#small art

 January 2022 - Paris - France

January 2022 - Paris - France

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I know im almost a half the month late…first of all, i didnt even know that there is something like lgbtq+ month at all! uvu" Eventho im a biromantic asexual, im not really interested in these things so i found out quite late. And even later i actually realized that this is an event…and i promised to make my avatar interact with main events like this! So eventho im very late, here is Angi the Ratto with a rainbow heart.
dont even ask me how long i was struggling with shaping the heart lol

Aaaanyway again, im not really supporting the pride parade walks as it is overrated and it rather looks like lgbtq+ i tryint to look superior to straight, which isnt right either plus i usually see the parade full of people that dont seem to take lgbtq+ seriously but jsut like part of their “style” or whatever which is rather fake. And because im not really joining any type of these things, i didnt know about this month at ALL… but still as someone who trully feels biromantic, it should be only fair to shot it humbly with at least this lgbtq+ version of my avatar uvu No need to shove it down anyone’s throat with some parade, straight people dont do that too, do they? So a simple avatar should be enough uvu

This avatar is going to have small edits for every bigger events like Easter, Christmas and so on! Check all versions of this avatar under the hashtag #AngiTheRattoAvatar

So Deviantart forced their cheaply made, flawed and mainly copied from ArtStation; design “Eclipse” even on us, the older users who used to have a toggle to switch between their terrible new design and good old design (even the old design was changed a little to the worse tbh) but still the older version, even if slightly changed, is still better than this terrible eclipse where half of things doesnt even work correctly and everything is made to work in more complicated way. Im not going to describe every flaw in details, we all know what flaws it has after all. But the main and serious problem is that DA was bought by Wix, a website creator and provider that bought DA only to merge it with their  platform so its users can use art from DA and all that WITHOUT permission of its creator. Wix already had problems with copyright in the past from what ive heard and here they are again…
As a sign of protest i changed my Angi the ratto avatar as well. It was impossible to put in the “eclipse” word into a square sign i originally planned to create there so instead i turned it into a circle sign with this ugly newer “DA” logotype which is connected with Eclipse design anyway so it will do its work.

This avatar is going to have small edits for every bigger events like Easter, Christmas and so on! Check all versions of this avatar under the hashtag #AngiTheRattoAvatar

It is good to lead by example at this moment. Therefore my mascot and alter ego Angi the ratto is going to have this mouth mask as long as coronavirus is around.
Jokes about this pandemia were funny and still kinda are funny and also it is a way to release some stress and fear, BUT it does NOT mean we should be like “Oh, its a joke, im not going to wash my hands nor wear any mask.”
No. Be aware of this, anyone can catch it. But also do NOT panic. I did start to panic and break once it got into my country but thanks to my friends i was able to calm down and think straight about it again.

The best way we all can contribute to stopping this from spreading is:
-to wash your hands properly and often with antibacterial soap and desinfection
-don’t touch your face before washing hands
-wear mask when you go outside (best is with FFP3 filter)
-minimalise your time spent outside
-avoid being in bigger groups of people
-cover your mouth with your arm (not palm) if you yawn or sneeze
-if you wear mask that can be reused, don’t forget to wash and clean it. You can desinfect your mask by washing it in washing machine minimaly on 60°C and then iron it.

This is all that i do to keep myself safe. Sadly, i know that these homemade mask or medical paper masks are useless as it blocks only bacterias, not viruses, but still something is better than nothing. Good luck to everyone.

This avatar is going to have small edits for every bigger events like Easter, Christmas and so on! Check all versions of this avatar under the hashtag #AngiTheRattoAvatar

This is the easter version of my ratto avatar. My country does celebrate easter, but i personally dont, i find it as a useless event that only drains money out of you, but i like coloured eggs and boiled eggs in general XD
Although i might not use this avatar this year, because, as i promised, im going to use the Covid19 version until the pandemia is over. So hopefully i will get to using this easter version next year uvu so for now, im only uploading it as a post.

This avatar is going to have small edits for every bigger events like Easter, Christmas and so on! Check all versions of this avatar under the hashtag #AngiTheRattoAvatar


It started with just head out of boredom. Then i tested out if the whole body can fit into the 50x50px. Once i knew it does, i decided to make a full body for new avatar hehe uvu

This avatar is going to have small edits for every bigger events like Easter, Christmas and so on! Check all versions of this avatar under the hashtag #AngiTheRattoAvatar