#anti snaters



So, I was having a fairly good day when realization struck hard! Just realized the man Severus Snape grew to become was not because of his choices and but merely the circumstances and how ‘bitterly unfair life was’to him.

What if…he did not have to grow up in poverty and in a broken family?

What if…his father was loving towards him?

What if…he wasn’t sorted too quickly and was put in Gryffindor?

What if…he had more friends at Hogwarts?

What if…he was not bullied by the Marauders?

What if…he never called Lily a 'mudblood’?

What if…he never joined the death-eaters?

What if…him and Lily were always together?

What if…Voldemort chose Neville instead of Harry?

What if...he did not have to spy for Dumbledore?

What if…he never had to make the Unbreakable Vow to protect Draco?

What if…he never had to kill Dumbledore?


This honestly just makes me cry. Thinking about the person he could have become if he never had to face any of the above, it just so depressing.

Think about it…


This fucker on tiktok comment section talking about “well it’s not James’s fault that Snape chose not to wear trousers under his robes so no it wasn’t sa” of course it wasn’t James’s fault! It was the school’s fault, or the magical society’s because TROUSERS WERE NOT A PART OF THE HOGWARTS UNIFORM. Guess Snape could’ve worn them under his robes anyway if he didn’t want to be exposed in front of a crowd but I really hope no one thinks that.

So they’re saying it’s a teen girl’s fault, when a guy lifts up her dress, for not wearing trousers under.

Inescapably, that’s what they’re saying by blaming teen Snape for not wearing trousers. And like, literally it’s normal for wizards not to, just as with dresses, but even if it wasn’t - it doesn’t give people the right to strip them nonconsensually just because it might not show underwear!

They’re also saying it’s the muggle victims’ own faults, when the Death Eaters used levicorpus on them in GoF.


Harry Potter fans, at least the Snape haters (although it seems to be spreading), have a real problem with timelines.

No, Snape did not defect after Lily and James died.

What the hell would he have been doing on the hilltop asking for them to be saved in that case? Hoping he could get away with a little light necromancy?

They’re babbling whatever nonsense proves a useful distraction, obviously.

I’m gonna argue for fun that if he had defected after the two older Potters died, then he defected exclusively because he felt remorse for Harry’s sake :P and Lily never factored in, live or dead. But both Albus and Snape figured a child of the Potters would never be capable of understanding caring about a third party you’re not related to or friends with, given his blood, and concocted some bullshit.




Some snaters consider that the marauder’s map is not a big deal, and that it does not invade privacy.

The fact that you cannot see what the subject is doing on the map does not mean that it is less serious.

If they were seeing them with a map to make “jokes” they will not like it.

I doubt anyone trying to make excuses for the map, would be/would have been comfortable with 4 random kids at their school making a program to track the phones of all classmates and staff, 24-7.

I can assure you that there are people who make excuses for the marauders map.

I wasn’t skeptical of that. I was saying people would likely feel different about it if four guys at their own school made a device to track everyone’s movements to the same degree of accuracy as the Marauders’ Map, and said guys did it just to make it easier to mess with people.


Some snaters consider that the marauder’s map is not a big deal, and that it does not invade privacy.

The fact that you cannot see what the subject is doing on the map does not mean that it is less serious.

If they were seeing them with a map to make “jokes” they will not like it.

I doubt anyone trying to make excuses for the map, would be/would have been comfortable with 4 random kids at their school making a program to track the phones of all classmates and staff, 24-7.

Have you encountered unnecessary Snape slander in a fic and just totally checked out?

As an active member of the Snapedom, a good 98% of the time I can completely ignore Snape slander because if you don’t like my mans thats on you. You don’t have to like him. Cool. He’s not everybody’s cup of tea and that’s okay. Though, I just sat reading small dramione (my otp) fic and was slammed with unnecessary Snape hate from some of the characters. Like it wasn’t even needed. Have you ever read a fic with a pairing that’s not Snape-centric and it’s just so glaringly obvious anytime they mention Snape that the author just hates him? Meaning that they go out of their way to mention Snape just to shit on him. As an author, you’re totally allowed to do that with your fanfiction and no one is forced to read your work. I one thousand percent understand.

I just had to be the bigger person and just click out of the story. I wasn’t going to go out of my way to leave comments because that’s childish. What sucks is that the fic had a really good premise and it seemed cute but something about the way that they went about that one conversation just told me all I needed to know about the author. I even wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt at first as well but then I read the author’s replies to some comments – the first mention of “Snape supporters” and I just clicked out. What makes me laugh is that when they were writing that entire dialogue interaction, the author probably was cackling to themselves thinking that they were just so clever. Lol what a fucking dweeb.

Fun fact:

Rivalry ≠ 1 poor, unpopular, abused, halfblood Slytherin against 2 rich, popular, spoiled, pureblood Gryffindors

It’s honestly so funny how James stans hold onto one heavily biased line for dear life to try and save their precious knight in shining armour.
