


These scouts are very brave letting me (a vegetarian of 7+ years) cook 9 kg of minced meat for them

It took like 2 hours for 9 kg meat and like 2,5 kg vegetarian meat. No one complained and now I smell like beef and have the fridge full of leftovers

These scouts are very brave letting me (a vegetarian of 7+ years) cook 9 kg of minced meat for them

I’ve worn so many cute outfits this week it almost isn’t fair

there’s one specific thing I’ve been told several times that is very much a compliment and I take it as such and nothing else but it’s just idk? not in line with my own self perception (nor the image of me I portray to others I think)? like idk it’s a bit surprising being complimented on something I’ve never actively worked on and hadn’t believed myself to be good at?

Some of the headlines I’ve been reading the past few days…. Scream

est-ce que les choses sono diventate un po’ confusing di già? un po’ ecco queste erano le difficoltà? forse sì

bought okra and white zucchini today! I’ve never had any of them (I think? certainly never at home at least) so kitchen adventure tonight

Somehow I managed to be super productive this morning? Not only because I stayed at home and saved an hour of commuting to get to uni but I also just looked at my phone for like 15 min, had my breakfast in silence and then went straight to studying (I often tend to eat breakfast for quite a while). I did two long and focused study sessions (including writing 2 emails!). Now I’m going to go for a walk and to the store because the only things I have at home in terms of grains and stuff is risotto rice and one packet of instant noodles hehe.

Stavo parlando con un mio amico oggi sulla paura che a qualcuno piacerebbe una versione di me che ha creato nel suo cervello e che in realtà non esiste e lui era tipo ?? non puoi pensare che se piaci a qualcuno è per forza perché abbia creato una versione di te che non esiste e non perché gli piaci come sei. E io…. hmm non stiamo ancora benissimo upstairs raga

100 happy days langblr challenge: week 15

Maandag 11/4 en dinsdag 12/4: Ik was nog steeds ziek en ik heb hoestsiroop gekocht maar het deed bijna niks.

Woensdag 13/4: Ik heb een heel lekker middageten gemaakt en ‘s avonds ben ik naar een bar gegaan met twee vrienden

Donderdag 14/4: Ik was de hele dag thuis te studeren

Vrijdag 15/4: Ik heb eindelijk de was gedaan haha. In de namiddag ben ik naar mijn familie gegaan. Ik heb mijn oma gezien en daarna at ik Pasenmiddageten met mijn familie.

Zaterdag 16/4: Ik heb @pilvenhattara ontmoeten en we hebben samen taco’s gegeten en op Södermalm gelopen. Het was heel leuk!

Zondag 17/4: Ik ben naar mijn tante gegaan en het was heel fijn! ‘s Avonds heb ik met een jongen geschriften en hmm… een interessante ontwikkeling in mijn leven

Så bothered idag… jag och min kompis satt ute i solen på lunch i en och en halv timme istället för att plugga och nu sitter jag här och försöker plugga men <//3 oviljan är så stor fattar inte om jag gör rätt

just saw bestemming used in the wild in Dutch and unfortunately my brain immediately went to that one Italian guy who went to Amsterdam and saw the bestemming signs and used it as bestemmiare… back in 2018 when I was in Italy my flatmates used to quote it all the time and apparently it stuck

This state of being really is…. it is

I’m afraid I won’t meet enough people today so please admire this fantastic outfit
