



mmmnnn so this is something i’ve been tossing around for a while now - would anybody be interested in a podcast/audio series or anything really where i would basically read my favourite SSHG fanfiction? not like read and then reply with my own opinions, but like, basically an audio book version of these fics. iunno just a weird idea i thought i’d toss out to see who might be interested?//?

I have several favorite Snamione stories I’ve always wanted to see made into audio books :)


I like the kind of angsty Fics you need to take emotional breaks from.


Unquestionable Love: The Untold Stories

Prompt #66: Proving a Pigheaded (But Admirable) Point

Synopsis: Severus and Hermione uncover an alarming new habit that one of their daughters has started…and Severus decides to go about a daring strategy for showing her the error of her ways.


Despite his efforts to reduce her fretting, Hermione sighed and muttered, as she watched her husband get re-situated in bed, “I just can’t believe she would do this… We’ve been over this time and time again with the girls about how terrible smoking is. We’ve explained to them countless times how you used to smoke and—”

“And as I recall, you smoked once or twice with me,” Severus cheekily pointed out, lifting another one of his suggestive eyebrows that saw Hermione blushing to her hairline.

ONCE!” she argued, stumbling slightly over her words. “And anyway, youwere the professor and Iwas your student! Horribly unethical of you that was, Mister!”

“Mmm.” Severus slipped a hand from underneath the sheets to stroke hers. He was stirred on by the growing, maddening flush radiating her cheeks. “I think you found it all rather exciting.”

“For two seconds!” Hermione reared back and curled her upper lip. “It was disgusting!”

Severus smirked, unaffected. “Yes, as you’ve so lovingly reminded me over and over.”

Hermione pursed her lips and inched closer, whispering sweetly near his face, “I got you to finally quit, didn’t I?”

“Indeed. Your nagging was most exasperating. Anyone with half a brain would wisely cease and desist in order to regain some peace of mind.” Before Hermione could throw a sassy retort back at him, for it appeared that one was about to fire, Severus asserted, “And I’m certain our daughter will quit, too.”

Hermione made a wary criss-cross of her arms. “What makes you so confident?” At the levelled but, ultimately, sly facial expression she was provided, the ill-confident witch dropped her inquiries. “Never-mind. I probably won’t like whatever you have in mind anyway.”

“Most certainly not,” Severus agreed, his slim smile rather smug.

Dismayed, Hermione disrobed, crawled beneath the covers, and kissed the tip of Severus’s crooked nose. “Very well.” She retook the packs of cigarettes in hand and placed them on top of his chest. “Just don’t be equally senseless about this, all right?”

Severus snatched them from Hermione’s grasp and sneered. “I find your lack of confidence in me a grave insult.”

“Oh, Sev—” Hermione started, bubbling with laughter that she found a struggle to contain.

“And that you would insinuate that I lack intelligence. Yours truly, of all people.”

“I would never, my love.” An unobliging grin materialised across her cheeks. “But sometimes your wilfulness, whilst the aim is always loving, mind you, can be a tad…foolhardy.”

Severus shot her a most cross expression, his eyebrows angling together sharply. “I am no fool.”

“No, you most certainly aren’t.” Hermione pecked him on the lips and added before curling her arms around his middle, “Except sometimes where it counts most.”

Available to read in its entirety at www.crmediagal.com
