the confession good enough for her.

You continue to travel to work as thoughts of Siyeon fill your mind.


You throw on your apron and quickly fix your hair before heading inside of the tiny cafe that’s across from the university that Siyeon attends.

I wonder if she comes and visits this place when she’s off.

You greet your boss as they open up the cash register for the day. They wave at you before continuing to count money.

You walk around the counter and head into the back room.

“Well, look who it is…” Siyeon smirks as you set your stuff down on one of the chairs.

“I’m back and better than ever.” You smile before taking a seat next to Siyeon.

You can feel your heart race as she leans towards you.

“Are you working a full 8 hour shift today?” She asks quietly as she rests her head on your shoulders.

You play with her hair for a moment before answering, “When am I not?”

Siyeon giggles, and you can feel the vibration of her body against yours. You’re thankful that her head is tilted away from yours so she can’t see you blush.

“Good, because I am too. I don’t know why the owner hasn’t separated us yet?” Siyeon quietly confesses.

“Maybe it’s because they enjoy the show that we put on.” 

“Show?” Siyeon looks at you confused for a moment, “Oh, you mean when I flirt with you, you flirt back, and then I win because I’m much more charming than you are.”

“Hey, I can be charming too.” You huff in annoyance,

“Of course you are. If it counts for anything, I find you charming~” Siyeon pokes your cheek before lifting her head off of your shoulder.

“Hey, we haven’t started yet!” You blush at Siyeon.

She totally is more charming than I am, but I can hold my own.

“It’s never too early for me.” She laughs before heading out of the break room.

You quickly follow with a lovesick smile on your face.


“You look prettier than a flower in the midst of spring.” You gently cup Siyeon’s face with one hand after she hands a coffee to a customer.

“And you’re like a dream come true, Y/N.” She teases while copying your actions.

“That means that you wouldn’t mind me…” You trail off as your eyes look at her lips.

“Go right ahead.” Siyeon smiles as the two of you lean in.

Your face is nearly touching hers, and you can feel her breath on your lips. You’re tempted to just steal a kiss now and explain later, but you choose to stare into her eyes instead.

She raises an eyebrow at you, as if she’s daring you to make a move. You still paused while waiting for more confirmation from her that it’s okay.

You stand like that for what feels like an eternity before Siyeon breaks away from you with laughter on her lips. She pulls her hand away from your face as you try to hide your visible disappointment.

“Ah, you’re going to have to try a little harder if you want something like that from me.” Siyeon brightly beams at you, and it’s nearly enough to erase the pain in your heart.

“What do I have to do to get that kiss, then?” You seriously ask.

“Yah, I’m not telling you!”


After four hours of working, the two of you are allowed a break. You both immediately head into the break room to relax.

“Say, Y/N, can I ask you a question?” Siyeon’s eyes connect with yours as you feel your heart race.

“Sure.” You smile at her while trying to figure out what she might ask.

Could it be a confession of sorts? Maybe I won’t have to do it myself.

“Do you often think about the future?” She asks as you visibly deflate.


“Doesn’t everyone at some point?” You joke back while trying to smile.

“I mean, what do you plan on doing in life? I assume that you don’t plan on working here until you die.” Siyeon raises an eyebrow at you.

“Oh, I haven’t quite figured that out yet. I’m just trying to go one day at a time.” You thoughtfully answer.

“That’s great, Y/N.” Siyeon mumbles, and you can tell that something’s bothering her.

“Is everything alright? You can always talk to me, and you have my number-” 

Siyeon interrupts you by shaking her head.

“No, it was just a ‘what if?’ sort of question,” Siyeon softly says, “and we should get back. Our break is nearly over.”

Siyeon quietly walks out of the room, and you give her space before exiting the room after her.

I wonder what that was all about…


The rest of your shift goes normally, and the end of your shift approaches quicker than you’d like. Siyeon offers you a small wave and a quick hug before leaving as soon as possible. You choose to take your time as you over-analyze every interaction that you’ve had with Siyeon today.

The drive home is comfortable and quiet, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.


As you toss and turn in bed, Siyeon’s words echo in your head.

“Do you often think about the future?” 

Of course I do, and I imagine it with you.

“I mean, what do you plan on doing in life? I assume that you don’t plan on working here until you die.”

I’d like to at least ask you out before you leave. Is that too much to ask for?

Your mind toys with the idea of asking Siyeon out tomorrow.

I have to do it soon. I don’t know how much longer I can take her flirting.

You make a mental note to pick up flowers and a teddy bear before you go to work. Content with your decision, you slowly begin to fall asleep.


The drive to work makes you more and more anxious, even though you have nothing to worry about.

If it doesn’t go well, so what? You and Siyeon can still be friends!

You leave the flowers and stuffed bear in your car as you enter the front door of the cafe. You scan the area while trying to find Siyeon.

Where could she be?

You peek into the back room, but Siyeon isn’t there either.

That’s weird. She doesn’t ever call off unless she’s sick.

You go to find the owner of the shop who sits at the cash register.

“Hey, have you seen Siyeon today?” You nervously ask.

“Oh, she didn’t tell you? Siyeon put in her two-week notice, well, two weeks ago! She said that this job was distracting her from her studies. What a shame… she was a nice girl, too. It’ll just be me and you, Y/N, until we can find a replacement.”

She…left without telling me? Was I the distraction that she mentioned? I thought that we’d…

“Oh, okay.” You answer before rushing to the back room.

You slump against the door as you pull out your phone.

Not a single text or call. Who does that? I thought we had something…

Tears rapidly fall down your face as you set your phone down.

I was wrong, I guess. I hope Siyeon is happy with her decision, wherever she may be now.

Vampire! Wendy x Human! Reader - Addicted (Requested!)

A/N: Hi guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! I hope the end of your week is as amazing as you all are!

If you enjoy my writing, then you should check out the rest of my Masterlist!

TW: Vampires, blood, reader faints

The red glow in Wendy’s eyes wasn’t unfamiliar to you.

She’s hungry, and we ran out of blood a few days ago. She hasn’t been able to track any blood down for days…

You nervously bite your lip as you call out to your girlfriend, “Wendy!”

“What’s up?” She tries to hide the bloodthirstiness in her eyes by brushing her bangs over her eyes.

You sigh before brushing them back into place.

“Do you want to drink from me?” You offer as you pull down the collar of your shirt.

Wendy’s eyes are glued to your neck as she slowly nods. She pulls you into her embrace before placing a chastise kiss on your neck.

You feel a slight pinch on your neck as Wendy begins to drink from you. You stay still for a few moments until you start to feel lightheaded.

“Wendy…” You mutter softly as your eyelids rapidly begin to flutter open and closed.

You remember her briefly responding to you as everything around you disappeared into darkness.


The next thing you remember is the bright sunlight peeking into your bedroom. 

You grumble softly as your eyes open without your permission.

Five more minutes, I beg of you…

You open your eyes, only to see Wendy anxiously sitting on a chair next to your bed.

“What’s going on?” You quickly sit up.

“Ah, don’t do that!” Wendy scolds you while placing a pillow behind your back to support you.

“Why are you-” A sharp pain in your skull and a continuous pinching pain in your neck hit you like a hangover after a long night out on the town.

You cry out in pain as Wendy wraps her arm around you.

“I’m sorry, babe.” She mutters softly against your skin.

“For what?” You look at her with confusion.

“I… drank too much of your blood last night. You fainted, and I’ve been waiting for you to wake up.”

“Oh.” You gently squeeze her arm, reassuring Wendy that you weren’t mad.

“Can I make it up to you in any way?” Wendy looks anxiously at you.

“Come cuddle me in this bed, and we’ll find out.”

A big smile breaks out on her face as she does exactly what you say.

Take Me Away (TMA): Yoohyeon’s Shattered Ending - Shooting Stars Fade Fast

A/N: Ah, the angst train continues with another Shattered Ending! I hope you all are enjoying all of these different endings. (Also, DC got their first win today and I’m literally so proud of them and all of the hard work Insomnias have done to support them. It’s been a long time coming. )

If you’re looking for a place to start reading Take Me Away, or if you need to get caught up on a chapter or two, then you should check out my Series Masterlist!

TW: Angst ending, arguments, failures

You admire the sapphire brooch before snatching it from the box.

I think that Yoohyeon deserves a second chance. We all make mistakes; that’s what makes us human. I think that we could get over this and try again. I may still need time to heal but I need to do so in that world.

You snuggle into your bed as a calm sleep begins to fall over you.


You wake in a familiar home as you begin to prepare yourself to film more scenes of the movie. You’re barely able to get dressed before someone knocks on your door.

“Hey, you’ve got to make a TV appearance soon! After that colossal failure of a film, we need to get you back on track.” Your agent says before you hear them leave.

Did the film not do well? I thought that it would do well due to mine and Yoohyeon’s chemistry.

You shrug before getting ready for the interview.

I wonder what Yoohyeon is doing now. Is she alive and well? She must be, otherwise the movie would’ve halted production.

You quickly exit your room before your agent can yell at you again.


After a successful TV interview, you’re able to convince your limo driver to take you to Yoohyeon’s place.

“I wouldn’t recommend going there. She’s still torn up because of how the movie was received.” The driver sighs before shaking their head. “I know that you won’t let me take you home, so I’ll take you to Yoohyeon. No snitching, alright? I’ll say we went for food.”

You give them a warm smile.

“That sounds good to me!”


When you arrive at Yoohyeon’s home, you’re cautiously optimistic as you knock on her door.

What do I even say to her when I see her? Shall I be comforting, or should I be direct?

The door opens, and you see a miserable version of the girl you once knew and loved. Her clothes are wrinkly, her hair is a mess, and her eyes are filled with tears.

“Please leave me alone. I don’t want to talk to you.” 

Yoohyeon tries to shut the door, but you’re able to stop it with your foot.

“Why not?”

Why not? Y/N, we just made ourselves national embassaments instead of national treasures! How are our careers going to recover after this? I knew that signing up for that movie was a mistake.” 

You feel a lump in your throat as your brain dissects every word she says.

“Everything about that movie was a mistake, huh?” You ask as you try to force the tears and sadness down deep inside you.

Yoohyeon gives you a confused look.

“Isn’t that what I just said?”

You look directly in her eyes with an unmistakable amount of pain in yours.

“Was I a mistake? Were ‘we’ a mistake?” 

You take a step back from her front door as you take a deep breath. Yoohyeon pauses for a moment, and you shake your head at her.

“You know what? I don’t even want to know. Keep your secrets and lies, Yoohyeon, and keep me out of them.” You turn away from her as you briskly begin to walk back to the limo.

“Y/N, wait!”

“I don’t want to hear it, Yoohyeon!” You yell at her before climbing into your car.

The driver looks at you with concern as you let the tears fall from your eyes.

“Are you alrigh-”

“Just drive the goddamn car.” You direct. “Drive for as long as you want for what I care. I just want to be nowhere near that woman.”

“As you request.” The driver nods before starting the car.

You regretfully stare out the window as Yoohyeon re-enters her home.

I wish we could’ve worked out, but two stars only cross paths for a small amount of time before leaving each other in the dust.

Yuna as Your GF

A/N: Hey everyone! I hope your week was good. Make sure to get lots of rest, my pearls, along with drinking water and eating food.

If you enjoy works like this, then you should check out myMasterlist!

TW: Fluff overload

- Adventurous and spontaneous are Yuna’s forte, so most of your dates tend to reflect that.

- “We should go skydiving next! Doesn’t that sound like a great way to spend our anniversary?”

- When it comes to anniversaries and birthdays, Yuna goes all out.

- A big, fancy party with lots of gifts and streamers is just the start.

- Not to mention the very expensive gift that she gets you.

- “You’re the most important gift that I’ve ever gotten from the world, and I wanted to show you how much I love you… so here you are!”

- Filled with so many cheesy pick-up lines which are accompanied by her classic cheesy smile

- You’re convinced that she googles them for fun just so she can tell them to you and watch you cringe at how bad some of them are

- Bear hugs are Yuna’s favorite form of affection. She’ll just wrap her arms around you and never let go.

- Has too many embarrassing pictures on her phone of you.

- “Your mom sent me your baby pictures. How come you never said that you were this cute as a baby?”

- Loves to make you smile and laugh with her over-the-top and rather goofy actions.

Chaeryeong as Your GF

A/N: I hope you all are doing well this week, my dear pearls! I love you all so much.

If you happen to like this work, then I recommend checking out my Masterlist!

TW: Fluff overload (she’s so cute sometimes I just can’t-)

- Be her hype person and personal cheerleader please-

- Her genuine smile and laugh are like pure serotonin.

- Loves when you take the time to compliment every part of her

- Dancing together is a given; if you aren’t good at dancing, then she’ll teach you how to.

- If you try to practice on your own and she catches you, it’ll literally make her fall for you harder

- Won’t express her feelings often unless you do so first

- Likes to subtly take care of you whenever you’re not at your best.

- May occasionally roast you to a crisp, but it’s fine because you love her.

- Aesthetic dates are an absolute yes from her.

- Staying inside by a fireplace and cuddling while drinking tea/hot cocoa is like a dream date with you.

- And when it eventually comes true, she’ll be the happiest woman in the world.

- “You did this all for me? Thank you, Y/N, you’re the best!”

Ryujin as Your GF

A/N: To my lovely guys, girls, and non-binary pearls: I hope the end of your week provides some well-deserved relaxation and joy because everyone needs to have some down time to do whatever they please. Make sure to take care of yourselves, my dears, and I will talk to you all next week!

If you enjoy works like this, then you should check out my Masterlist!

TW: Mention of rollercoasters, fluff overload

- Super clingy and cuddly in private

- Like, she’s the big spoon and she will not let you go until dawn rises again.

- “Y/N, you don’t have to work for another hour. Stay in bed for another 10 minutes, please~”

- Curse her charming morning voice; it’s one of your weak points and she uses it to her advantage.

- Is your own personal hypewoman; she will never stop complimenting you, especially if you’re insecure.

- “You look so hot in that outfit, babe. Mind if we match today?”

- Likes to do cliche couple things, even though she won’t admit it

- She’s a natural charmer and smooth talker. Can talk you into/out of anything that she please.

- Sometimes, Ryujin uses this for good purposes. Other times…

- “We should totally go on that roller coaster. It’d be so much fun to do it together!”

- Will act cute if it makes you smile

- But she’ll cringe at herself afterwards, which is much funnier

Lia as Your GF

A/N: Hello my wonderful guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! I hope this week will be good for you, and I hope this fic brings you some sort of happiness and comfort.

If you like fics like this, then you should check out my Masterlist!

TW: Food, fluff overload

- She’s always so smiley around you.

- She even has your name as ‘My Personal Sunshine ☀️’ on her phone

- Loves spoiling you with the finest of dates, gifts, etc.

- Does not care if you say no because she will spoil you anyway.

- She’s a great person to watch sad movies with because she’ll cry at the sad parts with you.

- But be prepared to jokingly be called “heartless” if you don’t cry during sad movies.

- Likes to switch between being the big spoon and little spoon while you cuddle

- Sometimes, she wants to take care of you, and other times, she just wants to be held in your arms.

- Lia always is complimenting you on everything that you do because she gets jealous very easily and doesn’t like when other people compliment you.

- “You’re so beautiful, honey. Have I told you that today?”

- “You’ve said that ten times in the past hour, but I appreciate the sentiment.”

Handong’s Shattered Ending - Your Lie

A/N: I’ll be the first to admit… this is one of the weirder endings, and as stated, none of this is actually canon. I hope you enjoy this semi-angsty and sad ending. :)

If you’re looking for a great place to start reading Take Me Away, or if you want to read a chapter that won’t make you feel bad, then I suggest that you should check out the Series Masterlist!

TW: Mentions of death (If you’re a long time reader, than you’re not surprised lol), comas, abandonment, more author venting because why not?

You pull the lapis lazuli ring from its position. You grasp the ring in your hand before slipping it on your finger.

Handong has been on my mind since I knew who she was, and she was always there for me. It makes sense that I would want to go to her first since she’s been with me from the start. Handong, I’d risk shattering my dreams if it meant that I got another second with you.

You pull the covers over you as you slip into a silent dream.


You wake up surrounded by cold air as you pull yourself off of the ground.

Why am I here again? Why didn’t I wake up near Handong? Do I have to find her again?

You look towards the ring on your hand, but it’s missing from your finger.

That’s weird…

You open your palm, and you gasp at the shattered lapis lazuli in your hand.

No, this can’t be right! I did everything right! Why does this keep happening?

You quickly spin around as you look for the green light that guided you before.

Nothing. There’s nothing. I’ve got no help. I have to find Handong on my own.

You stuff the shattered stone in your pockets before taking off in one direction. You repeatedly call out for Handong, but no one replies.

Eventually, as your body is about to give up, you reach the building where Handong resides.

She’s got to be here. Where else would she be?

You make your way inside of the dark building before turning a light switch.

“Handong! Are you here?” You call out as you look through each and every room.

How could Handong just disappear like that?

You reach the room with computer screens and you decide to head inside in case she’s there.

What the-

The computer screens are all black, but each one displays a different word in bold, white lettering:

Real Me Make Never Could Love Your

You try to decipher the message in your head.

What could Handong be trying to tell me with a message like this?

You decide to read the message backwards out loud.

“Your love could never make me real.” You quietly say.

Your love could never make me real… What’s that supposed to mean? Is this a joke?

You see a small phone sitting on the desk with an audio file that is ready to be played. You take a deep breath before pressing play.

“Y/N, if this somehow gets to you… I want to apologize. I should’ve told you about this in the first place.

The stones aren’t real, Y/N. None of this is. The seamstress never gave you a box of stones. You never lived seven lives with seven separate girls. This reality you live in… it’s all a dream. The world that you think is reality isn’t. You’re trapped in your own nightmare, and you need to figure out how to get out.

That being said, if you’re hearing this, I’m assuming that you’re too late. This isn’t a childhood play pen, Y/N, this is a matter of life or death.

I can’t believe that I have to be the one to tell you this, but you were in a bad accident three months ago. You were put into a medically-induced coma so the doctors could try to save you. It worked for the most part, but you had some… side effects. I’m nothing more than your mind trying to cope with the fact that you’re about to die. You never got to love because you were hurt so young, so your mind wanted to give you that chance before you left.

Y/N… you are going to die.

God, I’m sorry, Y/N. You don’t deserve me trying to make up for my lie. You should live your truth instead of my lies.

Yet again, if you’re hearing this, my truth has become your lies.

You know I’m right, Y/N. Don’t fight it anymore. Is this really the world you chose to live in?

You shouldn’t have come back for me. You were warned about what the stones might do. It’s not my fault if you’re unhappy with the ending you got.

Good luck living in a world abandoned by life, Y/N. Hopefully you’ll have more luck than I did.”

Rosè as Your GF

A/N: Hello my lovely guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! Another week rolls around, and I’m excited to have another fic here for you all! I hope this brightens up your day and helps you get through the week. ❤️

If you enjoy my works and want to see more, then you should check out my Masterlist!

TW: Food, fluff, I spent ten whole minutes trying to find a Rosè gif that matched the other three but I gave up so hopefully it does not bug you as much as it bugs me. :)

- She is absolutely dedicated to you in every way possible.

- Like this woman would do anything to make you happy.

- “Are you okay? Do you need help? I can get you whatever you want, honey!”

- “…I stubbed my toe, Rosie. I’m fine.”

- She swoons over any and every nickname that you give her.

- Food dates are the best, especially if you cook the food together.

- FaceTiming each other when you can’t meet in person

- Good morning and good night texts for when she’s miles away from you.

- Rosè is always thinking of you, and she likes to remind you by doing little things like memorizing your takeout order or listening to your favorite songs.

- You bond over a love for music

- She’d absolutely play her guitar and she’d sing for you if you asked

- Lovingly gazes at you when you’re deep in thought.
