#sjws are cancer






it really boils my blood that mattel gets props for having diversity in the fashionistas line when many named, speaking poc characters in the movies don’t get dolls like isla, jenna, samantha, marcus, and genevieve off the top of my head

like this bothers me bc they put these characters in knowing they don’t have to make dolls of them so they’re “safe” diversity whereas everyone goes nuts for the nameless fashionistas you see what I mean

Don’t forget Catherine! I mean, the Christmas Carol line wasn’t that large to begin with (which is disappointing in itself) but she played such a huge role and didn’t get a doll. Same for Hailey.

Nalu and Faban in Fairytopia! (Altho Linden didn’t get a doll either; I think Carlos was the only boy to get one out of like a hundred damn dolls under the Fairytopia label)

Josette in PCS altho she and Lorraine were more minor characters. 

Marco and Vivian in Puppy Chase! esp egregious bc their horses come packaged with Barbie and Chelsea lmao. also Lindsay!! she was a major character I don’t care what mattel thinks

this isn’t even going into how when we do get poc characters they sometimes have waaaay lighter skin in the animation than their dolls. DM Isla obviously comes to mind as a recent example but also Cloud Queen Rayla and Princess Ashlyn I think are prominent; or the fact that Mattel often makes AA variants of movie dolls, not just playline, which seems so insidious bc it’s like why couldn’t you just make the character black in the first place? you’ll take their money but you don’t really want to represent those girls do you!

It all comes down to sales, you morons! Mattel is in the business of selling dolls, not catering to your SJW virtue signaling. They won’t do special POC dolls if they don’t think that their investment return will make it worth it. Are you that fucking stupid? Seriously. 

You must read this article in its entirety to understand how the blather of today’s SJW moralizing is no different than 80s conservatives fear mongering on how Satan was taking over our children, but I have taken out some excerpts I found interesting …

Moral Panic, Then and Now byBarrett Wilson

Writing in The Atlantic last year, Emily Yoffe made a compelling case that the trauma-focused approach of today’s therapists and activists evokes the recovered-memory hysteria of the 1980s; and that claims of a “rape culture” on campuses echoes the satanic panic that drove my sister out of our home. The piece echoed an equally brave 2014 article for The Nation, by JoAnn Wypijewski, who wrote: “These panics have shared features. Sex figures as a preternatural danger, emotion swamps reason, monsters abound, and protection demands any sacrifice.” …

During the time of satanic panic, fear was spread by the PMRC, by politicians, by GeraldoandOprah, and by well-meaning therapists and activists. The campus rape panic, similarly, is fed by the U.S. Department of Education (with its Title IX guidance of 2011), by Twitter hashtag campaigns, and by those same well-meaning therapists and activists. …

Some activists have gone so far as to prevent innovative musical artists from entering entire countries because of problematic content produced in the past. The Australian activist organization Collective Shout, for instance, lobbied successfully to ban Tyler, the Creator from entering Australia because his music contained references to rape and other misogynistic material. Its petition read:

The messages propogated [sic] in these lyrics pose particular risk to the Australian community by conveying the message that interpersonal conflict might be legitimately resolved through violence. Unfortunately this message still enjoys resonance in significant parts of our society which heightens the risk posed to women and children of his entry.

Compare those words to these:

Racial and sexual epithets, whether screamed across a street or camouflaged by the rhythms of a song, turn people into objects less than human—easier to degrade, easier to violate, easier to destroy.

That’s from Tipper Gore in 1990, when she was railing against rapper Ice-T and his contemporaries. Both Collective Shout and Gore relied on the idea that an artist’s choice of language can lead to violence. And both statements play on the idea that listeners are weak-minded and impressionable. …

The right-left pro-censorship alliance that Gore formed three decades ago has its modern equivalent in the Twitter era. Right-wing men’s rights advocates and hyper-progressives found common cause in an online shaming campaign targeting Canadian feminist Meghan Murphy, for instance, after she dared suggest that women born into their female bodies might have reason to see themselves differently from those born with penises. …

The tactics used by right-wing Twitter trolls such as Mike Cernovich to get James Gunn fired from Disney are identical to those used by the left to get Twitter troll Godfrey Elfwick de-platformed. Their crime was the same: tweeting controversial jokes. …

Today’s SJWs are no different than yesterday’s Conservative Christians. A big amen to Barrett Wilson on that (please click and read his full article).

End of story.

August Ames and Social Justice Warriors Bullcrap

Today I decided to make a post in memory of August Ames, a 23 year old beautiful girl with severe depression who committed suicide after being “web lynched” by social justice warrior for refusing to make porn with a bisexual male talent for being scared of HIV.

Social Justice Warriors are butthurt, pain in the ass millennials who just argue over the most meaningless bullshits over the internet.

The world has never been so boring and so full of shit. “Safe spaces”, “microagressions” are a big deal to them while real problem seem not to be an issue. Everyone is now accused of being racist, homophobic and sexist for nothing, thus diminishing the real meaning and real harms of what racism, homophobia and sexism is.

In my personal opinion social just warriors are not only guilty for making August Ames commit suicide, but also for making Donald Trump the president of the USA.

So let’s remember August Ames. May she rest in peace.

Fuck you SJWS Social Justice Warriors

I’m tired of this butthurt millennials who are social justice warrior. This kind of bullcrap has to end.

They are the reason why Trump got elected. Not because americans are racist, sexists and homophobic, because the majority of americans are just decent hardworking people, but rather because people got fucking tired of being told that they are sexists, homophobic and racist by SJWs for no fucking reason.

It is a shame that beautiful August Ames commited suicide because of worthless pieces of shit like you, social justice warriors.

Rest in peace August Ames.
