#sniper duo


Brainrot Time: How I wish the sniper duo’s future was handled instead

I’ve said a lot of things on my discord these past few years that I wish I should’ve posted here, because I think they really serve as good ideas or just something to ponder over.

But this one I am sharing with you all because… I am still salty to this day, everyone

I’ve been a Chibahaya fan for a goddamn long time, but even during that period, it was a strong petpeeve of mine whenever one of the snipers is treated as nothing else but a mere half of a pairing. And I am not talking about fandom content here, because that’s already a given.

I am talking about the sniper duo chapter in the graduation album.

Traits that make Chiba the ever capable and independent person he has always been were literally retconned, as we see him in the first few panels barely waking up from last night’s depressing drinking session cause he wasn’t getting hired. And then we have Hayami - who had to put herself aside, once again, so she could save his ass from unemployment… just to become his secretary at the end.

Like how is that any different to what she’s been doing in middle school, which CAUSED her to drop to Class E may I add???

I get that Matsui wanted them to be partners still in their adulthood, and I do like that the snipers had kept in touch to a point that they still meet up after all these years. But the way he handled this just felt cheap right off the bat and is disrespectful to their characters.

Especially since Hayami has always been inferior to Chiba. Making her Chiba’s secretary right after the only instance we’ve seen her doing better than him, is doing nothing but adding insult to injury.

And I don’t like that.

In my take, Hayami gets the spotlight as she hustles her way to finding her place and discovering more of herself. We get to see more of how capable and incredibly skilled she has always been, which I think would have been a great follow up to how she greatly shined in the Civil War arc since she wasn’t being outshined by Chiba.

Also note: Chiba had asked her to merely help him out with setting up his own firm, since Hayami knows her way around the business side of things because that was her major in university. Whether Hayami gets to work in his company or not is entirely up to her, but I doubt that Chiba would allow her to carelessly put herself aside for him, not when there’s plenty of better opportunities for her to take.

Would’ve been great to see how they have grown as their own persons but I guess we can’t always have nice things
