

Okay so, i know i don’t usually post my drawings here (at least not the serious one) but i would like to post something about renga. Any suggestions or something you would like to see?

Since i didn’t do it before now i will talk about my favourite lines in the previews dubbed episode

  • The fact that when Kaoru and Kojiro started yelling at each other (like always) they talked about having a night out. And kaoru said “our night out” so i thought it was something only between them too. I’m not saying anything, just pointing out.
  • Reki’s sister saying he’s acting like a drama queen WAS SO ICONIC SORRY WHY ISN’T ANYONE TALKING ABOUT THAT
  • Even though it wasn’t anything different from the original the way langa said he likes reki… idk i’ve felt it like more real than the original. Yk like “here he is saying he likes reki in that sense”, like i was watching it and just thought that this isn’t explainable in any other way. Maybe because of the language where “like” doesn’t have a lot of other ways to think about it. And since langa was blushing it was i’ve felt it more than the original. Even the tone of his “yeah” was firmer than the original. Howard Wang is doing an awesome job JUST LOVED IT
  • AND MY FAVOURITE THAT I KEPT AT LAST BECAUSE I LOVE IT AND BECAUSE I’VE ALREADY TALKED ABOUT IT THE ICONIC “BITCHES AND BROS AND NON BINARY HOES” love it, perfect, it’s a gem of modern cinematography. As non binary myself i’ve found that so beautiful, it was set up perfectly, wasn’t in any way out of the character or the setting, I WILL PRAY for the damn mind behind it. Also this is the first time i ever heard about a character saying explicity the word non binary in an anime. I don’t even know if someone said that in any cartoon in general (maybe for adult ones but not for the others, don’t know honestly)

Really thanks to the person behind it. It’s not even the original but it’s so satisfying to watch without changing in any way the original product, just a way to make it more “western” maybe? But not in a bad way, it’s not erasing the original or the culture behind it like they did in the 90s, it’s just making it more enjoyable for who watches it right now keeping in mind the kind of the audience that the show has.

At the same time the show itself is set as something enjoyable from both asian and western culture so it’s not changing anything. It’s just making it good for us, something that even if they try in the japanese version it’s not gonna be perfect since they have to think about the japanese audience at first.

And it’s not like a part is doing it worst than the other, AT THE OPPOSITE, IT’S SO LOVABLE PEOPLE ARE ENJOYING IT IN TWO DIFFERENT LANGUAGE AND WITH TWO DIFFERENT PORTRAYAL OF SOME RELATIONSHIP DINAMICS it’s like watching it for the first time.

So thanks to all the people who are working behind this dub, you’re doing an awesome job


There’s something that we, as sk8 the infinity fans, don’t talk about and it’s this:

Langa has big enough hands that he can completely circle Reki’s wrist. With space to spare, even, I would say.

Do you see where I’m going with this guys. Do you see what this could mean. Because I don’t but it feels like that’s something we should discover as a group.


  • So first of all that whole scene in the car was FUCKING adorable and intimate at the same time, i really felt like they were just talking with their heart and basically declare

This is scene is masterpiece, i really thought that reki was gonna ask him for a date/i thought like he was saying something that only during the race will show up as a flashback but like a really intimate thing since his tone (i will talk about that later) and the way this moment was set up with all that focus on their knees showingthe distance (this kind of frames, focusing on little things that are not the expressions are often used for shojo so i really freacked out). It ended up with actually a date so-

TRIGGER WARNING: I WILL TALK ABOUT DEPRESSION/DEPRESSION IN ADAM’S CHARACTER so if you don’t feel like it or you don’t want him to be associate with this subject you can skip this part

I will talk about him from a phsycological/serious point of view so all his exageration as a character will not be taken into consideration if not at the ending

  • All that things about Adam were very interesting, i don’t view this episode as his redemption arc but more like an insight of his psycology. Recently i talked about that with my phsycology teacher the fact that depression isn’t about being sad but not having desire. Not having faith for the future and so not hoping for anything. All of this, the fact of seeing himself as pathetic and being depressed and repressed lead adam to have self-pity and to be inevitably egocentric. He doesn’t want to recover nor to be better, he needs his suffering because it makes him who he is. Being depressed make a person self pity because their suffering become the center of their world. That’s why Adam says “no one will ever understand me” with that violence. Because it’s better to think that he is a victim and that no one will ever understand him than to think that he can change. People don’t want to change, people want to feel good without working on themselves. I think it’s so human for him and he rappresent something people don’t want to admit, that’s why people hate him. He’s full of himself, sad, self centered, narcisistic and toxic because he is depressed. He’s showing that part of depression that people don’t want to see because no one wants to think about themselves as him. He’s still a creep, child molestor and attemptive murderer? Of course, but the focus on his way of thinking was really interesting and human, i appraciated that. I don’t think it was necessary a redemption arc but i think they did it to make us feel for him or wherever, i’m just happy they talked about his mind in a very interesting way with the use of little details, he’s written very well. He still have to pay for the terrible things he did.

  • THIS

I MEAN THIS IS JUST SO PRECIOUS PLEASE THE WAY HE LOOKS AT REKI IS SO BEAUTIFUL and i would like to add that after he jumps on reki’s arms his expression changes with a more composed one which made me think that he wasn’t even conscious of his face while smiling. He wasn’t even conscious about his victory, he was only happy to see him GOD PLEASE THAT’S GAY SHIT BRO

  • I’m sorry that they didn’t give the other characters more space, especially for Miya THE ONLY ONE who was really afraid for langa dkjsjsjs it would’ve been really beautiful if they did another episode that feels like an epilogue with langa and reki racing and with all the characters watching them idk like in Yu Gi Oh or wherever. I really wanted to see their race



This moment and the moment where he asked langa to skate in the fucking sunset in the car AND with the moment he run towards the finish line to see langa THEY WARE PEAKS OF HIS CONFIDENCE fuck he looks so good with that confidence in his face man i’m falling for him even more. I can definetly see him being more like that after all the compliments langa makes to him and after regaining his trust on himself. But like it just seems like a glow up, HE’S BECOMING SO GOOD he seems so mature here, it has nothing to do with the happiness in his face when he sees langa or talks about skate (which are adorable) this is something more like him growing, seeing more in langa than just a friend, this has to do with the desire, the passion, it’s not the need to skate with langa, it’s the will. He wantsto be with him, spending his time and soul on their relationship.

That’s why i’m not really mad about not getting them together (like yes i’m sad) i think this is just the beginning, they’ve known each other for a few months and they still base their relationship only on skateboard. They have plenty of time to actually experiment their feelings. Maybe i will talk about their currently relationship in another post since i find it’s very interesting.


  • And at the end this moment

I was so happy that they talked more about his dad since he was a huge part of his life. I find very cute the fact that langa remembers his dad only with a positive light (there’s not a single moment where he shows sadness or where he feels alone, not even his mom). All the moments where he remembers his dad are just so adorable sorry ALSO NEW OUTIFIT I LOVE IT


Little bonus:

immediatly after ending the episodea since i had this feeling of bitterness i went to watch episode 7 dubbed and dude-


Another little bonus:


(Sorry if i made mistakes, english is not my first language, i just hope you can understand everything)


