

The HP series: makes a joke out of putting a man in drag, calls a male character’s handwriting feminine for a ‘subtle’ joke on rereads, mocks a male character for having to wear his mom’s clothes due to poverty, makes a point of calling an invasive reporter’s hands mannish, treats a female rapist sympathetically - going so far as to imply her evil son might not have been so evil if only his rapist mom would have stuck around, portrays the girls’ dorms as needing a defense against rape but not the boys,

Snaters, apparently: The obvious sign she was a terf was that she thought a man might feel extreme remorse, when him joining a cult partially leads to the murder of his first friend.


This fucker on tiktok comment section talking about “well it’s not James’s fault that Snape chose not to wear trousers under his robes so no it wasn’t sa” of course it wasn’t James’s fault! It was the school’s fault, or the magical society’s because TROUSERS WERE NOT A PART OF THE HOGWARTS UNIFORM. Guess Snape could’ve worn them under his robes anyway if he didn’t want to be exposed in front of a crowd but I really hope no one thinks that.

So they’re saying it’s a teen girl’s fault, when a guy lifts up her dress, for not wearing trousers under.

Inescapably, that’s what they’re saying by blaming teen Snape for not wearing trousers. And like, literally it’s normal for wizards not to, just as with dresses, but even if it wasn’t - it doesn’t give people the right to strip them nonconsensually just because it might not show underwear!

They’re also saying it’s the muggle victims’ own faults, when the Death Eaters used levicorpus on them in GoF.
