

Summary: You are a young witch in her fifth year in Hogwarts. You come from a long line of pureblooded Slytherins and you want to make your family proud by focusing on your studies. But ever since you started your first year, what is possibly the most flirtatious boy in your house has been giving his all to grab your attention. 

Word count: 2.82k

A/N: Slytherin!Jimin x Slytherin!Reader, a/n/n= annoying nick name, I’m going to change the age differences between the members for the sake of the fanfic. I’m going to be writing the members into the houses that RM sorted them into. BTS’s Hogwarts Houses.

Warnings: swearing, 1 year age gap between jimin and reader (But it’s not really focused on), magic, mentions of Twilight. Sometimes Y/n gets flustered easily. idek. Their relationship is all over the place to be honest.

he really gives me Slytherin vibes in this gif. 


To say that I had no interest in boys would be an understatement. I didn’t give four shits about them. I already had enough trouble with keeping my grades up, training for quidditch and being a proud Hogwarts student.

My family came from a long line of ambitious Slytherins. Although not nearly as known as the Malfoys, we had quite the reputation. When I had been sorted into Slytherin in my first year, I made it my top priority to not disappoint my family. That meant doing my best to leave an impression in Hogwarts. To be remembered. Recently I’d been falling behind in transfiguration. Today, in the middle of the lesson, I had tried to catch up with stuff I’d yet to write down. Something that Professor Snape had not appreciated. He’d given me detention, and so by the end of the day I didn’t have enough time to finish the homework assigned by other teachers.

Currently I was sat in the Slytherin common room, trying to catch up on work. I heard footsteps come into the common area and I immediately knew who they belonged to. I sighed and ignored the person that I came in.

I did mention that I had no interest in boys right? Well there was this one guy who just couldn’t take a hint. He had been on me since first year all the way to my fifth year. This year. He followed me through the halls, trying to make conversation with me. I only ever tried to push him away, so I never know why he keeps trying. Sometimes he reminds me more of a Hufflepuff than a Slytherin. How he was friends with one of the students that couldn’t be more of a Slytherin still puzzled me? (And I don’t mean that stereotype that Draco Malfoy left behind for us. I mean a true Slytherin.) 

But he also held that cheeky side that gave him that Slytherin trait. He was very naturally flirty and he used that on me and if I’m being totally honest. I kinda liked it. But never acted on those feelings. He was flirty with everyone. Thats what I always told myself. 

When that same boy sat next to me on the couch I did the same thing I always did. I didn’t pay him any attention. “So a/n/n…”

“You know I don’t like that name,” I say as I kept my eyes on my parchment.

“Anyway,” he says, changing the subject as soon as it emerged. “I’ve started reading this book.” He paused, when he saw that I was still paying him no mind he continued. “It’s called Twilight. Do you know it?”

I look up at him with a glare. “Yes, I do know it. Unfortunately.” You may be thinking. A pureblood Slytherin reading muggle books? Let me assure you that my family is very accepting regardless of bloodline. I had multiple muggle friends outside of Hogwarts. Most of them, much more loyal than anyone else here. But anyway, back to the “conversation” at hand. “And?” I asked him through gritted teeth as I held my glare on him.

“I was wondering,” he muses, ignoring my hard stare. He leans back against the back of the couch, looking up at the ceiling of the chamber. “When does it get interesting?” I snort out a laugh. I couldn’t help but laugh at his question. I clutched my stomach as I doubled over in laughter. The look of confusion on his face only making the whole situation funnier than it already was.

When I finally come down from my laughing high, I finally answer his question. “It doesn’t.” His once confused expression turns into one of unamusement. 

“Okay, I get it,” he says. “So you don’t like Twilight.”

“Not in a million years.” I shake my head.

“So which books do you like?”

“I’m not telling you,” I say. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and nests his head into the crook of my neck. 

“Please tell me,” he pleaded. He began trailing kisses up my neck. I could hear my heart beating and felt my face heat up. Merlin’s beard, Y/n. Get a grip on yourself. 

“Fuck off Jimin,” I stuttered. His actions were flustering me and by the smirk I could feel on his lips. He knew this too. 

“Sorry, but I can’t do that,” he says against my neck. His teeth grazing my skin, causing a shudder to run down my spine. “Not until you answer my question.” He holds onto me tighter. One of his hands moving to hold onto my hip opposite him. I clamp my mouth shut. My stubbornness getting the best of me. “I guess you don’t want me to stop then.”

I huffed and tied my best to stay focused on my homework. Jimin’s kisses travel up to my jaw, making me tilt my head back. “Jimiiiiiiin,” I whined and I feel him smile against my skin.

“I asked for what books you like, not my name,” he states. “I try to glare at him from this position. Obviously failing. “But I can live with that too.” He places a kiss on the corner of my lips. My cheeks heat up and they are undoubtedly red. Butterflies flutter in my stomach and he pulls away when he hears someone calling his name.

“Jimin let’s go,” says the voice of a fellow Slytherin. “Everybody else is probably waiting for us in the great hall.” When the black haired boy spots his friend sitting next to me, he stops. But that doesn’t last long as he continues as if he didn’t notice me. “If you make me arrive late one more time then I’m disowning you.” Jimin looks at me and smiles.

“See you in a bit, doll.” He kisses my cheek and stands up. Jogging up to Yoongi who was just getting out the door. I bring my hands up to my warm face. I could only imagine how red it was. If I’m being completely honest, if there’s one boy I do care about in this entire school, it’d have to be Jimin. Somehow, along the way, his small talk and flirting found its way into my heart.

That same night I had moved up into my dormitory so that I wouldn’t have to see Jimin again when he came back from dinner. I only had a third left of my assignments yet to be finished and I decided that it would be best if I left them for tomorrow. Since it was going to be Saturday tomorrow and I had the whole day off.

The beams of light that came in through the window broke me out of my sleep. I groaned and rolled over onto my opposite side. Covering my head to block out the sounds of owls and already active students I clamped my eyes shut. I shaken abruptly, and my pillow was yanked away from me and I was met with the sight of my best friend. She was yelling at me to get up as she pulled me up by the arms. “Nooooooo,” I whined. She rolled her eyes at me and ignored my complaints. She pushed me off of my bed and I tumbled onto the floor.

“Get dressed,” she orders. “We’re going to Hogsmede. I don’t care what you say. You haven’t gone out of this damn school for more than a week and you need a break.” I huff at her and she scolds me, acting like a mother. “DOn’T HuFf At Me.”

I had done what she asked and gotten dressed in a casual outfit. We went down the staircase and into the common room.

On the couches, was sitting Jimin. His silver hair pushed back, showing his forehead. A pair of thin rimmed spectacles perched on his nose as he read a book. Thankfully not Twilight. When he heard me and F/n coming down the stairs, his eyes lifted of the pages and landed on me. He smiled at me. “Good morning,” he said. His smile widened and he shut his book after marking where he left off.

“Good morning,” I mumbled back. Jimin giggled and stood up from the couch. He was wearing a grey wool sweater that matched his hair and a pair of black ripped jeans that accentuated his thighs. The spectacles giving him a cute look. After what had happened yesterday, I didn’t want to hang around much longer than I needed to. But my friend had another idea in mind. Being the social butterfly she is. 

“Good morning Jimin,” she beamed. She examined his outfit and complimented him on it. As she talked to him, I made sure to stay behind her. 

“Where are you guys going?” he asks F/n. She grabs me by the arm, bringing me forward.

“Me and Y/n are going to visit Hogsmede,” she explained. I tried to move behind her but she wouldn’t have it. “If you want you could come with us.” If looks could kill, the glare I sent F/n would’ve had her dead before either of us could’ve blinked.

“That would be great,” said Jimin. “Is it ok if my friends tag along too?” F/n nodded vigorously. She told Jimin that we would be waiting for him at the Three Broomsticks. Once we were out of the Slytherin common room, I punched F/n in the ribs 

“What was that for?!?” she yelled at me. Her brows furrowed together as she rubs the place I punched her.

“You know what that was for.” Good lord, this girl is so dense. When she finally realizes the situation, a smile widens on her lips.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhh! I get it now.” She lets out a laugh worthy of an evil doer. But one that disguises themselves as innocent little schoolgirls. “You don’t want Jimin to come along because of your crush on him.”

“What crush?” I denied. “I don’t have a crush on anybody.”

“Pleaseee Y/n.” F/n rolls her eyes. “Everybody knows that you two like each other.”

“He’s flirty with everyone.” F/n looks at me. The best way I could describe this stare is with the word ‘Really?’. I look away. “Whatever.” I start walking. “Let’s just go to Hogsmeade.”

Me and F/n hadn’t had to wait too long for Jimin and his friends to walk into the Three Broomsticks. Their group of friends was an odd one. A mix of all the Hogwarts houses and most of them from different years. The youngest one of all was a fifth year in Ravenclaw. We’d had a few classes so I knew he went by the name Jungkook. The others though, I only knew because of Quidditch. With the exception of Yoongi, whom I’d seem quite a few times in the common room. The seven of them came toward our table and sat down.

F/n introduced herself. She gave me a pointed look when I didn’t say anything. “I’m Y/n,” I said quietly. I just want to go back to my bed. Everyone began talking and making conversation. F/n got along great with the two Hufflepuffs as was expected. They all talked to each other while I sat back and drank my butterbeer. I moved my mug around, watching as the foam moved atop the golden drink. When I looked back up I saw that Jimin had been staring at me. My cheeks flushed red as I looked back down at my drink.

“I’m gonna go on a walk with Y/n,” said Jimin, rising from his seat. My head shot up to look at him with wide eyes. He walked around the table until he was standing next to me. He grabbed my wrist, pulling me out of the wooden chair. I stumbled to my feet as Jimin dragged me away from the group. People watched as he lead me out of the Three Broomsticks and down the main street. Other students as well as villagers stared at us. Jimin was giving of an energy I couldn’t quite place. All I knew is that it made me want to sink into the floor. He pulled me into a small alley behind a store.

He turned to face me. His eyes seemed to pierce into my soul as he got nearer to me with each of his steps. He stopped right in front of me and I could feel his warm breath fanning my face. “You care to explain to me Y/n?” I looked at him in confusion.


“Don’t pretend,” he said and for the first time ever, Jimin wasn’t smiling at me. His gaze was hard, unwavering, while I struggled with the smallest bit of eye contact. “Whenever I’m around you, you go quiet. You ignore me and everyone else around you.” I gulped hard. I felt like I was being scolded by my mother. A feeling of regret, sadness, anger, and disappointment making the feeling of breathing a lot heavier. “I try to talk to you but you always block me off. I came today in hopes that when you were with your friend you’d be more open with me,” he said. He stood up straight and turned to face the other side of the ally. He leaned his forehead against the stone wall and ran a hand through his hair.

I took this moment where he was silent to speak up. “If you’d only take a hint, you’d know that I don’t want you to talk to me,” I say. “Oh, and that thing you call talking. I consider it flirting and seeing as you do it with everybod-”

He turned to me and slammed me against the wall, while making sure my head didn’t hit it. His hands moved so that they were on either side of my head. Any confidence I had in me when I had been speaking dissipated and I shrunk lower against the wall. Jimin’s head followed mine as he maintained eye level. He leaned in closer until his lips were against my jaw. “Do you see me doing this with anyone else?” I froze under him. He nipped at my skin. “Hm? Do you?” I shook my head while my throat let out a whimper.

“I’ve liked you ever since you arrived at this school. I tried to talk to you, to get closer to you,” he said, pressing his body against mine “But you were always so damn focused on studying.” He bit the side of my neck. I let out a gasp of surprise and squirmed away from him. But Jimin wasn’t having it. He let out a low growl as his hands flew to my hips, holding me in place. “Sorry for acting like this, but I can’t help it. Not when you’ve blocked me out for so long.”

His forehead fell against my shoulder and his nose brushed against my collar bone. He sucked in a deep breath, followed by a sigh. “I’ve liked you for so long and tried to show you for so long that I don’t know what to do anymore. If you just don’t like me back then you could’ve just said so a long time ago,” he mumbles into my skin. When he looks up at me, his eyes shine. Making it look like there were tears in his eyes. The thought broke my heart.

“I’m so sorry Jimin,” I said, placing my hands on his shoulders. “I do like you. So so much. Somehow. Through all that ignoring and trying to get you away, I fell for you. I fell so hard that I couldn’t bring myself to speak to you like a normal person.” The older Slytherin looked up at me. His arms were wrapped around me and he straightened up so he could face me. He was now so close that our noses nearly touched.

“You really like me back?” he asks, eyes looking into mine. I nod, assuring him that what I said wasn’t a lie. “Um, can I kiss you?” For the first time, I looked into his eyes without breaking eye contact. I nodded and Jimin leaned in closer than he already was, until our lips touched. The kiss seemed to go on forever. Our lips dancing together in synchronisation. My hands ran through Jimin’s silver hair. When we pulled away for oxygen, our moment together was stopped as we heard our friends calling for us. “Should we continue this later?” asks Jimin.

“Only if I get to call you mine and you get to call me yours.” I smirked at him. “Will you be my boyfriend?”

A smile etched it’s way onto Jimin’s lips. “I thought you would never ask.” He took a step back, intertwining our fingers as he led me out to find the rest. 

Requests are open!

tag list: @wystfulaster
