#skincare product


1. Washing my hands every time I touch something that’s not skincare: I cannot stress enough how important it is to keep your hands clean when applying skincare. Our hands are a feeding ground for microbes such as bacteria- especially our nails- and by transferring that onto our face we are only inviting a disaster breakout. It is important to note that over washing your hands can lead to dermatitis and other skin conditions. It is recommended to wash our hands with regular soap and water when necessary. Over-washing with antibacterial soap kills the natural bacteria that stops the foreign icky bacteria from invading- so it is important to know to do everything in moderation. 


2. Using a spatula to get cream from a tub: In addition to washing my hands, I like to use a spatula to get creams or other products from a tub to keep things sanitary. Though our hands may be clean (after the fifth wash), there is still a very high chance that there are microbes residing in between your cuticles and nails. This place especially has the highest chance of farming microbes. Using a spatula ensures that your tub of product is kept as microbe free as possible. Just remember to wash your spatula before and after every use. I got mine from The Face Shop.


3. Letting my skin absorb the products: It is important to remember that our skin is only a muscle designed to protect our insides from the outside world. If we are overwhelming our skin with products without letting our skin adjust to the pH and solubility of the product, then it will get our money nowhere. I like to pat my skin for a good minute or so between each step of my routine- take it nice and slow; there’s no need to rush. We need to work with our skin, not against it!


4. Misting my face between certain steps: This step is not necessary but it is good to know that our skin is being kept moist throughout our routine. Moist skin is more likely to accept and absorb products better than dry skin. This step is mostly for when you apply an active ingredient and you have to wait a certain amount of time before you can move on to the next step. Alternatively after cleansing, you could mist your face to prepare it for your toner.

5. No-towel method: This step needs a post on its own. I’ll give a brief rundown though. Our towels are like sponges- a breeding ground for bacteria and microbes alike. Our bathrooms are constantly humid with our showers and whatnot, so bacterial growth is ensured within our towels. Now back to point #1, if we use our bacteria towel on our face we are waiting for a breakout to happen. It is important to note that not everyone will be affected by this- much like not everyone gets breakouts- but it is vital to understand that materials that are constantly being touched and used in wet environments can (and probably will) cause acne. The no-towel method states that we should be either letting our face air-dry or that we should be patting our skin dry. We avoid the towel and opt for something more hygienic!


6. Applying several layers of hydrating toner: This only applies to alcohol-free toners. Toners generally have a high water content and are thin and light, thus increasing our skin’s absorption rate. Applying several layers of toner can maximise hydration out of your toner and lock in the moisture that you are adding to your skin. This is also known as the seven-skin method, but for everyday I personally do three-skins.


7. Using a mask on top of a mask: I like to put a silicone mask on top of my actual sheet mask when sheet masking. The silicone mask is used to prevent the mask essence from evaporating (especially under the AC) and it also allows for the essence to be better absorbed into the skin. It really allows you to make the most of your sheet masks every time and is also a multi-use product (you can just wash it and reuse). I personally got mine from Daiso while I was overseas and it was pretty affordable. I have noticed that when I use the silicone mask on top of my sheet masks, I have a lot more remaining essence left inside the sheet mask compared to if I didn’t use the silicone mask (btw you can use the remaining essence on the rest of your body e.g. neck, arms) Sheet masks are already pretty expensive per use so using the silicone mask allows me to maximise the benefits while sheet masking.


8. Using a mist or humidifier: This isn’t really part of the routine, but skin care in general. If we are in dry and cold environments, whether it be man-made or natural, our skin will lose moisture and hydration. There are products that help to combat hydration loss such as humectants. However, water evaporates regardless, therefore leaving our skin dry and possibly dehydrated all over again. An important ingredient to look out for is hyaluronic acid which is known for holding 1000x its own weight in water. It is able to do this by drawing water from the environment and holding it in our skin. However if the environment is dry, it can potentially draw water from our skin, leaving it dry and dehydrated. Because of this, it is important to note our skincare ingredients and how they relate to our environment. Having a humidifier and/or mist can combat this function of hyaluronic acid and other ingredients.


9. Rubbing and patting our skincare: I’ve been criticised before for rubbing in my skincare, and while I understand the logic behind pure patting it really doesn’t get the job done. I find that a mixture of rubbing and patting really maximises skin absorption. Rub to apply, pat to absorb. One method doesn’t overpower the other; they’re equal in functionality. However, together the rub-and-pat method can really be a game changer.


10. Massage/facial exercises: This only recently made its way into my skincare routine but I can definitely feel the results slowly making an appearance. Our skin is a muscle; muscles that are toned look and function better than unused muscles. You can do this step at the very end of your routine with your moisturiser or facial oil and gently massage around the perimeter of your face. There are products such as the Jade Roller that are made for this step, and there are posts online about facial exercises. Even if you feel that the step isn’t doing anything for skin visibly, it’s a relaxing step overall that can help to rewind and destress you for the night. 

If I’m going to be honest, this list only touches the surface of extra steps in our skincare routines. Our skin is a vital organ of our body’s anatomy, and we want to make sure that what we are doing to our skin counts. Products can only get so far, however, lifestyle changes are what really count.

I hope this post helped some of you out! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask or DM me. I’m always open to your opinions and comments!
