#snufkin said trans rights

Hi ! I know I’m supposed to work on my film, but with the corona stuff, all I can do is moomins fana

Hi ! 

I know I’m supposed to work on my film, but with the corona stuff, all I can do is moomins fanarts. 

When we’re far apart 

Or when you’re near me 

Love me with all of your heart 

As I love you

 And don’t give me your love 

For a moment or an hour 

Love me always like you’ve loved me 

From the start

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Can’t believe I sold this sticker in my school without having any troubles with the administration.

Can’t believe I sold this sticker in my school without having any troubles with the administration. I’m still waiting for problems to happen.

Because Snufkin said Trans Rights. No cops at pride just Snufkin. 

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