



A little too much going on today, but basically all good so far! *fingers crossed*

First order of the day: Waiting around for Hornbach (Lowes/Home Depot/B&Q equivalent) to deliver the tomato planting setup plus a few miscellaneous lumber items to build some shelves, etc. They gave him an updated 10:00-3:00 time slot, when we need to get two other kinda pressing errands done in different parts of town before 4 p.m. Yesterday was a public holiday, so yeah that complicated getting some crap done before the weekend.

Thankfully, they did show up just after noon.

That trundled up on the elevator into here, Mr. C hared off on the bus for a flying run toward the endocrinology clinic, to pick up some replacement CGM sensors for me. There were some mixups, plus the “oops they’re closed” yesterday and my last one expired overnight. It was certainly a relief to get more.

I do indeed have multiple backup finger stick meter options, but didn’t really want to have to spend the whole weekend basically flying my blood sugar levels blind, beyond like 5 snapshot readings a day. Rather than being able to see at a glance wtf it’s doing at all times, with alarms in case things start going too wild. (Still kinda hard to believe this was still NHS standard of care for T1 diabetes. Talk about penny wise, pound foolish, as dangerous as that can turn fastand with basically no warning.)

The sensors should also be covered (no cost) at the pharmacy, now that I am properly in the health system. But, we haven’t managed to get the pharmacy stuff straightened out quite yet. Thankfully, the endo’s office was fine with giving me a couple more fill-ins to cover the little transition gap. Just less than ideal timing all around, but ah well.

I do now have a new one initializing on my arm, which should be ready to use in about half an hour now. ‍

Trying to wait until then to head off on the next errand: FINALLY picking up the major quest item which is my Swedish ID card, from a Skatteverket office here in town! (Which also closes at 4 p.m., yeah.)

I haven’t been to that location before, but he actually went to try and get it once he saw the notification that it was ready Wednesday morning, before I was even up. But nope, my passport and his ID weren’t enough; they were requiring that I personally come and get it. So, we get to most likely cab it over to IIRC Limhamn.

(My emergency passport also runs out the end of this month, and I couldn’t reasonably send it in to the embassy for replacement until I had Swedish-issued ID! Will even need it to pick that up. You even need some valid ID for stuff like medical appointments and picking up packages here.

Cutting it pretty damned close as things stand, but hopefully it will work out without gaps. Worst case, I file a new application and pay another fee to the US Embassy, but hopefully we can get that postmarked while the damned thing is still valid. If just.)

But, with any luck? I should maybe have my Swedish ID card today, so I can finally get the freaking passport swapped for a full-length one. *fingers crossed*

Now actually at the Skatteverket office, which I had a brain fart about earlier and is actually in Värnhem.

No surprise draugar popping out to surprise us before we can collect the item so far, but we’re still waiting for my customer number to come up.

Plot twist: It me! After more bureaucratic dealings.

But, I am now home.

And fully documented, through 2027 at least!

Next up: some late lunch.

Over the weekend: Hopefully get the passport renewal sent off. They did NOT even want to see it today, but of course it would have been a very different story if I had already sent the about-to-expire one off to Stockholm already.

After the weekend: Finally get me set up with bank accounts here, including the horribly crucial BankID. Which will make life so much easier, including with stuff like actually being able to use the health system portal, etc. Shouldn’t need to get him to take care of All The Things (including some extremely mundane tasks!) anymore then. It would be very difficult to overstate the usefulness of basic e-ID here, and the BankID is frankly unbelievably dominant for that.

But, yeah. I should now have all the items needed to unlock that little quest too. Hopefully!


A little too much going on today, but basically all good so far! *fingers crossed*

First order of the day: Waiting around for Hornbach (Lowes/Home Depot/B&Q equivalent) to deliver the tomato planting setup plus a few miscellaneous lumber items to build some shelves, etc. They gave him an updated 10:00-3:00 time slot, when we need to get two other kinda pressing errands done in different parts of town before 4 p.m. Yesterday was a public holiday, so yeah that complicated getting some crap done before the weekend.

Thankfully, they did show up just after noon.

That trundled up on the elevator into here, Mr. C hared off on the bus for a flying run toward the endocrinology clinic, to pick up some replacement CGM sensors for me. There were some mixups, plus the “oops they’re closed” yesterday and my last one expired overnight. It was certainly a relief to get more.

I do indeed have multiple backup finger stick meter options, but didn’t really want to have to spend the whole weekend basically flying my blood sugar levels blind, beyond like 5 snapshot readings a day. Rather than being able to see at a glance wtf it’s doing at all times, with alarms in case things start going too wild. (Still kinda hard to believe this was still NHS standard of care for T1 diabetes. Talk about penny wise, pound foolish, as dangerous as that can turn fastand with basically no warning.)

The sensors should also be covered (no cost) at the pharmacy, now that I am properly in the health system. But, we haven’t managed to get the pharmacy stuff straightened out quite yet. Thankfully, the endo’s office was fine with giving me a couple more fill-ins to cover the little transition gap. Just less than ideal timing all around, but ah well.

I do now have a new one initializing on my arm, which should be ready to use in about half an hour now. ‍

Trying to wait until then to head off on the next errand: FINALLY picking up the major quest item which is my Swedish ID card, from a Skatteverket office here in town! (Which also closes at 4 p.m., yeah.)

I haven’t been to that location before, but he actually went to try and get it once he saw the notification that it was ready Wednesday morning, before I was even up. But nope, my passport and his ID weren’t enough; they were requiring that I personally come and get it. So, we get to most likely cab it over to IIRC Limhamn.

(My emergency passport also runs out the end of this month, and I couldn’t reasonably send it in to the embassy for replacement until I had Swedish-issued ID! Will even need it to pick that up. You even need some valid ID for stuff like medical appointments and picking up packages here.

Cutting it pretty damned close as things stand, but hopefully it will work out without gaps. Worst case, I file a new application and pay another fee to the US Embassy, but hopefully we can get that postmarked while the damned thing is still valid. If just.)

But, with any luck? I should maybe have my Swedish ID card today, so I can finally get the freaking passport swapped for a full-length one. *fingers crossed*

Now actually at the Skatteverket office, which I had a brain fart about earlier and is actually in Värnhem.

No surprise draugar popping out to surprise us before we can collect the item so far, but we’re still waiting for my customer number to come up.

A little too much going on today, but basically all good so far! *fingers crossed*

First order of the day: Waiting around for Hornbach (Lowes/Home Depot/B&Q equivalent) to deliver the tomato planting setup plus a few miscellaneous lumber items to build some shelves, etc. They gave him an updated 10:00-3:00 time slot, when we need to get two other kinda pressing errands done in different parts of town before 4 p.m. Yesterday was a public holiday, so yeah that complicated getting some crap done before the weekend.

Thankfully, they did show up just after noon.

That trundled up on the elevator into here, Mr. C hared off on the bus for a flying run toward the endocrinology clinic, to pick up some replacement CGM sensors for me. There were some mixups, plus the “oops they’re closed” yesterday and my last one expired overnight. It was certainly a relief to get more.

I do indeed have multiple backup finger stick meter options, but didn’t really want to have to spend the whole weekend basically flying my blood sugar levels blind, beyond like 5 snapshot readings a day. Rather than being able to see at a glance wtf it’s doing at all times, with alarms in case things start going too wild. (Still kinda hard to believe this was still NHS standard of care for T1 diabetes. Talk about penny wise, pound foolish, as dangerous as that can turn fastand with basically no warning.)

The sensors should also be covered (no cost) at the pharmacy, now that I am properly in the health system. But, we haven’t managed to get the pharmacy stuff straightened out quite yet. Thankfully, the endo’s office was fine with giving me a couple more fill-ins to cover the little transition gap. Just less than ideal timing all around, but ah well.

I do now have a new one initializing on my arm, which should be ready to use in about half an hour now. ‍

Trying to wait until then to head off on the next errand: FINALLY picking up the major quest item which is my Swedish ID card, from a Skatteverket office here in town! (Which also closes at 4 p.m., yeah.)

I haven’t been to that location before, but he actually went to try and get it once he saw the notification that it was ready Wednesday morning, before I was even up. But nope, my passport and his ID weren’t enough; they were requiring that I personally come and get it. So, we get to most likely cab it over to IIRC Limhamn.

(My emergency passport also runs out the end of this month, and I couldn’t reasonably send it in to the embassy for replacement until I had Swedish-issued ID! Will even need it to pick that up. You even need some valid ID for stuff like medical appointments and picking up packages here.

Cutting it pretty damned close as things stand, but hopefully it will work out without gaps. Worst case, I file a new application and pay another fee to the US Embassy, but hopefully we can get that postmarked while the damned thing is still valid. If just.)

But, with any luck? I should maybe have my Swedish ID card today, so I can finally get the freaking passport swapped for a full-length one. *fingers crossed*
