#sk8 the infinty



dreams; kyan reki

synposis: in which you tend to reki’s wounds after his second beef with adam; second part to this fic but it can be read on it’s own! takes place after episode 11

pairings: gn! reader x reki

genre:fluff. just fluff. and caretaking.

warnings: mentions of injuries. swearing. brief nudity (?) sap, so sappy.

word count: 3.5k

notes:i loved the series so much! reki has suffered enough, so i decided to show his some love. i was so so proud of him during episode 11. again, i apologize in advance for grammatical/spelling errors. i’m pretty busy with school so i’m just churning fics out at this point.

“i’m not letting you lift a finger for a month”you moan as you help seat reki on his bed. you’re both mostly dried from the rain, save for your hair and clothes. he only giggles in response and you can’t help it when you lean down to gingerly place your hands up to his face, kissing the bridge of his nose. “a month”

“ahh, i don’t think that’s gonna work” reki gives you an easy grin, before placing a kiss on the side of you mouth. “i got a shift tomorrow”

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There’s something that we, as sk8 the infinity fans, don’t talk about and it’s this:

Langa has big enough hands that he can completely circle Reki’s wrist. With space to spare, even, I would say.

Do you see where I’m going with this guys. Do you see what this could mean. Because I don’t but it feels like that’s something we should discover as a group.


i meant to be a casual fan but it ended up ruining my life


Langa is too pretty for his own good
