#slut mantra




One of my followers is a reforming feminist, now working to become the perfect whore for men. To aid her in this quest, I message her mantras for her to repeat during her breaks each day. I figured I might as well make these available for all whores to train themselves with. Remember, it is most pleasing to men if you are already well-trained when he decides to use you.

1.  This one comes from the Bible: 

“I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man. She must be quiet.”

                      -1 Timothy 2:12

2. “My mouth is for servicing, not for speaking”

3.  ”Pain reminds me who I am and where I belong”

4. “When my pussy is full I am full, when my pussy is empty I am empty. I need men to be complete”

5.  ”Men don’t care about what I have to say, only about what services I can provide them with

6. “My asshole feels too tight and it makes me uncomfortable. I need a man to loosen it up for me”“

7. “I am an object, not a person”

8. “Better to be dumb and pretty than just plain dumb”

9. “I will serve my God and drink his cum, and be rewarded. I love to kiss his feet and worship his cock”

10. “Cum is sufficient nutrition”

11. “I am a toilet. It is entirely normal for men to piss in my mouth. It is entirely normal for me to piss in my own mouth. I am a toilet”

12. “Semen is an important part of my diet. It prevents me from withing away.”

13. “Male approval is the sole way a cunt like me may find happiness”

14. “The only reason men prefer my company to that of a blow-up doll is because my holes feel slightly better on their cocks”

15. find a photograph of a fleshlight. Stare at it. Think about how it is like you. Both of you were made to please men. Both of you are good for nothing except fucking. Both of you are sex toys. Continue to contemplate while staring at the picture)

16.“I am not human. I am a decoration. I am a sex toy. I am a urinal. This is the full extent of what I am and the full extent of what I will ever be. I am worthless”

17. “When I am not filled with piss and cum I feel like I am starving”

 18. “I am sorry I was born with a cunt”.

19. ”The gash between my legs marks me as an inferior being”

20. “Mantra for today: “I aspire to be silicone”

21. “I should dress like a whore so that men may objectify me more full

22. Look in the mirror and think the words “Fuckhole, meatbag, garbage, filth, slime, cunt” over and over again until they have been adequately internalized

Worth repeating twice a day!

This is exactly what women should be telling themselves.  They need to repeat these mantras until they accept that they are sub-human fucktoys.





I have no rights
I’m not a human being
I am an object for my masters use or any other man above me
I am useless
I am a waste of air
I am a waste of life
I need abuse n name calling
I am only good for my holes
Please treat me like the worthless cunt I am for my sake

She gets it.

a cunt’s affirmation.

This is a great mantra for all of my female followers.  Make sure to say this to yourself at least once a day!

bimboisbetter:Heels for Master.Lingerie for Master.Blonde for Master.Tits for Master.Ass for Maste


Heels for Master.
Lingerie for Master.
Blonde for Master.
Tits for Master.
Ass for Master.
Legs for Master.
Cunt for Master.
Mouth for Master.
Presenting for Master.
Available for Master.
Obedient for Master.
Wet for Master.
Horny for Master.
Giggly for Master.
Ditzy for Master.
Bimbo for Master.
Slave for Master.
Slut for Master.
Kneel for Master.
Spread for Master.
Listen for Master.
Agree for Master.
Obey for Master.
Suck for Master.
Fuck for Master.
Cum for Master.
Please for Master.
Live for Master.
Everything for Master.
Anything for Master.

First, I should just say that the bimbo in that picture is perfect.  Just perfect!

Second, I love slut/bimbo mantras. A good girl should be doing all of these things for her Master. This is a useful reference for bimbos who have doubts or questions about their service.

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