#snow white and the three stooges


To Stooge or not to Stooge? That seems to have been the question that faced the Three Stooges when, on a crest of TV-inspired popularity, they began making feature-length movies in the late-1950s/early-1960s. Especially with the 1961 film Snow White and the Three Stooges, which I consider in my newest Grand Old Movies post. In a seemingly child-friendly movie, stressing fairy tales, wholesome romance, and ice skating (! -the film was a vehicle for the 1960 Olympic-skating-gold medalist Carol Heiss), how would the Stooges’ brand of anarchic humor (slaps, pokes, knocks, insults, etc.,) work out? Stooge fans debate the cinematic results to this day. You can read my own contribution to the discussion here. Fellow featherbrains and knuckleheads always welcome.
