#sleep advice


Things I learnt from therapy: Struggling to get out of bed

Mental tips

- Tell yourself you have to get out of bed eventually, what’s the point in delaying?

- On that note, imagine a pro and con list. Maybe delaying is a pro because you didn’t get enough sleep, but it comes with a big con of missing something with big consequences late

- And on THAT note, know that past a certain point you can’t ‘make up’ for lost sleep. Your brain is like a trashcan, sleeping is emptying it. After a certain amount of time all the trash is gone, and continuing to try to empty the can is just going to tire you out more

- If feeling overwhelmed by morning routine, split things up into single steps and Don’t think about the following ones. Eg 'my only goal right now is to sit up in bed’, and then 'my only goal is to get dressed’. Don’t get ahead of yourself thinking about brushing teeth or showering while you’re still in bed

- Also consider if things in your morning routine NEED to be done in the morning. Simplify where you can.

- If feeling apathetic, try to think of something you would enjoy. I find these are usually really specific small things, like a specific food. Know that even though you’re apathetic now, if you get up and get the thing you will be happy.

Physical tips

- Put your alarm clock away from your bed, and in/under something you have to navigate slightly like a drawer.

- Drink something the second you are conscious

- Find ways to keep warm even out of bed, have the heating turn on at a certain time, or have a dressing gown and fuzzy socks right by the bed

- Try out a slow rise alarm clock. These slowly light up, mimicking the sunrise. Especially potent during winter.

- If you’re trying to adjust your sleep hours, make sure you’re doing it at both ends. If you’re going to bed half an hour earlier, get up an hour earlier.
