

Currently obsessing and fantasizing over twitching flaring nostrils. Yesss, I know… duhhh.. of course ….but damnnnn sooo hot it’s visual build ups and desperation to the max.

I just wanna reach out and tease and trace the nostrils. I can’t promise I wouldn’t be torturous about it, I just HAVE to tickle so lightly and slowly along the rim of your nostrils. So itchy that wetness forms and streams out of your nose.

MaybeI’ll attempt to distract them to the point of maybe losing the sneeze. Worth the try but I would need to be brave by figuring out how to speak whole drooling over the sexy sneezer I am more likely to be breathless and stumble over the words

Keep in mind, A++ if I get teased back with a presneezy announcement that triple emphasizes the nose twitch-ery and hitchtastic-ness.

Mmhmm and you can rub that nose to try to quell your tickles but I know you are NOT in control. That flaring nose has its own plans.

The flaring and twitching escalates. I can’t focus anymore to help your tickly nose. The sneezes are just going to overpower you and me Ughh




a lot of people on here seem to be super repressed, and i absolutely don’t mean that as a neg; lots of people are conditioned in lots of ways to not express sexual desire, but this is so strange in a place where everybody really is truly horny about the things we post

so, with that in mind:
- tits bouncing with sneezing: good
- same applies to dicks
- watching someone from behind bend over with the force of a sneeze so their ass is on full display, nude or clothed: fucking choice
- sneezing while someone is inside you: fucking bomb, highly recommended
- having someone sneeze while they’re inside you: great also!
- someone having to pull away from oral to sneeze, exquiste
- someone NOT pulling away from same, if you happen to be into that
- someone trying to be dominant while being almost incap’d by a desperate sneezing fit: [censored]
- inducing in a sexual context, be it a dom/sub scenario, a bondage scenario, whatever, that shit fucking slaps
- dude there is so much dom/sub potential in both directions with this, seriously
- fics where two characters have the fetish and are explicitly horny about it, hell fucking yes
- i really could go on for about 10 years

i think this is probably the horniest post i’ve ever made because i also have repression disease but check it out, here’s my awesome post, feel free to add on


- sneezing + wardrobe malfunction, whether realistic or pseudorealistic — big dramatic hitches making buttons pop or shirts rip, body-bending sneezes causing pants to tear or skirts to flip up: puts me in th ground

- someone getting fucked from behind while they have an uncontrollable sneezing fit: absolutely a1

-exhibitionism; someone having an allergy attack in public and “”“trying their best”“““ to “”“keep it together”““ while all the while knowingeverything they’re doing is unraveling their partner by the seams

-relatedly, someone explicitly playing up / talking about / dramatizing their sneezes and the buildup surrounding them, because they know how much it gets their partner off: jesus christ

-orderingsomeone to hold back/not sneeze as a dom thing, despite (or possibly bc of) the fact that both of you know how fucking futile that is: transcendent

-this one was kind of in the OP already but it bears reiterating imo: someone letting out an especially intense sneeze, or big, sudden, unexpectedly dramatic hitch (maybe this is unusual for them, or maybe it’s just how they sneeze all the time!) and there’s…bounce. jiggle. like, thick thighs or titty or stomach or hips or ass or etc, shaking slightly in the aftermath of someone’s full-body sneeze: just. god damb

-i could go ON

It’s true. This is one of the most PG-rated sexual kinks of all time. I mean….why not both? I am 100% here for some of these scenarios. I request more women being given oral by someone in the throws of a sneezing fit…okay? Thanks. 


Imagine caressing someone´s nose with a delicate, sweetly fragrant flower. Their favorite one despite them being allergic to it. The plant is as pleasing to their eyes as it is irresistible to their nose. 
Brushing the soft petals around their nostrils until they flare with each touch. Their freckle dappled skin is already lightly dusted in pollen. They coat their nose more and more with each inhale.
You are teasing the tip until it´s almost as blushed as the vibrantly colored blossom. Twitching and crinkling above slightly parted lips that are curved into an expectant smile. They know the rising feeling that´s captivating more and more of their senses all too well. And don´t mind it in the slightest. Not when the outcome is so rewarding. 
The rich scent is filling their nose like an exquisite perfume that makes their whole sinuses tingle. You watch as that beautifully blooming piece of nature evokes more and more desperate hitches. Enough to make the petals flutter as if swayed by the lightest breeze. 
Their lashes flutter and then veil those teary eyes completely. One translucent droplet threatens to spill over as their whole face contorts with a decidedly ticklish expression. Their lips quiver and then fully part for a deep, chest straining inhale. It´s a big, needy gasp that´s titling their head a bit. Long, slender neck exposed before they snap forward. Shudder with a forceful and wet sneeze that´s been building for way too long. And it´s as loud, unrestrained and relieving as those that are bound to follow in it´s wake. 


WARNING: 18+ thoughts in the middle of the night—

Okay but hear me out…

Anyone else have the spicy daydream of a sneezy significant other rubbing their sensitive, allergy ridden nose along the nape of your neck, and you feel their nose twitch…nostrils flare as they sniffle just underneath your ear… Smirking as they feel the shiver running down your spine, loving how excited and flustered you’re getting, regardless of you trying to hide it. And then…

“I… I think im… I’m g-gonnahh… Heh… Oh. My… My nose tickles… Hehh… Hihh… Hih! Hihhiihh!Hihh–!”

No? Just me? Ah, okay then…


Vanilla couple striptease: slowly and seductively peels off clothes~

Snzfucker couple striptease: slowly and seductively peels out tissue from a tissue box to induce with~

How about slowly and seductively rubbing their itchy nose? Maybe their make direct smirking eye contact with you smirking and their nose slowly gets more and more pink

Or… Slowly but surely tracing the edge of their nostril with something very tickly? Their nostrils flare and their nose is twitchy and their breathing changes more and more….

Let’s see that cutie nose get all itchy and hitchy and tickly and teasy



Gently placing a flower crown on top of your partner’s head. Their allergies start kicking in as soon as the polleny ornament get close to them, soft hitches while allergic tears soak their eyelashes. Maybe all the build up movement causes some of the smallest petals to gracefully fall down and get accidently suck by their rosy nose, a sharp gasp of air while their quivering nostrils prepare for the allergic explosion


Imagine catching, holding, stifling another’s sneeze… no one else, just you and the person next to you, who you have ultimate control and dominance over. You hear their breath hitching wildly, chest heaving with every desperate gasp. Their gently quivering nose flares under your grasp, twitching and itching between your firm but warm fingers. A river of mucus flows from the sensitive nostrils, as their nose’s bridge reddens with the strain of attempting to hold back the inevitable tickle. 

Your fingers slick with snot, you can sense the buildup beginning. The hitches become helpless and rapid, their eyes shut in intense concentration, and ticklish tears squeeze out and roll down their blushed cheeks.

The release is violent, powerful, and uncontrollable. Booming sneezes erupt from their trembling nose, shooting snot from the nostrils. You tighten your hold on their poor, itching snout, though the force of their fit is throwing you off-balance. They shudder forward with sneeze after sneeze, body collapsing into a twitching, hopeless mess. Every explosion doubles them forward as you struggle to maintain a grip. Rapid, desperate sneezes overtake them, every one more intense than the previous. They are thunderous, echoing the room, half-stifled in a wet, violent frenzy.

When they catch their breath, they moan raspily, weakened. Their head bows down and they sniffle thickly. The itch continues.









But two people having sex, but the sub/bottom is wearing an oversized sweater/hoodie but no pants bc they’re sick and they’ve got the chills and they keep pausing to sneeze into their sweater paws while they get fucked (gently, of course)

hear me out, okay

the congested, hoarse little moans mixed in with a few coughs.

sniffling while panting

clutching their wad of tissues harder as they ride out the pleasure

getting their temperature taken being a part of the aftercare

kisses that taste like menthol


sneezing fits that make them clench around their partner’s cock, toy, etc.

sneezing right at the moment of climax and just staring into the void with how good it felt

partner rubbing their back as they cough while being balls deep

*me, punching a fucking wall*


double the shivers, half are from arousal, half are from being cold

they comment on the sex being notable gentler and their partner is like “you said you were achy.”

just the thought of “I can’t tell if you’re blushing because you liked that, or because you’re feverish.” “both.”

the foreplay is they were getting vicks vapor rub massaged onto their chest and back and it turned them on and their partner teased them abt it

*me, screaming from inside hole in wall*


sensory play is 100% better with a fever

the sick person’s skin is double sensitive from fever and their dom just gingerly runs their hands up and down their achy body and their back arches IMMEDIATELY with delight and relief from the aches

sick person attempting oral but their throat is so sore and dom just nudges them down into bed, “My turn..”

dom can feel their fever when they’re inside them,”My..you’re just burning up, aren’t you..?”


oooo they lose their voice from using it too much during sex

and and and and after they finish, the Dom takes a cool washcloth and cleans them up and usually afterwards there’s some pillow talk and a lot of cuddling but god, they just can’t keep their eyes open they’re so tired and their partner is like

“It’s okay, you can sleep. You did so good.”


But like add a praise kink and this is PEAK

Any time they sneeze or cough their dom goes “oh so sweet baby” and “god you’re so cute” and it just makes their sick sub MELT.  They usually feel kinda gross when sick but right now they feel good and loved and maybe even sexy

Plus having the cold hornies makes this all way more desperate since the drive to have the snuggles and cuddles even with all the snuggles and wet nose mess wayyy hotter. And the partner helps to wipe their nose with a finger or tissue. Maybe helping to hold back mid sneeze so that they can focus on other things even though their hitchy itchy cold in the nose is distracting them both
